Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 132: Count

Eternal capital, go to the study!

"Holy, it has been explored clearly. Hei impermanence and Wu Shangtianmo are not in the holy land of the demon, they must be in the underground blood city, but after a few days, they have not returned. It seems that the holy is safe today!" .

"Where's the Scorpion and the Demon?" Skeleton Gu Hai asked, laying down the writing brush that approved the memorials.

"The Scorpio Demon recently came out of the Demon Holy Land, and the Mosquito Taoist quietly followed, but this Scorpio Demon was extremely careful, and maybe he was found to be followed, so he took the mosquito Taoist circle!" Mo Yike looked ugly.

"The Scorpio and the Demon, but the second peak of the Demon Holy Land, can sense being tracked, it is not unusual, but, according to you, he just feels being tracked, not sure yet?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes! If you are sure to be followed, you must turn back to the Heavenly Demon Holy Land!" Mo Yike nodded.

"Where is he going in circles now?" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Netherworld, walking around, but ..., do you want to catch him?" Mo Yike dignified.

"No, he circles in the underworld, indicating that he has the means to protect himself, or that he can be sure to notify Bai Zongzuo instantly. In the underworld, Bai Zongzuo can be reached instantly. If he can't hit it, he must give up all his achievements!" Skeleton Guhai analysis said.

"So follow up now?"

"Let the mosquitoes continue to follow, black impermanence and Wu Shangtianmo didn't show up, indicating that the body is not affected. The scorpion tianmo may have a sixth sense and sense that someone is following him, but as long as the mosquitoes are not exposed, he can't find it, time After a long time, he must have doubts about his sixth sense! "Gu Hai Shen chanted.

"The scorpion and the demon go around like this, indicating that he must go to the underground blood city?" Mo Yike's eyes brightened.

"It shouldn't be wrong, as long as you follow the Scorpio Demon, you will find it, surely!" Skeleton Guhai's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, it is not possible to be anxious. The more anxious, the more cautious you must be. Because, to save ontological consciousness, there is only this way—

Underground Blood City. The hall.

King Xi brought out a bowl of black tea and handed it to Wu Shangtian.

"Drink it, it will be a bit faster to get rid of the curse!" Said King Wu.

"Before, there wasn't this, what is this?" Wu Shangtianmo frowned.

"At this stage, I just want to drink this cursing water. It will be fine soon, and I won't hurt you! The master is still watching it!" Said King Wu with a hint of impatience.

Apparently, not long ago, in the hall of the palace, Wu Shangtianmo suppressed the Nine Kings with great force, which made the Nine Kings uncomfortable.

Wu Shangtian's face was slightly heavy, but he stood up and looked at the bowl of dark liquid a little bit.

"Do you think I will poison you? Huh, let me drink it for you!" King Wang was going to **** it.

"No need, you don't dare to measure, you poison, will the other eight kings accompany you?" Wu Shangtian Mo immediately drank the black tea.

The moment I drank it, my whole body was relaxed for a while.

"It's so cool!" Wu hurt Tianmo comfortably.

"This will take nine days!" Said King Wu.

"Now come to you these nine days?"

"Oh, you want to be beautiful, you know how much baby this bowl of water cost me? You look for the other eight kings!" Wu Dawang said unwillingly.

"Your master promised me, no matter how good the baby, also give me a drink, ha ha ha, let's go and see how the second child is doing!" Wu Shangtian magic laughed out of the hall.

King Wu looked at the empty bowl and smiled with satisfaction—

Blood Witch Temple.

Hei Mochang looked at the bat on the beam of the house: "You said you would curse the ancient sea? How could it fail? Wouldn't you lie to me?"

"Fool you? Huh, I have to ask you, why is there a person who knows the curse beside Gu Hai? Breaking my curse will hurt me for countless lives!" Bat said coldly.

"Do you doubt me? Haha, this is an underground blood city, the base for practicing curses. Why don't you doubt the nine kings? Do you doubt me?" Hei Wuchang said coldly.

"The Nine Kings don't have that ability, and other people in this city naturally don't have that ability, but you also understand some partial curse ...!" Bat murmured.

"Do you doubt me? You are crazy. I asked you to deal with Gu Hai. We spent so many spirit stones for you. I still want to protect Gu Hai?" Hei Wuchang looked sneered.

The bat was slightly silent.

"Second, what are you arguing about?" Wu Shangtian Mo rushed into the hall.

"Nothing, fast today?" Hei Mochang frowned.

"Of course, today ...!" Wu Shangtianmo was about to talk about black tea.

"Gu Hai is here, catch him now!" There was a sudden roar.

"Ancient sea?" He impermanence, Wu Shangtianmo's face changed.


The two rushed out almost at the same time.

Cursed in the sea of ​​blood, and suddenly soared into the sky, countless bats, flew towards the shouting area.

That is a street in the city.

As the crowd rushed, there was still King Wu on the street.

"Where is the ancient sea?" Hei Wuchang shouted.

"I'm one step late, and I'll disappear after I chase here!" Said King Xi anxiously.

"What?" Hei Changchang looked gloomily at King Wang.

"It's true, I just saw that ancient sea, just like in the portrait, that ancient sea is so fast!" Suddenly, a common people said.

