Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 166: Perseverance and enduring!

Time seems to freeze at this moment!

One day ago, just one day ago, who could have thought that the ancient sea could split the heavenly eyes of six immortals without calling the one-time trend?

Can anyone think of it? Even if someone said it, no one believed that Gu Hai didn't even have a great success in the Heavenly Palace. How could it be possible to deal with the eyes of the Six Immortals?

Even if the heavenly palace is in front of the eyes of the heavenly god, it will be instantly wiped out. Even the ordinary gods, if they are fulfilled, will die as well.

But Gu Hai did it.

No use of the ancient fairy heaven, no use of his own heavenly eyes, an axe, split the heavenly eyes?

Nine days ago, the Six Immortals were informed, and came to Wudu Tiandu Xingshi to ask for guilt. How many people thought that the ancient sea was over, and then, the Yuanshi Tianzun's exit made people feel that the ancient sea was fortunate, and almost died.

But today, all talents find that they think more. That ancient sea didn't need Yuanshi Tianzun to help at all, he was also a pervert.

The emperors and suzerains who surrendered to the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom completely lost their temperament at this moment. Looking at the ancient sea, how could there be the original resentment, such a fierce saint, what else to say?

Wasn't that the case during the Dragon Warring States?

I stared at Gu Hai, the axe. I used to be able to block the light of the **** of extermination, but not to this extent. Looking at Gu Hai, I felt a sense of ignorance.

I still remember seeing Gu Hai for the first time. It ’s fast enough to practice on your own, but it ’s faster than Gu Hai.

With an axe, the eye of heaven broke into a big hole?

The victory has been divided, and Gu Hai has won!

"Open the sky axe, open the sky axe, no, how can you make it move the sky axe!" The hatred of the Six Immortals sounded from the sky.

The ancient sea inherited the inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun, and was very grateful for Yuanshi Tianzun. At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun was annihilated by the six immortals, and naturally he was annoyed.

"The Six Immortals? In the past, you slaughtered the heavens and immortals. Although you were atrocities in the world, Xun once respected you as a party hero. This time, you don't care about the body of Yuanshi Tianzun, but Xuan looks at you too high! Your mind, just that amount of energy? "Gu Hai stared coldly.

"Gas? Hahaha, what's the use of Qi, Gu Hai, do you know what you did? You dare to rebel against this fairy, you dare to hurt this fairy, this fairy wants you to be overwhelmed!" The voice of six immortals suddenly heard.

"Everything is gone? Oh, I'm standing here, you're here to make him look no more?" Gu Hai stared.

"Presumptuous! During the retreat of Benxian, one year later, Benxian went out of customs, and no one can save you!" The six immortals reprimanded.

"After one year? You know one year later? Since you dared to come out after one year, what are you shouting now?" Gu Hai sneered.

"What did you say?" The six immortals chuckled.

"Yi said, from now on, get out of the world of Dahan, you will appear once, and I will cut you once!" Gu Haihan whispered.

"Presumptuous, how dare you speak to this fairy ...!" Liudao immortal whispered.

Gu Hai shook his ax suddenly.

"Remember the words of You, you will appear once, You will be cut once, your body, if you wake up one year later, and want to find death, come directly to Wuxi Tiandu, and I will destroy you!" Gu Hai said suddenly, her hands violently One chop.

Pangu axe burst into a mighty axe force, bursting into boundless power, the axe light instantly stabbed the whole world.

I saw that the axe was zoomed in countless times, and the huge eye of heaven was split open in half.

"Ah, you dare ..." The six immortals yelled in pain.


The loud noise spread to the world.

Except for the concubines and generals, everyone in the world who saw this scene was very excited. Shocked by the ferocious ancient sea.

That ’s the eye of heaven. Like the original Yuanshi Tianzun, destroy it to this point?


Then there was a loud noise. Pangu axewei seemed to be more powerful than Yuan Shijian. Pangu axewei blasted the eye of heaven with a fierce explosion, but looked at the eye of heaven, and it exploded.

Exploded into countless dark clouds, tumbling for a while.

"Guhai, there is only one year left. After one year, you wait to die!" There was the unforgettable hatred of six immortals in the dark clouds.


Rolling clouds, slowly burst out and opened.

Holding the axe Gu Hai said coldly: "I am waiting for you in the boundless sky!"


In an instant, all the clouds suddenly dispersed.

The sky is boundless across the borderless sky.

The immortals have gone, how many have not returned to God.

Everything is developing too fast. The Six Immortals are scared away with an axe? How could this be so?

How many people do not believe it, but the fact is in front of us. On the Dahan Saint, the ancient sea already has the strength to retreat. You can't believe it, but it's just a dreamy feeling after all.

"Long live Saint, live long live!" Wujiang Tiandu, countless officials and people suddenly called out.

Although Dahan had boundless luck, but in many people's hearts, there was always some anxiety, because the immortals were extremely resistant to Dahan. Sooner or later, Dahan will face the calamity.

But today, the restlessness in everyone's mind was gone. Because Holy, it is so powerful. Even my Dahan dynasty, as well as the immortal orthodox, have the sky in the dynasty. What about the Six Immortals? He's just a lunatic.

How many officials and people are excited.

