Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 157: Home to Heart

This is the third more! ——


The closing of the Yuanshi Temple's gate also heralded the end of the first battle against Heaven.

All spectators are terrified at this moment. This battle is more than terrifying. It almost ruins the world.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Liudaoxianren both suffered losses. The only difference is that the Six Immortals will be fully restored after one year, but Yuanshi Tianzun has only ten days to die.

Yuanshi Tianzun, a chess move, lost after all!

He took the remaining Wanshou Taoist disciples and looked at the Yuanshidian. Although Wanshou Taoism is almost extinct, there are only a few people left, but at this moment, no one dares to offend. Wanshou Taoism is already a restricted area, and it is a restricted area that trembles countless people.

He Tu was lying weakly in Yuanshidian Square, with a cry of sorrow at the moment: "It's over, I have offended the six immortals this time, and the six immortals will surely kill me. Why am I so unlucky!"

Take the mouth of the temple.

General Chen looked for a while, and finally sighed slightly.

"God, why do you sigh?" Long Aotian wondered.

"Yuanshi Tianzun is a good seed, but unfortunately, he doesn't have enough time! He sighed slightly.


"Yes, today's Yuanshi Tianzun has the strength to be as small as six hundred thousand years ago, and even stronger, unfortunately, he has no more time to grow. Little six is ​​not the same as eight hundred thousand years ago. Six, and the moment Liu Xiao opened her eyes, I could see that Xiao Liu became stronger, really strong. After awake one year later, Yuanshi Tianzun would not be Xiao Liu's opponent even if he reappeared! " Shen Chen said.

"Six immortals are so powerful?" Long Aotian stunned.

"Oh!" Jiang Chen sighed slightly.

Turn your head and walk slowly back to the Temple.

Long Aotian looked puzzled, and didn't understand why God sighed. The power of the Six Immortals was not what God wanted to see? ——

焱 God temple mouth.

"Sister, Yuan Shitianzun was defeated, but Liudao Xianren woke up a year later. If he left just now, I remember, after one year, can we resist the revenge of Liudao Xianren?" Jingwei worried.

"After one year, say another year!" He said, his face grim.

Because, just now, I saw it from the eyes of the six immortals. If these six immortals were at their peak, their strength would surely crush Yuanshi Tianzun. With such strength, can they resist one year later?

"Sister, what can we do now?" Jingwei worried.

"You can't do anything. Wake the people first!"


Sky without borders.

Gu Hai watched the whole process with a number of important ministers. At the same time, there were also officials responsible for recording, which recorded everything before it.

"Holy, this battle is too thrilling, should you give it to the people ...?" Mo Yike looked at Gu Hai.

"Wake up the people first, and then publish everything about this battle. He doesn't need to hide. One year later, if there is a calamity, He will fight!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Mo Yike answered.

At this moment, people everywhere are gradually sober.

The moment I woke up, I mourned.

Because the previous battle between the Six Immortals and Yuanshi Tianzun was too fierce, and the sky was falling apart. Even if all the cities were turned on, there were still many cities damaged, countless buildings collapsed, and many of the comatose people were dying. , Completely destroyed by the collapsed building.

The cries were endless, and more and more people woke up.

The moment when he woke up, a chain reaction erupted, and there was a sorrow.

Dahan officials moved and continued to send letters to the four sides to appease the people. At the same time, all the records of the war were copied in countless copies and sent to cities and towns to let the people know everything.

All sentient beings are recovering. However, the pain brought about by this war has only begun to spread throughout the world, and all sorrows have just begun.

Yuanshi Tianzun is ruthless, and the six immortals are not kind. All beings are ants.

How many people saw the replay of this battle, all gritted their teeth, but there was nothing they could do about it. The imposing arrogance of immortals was not comparable to ordinary people.

The ancient sea stepped into the ancient fairy dome.

At this moment, hundreds of people in the ancient Celestial Sky saw the ancient sea and immediately knelt down.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace in the Holy Great Han!" Nearly everyone bowed and thanked.

Without the ancient sea, everyone has been beheaded by Yuanshi Tianzun. How can there be today's kneeling? This was a kind of sincere gratitude, so much grateful, and even turned into a good fortune, flocked to the ancient sea.

"He was able to survive, and I was also pleased. He promised you that when Yuan Shitianzun defeated the sky, he would send him back, and never imprison anyone. There was no joke, and two days later, some officials who were waiting for Dahan recovered their vitality. , I will send you back one after another! "Gu Hai solemnly promised.

Gu Haijun has no jokes, just let go.

But at this moment, there are no hundreds of people who have long nostalgia for the former city lord, because their respective city lords have killed their relatives and friends, and almost killed themselves. Who supports the old city lord?

"Holy Dahan, I am willing to enter the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, please allow Dahan the Holy Ghost!"

"I will also enter the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom. Dahan is holy and righteous. I will wait for the people of Dahan!"

"Holy Dahan, I am willing to wait!"




