Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 148: Rage of the Six Immortals

Ten days are fast!

Dahantian chased all the strong men around, deployed by the peerless strong men, and the speed was very fast. Both the yin and yang circles, and 15,000 cities, were all loaded into the ball.

The sealed ball was sent to the ancient sea, and then stored in the ancient fairy dome. For a time, the complaint was heard, but the ancient sea was unmoved.

Maybe they don't understand, but Guhai still has to do what should be done.

The fifteen thousand cities, and then the major towns, wherever you can, Dahan is working hard.

In ten days, the remaining people saved 80%! There are still 20% of the people, and Gu Hai can't help it.

The ball can only be used for ten days, and it will collapse on the tenth day.

Gu Hai sent all the sealed ball to the ancient fairy dome, a force of space, and suddenly all strengthened the ancient fairy dome barriers.

Inside the ancient immortal dome.

The ancient sea set foot in the sky, overlooking the endless people.

"Ancient immortal dome, every big city, closed the gate!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.



The aborigines of the Ancient Fairy Sky suddenly opened their enchantments. Numerous outsiders entered, and Gu Hai was worried that they would resent the Aboriginal people here, so the Aboriginal people were sent to the major cities early. Keep people inside and out.

"Gu Hai, why did you catch us!"

"We are alive or dead. What matters to you, are you holding us in jail?"

"Let us out!"




Many of the captured city masters roared immediately.

"Shut up!" Gu Hai yelled.


It seems that the thunder exploded, and the whole world was shivering. Here is the immortal dome of the ancient sea. Suddenly, everyone was silent.

"For the city owners who have bewitched the people everywhere, I never wanted to save them, and I will inspire the hearts of the people. I don't mind letting you stay here forever!" Gu Hai looked coldly.

The host of the Quartet City froze, but did not dare to take the liberty at this time, but looked at the ancient sea with red eyes.

"As for the other people, He knows that doing this will be unfair to you, and He doesn't want to justify anything. As Dahan said in the past, in a few days, Yuanshi Tianzun may be washing the world in blood. Maybe you have never seen Yuanshi Tianzun. However, I have seen that he used one stroke to kill all the creatures in the world, that is the flawed fairy sky, one stroke to destroy all, and kill all! "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Really?" No one in the face of hundreds of people changed.

"Your city owner, let you boycott the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom. It's nothing, but have they ever thought about your safety? I don't say much about these, everything speaks with facts!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"What facts haven't captured us yet!" Some people haven't figured out the facts yet.

"I adjusted the time of the ancient fairy celestial sphere to be consistent with the outside world. At the same time, everything that happened on the outside will also be open to you. After a few days, the battle between Yuanshi Tianzun and the Six Immortals will end. I will let you go back. Gu Hai solemnly said.


After a few days, let yourself go back?

Not only the people, but the rebellious city lords also had no sound at all, and they could let themselves go back in a few days, so what else to worry about?

"There are countless monuments in this ancient immortal dome. Above the monuments, there are countless exercises that you have found. If you have time, you can also look at it yourself!" Said Gu Hai.

After saying that, the ancient sea stepped out and came out of the ancient fairy heaven.

Hundreds of people searched around and suddenly saw a piece of exercises, all of which were from the past on Earth. Many exquisite methods, the people everywhere looked amazing, looked at the exercises one by one, and even forgot to be held here.

At the same time, above the sky, Gu Hai left a big opening. By looking at the sky, he could see everything outside.

The stone stele work is attractive, but the scenery outside the sky is more attractive. Many people stared at the sky to see if Gu Hai was lying.

At this moment, many people's views on the ancient sea have gradually changed. Maybe, this Dahan Saint is really saving himself--

The ancient sea of ​​skeletons is still in nothingness and has not returned.

The ancient sea itself came back from the ancient fairy dome and stepped on the Chongtian Temple Square, sighing slightly.

At this moment, the quartet's peerless powerhouses have also come to Wudu Tiandu. In particular, those kings and lords who surrendered to Dahan.

Because of the great luck of the Han Dynasty, the ancient sea **** can see the world. The scenery of the world is unobstructed. At that time, the Holy Spirit will surely allow you to see the peerless battle between Yuan Shi Tianzun and the Six Immortals.

The ancient sea did not stop, letting one powerful courtier return.

Gu Hai understands that although these former kings and suzerains have surrendered to the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, they still have a depression in their hearts. Only by seeing the end result that everyone can be disheartened can this gloom dissipate.

The Chongtiandian Square at this moment is already full of these officials.

Officials from all over did not leave here. Although it was two days before Yuanshi Tianzun was out of customs, everyone was already waiting for the result.

Mo Yike, Kong Xuan and others are also waiting.

The ancient sea stepped out from the ancient fairy heaven, just to see the crowd.

"Holy, there are two days left, Yuan Shi Tian Zun will be out of the customs, and six immortals, there are still half a year, this time, Yuan Shi Tian Zun hit the six immortals by surprise, maybe not a small chance!" Kong Xuan laughed.

