Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 160: Counterfeit

The real fire surrounds you, slowly, around you, like a giant fireball, blooming with hundreds of millions of fires!

In the past, the chaos of the chaos that slaughtered all sentient beings in the world returned without success?

Unbelief flashed in the eyes of Yuan Shitianzun. Above the head, it is surrounded by purple gas, condensing the vast eyes of heaven.


Another ray of extinction went straight down.

I looked up at the sky and stared. The immense momentum erupted all over the body, and instantly turned into a larger and fierce fierce fire.


The annihilation light hit the fire, but was swallowed up by the fire.

A light that destroyed the gods had no effect again.

Stepping in the fireball, the whole person is like a dazzling sun that stabs the whole world.

Even above the earth, there was actually a gray force pouring into the fireballs.

"Geocentric power? You can also absorb the power of the geocentric?" Yuan Shi Tianzun was surprised.

Not only the force of the heart, but also the scorching sun in the sky, suddenly the endless sun heart inflammation poured into the fireball where the puppet was located.

The billowing power gathered, and the fireballs from the place exuded more and more terrifying breath, and the void around them was trembling.

At this moment, both the general and the ancient sea showed a look of astonishment.

What did you encounter this year and a half? Why is there such a terrifying power?

The power of the center of the earth, nine days ago, Yuanshi Tianzun's show was shocking enough, but now, can He also show it?

I haven't mobilized the trend, but Yuanshi Tianzun has a feeling that he can't start.

Is this still the puppet in my mind? Why is this happening?

Yuan Shitianzun showed a hint of despair.

Nine days ago, when there was no major vent of vitality, Yuanshi Tianzun could still fight with Ji, but at this moment, the Yuanshi sword was broken and the eye of heaven was invalid. The power of the earth can be extracted?

"No, the deity still has the pulse of the columns!" Yuan Shitianzun flashed anxiety in his eyes.


Behind the uncle, suddenly a avenue popped up, like a giant tree, rolling out, and in a blink of an eye there were already hundreds.


Hey there?

Western generals were also dismayed.

"I don't have as many avenues as you. I only have two hundred avenues. It was left by Jiang Lianshan that year. I also only mastered it a month ago. However, I still have a tendency, Yuanshi Tianzun, you are looking for the wrong person! He groaned.

Stepping in the fireball, I really have a feeling that can't be countered.

The avenue on which Xie Shi exhibited flashed and disappeared, but it also showed that He was not targeted.

I didn't take a shot, maybe it was respect for Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Nine days ago, there was no contraindication to Yuanshi Tianzun, but at this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun is not so strong, and his strength has been greatly reduced. And, the harder this life is, the faster you die.

At Jiang Chen, Yuan Shi Tianzun knew that he could not fight.

But here, Yuan Shitianzun also flashed a sense of weakness.

"Oh, ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Yuan Shitianzun suddenly burst out laughing.

However, the laughter at this moment carried a sense of helplessness, a sense of resentment, and a sense of anger.

"What are you laughing at?" Shen Shen said.

Yuan Shi Tianzun stared at the cricket with a deep-seated hatred flashing in his eyes.

I do n’t understand why Yuanshi Tianzun looks so hate at his own eyes, as if he hated them more than Liudaoxian.

"Okay, okay, okay? Huh, ha ha ha ha!" Yuan Shitianzun looked at him with a trembling body.

That look, the uncle who looked at him was covered with cold for a while. He waited, and seemed to be waiting for Yuan Shi Tianzun to continue his shot.

But at this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun twisted his head and did not shoot anymore, but turned his head to look at the northern borderless sky.


The figure flickered, and Yuan Shitian Zun disappeared.

The next moment, Yuan Shi Tianzun appeared at the entrance of Chongtian Dian.

Step in the void, overlooking the ancient sea at the entrance to the sky.

It wasn't until Yuanshi Tianzun left completely that I sighed.

Because just now, Yuan Shitianzun's formidable vision, however, made him look like an enemy. I do n’t know why. At this moment, I have the confidence to defeat Yuan Shi Tianzun, but in the face of that look, my heart is always soaked, which I have never experienced.

"Sister, you scared Yuan Shizun away!" Jing Wei cried in surprise.

As soon as the detective put his hand away, he received all the flames, but at this moment his face was gloomy, annoyed by his own heart tremor, and at the same time, his mind echoed again and again with Yuan Shitianzun's eyes.

why? Why Yuanshi Tianzun looked at his own eyes, that hate!

Ignoring the cheers of others, he looked towards the mouth of Chongtian Dian.

Yuan Shi Tianzun stepped into the sky above the Temple of Heaven, looking intricately at the ancient sea.

Dahan ministers, at this moment are just like the enemy.

Although Yuan Shi Tianzun ate at the place of generals and concubines, the power of Yuan Shi Tianzun was already evident nine days ago. At this moment, the purpose of Dahantian Dynasty must be luck.

Can I stop the Dahantian Dynasty?

The ministers were anxious, but Gu Hai took a step forward.

"Gu Hai, do you also have to learn to fight against the deity to the end? Or, you, like you, have the power to lose the deity?" Yuan Shitian Zun stared at Gu Hai.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun has lost three times in a row. Although it is still fierce at this moment, it is not as invincible as it was nine days ago.

Looking at Yuanshi Tianzun, Gu Hai suddenly gave a slight gift.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes brightened, thinking that Gu Hai would give Qi Yunhai to himself.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, this gift, thank you for the unification of the world, no matter what the purpose, because of you, I have the strength of today in the Dahan Tianchao, and the 100,000 cities in the world. Road.

Only 80,000?

