Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 147: Forcing the people of the world

The relationship between Jiang Chen and the Six Immortals was intricate, but it also shocked Gu Hai! It also gave Gu Hai a very intuitive understanding of the general's strength.

The six masters, generals?

"Gu Hai, if you have the ability to kill six, I will not be angry, but I will be happy for you!" Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Why?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"I want you to be stronger and stronger, not to be capped!" Jiang Chen solemnly said.

"I heard Wan Yu mention that you and You are not of the same age. You left the Six Immortals and you were born. I don't understand why there is such an endless revenge between you and him?" Gu Haizhuan With generals curious.

General Chen smiled slightly and shook his head: "It's not the time, you will know later!"

General Chen refused to say that Gu Hai was hard to ask, and nodded.

The two drank some tea, and then Gu Hai and Jiang Chen tried each other with words, but in the end, they found nothing.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

A gale struck the surrounding area and burst apart.

"Ah, I'm exhausted, huh, huh!" Long Aotian was paralyzed to the ground, panting with a big mouth like death.

"God, okay, all of them have opened up small spaces, but I look at these small spaces and can't be kept for long, at most ten days, they will collapse!" Long Aotian looked at a large box of sealed **** Smiled bitterly.

"Ten days is enough. Thank you for taking the Lord of the Temple!" Gu Hai stood up and gave a small gift to the general.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Please, please!"

Gu Hai nodded and waved.


A box of sealed balls, all of them are included in the ancient fairy.

"So, retired!" Gu Hai saluted again to the general.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Gu Hai stepped, her body disappeared in a flash.

Watching Gu Hai leave, Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed for a moment: "There is a wealth of talent, but unfortunately, too kind!"

"God, I thought that Gu Hai would use my original promise to deal with you. I didn't expect him, but for some ignorant people ..." Long Aotian watched Gu Hai leave in surprise.

"Everyone has his own good fortune. As long as he is strong enough, everything is easy to say!" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"God, the Six Immortals are really your disciples? Then, that Yuanshi Tianzun and the Six Immortals battled, you really don't do anything to help? In case ...!" Long Aotian chuckled.

"I made arrangements for Primary Six. All the strong people in the world are also arranged by me. Weak meat and strong food!" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Yes!" Long Aotian nodded sinkingly.

At this moment, Long Aotian was very fortunate. Fortunately, God himself followed, and God was so powerful.

Battle of Lich? Witch Commander? What's that?

God has cultivated a disciple, who can turn against the heavens and become immortals. How strong should God be? If God is serious, is n’t all heaven and earth all God? ——

Gu Hai took the ball to quickly return to the borderless sky.

Mo Yike is waiting.

"Arrange now, all those who have opened the Tiangong Palace immediately go to all parts of the world, and according to the map you have previously marked, put all the people who have not joined the major forces into these roadblocks, 15,000 cities, all the people all Put it in! Be fast! "Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Mo Yike answered.

In the Dahan dynasty, powerful people gathered, and there were hundreds of thousands of people who opened the heavenly palace in the Demon Army. In recent years, they have conquered countless major forces in the world.

It is not difficult to force the common people. The difficult thing is how to disperse these road-balls into the hands of Dahan's major powers at the fastest speed. How fast do you start catching people.

Mo Yike knew Gu Hai's thoughts when he understood the function of sealing the ball.

I didn't dare to stay for a moment. All Shangguan marks, Kong Xuan, mosquitoes, and dragon gods all mobilized. All the major emperors and suzerainers who have been conquered this year have also run errands.

According to Mo Yike's request, the people quickly sent them to the major stations one by one, and then the major stations arranged the Zhongtian Palace strongmen to go and catch the people everywhere.

On the same day, Mo Yike led a group of subordinates to make detailed arrangements for all parts of the world, and then used the figurines to quickly send letters to the world, waiting for everything to be clear.

On the second day, all acted up.


When Kong Xuan sent a large number of ball-passing **** to the central part of Shenzhou, he handed them to 300 officials to let his staff go out quickly and finish everything. He immediately took some ball-pass **** to some in accordance with the order of Mo Yike. A fragmented city.

The first one to arrive was called 'Wushuang City'.

"Everyone is careful, just got the news, Dahantian Dynasty, invaded countless territories all over the world, still unsatisfied, but also to invade our Wushuang City, everyone listens, we have no Wushuang City, do not submit to any forces!"

"Open the big array and never let people from Dahantian Dynasty come in!"

"Wushuang City is without two people, and has nothing to do with the Dahan Heaven!"




In Wushuang City, go up and down, start the defensive team, and firmly refuse to enter the Dahan Heaven.

City main house.

The city owner listened to the news from his subordinates reporting the Quartet, showing a sneer: "Huh, Gu Hai called Dahan countless Kaitian Temple running dogs to send troops around?"

"Yes, the city owner, we have no two cities, may be among them!" An official smiled bitterly.

