Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 159: Brotherhood

Yuanshi Tianzun, turn around and look at Gu Haihe!

The ancient sea and the sorrow were all dull.

"Sister, it's not good, then Yuan Shitianzun came over. Is it going to steal your luck? Didn't you just say that this time, he might drain all the people and kill a lot of people?" Jing Wei faced Cried in horror.

The war nine days ago is still vividly remembered. The fierceness of Yuanshi Tianzun still shocked his heart. How can he come to trouble Daxu Tianchao?

Houyi and Xingtian also showed concern.

There was only 妭, eyes narrowed, not panic, but a sneer: "Now Yuanshi Tianzun, not Yuanshi Tianzun nine days ago!"


"Nine days ago, Yuanshi Tianzun, incisive and invincible, is invincible. God blocks the gods and immortals blocks the immortals. That is the past and never stops. This is the only way to fight the six immortals and to defeat both of them. Only then can the six immortals be damaged. But now, No, he met the general, and he flinched!

"Ah? But, Jiang Chen is really amazing!" Jingwei puzzled.

"No matter how powerful you can be, you can't stop the killing of the sky. If nine days ago, how could the generals be more powerful? Yuan Shitianzun still did the right thing, but now ..." He shook his head.

In Xun's eyes, there was a regret that seemed to regret the hero's end to Yuanshi Tianzun.

In the distance, Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at the ancient sea and pupa, and there was a dignity in his eyes.

To the generals, Yuanshi Tianzun used the vitality and diarrhea, and his life would end. He could not match them, but for these two heavenly pilgrimages, Yuanshi Tianzun had absolute confidence.

But, go to the Temple of Heaven or the Temple of God first?

Looking at the ancient sea in the distance, although the ancient sea had the most fortune, but Yuanshi Tianzun remembered that nine days ago, only the ancient sea spoke and said he wanted to help himself. At the time of that defeat, Yuanshi Tianzun was deeply moved.

Although we will go to Guhaina later, because of this gratitude, Yuan Shi Tianzun turned the order into the first shrine and took the luck of the first.


Yuan Shitian Zun's figure flickered, and he instantly reached the east of Shenzhou, Honghuang City, and the God Temple, overlooking God Temple Square.

"Sister, he's here, he's here!" Jing Wei exclaimed.

The West, seize the mouth of the temple.

"Great, Yuanshi Tianzun was perverted by God!" Long Aotian and others excited.

Only the generals, watching Yuan Shizun was forced away, but sighed slightly: "Oh!"

"God, Yuanshi Tianzun has retreated. Why are you sighing?" Long Aotian puzzled.

"I would rather he not leave, unfortunately ..." Jiang Chen sighed slightly.

Long Aotian waited for a while and didn't understand the mind of Jiang Chen--

Cupola Temple Square.

"Oh!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"What is sighing on the holy?" Mo Yike wondered.

"I regret Yuanshi Tianzun!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Yuanshi Tianzun actually retreated from the Temple of Dedication, does it mean that Yuanshi Tianzun has lost the spirit of the indomitable powerhouse?" Mo Yike wondered.

Gu Hai shook his head.

"Isn't it?" Long Wanyu didn't understand.

"Actually, I still admire Yuanshi Tianzun, or say emotion!" Gu Hai frowned.

"Oh?" The ministers looked at Gu Hai in doubt.

"He was defeated. It should be said that nine days ago, there was no longer the ambition to fight again. He would have died, and he could not succeed against the sky. He was defeated, but he lost gloriously. Lose to others. When the world is worthy.

Unfortunately, on this ninth day, he personally dismantled his proud bones, trampled his own dignity, and tried to arouse his fierce vigor, like a dog for the family, running around. For the brotherhood of Tai Shang and Tong Tian.

The heart of the strong is not just a mess, but also a recognition of yourself. If you lose, you lose. If you have a chance, you will stand up again and go forward. If you have no chance, you must maintain that pride. However, Yuanshi Tianzun should not have the demeanor, he will be embarrassed. Even if he loses, even if he loses again, he will be humiliated, he will fight for the two brothers once, not for his pride, not for his dignity, just for too There is a hope of resurrection in heaven and heaven.

He stepped on his self-esteem to win the temple. Nine days ago, he could stop the fierce generals who killed God, but today he does n’t. He wants to save himself. He wants to save hope for the two brothers. He endured the humiliating confession and turned his head to go to the shrine and step on With her own self-esteem, only for the hope of resurrection.

Oh, who said that Yuanshi Tianzun respected the indifferent? Who can make Yuanshi Tianzun as a brother regardless of dignity and disregard for temperament? You know, Yuan Shitian respects such people, and dignity is more important than life. It's better to die than live. Ugh! "Gu Hai regretted.

No one understands Yuanshi Tianzun, only Guhai can see it, because Guhai saw a trace of Pangu's memory in the East Spirit Sea of ​​Fire. Was that true in Pangu that year? At that time, in Pangu, the world's first pride was not beaten by the crickets, but it was demolished by oneself, because, compared with his pride, there are people who care more about themselves to protect and rescue.

Today, Yuanshi Tianzun is like that.

