Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 137: Candlelight vs Curse

The elder holds a small red ball in his hands! Like the hub of everything.

Gently urge.


Jiuding seemed to have taken root and grew on the meat island. At the same time, the nine demon gods connected to the meat island suddenly opened their mouths and rushed to the nine kings at an extremely scary speed.

"Master forgive me, master forgive me!" Exclaimed the kings.

But, what is the strength of the nine demon gods? The Nine Kings can't resist at all. Even if the ancient sea knife cuts down from high altitude, it still can't stop this moment of devour.


All nine kings were swallowed.

狴 犴 妖 神, swallowed 狴 犴 王.

The prison cow demon **** swallowed the prison cow king.




Swallowed very accurately, each swallowed the corresponding king.

"Oh, what a ruthless heart, all the people in the city are for your ultimate blood sacrifice?" Gu Hai said in a cold voice.

The elder looked at the ancient sea with a sneer: "The blood witch was created by me. Give me my life, that's their honor!"

"Huh!" Gu Hai grunted.

The nine kings that were swallowed immediately formed a layer of meat cocoons. Numerous poisonous thorns appeared from the cocoons, piercing the bodies of the nine kings. The nine kings suddenly collapsed as if fainted.

However, the consciousness of the nine kings did not fall asleep, but each came to a huge space.

In this space, the nine kings suddenly seemed to be in control.


Just see the nine demon gods suddenly trembled and their eyes were frozen. Already dominated by the nine kings.

"This is it?" Said the demon god.

Nine kings, now each of them controls the nine demon gods?

The nine demon gods looked at each other, revealing some incredible.

"When the nine dragons are born, the nine are merged with each other, and when they finally become a" curse of the gods ", a new consciousness will be born based on instincts. This consciousness is the consciousness of the curse of God. To the birth of the cursed **** consciousness. However, now the nine demon gods have been controlled by you, do you understand what I mean? "The elder looked coldly at the nine demon gods.

The nine demon gods sank.

The face of the demon **** changed his face: "Let's keep our own consciousness, and then we will respect the master consciousness?"

"Yes, you know just fine, remember, who dares to play ghosts at this time, I can promptly urge the curse on you, so that you will be ashes away immediately!" The elder said cheekily.

The nine demon gods all changed their faces: "Yes!"

"Rong!" The elder shouted.


I saw that the nine demon gods suddenly burst into a thorny light, and then bloomed like a rebellious flower bud toward the center.


The elders, the nine demon gods, the meat island, and even the Jiuding on the meat island suddenly sprang up in a tremor.

Longsheng Jiuzi, Jiuzi Julong?

At the time of integration, Gu Hai wanted to go forward again, but the light ball in the blending, released a strange breath.

With Gu Hai's will, naturally he was not afraid of this breath of pressure, but Wu's God of Demon's 蜈蚣 蜈蚣 神 was shaking and trembling and seemed to be frightened and disintegrated.

Gu Hai's two chess souls manipulated the **** of the gods, and used the **** of the gods to control Wu to hurt the demon. The **** of gods was inexplicably loose, and Gu Hai could not take risks at this time.

More than Wu hurt the demons. The black impermanence lurking not far away was also inexplicable at this moment.

Because the black impermanent 'God' is also inexplicable in this breath, and can't help rushing down, as if this breath came from the ancestor of the demon tribe. The trembling from the depth of consciousness made Hei Wuchang dare not move.

The ancient sea could not be approached, then backed away, back to the place where the nine kings had previously hidden, because just now King Wang threw the candle lantern in there.


Gu Haitan took over.


After a large amount of light, the entire sea of ​​blood has dried up and has been completely incorporated into the body of the cursed god.

The meat island, the elder, and the nine demon gods are all gone. At this moment has merged into a dragon look.

The dragon is weird, but its face is a human face in change. One will become the appearance of the Great King, one will become the appearance of the Great King, and one will become the appearance of Chang Ming.

The land of the dragon tail is connected to the earth, and a bone spur emerges from the whole body. The bone spur not only spreads throughout the body, but also rushes into the earth and into the land in all directions.

"A human face dragon attached to the earth?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Earth? Oh, don't you know what this underground blood city is?" Human face dragon sneered.

"噗通, 噗通, 噗通 ............!"

However, I saw that the blood-colored land suddenly jumped, and the blood mist of the sky slowly dispersed, and the inner wall glowing red was slowly seen.

"That's not enchantment, that's meat?" Gu Hai's face changed.

The whole underground blood city was trembling, all of it became flesh and blood.

"Heart, the strongest piece of meat that cursed God in ancient times. Now, I have gathered the" God "who cursed God, with its heart as the flesh, and Jiuding as the bone, and the perfect curse of God was born. Do you know the ability to curse God?" Human face dragon sneered.