"We must hold on to it. We must not let Dahan's dynasty succeed. There must be propaganda in place for the people. Let everyone resist Dahan. I see how they collect it. Is n’t Dahan always calling himself 'the teacher of righteousness'? I See if they dare to kill! "The lord sneered.

"Yes, the wise man!"

Wushuang City's sneer sneered: "Of course, how much tax can Wushuang City have in a year? How can I give people a free hand?"

"What if it really hits?"

"Pick some old and weak women and children to visit their husbands, sons, and fathers in the city tower, and let this group of old women and children die at the forefront. As long as there are dead people, they proclaim the whole city, saying that Dahan invaded, burned and robbed, The weak women and children will not let go! Let the people in the city swear to resist! "Shen said, the owner of the city.

"The lord of the city is wise, so that the people can fight against the enemy and swear to defend the power of the lord of the city!" The subordinate immediately excited.

"Huh?" The city owner sank.

"No, you are defending your homeland!"

"Hahaha, yes!" The owner laughed.

"The newspaper, it's not good, the city owner, there are people coming from outside!" Shouted from outside the hall.

"What? So fast?" The town owner sank.

Suddenly, the city owner took a group of subordinates, quickly went to the square in front of the temple and looked above the sky.

However, he saw that Kong Xuan stood at a high altitude and waved his hands, forming a huge colorful cloud at high altitude. The colorful cloud arranged a large word "han".

"Who's coming!" Wushuangcheng yelled.

At a high altitude, Kong Xuan looked at the 100 million people in the city and took a deep breath: "I wait for death and calamity to come, in accordance with the order of the Holy Spirit, come to rescue him, etc., and soon open the enchantment in the city!"

Hundreds of people looked up and looked at Kong Xuan.

Wushuang City's eyes were cold, and then he shouted quickly: "Listen to the people in the city, don't listen to the Dahan demon, he is aggression, and he looks like he's trying to save you. Don't listen to him!"

When the town owner called, the people in the city were suddenly suspicious.

Kong Xuan frowned slightly: "I'm too lazy to talk to you too much, this is your first stop, I still have a lot of cities to go to, no time to delay!"

During the conversation, Detective Kong Xuan lay down with one palm.

"Look, the Dahan demon is about to kill and slay, the people in the city, protect themselves!" Shouted the city owner.


With a loud noise, the Shoucheng enchantment burst and burst open.

Detective Kong Xuan took out a sealed ball and slammed it.


But I saw that the entire Wushuang City was shaking. On the earth, a lot of cracks suddenly appeared, and the surrounding towers collapsed.

"What are you doing," exclaimed Wushuangcheng.


With a loud noise, the entire Wushuang City was gone, leaving only a super huge pit.

The entire Wushuang City was uprooted and was included in Kong Xuan's ball.

Inside the ball, hundreds of people were panicking. Wushuang City Lord is dumbfounded.

The number of countermeasures and the words that inspired the people to resist Dahan's army seemed to be useless. They did not fight with you at all, and they beckoned the entire city. How can this be played? How about fighting with wisdom?

Compared to the depression of Wushuangcheng, Kong Xuan also looked at the ball in a depressed mood.

"Master Mo is right, there is really no need to talk nonsense with them, just force it to come, it really takes a lot of tongues!" Kong Xuan shook his head.

Carefully put away the entire ball, Kong Xuan once again took out a new ball, took a step.


Suddenly, Kong Xuan reached another city.

This time, the word "Han" was not even erected. In the panic of the people in the city, they smashed the guardian enchantment with a single palm, and then took the new ball to take it.

Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon Gods, Shangguan marks, and even Cat Tianyun and Hou Tu Niang Niang were all dispatched. Take it!

The strong have the law of the strong, and the weak have the law of the weak.

This is already Gu Hai's best efforts. Every day, a steady stream of ball passes are sent to Wudu Tiandu.

For numerous complaints from the people, Gu Hai simply ignored them, and quickly threw all the people into the ancient immortal vault, then handed the empty ‘sealing ball’ to Mo Yike, and continued to the people.

For a time, the world was smoky, and the Dahan strongman set off with all his strength and grabbed people everywhere.

This great movement was seen in the eyes of Jiang Chen, Xi, and Bai Zongzi.

However, the three parties, but no one came out to stop, but rather curious, I feel that the ancient sea is too fraternal, so what is the use of fighting? Do those people lead you?

No matter what outsiders say.

Yang Jian, Yin She, these ten days are the busiest.

Of course, it is not without its benefits. On the 10th, Mo Yike also asked the city leaders around Dahan to publicize the great feats to their people, and to promote the benevolence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would rather carry the stigma of the ignorant, but also rescue the Criticize innocent people.

For a time, the recognition of the ancient sea by the people of Dahan also instantly increased countless.

At least, the Holy Spirit can be so kind to those outsiders, and certainly better to his people. It may be a good thing to become a Dahan people.

PS: Introduce a friend's book "Monster Apartment", everyone is interested, you can check it out!

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