Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 167: I don't know where the three stresses come from

Yuanshidian Square!

With the handover choice given to Wanshou Taoist disciples, there was a commotion among the Wanshou Taoist disciples.

"Teacher, are you telling the truth?" Someone flashed suddenly.

"Brother, what do you mean? Wanshou Taoism was strictly selected. To join Wanshou Taoism, you must swear that you are a Wanshou Taoist disciple. Do you want to break your oath and betray your grandfather?" The other stared.

"What betrayed Grandpa? Now Wanshou Taoism is in ruins. Follow me, that's to death!"

"The jerk, it was the leader who saved you before!"

"Huh, the leader of Yuanshi Tianzun is alive, and I still want to stay in Wanshou Taoism, but now, Wanshou Taoism has been ruined, and they will only die prematurely. The leader is willing to let us go. Why can't I leave?" A Wanshou Taoism Disciple stood up.

More than this moment, nearly half of Wanshou Taoist disciples stood up.

The kneeling Wanshou Taoist disciple suddenly felt uncomfortable for a while, but did not know what to do.

I didn't speak and I wasn't angry. Until most of my disciples stood up, I sighed slightly.

"I do n’t want to be a Wanshou Taoist disciple, and I won't embarrass you. Protect yourself and take care of yourself!" Dan Dandao said.

A group of disciples who stood up looked at Uncle unexpectedly, and among the kneeling disciples, there were some flashes in their faces. Seeing that He did not blame those who were leaving, they all stood up.

Soon, 70% of his disciples were willing to leave in terror.

"Leader, say goodbye!" A crowd of disciples shouted.

"Whirring whirring…………!"

Suddenly, a group of people dispersed.

Only the last 30%, about a thousand people, still bow down and worship.

"Wait a thousand people, get up!" Wu Zhen cherished the thousand disciples.

After experiencing the tragic endurance of Wanshou Taoism, even thousands of disciples, even if they do not have the great support of Yuanshi Tianzun, even if Wanshou Taoist disciples are about to be hunted down, they will never give up. This is the most precious property of Wanshou Taoism.


In the sky, only the remaining luck has completely collapsed.

Wanshou Taoism, which has only a thousand people, is no longer enough to support luck.

"Let's go! Find a place first and bury three gods!" I put away three coffins.

"Yes!" Thousands respectfully--

In nothingness.

Bai Ziling was wandering around the edge of the Six Immortal Domes.

"Ten days? Today is the ninth day. One day later, Yuanshi Tianzun will die, and I will be able to go back!" Bai Zi flashed expectations in his eyes.

Fortunately, she smiled bitterly as she was smart.

"I'm a dignified white tiger. In the ancient times, the Wu tribe didn't show up at that time. I was one of the four main deities of the demon tribe. But I said the same. I'm the most powerful creature in the sky. Dare to be forced by a Yuan Shitian to dare to stay in Xianqiang? Hehe, it's ridiculous! "Bai Zizu showed a bitterness.

Imagine how prestigious Bai Zi was at that time. At first, the world was almost the Four Supremes, but nowadays, even dare to face the challenge.

"The four spirits of Shinto, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, are unique and invincible. What are the ten sons of the dragon, and the spirit of our four elephants, is the manifestation of the true dragon, but now I have been forced into this? Hahaha! "Bai Ziran was uncomfortable while flying.

"Others look at me and always run away, but what if I don't run away? Qinglong stunned, Suzaku was sealed, Xuanwu was beheaded, and I can only survive, I can't escape, what can I do?" Bai Feel free to lament.

At the time of self-grief and self-grief, Baiji suddenly felt excited.

"Well? No, why is the power of nihilism in this place so great? Ten times more than in other places?" Bai Zizai was surprised.

Void has its own power of disintegration. However, Bai Zun's strength is overwhelming. It takes a long time for Void to completely dissolve and disappear.

But here, the power to dissolve and disappear, but suddenly a lot of force, making Bai Zixi extremely curious.

Bai freely followed the feeling and slowly flew a little towards the depths of nothingness.

"The power of nothingness is bigger, twenty times the ordinary?" Bai Zifei flew freely, revealing a curiosity.

"Thirty times?"

"Forty times?"

"Fifty times?"




"A hundred times? How could it be, I can't stand this kind of power of nihilism. Why?" Bai Zizai was shocked.

Deeper and deeper, the power of nothingness became more and more general, and the white boundless curiosity aroused.

Until nearly two hundred times, Bai Zunzai finally saw a slight difference.

A figure of a black robe, sitting cross-legged in the nothingness at the moment, with eyes closed, around it, it seemed to be surrounded by a group of stars and rays, but this light was not decomposed by the force of nothingness, it was very strange. Holding him.

"Ancient sea?" Bai Ziren stared suddenly.

The ancient sea shrouded in starlight is naturally the ancient sea of ​​skeletons that has been retreating in nothingness.

The ancient sea of ​​skulls was immersed in the retreat, and the dialogue came freely, but it was not found.

Bai Zilui lurked cautiously for a while, determined that Gu Hai really did not find himself, suddenly a murderous eye appeared.

"Gu Hai is in retreat, isn't it the best time to shoot? As long as I do, he will die." Bai Zi flashed a look of expectation in his eyes, and seemed to be shooting.

But years of cautiousness made Bai Zisheng hold back this impulse.

"Wait a second!" Bai Ziren held back his shot.

Because the retreat of Gu Hai at this moment is too evil.