Gu Hai suddenly felt a big threat coming, ten pairs of arms, each holding a long knife, waiting.

"Call for summer, blow for winter!" Human face dragon chuckled coldly.

In the cold voice, he suddenly breathed out.


The breath blew out, as if rushing towards the ancient sea with countless frosts.

Gu Hai instinctively felt a threat, fluttered in shape, and hid away.


Suddenly, a large amount of flesh became white, but after all, it was the body of the curse of God, which recovered quickly.

"Hide? I can't hide, there is not much room in this heart, I will blow it all, and see where you hide!" Cursed God sneered.


The cold air was blowing wildly in all directions.

"Ten days a week!" Gu Hai's ten-handed sword was cut off.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Ten swords stunned, and all the weird ones were frozen.


The ancient sea hid fast, but the ten-handed swords and the ten-handed swords were all frozen into pieces. The temperature was so terrible.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

At this moment, a scream came from a dark place in the distance.

"Anyone else?" Human face dragon surprised.

Gu Hai turned his head in astonishment.

But he saw that behind a meat mountain, Hei Mochang was frozen up and screamed.

The scorching cold, even the black impermanence, instantly freezes?

"Are you alive?" Gu Hai was surprised.

However, at this moment it was frozen into an ice sculpture, and the ancient sea instantly understood the terrible coldness.

Black impermanence is the perfection of the gods. Even if it is severely damaged, it also has a terrible cultivation. Under the cold, it can't be avoided?

"Cursing God? Is it the candle dragon, do you want to resurrect the candle dragon? And replace it?" Gu Hai's face sank.

Because the ancient sea once heard Long Wanyu said that the candle dragon is the first deity of heaven and earth, exhaling for summer and blowing for winter. In addition, the shape of the candle dragon is also the human face dragon body in front of it, and the mouth is called the candle.

But Guhai did not expect that the ability of the candle dragon was so exaggerated. Just the chill made Zhou Tian's perfect black impermanence unbearable.


The blowing of the human face dragon continued to expand, and soon, it almost covered all parts of the underground blood city, that is, all parts of the heart.

Gradually pushed the ancient sea into a dead end.

"You can't escape, there is nowhere else to escape. This cursed the heart of God, but I blocked it!" Human face dragon laughed.

In the last corner, the human face suddenly blew.


The endless cold air came straight to the ancient sea. Seeing that the ancient sea was about to be drowned out by the cold air.

But saw Gu Hai turned his hands and took out the candle lantern.

"Candle Dragon? Your monster is far worse than a real candle dragon, even without a candlelight! How to reproduce the original!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

Under the urging of the candlelight blue light, the billowing cyan flame rushed away against the cold.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the cold air rolled back, the fire soared into the sky, and the strange air instantly melted away the cold air in the entire heart space.

"What?" Human face dragon was surprised.

The ancient sea also brightened its eyes. Just ignited the candlelight, just to protect myself, but I didn't expect this flame to be so powerful.

You know, the cold air can't stand even the impermanence of blackness. From the outside, the flame of this candlelight can't hurt the impermanence of blackness. However, it restrained the cold.

"Yeah, I understand that this cold mainly freezes 'God' and freezes 'consciousness'. Even a **** as strong as the impermanence of blackness can freeze instantly, and this flame of mine also deals with 'God'!" stare.

Stimulate the fire again.


The fire instantly wrapped up the human dragon.

"What flame? How is this possible, my curse!" The elder exclaimed.

The flame that ignited the candle lantern, the look of the ancient sea moved slightly, as if it could use the flame to deprive the human face of the dragon's power.

"Huh?" Gu Hai followed the induction, drawing slightly.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a strange blood in the dragon face of that person, leaking out, and came straight to the candle lantern.

"Really?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"No, that's impossible, how could you take away my` `cursing air ''! '' Human face dragon exclaimed.

"Cursed air?" Gu Hai looked.

"These cursing gas is mine, and the cursing gas's cursing God's" God "is mine!" The human face dragon cried in horror.

Exhaling in horror.


A hot wind came towards the ancient sea.

However, the candlelight blue flame is fundamentally immune to this hot wind and can even be absorbed.


Billowing blood, it kept leaking from the dragon of the human face, rushing toward the candle lantern.

Gu Hai felt that the candlelight blue light seemed to have a small internal space, which was storing the gas of cursing. Moreover, after the calcination of the flame of the lamp cap, all the internal imprints of the elders were completely erased, which was the purest cursing gas.

Not far away, Hei Wuchang disappeared from the cold body and slowly woke up. What he saw when he woke up made Hei Wuchang's eyes widen.

The curse of God's arrogance just now has made He impermanence desperate, but how can the situation be reversed?

"This is impossible!" Hei Mocha exclaimed.

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