Suddenly, one after another the people shouted. Willing to join Dahan Tianchao.

A glimmer of joy flashed in Gu Hai's eyes, and then solemnly said: "Thank you for your trust. I have never said anything before. I am willing to join Dahan. Dahan is extremely welcome. Those who do not want to do so will not reluctantly!"

"Caomin meets the holy, holy holy live holy live holy live!"

Suddenly, many people knelt down.

There are only a few city masters, still unwilling at this moment.

But what about unwillingness?

The people were willing, and they couldn't stop them. As for the cities and territories they had previously occupied, the ancient sea naturally did not have the intention to return the owners of the cities. Since the people were all attached, those cities were naturally regarded as Dahan territory.

Next, all parts of the world are repairing the city, repairing the injuries, Dahan officials, with their full cooperation, the people who have captured the ancient immortal vault have also been sent out, one after another, and they are quickly returned to them. The former boundaries of their respective cities, as a matter of course, their cities were also split down, put into flying boats, and sent away in batches.

For nine days, although the world was still in sorrow, the vitality gradually recovered, and all the people slowly cheered up.

The study room of Wudu Tiandu.

"On Qilu Sheng, it is great that those who are outside of a few major forces are willing to join the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom. In this way, I have 35,000 cities in the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom. The Hades has 40,000. Five thousand cities are in the whole world, and most of them are from Dahantian Dynasty! "Chen Tianshan laughed.

"Yuanshi Tianzun can take advantage of the world, and I can do it all now, and I can do it now, and my Dahan dynasty is what the people want. Together with word of mouth, people's trust has reached its peak!" Sima Changkong sighed.

"Yeah, those people who have been arrested now are grateful to the Holy Ghost, Dahan and other people, and they are even more admired for the kindness of the Holy Spirit. Sighed.

"Human hearts are always long, you are good to them, and they will repay you after all!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes!" The noble ministers nodded.

"Holy, one year later, the six immortals will wake up, will they ...!" Kong Xuan worried.

"One year, but there will be many changes, don't worry!" Gu Hai appeased Zhongchen.

"Yes!" Zhong Chen answered.

The dignitaries who can enter the upper study are all Gu Hai's confidants. These confidants have long been tied to Gu Hai, and no one has the thought of shrinking.

"It's just a pity. This time, if there is no informer, Yuanshi Tianzun may have won, but I don't know who the informer is!" The mosquitoes frowned.

"It must be the master of our forces, whoever is hiding now is who!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Tianmo Holy Land, Yin Temple has been closed for a long time, is it free?"

"Looks like him!" Gu Hai laughed.

"White comfortable? Ha ha, really a timid and afraid of things. In the ancient Lich war, the defeat of the demon tribe, he hid in fear, for millions of years. Now, Yuanshi Tianzun is against the sky, he I was also afraid of being involved, and actually secretly confided. At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun, if it wasn't for the fierce gas, the first person to kill was him! "Chen Tianshan said shamelessly.

Chen Tianshan is the only one who is loyal to Jun. He looks most seriously at the festival and looks down on such people as Bai Ziren.

"So, he hid in nothingness. He was really clever. He knew where to be able to dodge for a short time. After ten days, Yuanshi Tianzun was completely ridiculed, and he could return!" Mo Yike sneered.

"One more day? Yuanshi Tianzun can persist for another day, I don't know ..., alas, unfortunately!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Report!" A shout came suddenly from outside the study.

"Huh?" Everyone in the study was puzzled.

"Sheng Qiyuan, Yuanshi Temple opened again, Yuanshi Tianzun went out!" Shouted the guard outside the study room.

"Exit?" Gu Hai looked.


Gu Hai, with his ministers, quickly stepped out of the study, and immediately reached the entrance of the Chongtian Hall, looking together towards the Yuanshidian Hall in the south.

At this moment, not only the ancient sea, but also Xun and Jiang Chen stepped out of the Xun Temple and the Temple of Destruction, and looked curiously towards the Yuanshi Temple far away.


The gate of Yuanshidian opened suddenly.

I took Wanshou Taoist disciple and waited outside the hall. For nine days, Wanshou Taoist disciple didn't go anywhere, just waiting here quietly. Everywhere in the world slowly recovered its vitality, but the mouth of the Yuanshi Palace was immersed in sorrow.

"Leader!" The temple door opened, all the disciples respected.

However, he saw that Yuanshi Tianzun slowly walked out of Yuanshi Hall. The crack on the face was still there, but his face was no longer discouraged, but a fierce fighting spirit.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, that fierce spirit, is it back?" The general who took the mouth of the temple was surprised.

"One day left, Yuanshi Tianzun, how could he be so fierce? What is he going to do?" He shouted at the entrance of the temple, his eyes widened.

At the entrance to the palace, the ancient sea is also stunned. The state of Yuanshi Tianzun has no discouragement, which is completely different from nine days ago. On the contrary, it looks like the state before the sky, he still wants to skyward?

PS: Three more complete!

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