"I saw it too, but it was gone in the blink of an eye!"

"It's fast, I don't know what to do!"

"Ah, my scrawl for cursing is gone!"

"My Black Dog King's blood is gone. Gu Hai came to steal cursing supplies? He will curse?"




There was a lot of talk on the street.


Numerous bats enveloped this area.

Nine kings came one after another to block the Quartet. Everyone keeps confirming that Gu Hai has really come, and just under the eyes of everyone, is it gone?

"Look, dig the ground three feet, find it for me!" There were roars as countless bats danced in the wind.

"Yes!" Everyone was busy again.

Just a little bit. Run for Gu Hai again?

Wu hurt Tianmu and Hei Mochang to the best of his ability.

But where is the trace of the ancient sea?

The next day, Wu wounded the demon to go to the king. Drink the same black tea for another bowl.

At this time, Wu Shangtianmo never doubted that one king lied to me, did all nine kings lie to me?

The whole city was hunted, and the bats were scattered. The black impermanence and Wu hurt the demon kept on.

Because, on the third day, the ancient sea appeared again, in a small village in the city. Everyone in the village saw it. When the prison bull king arrived, Gu Hai disappeared again.

Suddenly, Wu Tiantian, Black Impermanence, and Elder Blood Witch were furious.

In this confusion, no one cares how the cursing air in Wu hurt Tianmo.

The fourth and fifth days. Wu wounded the demon in the place of the kings, drinking black tea in turn.

Until the ninth day. He drank the last cup of black tea in His Royal Highness.

"Oh, King, do you drive me out of the curse and need to close the door? Is there anyone in your side hall?" Wu Shangtian's brow frowned slightly.

Not only was the gate closed, but the entire Highness Palace was shrouded in faint white mist.

No one outside knows that this is a super chess array arranged by the ancient sea. All the storage of the nine kings are all put out to form the array. This huge storage gave Gu Hai a huge self-confidence. Can guarantee foolproof today. Whether you can go out or not is up to now.

When Wu hurt the demon and wondered, he saw that the overlord suddenly took out the overlord

"Huh?" Wu Shangtian's face changed. Seems bad.

"God of the king, listen to me as a day, and I am the night, Jiuding is hypnotic, everything is silent!" The king of the king shouted loudly.

Not only the king, but also the next door, eight other kings sang loudly at the same time.


The Jiuding of the Nine Kings fell to the ground, and in an instant, thousands of blue lights bloomed directly into Wuju Tianmo.

"Okay, you really have a problem, let me die!" Wu Shangtianmo screamed and slammed the king with a bang.

"Boom ~!"

The Highness of the Royal Highness exploded and opened, but this palm did not capture the Highpowered King.

"He's already confused, and he can't hit the king at all!"

"No, even the aftermath is not comparable to us. Fortunately, there is Mr. Gu's chess pattern!"

"Sleep, sleep, sleep!"




The Nine Kings looked forward. The light of Jiuding poured into Wu Shangtian's body. Suddenly, the black tea in Wu Shangtian's body formed a great curse, which left Wu Shangtian's monster confused and shaking.

"No, it's impossible, I can't see clearly? Why am I going to sleep? Poison, you guys poison me?" Wu Shangtian Mo wobbled, crooked.

"Mr. Gu, hurry up!" Cried King Wu.

While Wu Shangtianmo was shaking, a chess player from Guhai shot at Wu Shangtianmo's eyebrow.


Wu hurt the demon's eyebrows, and it seemed to be instinctively inconsistent, but Gu Hai's chess spirit still entered his eyebrows, and immediately saw a huge incomparable god.

The surface of the god's body is tangled with black gas, but it is the cursing energy of black tea, making it muddy.

Gu Hai immediately jumped onto his shoulder and inserted his palm into his head.

"Roar!" Suddenly God roared. Seems to be resisting in general.

"Hei impermanence, I am in the High Court, come and save me, the nine kings and the ancient seas conspire, lie to me to curse, come to save me!" Wu Shangtianmo yelled suddenly.


There seemed to be a white ripple, which emerged from the surface of Wu Shangtian's demon body, and flashed out of the ancient sea chess formation.

"Well, the demon's talent is superb!" Exclaimed King Ye.

"It's too late, fast!" Gu Hai's last chess soul also jumped into Wu Shangtian's eyebrows.


The two chess souls together suppressed the **** of Wu hurting the demon. Suddenly, Wu hurt the demon and trembled.

"It's coming, it's coming, just wait a little longer!" The two chess souls whispered with anxiety.

The Nine Kings are also anxious, success or failure is here. Whether it succeeds or not depends on whether Gu Hai can control Wu hurt the demon.

At the same time, the Blood Witch Temple.

Hei Wuchangzheng and the bat talk about how to capture the ancient sea.

Suddenly, Wu Shangtianmo's voice came strangely into the ears of impermanence.

"What?" He Mouchang's face changed suddenly. "Nine Kings? Seek death!"


Black impermanence erupted into a torrential weather, and rushed towards the Highness Palace instantly.

"What's wrong?" The bat on the beam of the house was chased in astonishment.

ps: A new foreign version is out, the love of ancient Taiji, and stills of the ancient fairy tale anime are all on WeChat public account: aiguanqi

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