Although everyone has known for a long time, Gu Hai once again said that everyone was still shocked. This means that 80% of the territory of the world is Dahantian Dynasty, and now there are six immortals. The immortal is the largest, and the second most powerful person is not Yuanshi Tianzun, not a general, not a puppet, but the ancient sea in front of him.

The ancient sea is already the most powerful person in the world.

Far away at this moment, I suddenly understood why Yuanshi Tianzun looked so hate at his own eyes.

It is not that he has the strength to conceal and not to say, but that Dacheng Tianchao now has 12,000 cities, of which 10,000 cities are sent by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Perhaps, in Yuanshi Tianzun's heart, these cities were originally their own. If they were not given to a few powers, they would be Yuanshi's own at this moment.

However, the uncle drew what was supposed to belong to Yuanshi Tianzun, and repeatedly revealed his majestic strength.

That general minister did not collect a city, so Yuanshi Tianzun did not hate him, because Jiangchen did not owe Yuanshi Tianzun. But you, you owe Yuanshi Tianzun.

妭 His face was slightly heavy, and at this moment there was a melancholy in his heart. However, it is not easy to attack.

In the distance, Guhai won the Yuanshi Tianzun even more. Will Guhai give up?

"Since you know, then give Qi Yunhai to the deity!" Yuan Shitian said in a deep voice.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's Fa-Xiang, when he reached the sea of ​​Qiyun, wanted to compete for the right of Qiyun.

"Brother-in-law, don't, you give it to him, Dahan people may die!" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

"Huangmao girl, how can you speak?" Yuan Shitianzun stared, and a rush of anger came straight.


Gu Hai was suddenly blocked in front of Long Wanyu. The evil spirit erupting in the eyes of Yuan Shitianzun, the ancient sea dragon robe blowing fluctuated.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, because of you, you can only gain 80% of the world's cities in a short time. Although you have killed a trillion innocent people, but because of you, you have saved the world from countless wars and unified!" Gu Haishen Sound channel.

"What do you want to say? Why not let go of Qi Yunhai's control?" Yuan Shitianzun stared at Gu Hai.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you want to force the Six Immortals to fight again at the cost of the death of all beings or the destruction of the heavens and earth. What if you can kill the Six Immortals? What can you do to resurrect the Supreme Master? ? "Asked Gu Hai Shensheng.

"Can or can't do with you? At least, the deity fights for them again!" Yuan Shitianzun looked coldly at the ancient sea.

"I've seen the Supreme Master and know who he is. Even if you can resurrect the Supreme Master, do you think he will be resurrected because of this?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"What did you say?" Yuan Shitianzun stared.

"The Supreme Master has accumulated blessings for all beings throughout his life. Therefore, he exhausted his heart and died. He chose to die for the sake of Cang's life. But you lived and died for Cang's living. , Surely unwilling to accept, how hard do you insist? "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha? Gu Hai, do you think you can also educate the deity?" Yuan Shitian Zun said coldly.

"I didn't mean to educate you, nor could I turn to educate you. I'm just not worthy of the Supreme Master. How can there be a second brother like you, I'm not worthy of him!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"What did you say?" Yuan Shitianzun stared, and a murderous spirit filled the borderless sky.

How many people trembled and how many officials were frightened. Is this holy that is angering Yuanshi Tianzun? That's Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Although I haven't given you luck, she has upheld the will of the Supreme Master, and you have spoken in order to resurrect the two brothers, but you are doing things against the wishes of the Supreme Master!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Well, the deity does n’t matter what you think. The deity is to resurrect the elder brother and the third brother. Even if they wake up and take a look at it, even if the deity dies, the deity will not hesitate to do it. Yunhai, this is the thing of the deity, you also want to learn, but do n’t pay it back? ”Yuan Shitianzun showed his face, a blast of anger spread out, and the entire borderless sky was trembling under this blast of qi. .

"Yuanshi Tianzun, why did you say that my brother-in-law was withholding and not returning? You have to be able to do it. You had to conquer the power of the world yourself? You control the hearts of the people and gather your luck! You do n’t have this ability at all, you just helped the brother Establish an image of a wicked person, and take all the credit to yourself? Why do you? What qualifications do you have to say that these lucks are yours? Want me to say that these lucks are mine, and you are robbing me! Exclaimed Long Wanyu.

"Wan Yu!" Gu Hai suddenly felt anxious.

"Little girl, are you looking for death? Luck, when will it be your turn?" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"The luck of the world is created by me. I created the repair and repair, and then I have the power of repair and repair. Why isn't it mine? I'm Cang! Cangtian Cang! Why isn't it mine? It's yours? Hehe You really have a thick face! "Long Wanyu snapped angrily.

"Wan Yu?" Gu Hai exclaimed.

However, it was too late, Wan Yu said it out loud for herself.

Distant distance, Xu's face changed: "Cangtian? Is Long Wanyu reincarnated?"

Dahan countless courtiers, at this moment, looked at Long Wanyu in shock. real or fake?

Even Yuanshi Tianzun shrank his pupils. Some wondered toward Long Wanyu. Is she heaven?

Yuan Shi Tianzun immediately looked at Xiao Jinlong on his left arm. Xiao Jinlong suddenly became excited.

"She was indeed reincarnated!" He Tu was afraid.

"She is Cangtian reincarnation? What are you?" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"I, I, I ........." He Tu was anxious.

"Say!" Yuan Shitianzun stared.

"I'm a fake!" He Tu Yiji Ling, bitter.


Yuanshi Tianzun: "……………………!"

ps: go out, update is unstable, sorry! First ahead!

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