Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 133: heart?

His Highness!

Shrouded in fog, inside, two ancient sea chess souls are quickly suppressing Wu hurt the demon god.

Wu Tiantian Mo is a great success in the Heavenly Palace, and the power of God is only a little bit better than that of the nine kings. However, in order to speed up, Gu Hai used two chess spirits.

After violent trembling Wu hurt the demons, after a while murmur. Suddenly the pupil narrowed and was successfully controlled by Gu Hai.


Also at this moment, a super giant palm fell from the sky, and slammed on the chess array where His Highness was located.

The giant palm is so powerful that even the ancient sea's chess formations burst instantly.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" ………………

The nine kings screamed, and all flew out grabbing their own dippers.

The giant palm is too powerful, but the material of Jiuding is weird and sturdy, which actually blocks the waves.


In the air, the big sleeves fluttered, and a mess of wind was blown away instantly, revealing a ruin below.

In the ruins, the nine kings hid themselves in the tripod and looked at the sky in horror.

Above the sky, the black impermanence showed its face, stepping on the void, and the flames around him seemed to be oppressed by a mighty sky. Surrounded by a large number of bats. Staring around His Highness in a roar.

His Royal Highness was in misery now, and there were wailing voices everywhere.

The nine kings shed their hair, but it did not matter.

At the very center of the ruins, Wu Shangtian demo twisted his head, and a cold light flashed into the sky.

"What's going on?" The elder witch roared as the bleeding in the void.

"The master is careful, he is, he is the ancient sea!" Exclaimed King Wu, pointing at Wu Shangtian Mo.

"What?" He Mouchang's face changed, his face unbelieving.

"It's true, Lord, the ancient sea has been hidden by Wu Shangtian Demon, no wonder we can't find it. Just now, when we removed the last trace of curse for Wu Shangtian Demon, when Wu Shangtian Demon relaxed, hid The **** of the ancient sea in his cuff suddenly got into his eyebrows. Now he isn't Wu hurt the demon, it is the ancient sea, it is the ancient sea! "Exclaimed the overlord.

"We want to stop, it's too late, Master!" Exclaimed King Wu.

In the air, countless bats grinned. But Black Impermanence had wide-eyed eyes and looked at Wu Shangtianmo with unbelief.

"No way, how could the third child secretly protect the ancient sea?" Hei Wuchang stared at disbelief.

"How impossible, if not for him, how could I be injured that day? We underground blood city, spent so much price, and hated Gu Hai, wouldn't we protect him again? Even if we protect Gu Hai, he can't forgive us! "The King of Prison Cows stared.

"Yes, our lives are the master's, what do you mean, we and the master, deliberately saved the ancient sea?" Cried King Wu.

"The third child just sent me a letter saying that you and Gu Hai conspired to harm him?" Hei Wuchang said coldly.

"We are all masters, why do you want to save the ancient sea? Do you suspect that the master is with us?" King Wang glared angrily.

"Black impermanence, pay attention to your words!" There were countless bats from the elder Blood Witch.

"Huh!" Hei Wuchang snorted coldly, looking down at Wu Shangtianmo.

Wu Tiantian was sneering, twisted his head, turned his hand from the storage magic weapon, took out ten long knives, carefully selected them, and picked a blue long knife.

"Oh, Wu hurt the demon? Really deceiving, thinking that refining the puppet's" God ", you can manipulate your Dahan's dynasty? Unfortunately, cleverness has been misunderstood! This is his fault! Slightly sneered.

A word of Wu hurting the demon immediately identified the person in front of him as the ancient sea. And Gu Hai's sentence completely cleared the suspicion of the nine kings. Everything was the fault of Wu Tiantian.

"Hey impermanence, what else do you have to say now? You have a demon holy land, each with a ghost, and your idea hit me underground blood city?" Countless bats roared with teeth grinning.

The previous doubts of the Blood Witch elder suddenly disappeared. After all, the nine kings are under their control. Their life and death are only in their thoughts. Who dares to deceive themselves?

It turned out to be Wu Gui's own ghost? I found myself for so many days. Kill the ancient sea as soon as possible, isn't it all right? So many moths?

Hei Wuchang also gradually believed in the ‘Guhai’ words. However, his eyes were more angry, Wu hurt Tianmo, carrying his own desire to master the Dahan Heaven? Who does he think he is, and he can play in heaven?

"Well, no matter what the reason is, it doesn't matter now. What's important is that Gu Hai was found, didn't it?" Hei Wuchang suddenly sneered.

"Yes, I did find it!" Numerous bats suddenly sank and looked at Wu Shangtian Mo together.

"Yeah, you've found me, but now I'm not as slaughtered as before!" Wu Shangtian, possessed by Gu Hai, sneered.

"Oh? Gu Hai, do you think that you can escape today? What you possess is only Wu Shangtian Mo, and the Heavenly Palace is a complete one. Do you think you can escape from me?" Hei Wuchang sneered.

"The eighth heaviest practice in Shanggong Temple can kill you. Now Wu hurts Tianmo ’s body, and the Heavenly Palace is a great consummation. What do you think of this underground blood city, there are indeed a group of people who will curse, but this group Human cultivation is that you can crush them with just one finger. "Gu Hai smiled coldly.

"Are you too confident?" Hei Wuchang said coldly.

"Not only that, if Wu hurts the demon's body, he can contact the entire Dahan dynasty!" Gu Hai said coldly.

