Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 165: Pangu axe out of the sky


More and more dark clouds gathered over the borderless sky.

Back to Yuanshi Tianzun again, at that time, the six immortals were suppressed by Tianwei, who wanted to destroy the borderless sky!

Yuan Shitian Zun's oil was exhausted for a moment, and the six immortals appeared again, a god-destroying light, which instantly annihilated Yuanshi Tianzun's corpse.

The officials of the borderless sky suddenly turned wild, and Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Long Wanqing and others immediately killed Long Wanyu.

The Six Immortals are here again?

In the war nine days ago, although both defeated and wounded, the immortals are still better.

Now, Yuanshi Tianzun just scoffed, and another fairy came?

Tianwei rushed straight down, and Wuxi Tiandu shook suddenly.

The princes who won the temple and the puppets of the temple were also all in the eyes.

"Here again? These six immortals are really haunting!" He said, his face gloomy.

The general minister was silent for a while: "The ancient immortal dome of the ancient sea is refining the immortal dome of the ranks, and the heavenly eye of the ancient sea is refining the heavenly eye of Yuanshi Tianzun. The eye of the heavens and the ancient immortal dome are considered dead? I don't know what to rely on? "

"Six Immortals, you, you ruined the leader's body? It's really despicable. When the leader is there, you dare not come out. Now, when the leader is ridiculed, you jump out of the well and destroy the corpse? Hahaha, fairy? Immortal , But so! "I shouted, holding a bronze sword.

The black heavenly eyes look down, and the atmosphere is not weaker than it was ten days ago.

"Small thing, not only does the fairy immortal Yuanshi Tianzun die without a corpse, you also live a long life, and you don't even want to live!" The six Taoist immortals rang out loudly.

I want to speak again, but Gu Hai suddenly blocked in front of me: "Hey, this is the borderless sky capital, give it to me!"

A frown frowned and he had not yet spoken, but the heavenly eyes of the six immortals were staring at the ancient sea.

"You? Ancient sea? Hahahaha, your little fairy dome is now being swallowed by the immortal dome, and it cannot be used anymore, this fairy looks at how you use it!" Six immortals glared.

"Well, you don't need the ancient fairy's dome!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Huh, no need? Whether you need it or not, Yuanshi Tianzun is dead, all your strength is restrained. Now, hand over the ancient immortal dome, and hand over the inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun to you. "The six immortals screamed with a stare.

During the frying, Wu Tianwei rushed down, forming a gust of wind, the ancient sea dragon robe blowing and hunting.

"It turned out that you came here to rob and rob?" Gu Hai sneered.

"What did you say?" Heaven's eyes stared.

"Well, I'm right. When Yuan Shitianzun was alive, you didn't dare to come out. As soon as Yuan Shitianzun died, you jumped out. Except for your own body, your divine thought is simply bullying and fearless, not worth mentioning. No wonder, Yuanshi Tianzun looked down on you, and then the Dragon Warring States looked down on you! "Gu Hai said coldly.

At this moment, Gu Hai directly spoke to Liudao Xianren, leaving no trace of affection at all.

Because, Gu Hai understands that from the moment Long Wanyu is exposed, she can no longer hide herself. Some people, if you don't show your fangs, he will keep attacking you. There can only be hope if a direct blowback is made.

"Oh, the Dragon Warring States? Oh, ha ha ha ha ha ha? Gu Hai, when it comes to the Dragon Warring States, Benxian remembered it. You are right, the Dragon Warring States were great. But what about the terrible? Haven't they been forced to death? You have been beheaded! You are right, the immortal is now a ray of divine thought, with a ray of divine thought, not the opponent of Yuanshi Tianzun, not the opponent of the Dragon Warring States, but you know how the Dragon Warring States were forced to death Is it? "The fairy said coldly.

"Nine days ago, you mobilized the power of the world, and grabbed the power of all beings of this fairy. But now, this fairy can still mobilize the power of the world. You have the power of the sea, what's the use? This fairy can mobilize the power of all beings. At that time, the power of the Dragon Warring States was defeated by the power of all beings, and it was finally defeated. Believe it or not, the immortal ordered that whoever wants to master the power of all beings will have the power of all beings and want you to die. You will die! "Said the fairy coldly.

"Mobilize the power of sentient beings?" Gu Hai sank.

At that time, the immortal mobilized the power of all beings to give the emperor Taiyi the final battle with the Dragon Warring States. The Dragon Warring States was also fierce. The power of all beings at that time was equivalent to the power of nearly a thousand roads. The Dragon Warring States had no power of roads. Under the circumstance, the creatures that have actually blocked all beings are so powerful. If there is no betrayal, they should be able to force out the immortal body.

"Yuanshi Tianzun deserves to die, Wanshou Taoist disciples deserve to die, you ancient sea deserve to die, everyone in the borderless sky deserves to die, oh, yes, there are heavens, gods deserve to die! And, and the fakes, you deserve to die too!" Six Immortals said Frozen roared.


The little golden dragon who has been winding Yuanshi Tianzun's left arm, Hetu.

When Yuan Shitianzun's body was blown up, Xiao Jinlong was also shot into the earth instantly, and his whole body was severely damaged. He had no energy at all.

The immortal killings surged, and Hetu was instantly excited.

"Why am I so unlucky!" He Tu said in despair.

Eyed by the fairy again.

At this moment, the entire Boundless Sky is as close as the enemy, looking at the eyes of Heaven with hatred.

The immortal is unkind and regards beings as ants.

