Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 138: Candle Dragon Heart Blood vs Candle Dragon Fire

The flame of the candlelight blue lamp seems to have the effect of the commander's cursing gas. Immediately, the rolling cursing gas is absorbed by the candlelight blue lamp. The sudden changes make the black impermanence and the human face dragon all. Shows thriller.

"No, how could my cursing energy be taken away by you? Come back!" Human face dragon roared.


The flames of the candlestick blue lantern are even larger, and more cursing energy is forcibly ingested.

"What?" Ronald suddenly looked terrified.

"Candelabra? I really almost looked down on you!" Gu Hai looked at Candelabra in surprise.

Unexpectedly, what can reverse the situation at this moment is actually this small candlelight blue lantern.

Seeing, the curse of the blockbuster and blockbuster was purified and turned into a blue candle, and the ancient sea also showed an excitement.

"Candelabra? Huh, Gu Hai, do you think that you have this magic weapon, and you will be better than me?" The face of the dragon revealed.

"Your power is a Shinto attack, blowing for winter and calling for summer? Only against 'Gods', there are candlelight blue lights, dedicated to breaking all Shinto attacks!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Yes, the form of cursing God you see is indeed condensed with the" cursing gas ", but, as I said just now, cursing God is not only the body of God, but also the body and bones!" Human face Long cold channel.

"Huh?" Gu Hai's face sank, and she seemed to feel a little bit bad.

"The flesh is arrogant, not yours. The bones are sharp, nor are you climbable. Convergence!" Human face dragon yelled.


However, I saw that the entire underground blood city suddenly shrank, and the heart space where the ancient sea was suddenly squeezed toward the center, and the space was compressed innumerable moments. At the same time, a sharp bone spur emerged from the flesh of the heart, stabbing towards the ancient sea in the center.

"What? The underground blood city has shrunk and squeezed?" Hei Mochang exclaimed.

In terror, Hei Mocha shot his hand, slamming the bone spurs and Roshan that were squeezed around.


A loud noise. All black impermanence's attacks have no effect, and the whole body is squeezed into a meatloaf.


A spurt of blood spewed out, and the black impermanence was shaped like mud, and the whole body's bones were broken, and it was so severe that it could not move. Of course, even if it was strong, it could not move.

It was as if the heavens and the earth were squeezed together, and there was no room for the body, and the whole body was turned into flesh and was stuck between the heavens and the earth.

The same is true of ancient seas.

Although the candle lantern can be kept intact, Wu Shangtian, the possessed by the ancient sea, squeezed into a meat pie almost instantaneously.


A burst of blood spewed out, and the ancient sea could not move. If it wasn't for the muscles that pulled the body, this squeezing would have broken Wu Shangtian Devil. However, a spur of bone stabbed into the body.

Wu hurt Tianmo's eyebrows and the small space burst instantly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, how, Gu Hai, do you still have a life now?" Human face dragon laughed.

The human face dragon is ‘God’, so in this squeeze space, there is no interference at all.

The same is true of Gu Hai's two chess souls, but Wu Shangtian Mo has become a meat pie sieve, and the huge painful and stimulating God of God has collapsed.


Wu Tiantian is dead, but the candlelight is still pumping curse.

"Huh, people are already dead, and they still want to extract the curse of my curse? Really looking for death, you, ..., what? How can I not control the curse of God? Presumptuous, King Nine, do you want to die?" Human face The dragon cried suddenly.

But at this moment, the God of the nine kings in his body suddenly chose to betray.

Inside the dragon of the human face, a weird little space.

In a small space, a huge blood-colored bat, bound by countless red threads, but a bat cricket, but could not resist. Above the bat's head, a man in a blood robe was sitting. The man closed his eyes and inserted the bat's head under his feet. Control the bat, control everything outside.

The man is the "God" of the elder Blood Witch. He had everything under his control, but did not want the ancient sea. There was a strange magic weapon such as the candle lantern.

Fortunately, the red ball in his hands can control everything, let the huge heart squeeze inside, and let the bone spurs insert into the ancient sea. Wu Hai, possessed by Gu Hai, died instantly. Everything is about to turn defeat into victory.

But not wanting, the nine red lines on the other hand of the elder trembled suddenly.

"What's the matter?" The elder opened his eyes and stared at the nine red lines in his hands.

These nine red lines, which extend beyond the small space, are the connecting lines of the nine curses, connected to the nine gods of the nine kings. With these nine lines, the elders can manipulate the lives and deaths of the nine kings and can torture the nine at will King's.

But now, these nine wires are trembling, and approaching themselves quickly?

"Nine Kings, do you want to die? Not listening to my orders in your own space, do you want to break into my eyebrow space?" The elder's face was somber.


Suddenly, the "God" of King Jue followed the red line and broke into a small space instantly.

"Old thing, what happened when I broke in?" Wu Shen glared angrily.

"Where's the red line on you, how can you undo my curse?" The elder exclaimed in anger.

Originally there were countless red lines that tied God of God, but at this moment, they were all broken, twisted into a ball, and caught in the hand of God of God.

"Your curse? Mr. Gu has helped me untie it!" Wu Shen sneered.

"What? Untied? Do you dare to betray me?"


The God of Puppet King suddenly broke into the small space along the red line.

"King Lord? Your curse has been lifted long ago?"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

After a series of intrusions, the nine kings all entered this small space.

