Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 158: I want to fight for you again!

Yuanshi Diankou

Yuan Shitianzun's eyes were cold. Surrounded by fierce air, walked out of the Yuanshi Hall step by step.

"Leader?" I looked at Yuan Shi Tianzun in surprise.

Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath and looked around the world. Gaze over the generals, Gu Hai, and Ye.

Turning hands, Yuanshi Tianzun threw a big sleeve.

"Hey, hey!"

Two huge crystal coffins suddenly landed on the square.

In the crystal coffin, two corpses were faintly visible, one was the Supreme Master, and the other was the Master of Heaven.

Yuan Shi Tianzun has treasured these two corpses, and suddenly they are taken out at this moment, and many people show curiosity.

"Brother, brother three! Brother, third and second are useless. I have not been able to kill six immortals. I have not been able to rescue you now. You are dead, maybe you are really dead!" Yuan Shitianzun said with red eyes.

"However, Liu Dao has broken his strength now, and he should have hit it hard. If he could do it again, once again, there would be no doubt that the Six Immortals would die!" Yuan Shitianzun said in his eyes.

"Again?" How many people in the distance were nervous.

"One day, I ca n’t do much, just sit and wait to die? Like the elder brother and the third brother, annihilate? No, I still have to fight for it. Even if I fight for it, I will be completely wiped out, but I Do n’t care, I ’ll fight for you again! Once again, as long as you can see your wake up, everything is worth it, even if you destroy the world, you will never hesitate! ”Yuanshi Tianzun flashed slowly in his eyes Furious.

Aside, I changed his face. The leader is going crazy? Even if it destroys the sky and the earth, does it matter? Is it going to destroy this fairy dome?

In the distance, Jiang Chen, Xiong, and Gu Hai also suddenly frowned.

What will Yuanshi Tianzun do? What does it mean to destroy the world?

But he saw that Yuan Shitian Zun slowly turned around and looked at Jiang Chen, Gu Hai, and Xun again.

"All sentient beings have awakened, and this deity will borrow another strength. This time, this deity is no longer benevolent. This deity wants all the strength of all beings. This deity will die in six ways. Yuanshi Tianzun's face was gloomy.


Gu Hai's face sank. From the words of Yuan Shi Tianzun, Gu Hai heard a ferocious moment. Wasn't the previous deprivation of sentient beings complete? What else do you want?

"Hetu!" Yuan Shitianzun shouted.

"Yes, I'm here!" On the side, He Tu didn't dare to resist, and slowly wrapped around Yuan Shitianzun's left arm.


In the sky above the Temple of Destiny, and fortunately at sea, the first phase of Yuanshi Tianzun appeared suddenly.

Over the Temple of Seizures, the ministers and ministers were sitting. But looking at the Qi Yunhai for a while, Yuan Shi Tianzun wanted to seize the right to use Qi Yunhai again.

But this time, it was not so smooth.

The general looked at Yuanshi Tianzun, and finally shook his head: "Yuanshi Tianzun, you have been defeated, what can you do again? Just defeat it again, six ways 800,000 years ago, you can defeat him, but this is already It's 800,000 years later. You see, he just opens his eyes, you lose! Just opens his eyes! "

"No, the deity can definitely win. He has already defeated his merits, and dare not fight with the deity anymore. Give your luck to the deity!" Yuan Shitianzun stared coldly.

"He broke power? It's just his eyes breaking power. If he fights hard, he can wake up other parts of his body. Although it hurts him even more, you can't win. On the last day, enjoy the peace and love too much, Throughout the day, don't toss! "Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Xuan Chen, give Qi Yunhai the control of the deity, otherwise, the deity will not be polite anymore!" Yuan Shitian Zun showed facelessly.

In a murderous spirit, he rushed straight to seize the mouth of the temple, and rushed straight to Jiang Chen.

Yuanshi Tianzun, with a fierce face, seems to kill the officials first as long as the officials do not agree.

"The kind of deprivation of beings that you don't have the rest of it is too overbearing. All beings have suffered once and are already very injured. You want to recover completely, it will take a while, you come again? This time, I have two thousand cities The people will all die under your deprivation! "Said the courtier coldly.


Yuan Shi Tianzun, with a ferociousness, arrived at the mouth of the Temple of God instantly. The generals were reluctant to agree to their own demands, and Yuanshi Tianzun even beheaded the generals.

Long Aotian and others showed a thriller. After all, the battle nine days ago was too fierce. So far, I have a lot of fear. How can Yuanshi Tianzun kill now?

Jiang Chen was throwing his sleeves, without fear, stepping forward, looking at Yuan Shi Tianzun in front of him.

"Unfortunately, you will never be in the right place and you will not have time. Otherwise, I can also send you some good fortune and make you and Xiaoliu have the same experience. Unfortunately, if I help you, the time will be disordered When I return, everything will be irreparable! "Jiang Chen sighed slightly.