At this moment, the people of the borderless sky are only worshipping the holy and disrespecting the heaven.

Not only because the immortal's killing of the people, but also when Long Wanyu's identity was exposed, the orthodoxy was in Dahan, not the six immortals. He was just a conspirator.

As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun died, the six immortals could not wait to jump out. Want to capture all the inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun?

Will the Holy Spirit give it? No, the Holy Lord must not give it.

Although the immortal's oppression is huge, the hatred and righteousness have caused many people to raise their heads and glared at the eyes of heaven.

The ancient sea treads in the void, and it is also cold to look at the sky.

"Six immortals, are you sure, your physical body will not come out in a year?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Huh, how about that? Now you, it's not worth mentioning. You still want to learn how Yuanshi Tianzun can't go against the sky? Do you have this ability? You haven't surrendered the ancient fairy heaven, and, Inheritance! "Six immortals once again said coldly.

"You're wrong. I don't want to learn Yuanshi Tianzun's anti- heaven. I just want to learn how to chop you like the Dragon Warring States. What do you think?" The ancient sea surface exposed Luliu to Liudao Xianren.

Dragon Warring States?

Gu Hai mentioned the name again, and the distant generals and his eyes were all eyes closed. Because both understand that Gu Hai will not be targeted, why mention the Dragon Warring States?

The Dragon Warring States, but the six immortals always hurt!

At that time, the Dragon Warring States was pressing harder and harder, the Six Immortals were very miserable. Now, what does the ancient sea mean?

"Hahaha, the Dragon Warring States cut off the immortal? At least, you have to have an axe of the sky, haven't you? The axe of the year has been destroyed in the heavens and has completely broken down. Do you have it? Come out with an axe? "Six immortals sneered.

But when the Six Immortals mocked Gu Hairen and dreamed, he saw Gu Hai's hand waving.


With Gu Hai's right hand as the center, a void ripples in all directions, a powerful breath, and even the crickets on the side are instantly alert.

Six Immortals: "...............!"

"Open the axe?" Far away, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes suddenly.

"Impossible, the axe of the sky has been destroyed in the heavens, is that ancient sea ...?" I was also shocked.

Gu Hai held a quaint father and son, with the meaning of opening up the world, and suddenly waved out, the whole Quartet trembled in emptiness.

Although the Dahan courtiers were oppressed below, they all showed surprise.

"It's really a sky axe. No wonder, my brother-in-law's finger means a sky axe. It turns out that my brother-in-law has a sky axe!" Long Wanyu below was surprised.

Kong Xuan's eyes widened, and the dragon god's eyes widened. Many old ministers who used to work in the dynasty also widened their eyes, because they all experienced the battle of the heavens. Naturally, the sky axe has been shattered with the Dragon Warring States. What is in the hands of Gu Hai?

"Open the axe? Impossible, impossible, how could you have the open axe? It was ruined that year, and this fairy saw it with her own eyes!" Six immortals said in surprise.

"Seeing with your own eyes may not be true!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Well, what about the axe? Can you show the power of the axe? From ancient times to the present, only the Dragon Warring States can play the power of the axe. Who do you think you are, you think, you are still the Dragon Warrior ? "Six immortals sneered.

"Then try it!" Gu Hai fluttered Pangu ax gently.

That's right, this is Pangu Axe of Qiongxianqiang. Ancient sea's most powerful magic weapon.

If it were not for the six immortals to fight against each other, Guhai would not have been able to use Pangu axe.

Pangu axe came out, the sky was falling apart.

Gu Hai's eyes glared, and he took a step, with an axe, chopped down at the Six Immortals.

Pangu axe suddenly formed an unrivaled momentum, going forward, soaring into the sky.

If in the eighth weight of the heavenly palace, Guhai could not cast the Pangu axe, but now, in the ninth weight of the heavenly palace, the ancient sea has been able to urge Pangu axe to one tenth of its power. Although it is only one tenth, the ancient sea waved It is also very strenuous, but the effect is significant.

Axe, a bigger and bigger axe soaring into the sky, the fierce breath, getting stronger and stronger, more and more irritable. The void exploded violently around, unable to bear the awesome power.

"This breath? Like the old days, no, no, destroy the light of God!" The six immortals exclaimed suddenly.

Another black light of extermination went straight down, the power of extermination, destroyed everything, and immediately hit the axe.


With a loud noise, a large expanse of void exploded, and the light of the **** of destruction collapsed instantly. Pangu's axe went forward, tearing everything, and instantly reaching the eye of heaven.


An axe, like the opening axe of the Dragon Warring States, the Pangu axe of the ancient sea also suddenly inserted the heavenly eyes of the six immortals.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The sky suddenly heard six immortal screams in pain.

At this moment, all the people who can see this place in the world of the sun are widening their eyes, as if holding their breath, with a look of expectation, a blank look at the slowly repaired void.

Above the void, the dark clouds are still there, and the eye of heaven is also there, but at the moment, the pupil of the eye of heaven is chopped out by a huge axe to make a big hole. The axe is still in the cave, and a large piece of blood is dripping from the cave in the eyes of heaven.

The heavenly eyes of the six immortals were broken by the ancient sea's Pangu axe?

For a time, the world's needles fell, and how many of them were stupid at this moment, looking at the body of the mighty shore of the ancient sea.

Decades ago, the scene of the Dragon Warring States breaking the eyes of the sky with the axe of the sky, and repeated it? And the person who repeats it is the pilgrimage to Dahantian, the ancient sea!

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