The more fierce you are, the worse you are.

Yuanshi Tianzun arrived at the entrance of the God Temple.

"There is another chance. On the last day, this deity must not be missed. Alas, dedicate your luck to the sea, otherwise, this deity will wash your blood in the deserted city!" Yuan Shitianzun said in a cold voice. ,

The color of Qiyun Cloud Sea, Yuan Shitianzun Faxiang has come to the place of the **** statue, and is fighting for the manipulation of Qiyun Sea.

"Holy!" All the officials suddenly panicked, wondering what to do.

Jing Wei, Xing Tian, ​​Hou Ji all showed anxiety.

Only 妭, not panic, but looked coldly at the sky: "Yuanshi Tianzun, you have lost, why are you entangled?"

"Lose? Before you lose, as long as you have enough power, the deity can resist capturing Xianyuan!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"Nine days ago, you have gained your maximum power, haven't you lost? Besides, even if you gain more power, you can find six immortals? This time, no one can hide it!" Shen Shen said.

"The deity is defeated because the deity is not cruel enough. This time, I will not be merciful. It doesn't matter if he hides. If the deity attracted him at the cost of destroying the entire immortal sky, do you think he will come out?" Sound channel.

"What?" Su suddenly changed her face.

Destroying the entire fairy dome? Yuanshi Tianzun really want to destroy the world?

"Are you crazy?" Jing Wei exclaimed.

In the distance, Jiang Chen's eyes flashed a murderous look.

Gu Hai also changed his face. This Yuanshi Tianzun, for the two brothers, is really crazy? Destroy the Six Immortals?

Destroy the six immortals, force the six immortals to come out again?

"Consecrate your fortune, otherwise, the deity will wash your blood in the deserted city!" Yuan Shi Tianzun sang again.


Behind Yuan Shitian Zun, a sudden chaos of sword energy suddenly emerged. Chao Chao Jian Qi surrounded Honghuang City. It seemed that only when Yuan Shi Tianzun gave an order, the whole Honghuang City was slaughtered in an instant.

"Holy!" The number of courtiers and the people showed terror, and I didn't know what to do.

He froze in his eyes and took a step.


I reached Yuanshi Tianzun not far away, stepping in the void, looking coldly towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, just now, seizing the mouth of the temple, why don't you continue to fight for the luck of the general?" Lu said coldly.

"Huh?" Yuan Shitianzun stared at him, staring at him.

"Because, you are not his opponent, so you admit it? Think you are bullying, think you are better than you, let you knead, right?" Bing said coldly.

"Well, you want to say, you can't do better than the deity?" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"Speaking of which, I still admired your fighting spirit and ambitions before the first battle against the sky, but that doesn't mean I can let you do whatever you want!" Shen Shen said.

"Oh?" Yuan Shitianzun's face was gloomy.

"Do you think you are the best in the world? Do you think that no one is your opponent except the Six Immortals? Oh, Jiang Chen used your strength to make you admire. Now, I will tell you the same way, how?" Leng Leng Cold road.

"What did you say?" Yuan Shitianzun saw a cold in his eyes, as if he didn't believe it was a taciturn word.

Xun ’s strength is good. According to his own understanding, not long ago, in Dongling Huohai, to deal with a Zhu Qiqi, but also a waste of effort, Zhu Qiqi in front of himself, is not worth mentioning. He should have the knowledge of self-knowledge. He actually exaggerated his words and wanted to learn the general?

"Standing there, your light of annihilation of God has no effect. You do n’t want you to use only the light of annihilation of God. You are stepping on this void. If you can hurt You, You promised you, you If you ca n’t do that, then please, how about it? ”

I finished talking, how many people opened their mouths.

Yuan Shi Tian Zun is so powerful! Where are you standing, Yuan Shi Tianzun can't hurt you? How is this possible?

The general who seized the mouth of the temple of God shook his eyes suddenly: "Well? Where's the self-confidence, how could she ...?"

The ancient sea at the entrance of the Diantian Diankou also has a small eye: "This year and a half, I have disappeared for more than half a year. Is it that in this half a year, I have an adventure and a big breakthrough?"

Yuanshi Tianzun is even more unbelievable. If you make a joke, even if you are full of vitality, you are not comparable to you.

"Go!" Yuan Shitianzun stopped drinking.


The sky full of chaos and sword air suddenly arranged a large net covering the sky, as if all the arrows were sent in a row, blasted straight into the blast, the sword air was fierce, and it tore countless voids, with a great destruction Potential, it is necessary to chop the puppet into pieces in an instant.

At this moment, he opened his arms wide, the broad dragon robe seemed to sway with the wind, and the whole body suddenly burst into flames.

Everyone raised their hearts.


With a loud noise, Wan Jian was severely chopped down, and the surrounding area suddenly shattered a large void. The real fire permeated the air and filled the void instantly. At the center of the fire, I still opened my arms, and the dragon robe still wobbled slightly in the fire.

However, there is no amount of sword gas, but all of them are broken.

Alas, unscathed! His face was bland, as if the previous Wan Jianqi was not worth mentioning.

"Chaos Jianqi? But so, go on!" Wu said flatly.

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