In the cold voice, the blue long knife in his hand chopped down sharply.


A vast sword, the commander-in-chief endlessly chopped off in the direction of the gate.

"Miscellaneous!" He Mocha's face changed. Suddenly pounced on the ancient sea.

The ancient sea withdrew the sword, and the sword returned, but with countless swords, it still rushed to the city gate.

Gu Hai greeted impermanence with one stroke.

"Ten Sundays!"

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a super loud noise, and there was a mighty burst of emptiness. Instantly, countless buildings in the underground blood city collapsed. The black impermanence was slammed because of the ancient sea.

Black impermanence stared in anger. It wasn't that the frustration was blocked, but that the gate was about to open, and once it was broken, everything would be lost.

"No!" Hei Hechang exclaimed.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was another loud noise, but the gates remained motionless.

"What?" Gu Hai sank.

The nine kings also widened their eyes.

"When did the city gates become so strong?" Said the Great King in surprise.

"That's the sword of the ancient sea. Even if it's a sword, it's powerful. The sword rushes into my body. I can't stop ten of them. How can the gate stay intact?" Wang Dawang surprised.


But I saw that at the moment the door slowly became blood red.

"Hey, Gu Hai, you don't know my underground blood city. Without my permission, no one can go out!" The elder Blood Witch's voice suddenly sounded in the city.

"Huh?" Gu Hai sank.

Black impermanence also showed a hint of surprise.

"Do n’t worry about him, black impermanence! The underground blood city has been passed down for so many years, and only I know its power. Why do you think the underground blood city can cut off all the connection with the outside world? Oh, what about the heavenly palace? Even if the gods are successful, don't want to break them easily! "The elder Blood Witch's voice came again.

The ancient sea looked up at the sky, but saw that the misty sky had become blood red at this moment.

Above the earth, the land also became blood red.

In this short time, the entire underground blood city has become the color of blood, and everyone seems to be in a blood world.

The black impermanence eyelid raised his gaze, looking at the sky full of bats. Hei Wuchang realized that he had underestimated the Lord of the Underground Blood City.

"Our purpose is the same, this ancient sea, the ancient sea is not exposed, we have no way, and now exposed, what are you waiting for? You cultivate as a high master, of course you have to deal with it! Wu Shangtian demon blame this fault, or It's up to you! "The bats whispered.

"Okay! I'll fix it!" Hei Mocao nodded.

Turning his head, Black Impermanence looked at the ancient sea not far away, and his face was icy and cold.

Although enclosed in the **** underground blood city, the ancient sea was not afraid. Holding the long knife in his hand, he looked at Hei impermanence again--

Eternal capital. Go to the study.

"Holy, the news came from the mosquitoes. The Scorpion and the Demon finally doubted their feelings, and now they are no longer in circles!" Mo Yike said excitedly.

"Oh? Where did he go?" Skeleton Gu Hai suddenly stood up.

"In the South China Sea of ​​the Underworld, Mosquitoes, Kong Xuan, and Dragon Gods all went!" Mo Yike said.

"Notify Queen Chen, sit in the eternal capital of the underworld, and go in person!" The skull Gu Hai said coldly.

"Yes!" Mo Yike answered.


Gu Hai, the skeleton, got up, stepped into a figure, and disappeared into the study.

Gu Hai encountered the unexpected, the person who was most worried about was the skeleton clone, because after all, he was himself. Being able to overcome this worry and handle government affairs is already the ultimate of the ancient skeletons.

At last we have news. Where can we wait?

Almost instantly, the ancient sea of ​​skeletons reached the South China Sea in the underworld! At this moment, there are a lot of black mosquitoes floating around the South China Sea.


Suddenly, ten black mosquitoes flew to the ancient sea of ​​skeletons.

"Holy, this is the black mosquito clone left by the minister. It will show you the way, and the minister has gone deep into the ocean floor!" A black mosquito made a sound instantly.

The skeleton ancient sea explorer grabbed a black mosquito, fluttered, and rushed into the depths of the sea instantly.

With black mosquitoes leading the way, the ancient sea quickly found Kong Xuan on the sea floor.

Kong Xuan was stopping at a crypt at the bottom of the sea at the moment. Evaporate nearby seawater into gas, keeping the crypts unobstructed.

"Holy, in there! The scorpion and the demon went down just now. The mosquitoes and dragon gods also followed," Kong Xuan said excitedly.


The two stepped, and instantly jumped into the magma.

The fire was raging, but both of them were fully fulfilled. What is the temperature?

There were black mosquitoes pointing in their hands. Soon, the two passed through a magmatic layer and reached a huge hollow space.

In the distance, mosquitoes and dragon gods have surrounded the scorpion and demon.

"It turns out I feel right, you really can bear it!"

But Gu Hai didn't have the heart to look at the scorpion and demon, but looked at this weird space. In the center of the space, there is a group of blood mists, which draw a steady stream of ground fire from the ground magma. Above the mist of blood, there is a castle tower floating on it, with the words ‘underground blood city’ written on it.

However, at this moment the tower became red. Risking his blood?

"Blood?" Gu Hai's face sank, and his detective waved.


A gust of wind passed, and a large amount of blood mist was immediately rolled away. Under the light of Kong Xuan's god, the underground blood city suddenly revealed its true colors.


A heart-shaped city, a huge heart! Even this heart was still beating weakly.

"Hurron, Hurron!"

The crowd suddenly took a breath. Is this really the heart? A living heart?

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