Everlasting Immortal Firmament

: Career Fair of Ancient Tai Chi

Another graduation season.

Gu Taiji is holding the last resume standing in the recruitment market! At this moment my heart is extremely depressed.

Recalling the questions of interviewers from various companies in the recruitment market just now, ancient Taiji has been hit hard by now.

"Your name is Tai Chi? Do you know Tai Chi?"

"Gu Taiji, why didn't your parents fill in this field? What do your parents do?"

"Your goal in the column, Chengxian? Boy, don't be addicted to the game! What, Chengxian is your life goal set by your mother?"

"You guys, did you go out without medicine?"

"Lady, your hairstyle is too frustrated!"




Each question has been echoing in Chen Taiji's head so far.

This resume was given to her by her mother before she left. Also said to be an honest person. But is this honest?

Originally, I had a complete family. Although weird, it was a family of three after all.

My mother's name is Zang Yulian, and my father's name is Taiji. Although my inexplicable surname is Gu. However, when I graduated from college, my grandma turned into a woman, and when my grandma took off his hat that night, I was going crazy.

Am I born to you?

Is father a woman? Blind my eyes! How could this be?

Well, the four years of college have also given me a certain understanding of the multiple organizational structures of this society, and I still know that ‘Lala’ exists. Just didn't expect it to happen to my parents.

You tell me, I can raise it. You said I was born to my mother?

How can there be such a flicker, I am your own son.

But I asked who my dad was, and my mother said, not in this world.

I know, I should n’t have asked, I asked my mother about her sadness.

But my mother also said that some time ago, my dad had some letters.


Isn't mom crazy?

I'm going to find my dad, no, later dad, neither. Anyway, I'm calling Tae Hyun Dad.

But Dad said that she was also the wife of her dad.


Your elders really play.

Tae Dad went on to say that she should be my dad's sixth wife, and my mom was my dad's fifth wife.


I do n’t know how to accept this news. The amount of information is too large. I am not blind, my ears are blind either!

So, am I a illegitimate child?

My dad has six wives? I have six moms? Dad, you are my idol Wei Xiaobao!

But too dad, no, I should call my six mothers to say that my dad ’s six wives are all chasing him down. If he is not a gentleman, I do n’t know how many wives now.


Pity me for four years in college, I haven't mixed up a female ticket, Dad, where are you, give some pointers! The son will not teach, the father will pass!

With curiosity, to ask mom, my dad is no longer in this world? Is he gone?

In the end, I got an ear scraper from my mother and said that I talked arbitrarily. How could my son curse Lao Tzu and let me gargle for a long time. My gums bleed and stopped.

I am your son!

Not even my own son. If he talks badly about his dad, he has to learn, even the six mothers who hurt me the most. I can only accept this tutor in tears.

I asked where my dad went. Why don't you come to see me.

Mom said that Dad was doing big things.

When I think, do something big? Is my dad a rich man?

Although my mom gave me pocket money every month, I couldn't look up in front of my classmates. But the two mothers wear gold and silver every day, and when they spend their credit cards and travel a place, they have to buy suites and display the luxury goods bought during the trip. My dad must be rich.

Two mothers said, what my dad wrote, could n’t spoil me?

I asked my mother, what is Dad doing?

Mom said: "Your dad is trying to become immortal, so are you, and your future goal is also immortal!"



Standing at the gate of the job fair, I was speechless. What kind of life is this pit son?

At this moment, there was a noise at a recruitment desk not far away.

"Get off, get off, that's the car of the Warring States Group! Are they here to recruit employees?"

"The Warring States Group? The world's largest technology group? In just three years, has it reached the top 500 Warring States Group?"

"The Warring States Group? Haven't you always recruited only the world's top geniuses? Einstein's IQ value has not reached the entry level of the Warring States Group?"

"If I entered the Warring States Group, that would be great!"

"Hello, I'm a master student at Tsinghua University. This is my resume!"

"Hello, I'm a PhD student at Peking University. This is my resume!"

"I just returned from studying at Harvard! This is my resume!"

"I'm a graduate student at Cambridge University!"