How can there be a retreat in nothingness? Retreat here, that's all about death.

However, the ancient sea is sitting there. Instead of being broken down by the force of nothingness, it is very strange as if it is constantly becoming stronger.

"Brother, that's over there, the power of nothingness is getting stronger!" A sudden voice came.

Bai Ziran's look moved: "Zhu Sansan?"

Suddenly, Bai Zi guessed who it was, Suzaku Supreme group, they must have been hiding from Yuanshi Tianzun.

Bai Ziren didn't greet them, but hid quietly.

Soon, Zhu Yiyi, Zhu Sansan and Zhu Sisi appeared.

As soon as the three appeared, they saw the ancient sea of ​​skeletons in retreat.

"Gu Hai?" Zhu Sansan stared.

"It's him, that's right, and it's the skeleton Gu Hai, Gu Hai's clone. The fifth child is chasing him, but there is no news till now!" Zhu Sisi stared.

"He practices in retreat? Practice in nothing? Hiss!" Zhu Yiyi was surprised.

Even if you are here, you are constantly consuming, but at this moment, Gu Hai is practicing safely? This completely subverted the perception of the three.

"Brother, no matter what he cultivates, in his retreat, he must be flawless. We shot with all our strength and slapped him at once?" Zhu Sansan glared.

"Yes, the fifth child may have died in his hands, brother, we shot together!" Zhu Sisi said.

Zhu Yiyi hesitated slightly.

"Brother, the fifth child must have died in his hands. In his retreat, what else do we have to worry about? The quick battle will be decided quickly, and it will be bad when he wakes up!" Zhu Sansan called.

A cold light flashed in Zhu Yiyi's eyes: "Okay!"


The three of them stood in three positions at once, and looked at the ancient sea in the center together.

In the ancient sea retreat practice, a breakthrough was really reached.

The gods are fulfilled? It's almost a little bit. At this point, the ancient sea has absorbed countless nothingness and gathered into the body, but it is almost impossible to break the last layer of paper.

The ancient sea is also anxious.

Just as the ancient sea was immersed in the breakthrough, three big palms came suddenly.


Three pressures like Tianwei slammed into Gu Haizhou Che, but the gods' successful palm strength, how powerful and blasted. Destroying the world.

However, the white light spots floating around the ancient sea scattered strangely! There are three giant palms on top.

"Oh, little starlight on the surface? What's the use? Death!" Zhu Sisi said coldly.


The three palms were almost in sync, hitting the starlight on the surface of the ancient sea, the starlight trembled, and a strong pressure went straight to the ancient sea.

In the ancient sea, there is an infinite force of nothingness, but it is almost condensed. At this moment, it cannot be condensed until three huge pressures are suddenly transmitted from the body surface.

The pressure is so great that even the ancient sea trembled, and some could not stand it.

Gu Hai was about to wake up, but then he opened his eyes and suddenly stopped.

Because the endless emptiness in the body, under these three great forces, there are actually signs of condensation.

"Huh?" Gu Hai continued to retreat in surprise.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound in the body, and there was endless nothingness, as if a drop of liquid had suddenly condensed.

The birth of this drop of fluid suddenly removed most of the void in the body.

"Success, successful?" Gu Hai was surprised.

In surprise, he didn't want to stop at all, and continued to violently urge the innumerable forces around him to pour into the body, and continued to subsidize the unstable nihilism.

"Brother, the starlight on the surface of the ancient sea, such a strong defense, actually blocked us?" Zhu Sisi surprised.

"No, I just saw Gu Hai's body trembled a bit, as if there were signs of injury!" Zhu Sansan said in surprise.

"Since he didn't wake up, go ahead and kill him!" Zhu Yi stared.

Now that you've done it, don't stop.

The giant palms of the three people kept shooting on the surface of the ancient sea. This shot not only did not hurt the ancient sea, but helped compress a void in the ancient sea.

The void in the ancient sea finally stabilized, and a second drop was condensed.

"Yes, go on!" Gu Hai was slightly excited.


Zhu Yiyi, Zhu Sansan, and Zhu Sisi have each hit hundreds of palms. At this moment, looking at the ancient sea, they are still sitting in nothingness, and they are shocked.

"How, how can this be? How could he not die? Isn't he a great consummation in the Heavenly Palace?" Zhu Sansan said blankly.

"The power of nothingness around you is increasing, brother, this ........." Zhu Sisi said with a little fear.

Zhu Yi felt it, and sure enough, more and more nihilistic powers rushed towards the ancient sea.

The three have already hit three hundred palms, but now it looks like a massage to Gu Hai. The three Suzakus who watched were chilling for a while.

"Brother, continue?" Zhu Sisi said coldly.

"Let's go!" Zhu Yi shouted.



The three Suzakus, without hesitation, shot into the distance and disappeared.

Bai Ziran hiding in the dark, but rubbing cold sweat.

"Recently, there seem to be a lot of perverted strong men, Gu Hai? I'll go first!" Bai Zizai said bitterly.

"call out!"

Bai Zizai disappeared instantly.

Guhai's eyelids trembled after all the four strong men left.


Gu Hai's body suddenly made a loud noise, his eyes suddenly opened.

His eyes shot out two fine lights, seeming extremely excited.

"Successful gods? This is the original taste? Thanks to the three pressures just now!" Gu Hai looked at his arms and said happily.

"Just, where did the three pressures come from?" Gu Hai looked around puzzled.

But, who is there everywhere?

The ancient sea showed a doubt and was inexplicable!

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