Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 169: Three temples

This is the second more! ——

Outside Shenzhou, an extremely remote island in the South China Sea!

On the island, there is a small nameless Taoism.

In the Taoist temple, there is a Taoist temple with a plaque on it, called ‘Three Sacred Temples’!

The Three Sanctuary is not large, and it is north, and it is filled with three coffins.

At this moment, only half of the half of the Daotang can stand, it is He who led his four disciples, the East is undefeated, the one is alone, the West is blowing snow and Zhang Sanfeng.

However, outside of the Daotang, at this moment nearly a thousand men and women are standing, all wearing extremely simple Tao robes.

At this moment, along with the uncle, everyone respectfully worshiped three coffins for three weeks.

"From now on, the Three Sacred Temples will be closed and never opened!" Shen Shen said.

"Yes!" All disciples answered.

"Mongshou Taoism changed its name to Mansuzong. From this moment on, the three masters in the Three Sacred Halls are my ancestors of Mansuzong. Mansions worship three ancestors from generation to generation, and they will never regret it until they are born again!铩 Solemnly said.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

With 铩, everyone worshiped again!

At this time, He took his four disciples out of the Three Temples.


The gates of the Three Temples closed suddenly.

I turned my head and looked at a thousand disciples: "From this moment on, the Mansions of the Zongjing Pavilion are open to Seoul and others. The deity has also arranged some formations on this island to help you slay the three corpses and open your mind. You are so cultivating! "

"Xie Jiao, Xie Zongzhu!" Thousands answered.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the direction of the land of Shenzhou.

"There, a beam of light plummeted down!" Zhang Sanfeng's face changed.

Looking coldly, he saw another beam of light hitting the land of Shenzhou, and when it hit the earth, a disciple who had recently left Taoism of Wanshou was frustrated by the beam.

"Revenge of the Six Immortals? Now he's slowed down and started revenge on the Taoism disciples in Wanshou?" Dongfang's undefeated face gloomy.

"咻!" "咻!" "咻!" ……………………

Beams of light fell from the sky, and in all directions, they were all killed.

Those disciples who had left Taoism of Wanshou did not have time to scream, and they were all wiped out.

"It was really a killing, they didn't let it go!" Simon sighed slightly.

"Both are dead? They deserve it, who told them to abandon Wanshou Taoism at this time!" Many disciples of Wanshouzong stared here.

"Oh! You can't blame them, but the six are too harsh!" He sighed slightly, shook his head, and stopped looking at the misery in the distance.

"Teacher, no, Sovereign, will the Six Immortals find this?" A disciple worried.

铩 Frown slightly. But at this moment, there was a roar from the former Japanese temple.

"Well? Smelly boy, you got out? Did you hide?" Six immortals came from a distance.

"He can't sense us?" Zhang Sanfeng's eyes brightened.

"Maybe it's because the deity killed you three corpses?" Xu looked.

"So, the Six Immortals can't find us?" The crowd was surprised.

"Okay, you are so retreat, the deity is going to be retreat!" Shen Shen said.

"Yes!" A crowd of disciples answered.

"Zhang Sanfeng, Dugu seeks defeat, Simon blows snow, and the East is undefeated, you come as a teacher!" Shen Shen said.

"Yes!" The four were unknown, so he walked into another temple.


The gate was closed, and I set up a formation.

"Master, you call us, but ...?" Zhang Sanfeng curiously.

"For the teacher, here is the 800-year Kendo duel between the Sixth Emperor and the Six Immortals. You will enlighten with the teacher!"

"Ah?" The four of them immediately burst into joy.

"Master, what about the others?" Simon Bluff asked.

"They? They don't understand. Forcibly enlightenment, but it will hurt the three souls, four of you, just enough!" Shen Shen said.

"Yes, thank you, Master!" The four of them said immediately.

He sat cross-legged on a futon, and the other four respected him in a circle.

铩 When she closed her eyes and realized the enlightenment, four eyebrows flashed out at the heart of the eyebrows, straightening at the heart of the four people.


The five of them closed their eyes instantly and entered a state of enthusiasm.


Two swords rushed towards me.

Kendo ’s first place 800,000 years ago, and Kendo ’s first place in the world a year ago, how wonderful it was, five people were immediately immersed in it, and they forgot the time for a moment—

Underworld, the ancient capital of eternity, go to the study!

Skull Guhai criticized the memorial, Mo Yike and others reported on everything from the outside world.

"On Qilu Holy, Wanshou Taoism's Qi Yun collapsed, and even the same disciples did not know where they were. The thousand cities under the leadership of Wanshou Taoism have become the main city. Do I need to send troops to collect in the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom?" Gao Xianzhi frowned. .

"Yes, holy, I am the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom. Now that the world is famous, no one knows. At this time, it is a good time to collect the thousands of cities of Taoism of Wanshou Taoism. Moreover, the Dacheng Heavenly Kingdom has sent troops to such a thousand cities. It's a pity not to accept it! "Chen Tianshan sighed.

Gu Hai was slightly silent, tapping his finger gently on the desk, and finally shook his head.

"Holy, don't you want to send troops to Wanshou Taoism?" Mo Yike curiously said.

Gu Hai nodded his head: "The Dachao Tianchao wants it, then let them go! Dahan Tianchao, now has 80% of the world's territory, the full moon is a loss, it is not appropriate to reproduce the incident, strengthen the consolidation of these 80,000 cities!"