The international students of famous universities all showed their enthusiasm and rushed to the recruitment desk. In a blink of an eye, 80% of the entire job fair went to the recruiting platform, hoping that the interviews of the Warring States Group were blind and chose themselves.

Even some company interviewers quickly wrote a resume, hurriedly left their company, and went to interview.

Noisy, all people, crooked ancient Taiji.

Ancient Taiji looked in horror to the Warring States Group in the distance.

Mother seems to have mentioned that what the products of the Warring States Group are all rubbish?

Mother Liu also seems to have mentioned that the Secretary-General of the Warring States Group had given her a global credit card last time and swiped it casually. Mother Liu said it was too ugly, so she didn't need it.

Is this the Warring States Group?

How many people crowded at the interview desk. There are several burly bodyguards to maintain order, and there are five interviewers sitting there, but Gu Taiji can see clearly, a group of interviewers, in fact, are listening to the words of a beautiful woman, who is wearing a white-collar professional attire The bust almost squeezed the chest button. Standing at the back, looking at the crowd, there was a hint of disgust in his eyes.

However, even with this disgusting look, countless candidates are rushing.

"I rely on, is the general manager of the Asia-Pacific region of the Warring States Group? Bai Wujiao? As long as she said, she can definitely join the Warring States Group!"

"Bai Wujiao? It's really her. She hasn't shown up for a year. I heard that her eyes are high. The richest man and the richest man have invited her many times.

"I heard that her eyes are very high. No one has ever seen her. She came to the interview. Is she really going to pick someone?"




Numerous people watched Bai Wujiao, excited, obsessed with her beauty and nobility, and the ability to govern the Asia-Pacific region. What kind of person does this want to be valued by her?

How many talented students are holding the resume with excitement. Let Wu Yijiao take a look at it, it is like a great honor.

Bai Wujiao was expressionless, and looked coldly in the dark crowd. Suddenly, as if I saw something, a gleam of excitement appeared in my eyes.

Stepping, Bai Wujiao slowly walked towards the black crowd.

Without bodyguards, Bai Wujiao itself seems to have a powerful aura, a queen-like momentum, wherever the crowds go, the weird crowd makes a strange way.

Bai Wujiao stepped deep into the crowd step by step.

Noisy in the crowd, likewise countless people showed curiosity.

The direction that Bai Wujiao went is actually where ancient Taiji is.

"Ah, you squeezed my resume!" Gu Taiji called to an interviewer at a company.

"I remember your resume, boy, are you crazy about playing games? Want to be immortal, do you want to be crazy? What **** resume is to educate you!"

"I remembered it too, this kid, I don't know where it came from, my resume is really terrible!"

"Students from third-rate schools don't have any grades at hand, so they are embarrassed to come for an interview?"

"Look at his cockhouse head and come for the interview, and don't clean it up!"

"Get out of here, boy, the recruitment of the Warring States Group, do you have a face to interview? Don't look in the mirror! It's your frustration!"

"The whole job fair, you look like the most scumbags, and an interview? One hundred years, don't want to find a job!"




A group of mocking screams came around. There are malicious intentions from interviewers from other companies, and recruiters who are blocked by Gu Taiji and cannot get in.

At this moment, some ancient Taijis pinched their fists. There was anger in my heart.

"What's wrong with me as a chicken nest? What's wrong with me from the third-rate university? I just can't get my grades? Why can you interview the Warring States Group? Why can't I interview the Warring States Group?" Suddenly broke out, roaring.

At this moment, perhaps Bai Tianjiao has approached, and the surroundings are strangely quiet.

Gu Taiji roared angrily and was extremely loud, and everyone widened his eyes. Then laughed.

"Hahaha, boy, if you can join the Warring States Group, I will eat my shoes!"

"Hahaha, just like your chicken nest, and you want to join the Warring States Group, laugh at me. If you can join the Warring States Group, I can be the chairman of the country!"

"Dream, boy, get out of here, you're blocking the way of worshiping the manager!"




There was a sound of taunts all around.

Gu Taiji clutched his resume as a dog, and his face was depressed.