"You all lifted the curse? You lied to me before? The nine kings, do you want to die?" The elder exclaimed angrily.

"The person who wants to die is you! Elder Blood Witch, you are really patient, have you endured so long to shape this curse?" Gu Hai's voice sounded suddenly.


But I saw two ancient sea chess spirits suddenly enter the small space.

"Gu Hai? How did you get in? Impossible!" The elder surprised.

"I've been playing with you for so long, isn't it just for the moment?" The two chess souls sneered.

"Mr. Gu!" The nine kings immediately respectfully said.

"Prisoned Cow King, Great King, are you still loyal to this Blood Witch Elder?" Gu Hai looked at the two gods.

The prisoner king and the king king look ugly.

In the past, the elders were loyal to the elders because the two saw the blood of the blood witch's hope and a glorious future, so even if they were cursed and controlled, they were just as happy.

But now I find that the elders are not for the glory of the blood witch at all, but for the sake of their own self, nourishing the blood witch, all devouring it exclusively?

The two were suddenly deceived and mad. It turns out that everything I insist on is a ridiculous joke.

"Mr. Gu, sorry, we ...!" The prisoner bull king bitterly.

"I'm so stupid, Mr. Gu, thank you for waking me up!" King Ye also resentfully.

"The two don't need to blame themselves, and I also borrowed your body to get here. If the outside world is not good, you can attack here. Now that you can see everything, let me destroy this devil with me!" Two ancient seas Chess soul sank.

"Yes!" Nine Kings answered.

Without the help of the nine kings, the elder could not control the human face dragon outside. At this moment, looking at Gu Hai and his party, they were extremely angry.

"Ha, ha ha ha, you created it in the past, and still want to use the nine gods to deal with me? Uncontrollable. Gu Hai unlock your curse? Then I will give you another one!" .

Staring, the red ball in the elder's hand was agitated.

"call out!"

A red line, like a whip, was thrown at the king.

"Hurry away!" Gu Hai kicked the king with a kick.


The red line instantly whipped on the ground, emitting a lot of red light.

"The little red ball is the key to his curse!" Exclaimed King Da.

"Red ball?" Everyone looked together.

"Yes, we were cursed at the same time because of this red ball!" King Wang's face changed.

"The red ball can throw the cursed red line? Chang Ming should be bound by the red ball thrown from the red line!" Shen Dawang said in a loud voice.

"Perhaps, the outside heart, the bone formed by Jiuding, are all controlled by this red ball?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"That's a good guess. This is the blood of the curse of God. It was this blood that I got at that time, and I started to create the blood witch. Here, no one can stop the curse of the blood of the heart!" The elder snorted.


As soon as the red ball was urged, another long whip was thrown out and rushed towards the crowd.

"Be careful, don't touch it!" Gu Hai exclaimed.

"Slap!" "Slap!" "Slap!" .........

The elder's whip skills were so strong that everyone couldn't get close, even the ancient sea was forced to get close.


Suddenly, the king of prison cattle was drawn by a long whip, and countless red lines popped out instantly, binding the king of prison cattle. Again similar to the previous curse.

"Don't!" The Prison Cow King exclaimed.

"Rush up!" Gu Hai suddenly rushed forward.

However, the red ball once again burst out with a red line whip at everyone.


Suddenly, everyone was persecuted again.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The King of Prison Cattle was so pained that the eight kings changed their faces.

"This is the end of betraying me, I will make you want to die in pain!" The elder sneered.

"I can't get close, what a good thing!" King Jue was depressed.

"Hold him, I have a way, just drag him!" Cried Gu Hai.

"it is good!"

The Eight Kings continued to pounce on the elders along with the ancient sea, while avoiding the red line whip. The elder danced with a long whip, and he was invincible.

At this moment, although Wu Shangtianmo from the outside world was dead, but the other two heroes of Guhai stepped out, grabbed the candle lantern, and headed towards the dragon.

Because of the sudden rebellion of the nine kings, he no longer helped the elders to control the human face dragon, and the human face dragon could not move. Under the fierce fire of the candlelight, only a little effort, the huge human face dragon was completely turned into Bloody water was burned by the raging fire and incorporated into the candlelight blue light.

Curse? The flesh is the space of the heart, the bones are transformed by Jiuding, and the human face dragon is just the ‘soul’, just an endless cursing atmosphere.

Now, all the cursing energy is absorbed by the candlelight blue lights, and the human face dragon collapses and disappears.

Only the unconscious Chang Ming and the nine kings remained.

When Gu Hai's two chess players approached, without hesitation, they immediately fell into Chang Ming's brows.


Instantly, the two chess souls came to the small space where the elder was.

"Guhai, do you really have four gods?" The elder surprised.

"Mr. Gu!" Said the **** of the eight kings.

"Mr. Gu, save your life, ah ...!" The prisoner's god, bound by the red thread, called in pain.


A chess spirit spurred the candlelight blue light, and immediately the red lines that bound the prisoner's bull **** broke apart and opened.

"Thank you Mr. Gu!" The prison bull king exulted.

"A candlelight again?" Exclaimed the elder.

"Yeah, it's the candlelight blue lantern again. Look, it is the blood of the candle dragon in your hands, or the flame of the candle dragon in your hands!" Holding the candlelight of the candlelight in the hands, he rushed towards the elder go with.

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