"Yes!" The ministers answered.

Since the ancient seas said that it was not appropriate to send troops, everyone did not fight for more. After all, Dahan's 80,000 city is still stable. Flawless. Moreover, even if Dacheng Tianchao had thousands of cities, it was only 13,000 cities.

Rather than being distracted to open the border, it is better to concentrate on solidifying it.

"Holy, not long ago, the beginning of the battle against the heaven by Yuan Shitian Zun, has been compiled into a text, emphasizing that the heaven is in my Dahan, the orthodox is in my Dahan heaven, and the prestige of the heavenly eyes, the glory of the Holy! A memorial.

Gu Hai took a closer look, and smiled slightly, "Mr. Sima's literary style is still so sharp, but he's just exaggerating too much!"

"However, the Holy Lord is nothing more than one! In one year, the minister has arranged countless literary talents, and constantly propagates the Holy Spirit. Not only announcements, but also operas, poems, songs and novels, the ministers have prepared countless copies. Only by the order of the Holy Spirit, these articles must be spread all over the world, so that all beings can understand the six faces, and that all beings support my Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, and all support the Holy Spirit! "Sima Changkong solemnly said.

"Yes, holy, you are now in front of all of us. There are not many good words, not to mention the facts. I waited for the incompetence, but I just gathered people ’s hearts for the holy and maximized the holy. The power of all beings gathered! "Mo Yike solemnly said.

"Well, just do what you say!" Gu Hai nodded finally.

In the face of the Six Immortals, we can't afford to be sloppy. Since we want to write, then write on the good side-

Bai Zizuo spent ten days in nothingness and was not assured. He waited until the fifteenth day before returning to Liudaoxianqiang. After seeing the calmness of Liudaoxianqiang, he carefully returned to the Heavenly Demon Holy Land.

In the shrine.

With Yuanshi Tianzun's fall, the seal of impermanence was lifted.

At this moment, the white impermanence and the black impermanence are reporting to Bai Zhezi what happened in the fifteen days.

Listening to what happened these days, Bai Ziren's eyelids leaped wildly.

I thought Yuanshi Tianzun would just wait for death, but who thought that so many things had happened?

"Jianchen and Li, have all defeated Yuanshi Tianzun?" Bai Ziran shook a little.

"Yeah, it looks like Yuanshi Tianzun is in front of them, it's not worth mentioning!" Hei Wuchang nodded.

"How can this be so? The general minister is so powerful, eh? Wasn't Zhu Qiqi in the past unable to deal with it? How, how can I stop Yuan Shitianzun's attack?" Bai Zi flashed a shock in his eyes.

"Nothing is more terrible than the ancient sea. He actually hides such a powerful force. He opened the axe with ease," he said with a wry smile.

"No, the sky axe is definitely the help of the Dragon Warring States!" Bai Zizai's face was gloomy.

"But, what do you do now, Lord, do you still have to deal with the ancient sea?" Hei Wuchang asked.

Bai Zizai: "………………!"

In the nothingness, the strangeness of the ancient sea has made Bai Zi sweat sweatily, now go again?

"Dahan Tianchao, the Dragon Warring States, do you want to check?" Bai Wuchang frowned.

After all, Dahan is like the sky, and it is not the original time.

"Forget it! Hey!" Bai Zizai sighed slightly.

"However, the whistleblower was really lucky. If Yuan Shitian was dead, the whistleblower would be miserable, and no one knew the whistleblower!" Hei Wuchang shook his head and sighed.

Bai Zili's face froze.


But at this moment, there was a loud noise in the Temple of Yin, and the gate of the temple suddenly came out of nowhere.

"Who?" Impermanence in black and white suddenly glared angrily.

"Shut up!" Bai Ziren exclaimed suddenly.

The two looked at each other for a moment, but they saw Bai Zizai look ugly at the top of the hall. Dark clouds piled up at the top, and a black eye in the dark clouds stared at Bai Ziran.

"Six Immortals?" Heichangchang's face changed suddenly, as if he were nearing the enemy.

Liudao Xianren, is this the settlement after the fall? It was just recently that the remaining disciples of Wanshou Taoism were wiped out, and now come to trouble with the Holy Land of Heaven?

Only Bai Ziran secretly exclaimed: "Fairy, I have already lost my guilt this time!"

"Huh?" Black and white impermanence froze slightly.

"That's right, Bai Ziran. You told the fairy, but what you told was not clear!" Six immortals said coldly.

"I can't reach you, I can only use sacrifice, I have done my best!" Bai Zizai solemnly said.

"Well, nothing, this fairy, I will not blame you, there is still a year, a year of effort, to pay close attention to the ancient sea for this fairy!" Six Tao Xianren said coldly.

"Good!" Bai Zixi exhaled softly.

At least, the whistleblower is not useless.

"You mentioned Dragon Warring States just now, what do you mean?" The six immortals wondered.

The three looked at each other. In the end, Bai Zirong said, "I see the Dragon Warring States!"


"Yes, not long ago, seeing him, he was still alive, not dead!" Bai Zizai said in a deep voice.

"What? You say it again?" Liudao Fairy stared suddenly.

PS: After two more, I went to a meeting in a field today, and it was updated in advance, forgive me!

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