But at this moment, a slim hand took over the broken resume in the hands of ancient Taiji.

"Uh?" The laughter stopped.

Because the owner of that jade hand is either someone else or the general manager of Baitianjiao who is sought after by everyone.

She had taken that dog-like resume and didn't know how to despise it. Many people are waiting to see the ancient Tai Chi joke.

"Gu Taiji? Classmate Gu, now, on behalf of the Warring States Group, I sincerely invite you to work in the Warring States Group. I wonder, are you willing?" Bai Tianjiao carefully read the resume, and then excited.

"Eh?" Everyone froze. What happened? What does the excitement of General Manager Bai Tianjiao mean?

Want to recruit this ancient Tai Chi?

"Uh? You mean me?" Gu Taiji froze slightly. Some are not sure.

Everyone around was also curious, yeah, did you say the wrong person?

"Yes, that's you, ancient Tai Chi. Are you willing to join the Warring States Group and work with me?" Bai Tianjiao expected.

Everyone around: "...............!"

Many people look at the sky unconsciously to see if the sun rises from the west, such a frustrated teenager? Such an excellent district manager? The look of thirst for thirst is not right! No, seems to be winking? Really, I must be blind.

"You didn't hear what they said?" Gu Taiji said suddenly.

"I heard it, but I didn't feel bad. Your hairstyle is different, I don't know how handsome it is, I like it so much. What about third-rate university, our group doesn't care about academic qualifications, it's about people's personal abilities. Before, have n’t you brought soldiers? With so many people, I feel that you are the most worthy talent recruited by our group. I wonder if the ancient students can surrender? ”Bai Tianjiao eagerly said.

That eager look, how many applicants saw the heartbreak, and the winks that were thrown out one after another, made countless admirers crush their hearts into dregs.

You are not the richest man in the horse or the richest man in the king. You are the goddess of worship above the top and cold iceberg.

Are you winking at a frustrated man?

Is this really fake?

Ancient Tai Chi seemed to feel the deep malicious look of everyone around him again.

Perhaps the two mothers are too beautiful, and ancient Taiji also has a certain immunity to the beauty of Bai Tianjiao.

"I? Join the Warring States Group? What positions can you get? How much is it? Do you pay five insurances and one fund?" Gu Taiji asked.

Candidates' eyes were rounded round.

Is this man crazy? As long as you join the Warring States Group, not to mention wages, the company's benefits are horrible, and any city in the world that can buy and sell villas will benefit one building each year.

You asked her five insurances and one gold?

"Yes, as long as you want, there are, as for the position, uh, you have little experience in joining the group, or else, the general manager of China, do you give it a go? Ah, you do n’t want it, okay, general manager of the Asia Pacific My position is for you. Do you think it's okay? My rights are so big, you old classmates, you can make it difficult! There are a lot of opportunities for promotion in the future. "Bai Tianjiao eagerly said.

At the same time, each one winked and made everyone feel that not only her position, but her people, you can take home at night.

The entire job fair was quiet. Everyone opened their mouths, and there was an urge to vomit blood.

Bai Tianjiao actually conceded to this extent, just to retain this talent? This is a mad request.

The frustrated man was still awkward. Poke yourself in the mouth?

Ancient Tai Chi is indeed meditating, everything is too weird. There is a feeling of dreaming. Unconsciously squeezed his mouth.

"How? Ancient students! You can tell me anything you want!" Bai Tianjiao looked forward to ancient Taiji.

Looking at Bai Tianjiao, ancient Taiji always feels unreal.

Everyone's heart mentioned the throat, eyes widened with envy and jealousy.

Gu Taiji was silent for a while, and the whole job fair scene fell into a dead silence, the atmosphere was so strange, they were waiting for the tweaked boy to speak.

Bai Tianjiao was so afraid that Gu Taiji didn't agree, he squeezed his fist and couldn't wait for Gu Taiji to speak.

After being silent for a while, Gu Taiji swallowed the saliva: "I'm a little nervous, or should I go to the toilet first?"

"I help you!" Bai Tianjiao blurted out without thinking.

The entire job fair site: "……………………!"

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