Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 124: Can't wait for free

"Cursing?" Everyone stunned and looked at Long Wanyu together.

Suddenly, Gu Gu, the skeleton, thought of the Yen Shidian Square, and several powerful curses of the urn, even the gods were successful, all of them were successful.


"If I see it well, it should be the‘ Jiuding Captures the Divine Mantra 'of the Wu clan! That year, the Qinglong Supreme defeated this trick, and the demon clan lost out! ”Long Wanyu worried.

"Jiuding wins the curse? Wanyu, you can tell clearly!" Skeleton Guhai asked again.

"Jiu Ding wins the curse of God. This cursing technique removes the body of the brother-in-law's" consciousness "together with the" **** "and transmits it to the cursing person. Once the curse destroys the brother-in-law's" **** "and" consciousness ", the brother-in-law This ontology will become unconscious, groggy, and become an idiot! "Long Wanyu frowned.

"Who is it? It's so wicked!" Chen Xian'er looked annoyed.

"My brother-in-law's body fainted in the past, in fact, is a kind of self-protection, to protect the three souls and six souls. Do not shake the brother-in-law. Once the brother-in-law's body is forcibly stimulated, the three souls and six souls will not be guided by conscious restraints, and will be severely damaged. Brother-in-law will lose strength in an instant! "Long Wanyu explained.

The daughters immediately became careful.

"Jiuding wins the curse of God? Does it have anything to do with winning the temple?" Gu Hai frowned.

General? Everyone was surprised.

"Jiu Ding's capture of God's curse is not a blood witch, but also a blood witch. It requires a large number of spirit stones, at least two trillion top grade spirit stones." Dragon Wan Yu explained.

"Two trillion yuan? Such a large consumption of spiritual stones, few people in the world can get it!" Long Wanqing frowned.

"The curse of the blood witch? The blood witch?" Gu Gu, the skull, suddenly squinted.

In the past, Huang Quanhai unsealed the Hook. At that time, it was the Blood Witch Elder who defended the law. At that time, the ancient sea had resentment with the Blood Witch Elder. The God of the Blood Witch Elder fled, and eventually possessed Chang Ming, who disappeared with Chang Ming.

In the vein of the blood witch, only the blood elder is the one who hates himself?

"Then how to unlock the curse?" Lin Wan'er eagerly said.

"Bring your brother-in-law's" God "back, and let" God "return to its original position, and the spell will be solved!" Long Wanyu explained.

"But where is God?" Skeleton Guhai frowned.

"The main altar of the Blood Witch is a place called" Underground Blood City ". Underground Blood City is a cursed city. Once in it, it cuts off all the sense of contact with the outside world, brother-in-law. Right? "Long Wanyu recalled.

"Yes, the induction is cut off. Underground Blood City? Where is it?" Skeleton Guhai looked.

"I don't know. After the Lich War, the underground blood city often changed places. I don't know where it is now!" Long Wanyu shook her head.

"What now?" The girls looked at Skeleton Guhai together.

Fortunately at this moment, only the body has fallen down, and there is a skeleton avatar.

"To cast the Jiuding sacrifice spell and consume so much, with the remnants of blood witches, it is certainly impossible to do. Besides them, there must be someone who supports them. Those who support them must have a huge accumulation of spirits!" Gu Haishen Sound channel.

"Tianmo Holy Land?" Chen Xian'er stared.

"Can't rule out anyone else, but the Heavenly Demon Holy Land is the most suspected!" Gu Hai Shen said.


"Stabilize first, and announce that I have closed the retreat to practice, and lead the fish to the hook. Second, I will send someone to ask Mr. Cangjie to see if he knows it!" Skeleton Guhai frowned.

"Yes, brother-in-law, please ask Cangjie, I always feel that he might be alone ...!" Long Wanyu frowned.

"Who?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Cangjie!" Long Wanyu recalled.

Gu Hai: ".........!"

"In ancient times, there was also a Cangjie. He was the ancestor of Wenxiu, who created Wenxiu and created the sage Cangjie, the name‘ Here is the next man, and he ’s the only one! '”Long Wanyu recalled.

"Oh? The same name?" Gu Hai frowned.

"I don't know. I thought it was the same name. After all, one literary cultivator and one longevity cultivator, I said bad, but ..., oh, I also said badly, brother-in-law, you guess, I and Cangjie Not familiar! "Long Wanyu shook her head.

Gu Hai nodded his head.

Now is not the time to investigate the identity of Cangjie.

With the backbone of the ancient sea of ​​skeletons, everyone quickly organized them.

The daughters are responsible for the safety of the ancient sea. At the same time, the news of the coma was kept completely secret.

The ancient sea of ​​skulls quietly arranged. Jin Yiwei comprehensively searched the news of the underground blood city, and asked Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, and unborn people such as Hanhan to see if anyone knew the location of the place.

At the same time, Gu Hai personally went to Xuanyuan City Cangjie Mansion to inquire about the location of the underground blood city.

But when the ancient skull arrived, the gate of Cangjie was closed.

"Holy, three days ago, Mr. Cangjie said that he would retreat. No one should be disturbed. He said that he would arrange a formation. Someone would disturb him. Let us protect the law!" Jin Jinwei said respectfully.

Gu Hai's eyelids were picked, and he finally sighed, "Nothing, then, don't bother Mr. Cangjie!"


Skeleton Guhai didn't break into Cangjie Mansion, and went back step by step.