"Yes, as long as the Six Immortals are still asleep, I hope nothing will happen!" Gu Hai nodded.

As Guhai nodded and looked forward.

"Boom ~ click!"

Over the borderless sky, there was a sudden sound of a thunderous sound, the thunderousness, the face of countless strong people changed, and the eardrums became sore.

"What's going on?" Everyone covered their ears and looked up.


The rolling clouds came out of nowhere. For a moment, the sky was covered by black clouds, the borderless sky and the endless distance of the four sides were enveloped in the rolling clouds.

Just as Gu Hai's face sank.


An immense amount of heavenly power rushed straight out, and how many people trembled in shock, a great thriller permeated the whole body.

"No, it's not good!" Kong Xuan's face changed.

"This breath is six immortals? He knows, he woke up in advance?" Mo Yike also changed his face wildly.

Gu Hai squeezed his fist and looked at the world.

At this moment, sacrifice to the mouth of the temple.

Alas, the generals looked curiously towards the borderless sky, because the entire world of heaven is now covered by clouds over the borderless sky.

The heavenly eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun are purple clouds, and the black at this moment is obviously the Six Immortals.

"Someone told this fairy, there are rebels in the world, and they want to go against the sky!"

The sound like thunder rang through the whole world suddenly.

The sound of the six immortals was mixed with a raging anger, so that flames burst out from the edge of the dark clouds.

From the center of the dark cloud, a crack suddenly opened, and the eye of the fairy opened instantly.


"Boom ~!"

The Tianwei, which had a hundred times the previous pressure, rushed straight down. The whole land sank suddenly.

The borderless sky is all around. Suddenly, countless people knelt down in this mighty sky.

There is no reason to bow down, this is the oppression. No one can bear it, like the trembling deep in the soul, the big thriller, and the big fear, the body is completely out of its control.

The release of the momentum of the ancient sea can only protect the Chongtiandian Square.

Even if the momentum was guarded by the ancient sea, many former kings and suzerain who came to watch the war also fell down in fear.

"How can this happen? Didn't Yuan Shi Tianzun fight against the Six Immortals? How did the Six Immortals find me Dahan?

"This is terrible. The immortal is out. Who is his opponent?"

"Do I have to fight against the immortals in Dahantian Dynasty? How is this good?"




The former king and suzerain who fell on their knees were inexplicably terrified at this moment. For a moment, the six gods had no master. I didn't know what to do.

The eye of heaven, staring at Wudu Tiandu, his eyes are full of cold chilling intention. No matter who it was, it was a scalp.

The accusation of the fairy? Blaming Dahan?

Gu Hai's face was gloomy, watching the heavenly eyes alertly.

"Luck? Collecting three-fifths of luck in the world? Oh, the immortals thought that the person who wanted to go against the sky was Yuanshi Tianzun, who didn't want to, and the one who didn't know how to live or die, was you?" The six Taoist immortals sighed.


The eye of heaven suddenly condensed a murderous force, straight into the ancient sea at the entrance of Tiandian.

The surface of the ancient sea was fierce, but it did not let it go. In the pinch, he also burst into a fierce gas.


With a loud noise, the murderous spirit of the six lanes collided with the ferocious spirit of the ancient sea in the void, and immediately a turbulent current was rolled up.

In the face of the fairy's accusations, Gu Hai has no fear. Of course, Gu Hai cannot tolerate any retreat at this moment, because Gu Hai understands that as long as he retreats, the borderless sky will be immediately broken by the immortals. All the courtiers will leave one and leave all. Lore.

Take a step back and lose everything, everything you have is in vain. The Dahan dynasty also died instantly.

Therefore, Gu Hai will not retreat, and under this monstrous pressure, Gu Hai raised his head even more, showing a hint of embarrassment.

At this moment, for everyone behind us, even everyone in the world must be greeted. What about the fairy? The eyes of the heavens that the Dragon Warring States could force did not dare to look directly at the capital, I could not, ancient sea?

"Six Immortals, how do you decide that you are going to Gu Hai and want to go against the sky?" Gu Hai stared at the sky and said coldly.

The eye of heaven stared at the ancient sea, and at this moment also recognized who the ancient sea was.

The Dragon Warring States was killed by the ancient seas! Jiang Rulai wanted to go against the sky, Gu Gu pointed out. Is this the person?

"During the retreat of the immortal, some people were disturbed by Dafa, saying that the sky is about to kill, hey, these years, is it really an eventful autumn? Have they been together? The immortal looks at the world, and you are lucky here. The most huge. In a short period of time, it has actually gathered most of the world ’s luck. If you wait for another half a year, wo n’t you be able to dominate the world? Good dog courage! ”The six immortals shouted and passed the world again.

ps: Introduce a friend's book "Monster Apartment", everyone is interested, you can check it out!

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