The ancient sea received the Pangu axe, but it was the kindling that flew to the ground below.

He Tu was lying there dying.

Gu Hai waved his hand, and a tonic power poured into the body of the river.

As soon as Hetu was excited, he felt much better.

"Thank you, Gu Sheng!" He Tu also behaved at this moment.

After all, Gu Hai's strength can absolutely pinch himself at any time.

"Go to Wanyu and Houtu Niangniang!" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Ah? Yes, OK!" He Tu nodded immediately. Did not resist.

Having been with Long Wanyu for decades, Hetu understands that Long Wanyu will definitely protect herself. It's okay to be safe.

Gu Hai turned around. After all, he found some pieces of clothing, and the two men were carefully packed.

Yuan Shitianzun's body was broken, and he could only find these fragments to reassure him.

Pieces of clothing were put into a coffin.

Looking at the coffin, Gu Hai regretted it for a while, and Yuanshi Tianzun also counted as a generation of heroes. In the end, it turned into this coffin.

"Gu Hai, you sigh. The leader is calm before he leaves. He should also explain. The flesh is just a skin!" Wu advised.

"Wangshou Taoism, the master of the three veins, Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian are all a generation of heroes. Well, bury them together!" Gu Hai said to him.

"You can rest assured, I will!" He nodded.

"What are your plans for the future? The six immortals are so narrow-minded, maybe he will avenge Wanshou Taoism, otherwise, you come to my Dahan heaven?" Gu Hai advised.

铩 Looked at Gu Hai, a grate flashed on his face, but finally shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, no need, although the three leaders are ridiculed, their will is still there, Wanshou Taoism It will not be annihilated, I will pass it on! "

Looking at Yun's resoluteness, Gu Hai nodded: "Okay, what's the matter, come to me anytime, one year later, the six immortals will go out, you must be careful!"

"I will, you take care!" I nodded.

While talking, he flung his sleeves and shot Yuanshi Tianzun's coffin to the Yuanshi Hall in the south.

"call out!"

Suddenly, I reached the horizon.

Gu Haimu's departure left a flash of praise in his eyes.

spear? He was not discouraged by the sorrow of Yuanshi Tianzun. Gu Hai actually saw from the eyes just now that there was a war and a raging war.

"It's Wanshou Taoism without loss! The will remains, and the inheritance is immortal!" Gu Hai admired.

Turn your head and step into the sky.


In an instant, the ancient sea arrived at the Chongtiandian Square.

At this moment, on the square, all the ministers worshiped and greeted the triumphant return of the Holy Trinity.

"Brother-in-law, you are so amazing!" Long Wanyu suddenly surprised.

The queens and Bing Ji also showed happy smiles.

The four princes were also extremely happy. Among them, the fourth prince, Gu Ming, was flashing in his eyes, inexplicably happy, turning his head, and Gu Ming looked at the unborn person not far away.

The unborn person sucked the life of the six major birthday teachers. At this moment, his body shape is not much different from that of a normal burly man. When he saw the ancient sea returning, he took a deep breath, the fist in the large cuff, and gently held it like There were ups and downs in my heart.

Seeing the hidden action of the unborn, Gu Ming smiled attentively--

Take the temple.

General Chen glanced deeply at the ancient sea: "Open the axe? Isn't the Dragon Warring State weak? Impossible, who can wield such a powerful Opening Axe except Dragon Warring States? Dragon Warring States ...? No!"

"God, what's wrong?"

"There is something wrong. Bai Zhe attacked Wudu Tiandu at that time. In an unknown hall, he fled inexplicably. What did he see? Who did he see? Aotian, you go and help me find out!" Jiang Chen said.

"Yes!" Long Aotian answered,-

焱 God temple mouth.

"Sister, that ancient sea, is it already so powerful?" Jing Wei said inconceivably.

Squinting and silent for a while: "It's unexpected, but he's not as good as me!"

"Ah? Really?" Jingwei was surprised.

"Although the magic weapon is strong, it is a magic weapon after all, but he is almost a repairman. However, the one just now is not an axe!" Shen Shen said.

"What? Impossible, is that a sky axe?" Jing Wei was surprised.

I shook my head and didn't explain much. I just looked at the ancient sea in the distance, looked deeply, turned my head, and walked back to the temple of the God--

Yuanshi Diankou.

With the coffin of Yuan Shitianzun, Xu returned to the coffin in front of the temple.


Yuanshi Tianzun's coffin was placed in the center of Taishang and Tongtian's coffin.

"Leader!" Many Wanshou Taoist disciples suddenly knelt and could not afford to cry.

"Before the death of the leader, the preaching is located in me. From now on, I will be the leader of the Taoism of Wanshou!"

Many Wanshou Taoist disciples looked at the uncle, and finally worshiped together.

"Meet the leader!" The disciples cried.

"Yuan Shitian respected the lord, and defeated the heavens. My Wanshou Taoism will suffer revenge from the immortals, and Wanshou Taoism will soon be destroyed. Are you willing to follow my incognito and revive Wanshou Taoism, or are you willing to leave separately? My master agrees with you. Hurry up and decide for yourself that this place, except for the Yuanshi Hall, is in ruins. You are willing to wait on my knees, and those who do not want to stand up! "

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