The ancient sea of ​​skulls did not fall into irritability, because when the consciousness of the body and God disappeared, one item was taken away.


Gu Hai once asked Long Wanyu separately that the flame on the candle lantern is the candle fire in the mouth of the candle dragon. Although it is only a small flame, it can break most of the curses in the world.

There was no shock to the ministers, only a few people knew that the curse was in the ancient sea.

The ministers are still conquering the world, and everything is proceeding in an orderly way, as if there is no such thing as a curse in the ancient sea.

However, both ancient seas were declared closed.

Skeleton Guhai no longer deals with government affairs, but waits quietly. Originally, I thought I had to wait a long time, but didn't want to, the next day, the other party couldn't sit still.

Late at night the next day, Wan Guyin came to an uninvited guest.

"call out!"

She fluttered into the depths of the palace.

A white robe figure appeared at the entrance of the town hall. But it is the impermanence of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

"Well? There is no defense against the formation of the ancient capital of Yin?" Bai Wuchang was surprised.

"Yes, the gate of the underground blood city is suddenly closed, and the city is hazy. It should have succeeded. Gu Hai must have passed out. Now Dahan has no chaos and must have blocked the news. Huh, two-pronged approach, wait for me to steal Gu Hai's body Gu Hai will never have the chance to stand up! "Bai Wuchang squeezed his fist and looked around very carefully.

This delegation came on the one hand to steal the corpse of Gu Hai, on the other hand, to investigate the situation of the Dragon Warring States.

The existence of the Dragon Warring States is like the cheekbones in the throat, and Bai Zi didn't want to delay for a moment.

While Bai Wuchang was about to continue his investigation, a voice suddenly came from deep in the town hall.

"People who are free are all cockroaches?" A cold drink came from deep inside the hall.

"Who?" Bai Mochang's face changed.


The door of the temple opened suddenly.

However, I saw the skeleton Gu Hai wearing a dragon robe, sitting on a dragon chair, and standing below Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist and Dragon God.

Seeing the ancient sea, Bai Wuchang suddenly became agitated.

"Gu Hai? Are you okay?" Bai Wuchang looked disbelieved.

Isn't the underground blood city closed?

"Bold and impermanent, dare to break into the ancient capital of Yin, and capture it without restraint!" Kong Xuan shouted and flew out.

"Impossible, you must be fake, you are not really ancient sea!" Bai Wuchang exclaimed.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Kong Xuan threw out a six-color divine light, collided with a white impermanence's palm, and the void trembled violently, but he couldn't help it.

"Kong Xuan, retreat!" Gu Hai sighed coldly.


Kong Xuan stared back.

The ancient sea of ​​skulls stepped out of the town hall, looking at the uncertain white impermanence in the air.

White impermanence's eyes are constantly changing, as if distinguishing between the ancient and the real. This is impossible, isn't the curse successful? Why is Gu Hai okay?

The ancient sea detective took out the killing knife.


A blood light suddenly illuminated the whole world.

"I don't believe it, Gu Hai, you must be fake!" Bai Wuchang said in a faceless manner.

Bai Wuchang is the completeness of the gods. Although his gods are far better than Ji Dihong, after all, the gods are perfect. Even if they are not defeated, they can confidently retreat.

Just as Bai Wuchang wanted to test the true and false of the ancient sea. A voice came from the West.

"White impermanence, come back, he is really ancient!" Bai Ziran's voice came suddenly.

"Huh?" Bai Mochang's face changed.

Suddenly he looked up, but he saw that Qiyun Yunhai was tumbling for a while, as if the ancient sea was preparing to mobilize the power of heaven and air.

"Ten days a week!" Skull Gu Hai cut off sharply.


Endless blood stabs the sky.

Without mobilizing the momentum of the past, the powerful sword, with a killing illusion, collided with Bai impermanence.

In the illusion of killing, Bai Wuchang stunned for a moment, and punched out in a hurry.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, Bai Wuchang flew up and down in an instant. Although he was not injured, his right fist became numb, which has confirmed the authenticity of the ancient sea.

As his face changed, Bai Mocha turned his head and shot at the sky.

"Stop! Don't run!" The mosquitoes and others rushed up in anger.

"No need to chase!" Gu Hai sang coldly.


Gu Hai turned her head to the west, and her gaze turned directly to the direction of the Temple of Heavenly Demon Yin.

Bai Zizuo stood at the entrance of Yinshen Temple, and looked at the ancient sea of ​​skulls in doubt. Did the curse fail?

"Bai Zizai? What do you mean? Before Yuanshi Tianzun rebelled against the sky, you want to start a full-scale war? Wouldn't it be better if you came here without sending Bai Wuchang?" Gu Hai's face was cold.

"Oh, Gu Hai, you are not my opponent!" Bai Zirong said coldly.

"You can try it!" Gu Hai said coldly.

White comfortable eyes froze. But it is extremely depressed. The details of the ancient sea today can not be found out by himself. The last time he defeated Zhu Liuliu with one finger, he couldn't do it himself. Today, Dahan's territory reaches the largest in the world, and its power of mobilizing luck is also the most powerful. The longer the time, the stronger the strength of the ancient seas. If you go further, you will not be afraid of the Dragon Warring States, and even the ancient seas will do nothing.

This is also why Bai Zining would rather do it at this time, risking to offend Yuanshi Tianzun, and not want to make the ancient sea big.

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