"The deity doesn't know what you're talking about. The deity just gives you another chance. You have the power to control the sea. Are you paying or not!" Yuan Shitian Zun revealed in a face.


When it was angry, the sky was filled with purple clouds, and when the purple clouds were tossing, it seemed like a mighty Tianwei suppressed.


Purple clouds opened from one point, and the purple heavenly eyes forced the entire Temple Square to be swept away.

Yuan Shitian respected the killing heart. As long as the minister did not agree, he would be tough.

The ancient sea and the queen all used idols to reveal all the pictures to the courtiers. How many strong men were suddenly shocked again, and the Yuanshi Tianzun became angry again?

The general minister was not nervous, but looked at the heavenly eyes with a slight smile.

"Shouyun Shenwen, spiritual practice, the eye of heaven? Oh, this is the ability left by you, to be precise, your power. Do n’t you know? Your power is useless to me! Do n’t believe it You try! "Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Huh, I don't know, since you want to try it, that deity will fulfill you!" Yuan Shitianzun sang coldly.


The purple eye of heaven suddenly flashed a fierce anger, and a purple light of extinction fell from the sky instantly and washed away towards the temple.

You must know that Zhu Er'er, the former gods, was left with the **** that was instantly destroyed by this purple light.

With such a blow, Jiang Chen can still be dealt with lightly?

Long Aotian and others all showed panic, only Jiang Chen smiled slightly and gently extended his right hand.

In the palm of the right hand, there is an eye, a white eye, white eyes, and eyeballs are white, only the center, a thin pupil, glowing with a touch of colorful.

The eyes in the palms faced the purple god-destroying light and sucked gently.


The purple light of killing Zhu Erer, like a pig and a dog, was instantly inhaled by the eyes in the palm, flickered, and disappeared.

Sudden changes make everyone stunned.

Is this what I read wrong? That devastating blow, so lightly resolved?

"Impossible, the deity does not believe. The deity's eye has reached the second stage. How can you resolve it?" Yuanshi Tianzun stared, disbelieving.

"咻!" "咻!" "咻!" ………………

A series of eight lights of destruction fell down, and the power of destruction shocked many people.

But he was still indifferent, right palm of his hand, the ‘eye in the palm’ time and time again, easily inhaled the light of the eight gods into the palm, and then disappeared.

"What is the eye in your palm? Why is this?" Yuan Shitianzun said in shock.

"I said, it's useless. As long as it's the power of cricket, I'm immune. Forget it, I don't need this eye in the palm, you try again!" Jiang Chen laughed.


"call out!"

Another light of extinction went straight to Jiang Chen. This time, Jiang Chen did not use the eye in his palm.

The massive blow instantly shattered a large void, and instantly reached the top of the courtier, destroying everything around him, as if he would destroy the courtier together.

But at the moment when he met the general, the beam of god-destroying light suddenly became docile.

It really became docile, and suddenly there was no power of destruction, but it seemed like water and gas, and circled the generals, leaned on the generals, and then slowly poured into the generals and disappeared.

In the distance, Gu Hai and Xun all widened their eyes.

This is not reasonable!

That's the god-destroying light of violent destruction. How could he be so well-behaved in the presence of the general?

Gu Hai unconsciously looked at Long Wanyu.

Long Wanyu also looked blank: "I don't know. Spirituality is the power of You. According to the truth, only You can let the power of spirituality be deterred. How can the minister ...?"

"You mean, I can do the same?" Gu Hai looked with a look.

"Of course, what is the light of God and the eyes of heaven? These are spiritual powers. All spiritual powers are cultivated by You. How can you attack You? But other people, this is impossible. ...? "Long Wanyu looked puzzled.

The ancient sea is a gaze. Generals and enemies have enmity, and the power of yours has an extremely affinity for generals. Although the two are not of the same age, they certainly have a great connection.

At this moment, Yuan Shi Tianzun also suddenly looked at the general, and in the palm of his hand, he could absorb the light of destroying the god. It can also be said that the general's magic power is superb, but now, what is going on? The god-destroying light that he radiates is closer to the general than to himself?

"Yuanshi Tianzun, I said, the light of destroying the gods is useless to me. Also, you want to rob Qiyunyunhai right from me. I advise you to stop thinking about it, you ca n’t rob it, and no one can rob it. Besides, I'm not lucky at all here, why are you staring at me? "Jiang Chen said lightly.

Yuan Shitian respected his face fiercely, staring at the general, and looked at the power of the Temple of Seduction with only two thousand cities, and finally snorted with a hateful cold: "Huh!"

Just by destroying the light of the god, Yuanshi Tianzun has seen the strength of the generals. This strength makes it easy for him to touch the nail again. General Chen is right. There is only the luck of two thousand cities. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to take other places first, turn back to all beings, and then come again.

With a plan in mind, Yuanshi Tianzun turned his head and looked at Gu Hai and Xi!

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