Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 170: Yuan Shi Tian Zun's strong heritage

Yin shrine!

The eyes of heaven stared at Bai Ziran.

Bai Zizai told the story of the Dragon Warring States that day.

"What are you talking about?" The Six Immortals said in surprise.

"Yes, although the Dragon Warring States did not show its might, I feel like him!" Bai Zizai affirmed.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" The Six Immortals looked coldly at Bai Zili.

Bai Zi was bitter in his face: "I didn't believe anyone when I said it! I mentioned it to Ji Dihong at first, but Ji Dihong, although apparently believes it, but in essence, does not believe it! Only someone can believe it! "

"Dragon Warring States? No wonder Gu Hai can use a sky-opening axe. It turned out that Dragon Warring States helped him in the dark, hum, hum!" The six immortals hummed.

Freedom in white, impermanence in black and white but no socket.

Compared with Yuanshi Tianzun, Dragon Warring States poses a greater threat to the Six Immortals.

Because, the Dragon Warring States had no geocentric power and no line of veins at first, but only a little borrowing power. There were not many big people, and the warring kingdom immortal sky was small and poor. How many people can there be? Dragon Warring States are so fierce by virtue of their personal strength.

At that time, the Emperor Taiyi had gained the power of sentient beings. The power of sentient beings was equivalent to the power of nearly a thousand miles. Is the power of the Dragon Warring States itself so strong?

Today, the ancient sea has the power of the line and the line, once all assist the Dragon Warring States. That power ...!

"Gu Hai, how dare you deceive this fairy, that it was said to kill the Dragon Warring States, was actually to save the Dragon Warring States?" Six Tao Xianren hated.

The three Bai Zizai did not speak.

"Bai Zongzai, you can explore everything about the ancient sea for Benxian, and send someone to sneak into the Dahan Dynasty. Benxian should know everything about the ancient sea!" Six Taoxianren hated.

"I try my best!" Bai Zi smiled bitterly.

Although it was promised, Bai Zizai would not be too aggressive, and the Six Immortals would have to leave the customs one year later. At this time, he would pull hatred across the board, wouldn't he find it uncomfortable? ——

In the middle of the sun, in the temple.

Jiang Chen looked at a strange man in front of him, and Long Aotian affirmed, "God, it took me a long time to find out. This person was a close friend of Ji Dihong before!"

"Take the Lord of the Temple, the next sentence is true!" The man said respectfully.

"Dragon Warring States?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, that was how the Scorpio and Demon came from!" The man respected.

The general minister said quietly, "Well, you go down!"

"Yes!" The man dared not say more, and was immediately taken out by Long Aotian.

The gentleman also slowly stepped out of the Temple of Deprivation and looked at the Infinite Heavenly Capital in the distance.

"Open the axe? Dragon Warring States? The ancient sea? Oh, there are so many secrets in this dazzling dynasty, no wonder that day, even if I did not see through!" There was a smile in the eyes of Jiang Chen.

"God, is it true that my grandpa is still alive? How is this possible!" Long Aotian stunned.

"Maybe, it is true!" Jiang Chen said.

"No wonder, the father emperor will surrender to the ancient sea. The father emperor is the most filial piety. I haven't understood before. How could the father empathize with the enemy, but the grandfather is still alive, the father emperor is only the saint grandfather?" Long Aotian suddenly Surprised.

"At that time, the Warring States Period fell, I really regret it for a long time, haha, this is interesting!" There was an expectation in the eyes of Jiang Chen-

Sky without borders. Ancient fairy dome.

Gu Hai's body looked at the scroll in his hand, "Fu Tian Fu" left by Yuan Shi Tianzun!

Although the same talent, but the content is far from, but for the ancient sea, it has a great role for reference.

"The joy of heaven and earth embodies a word of" happiness ". However, since the Supreme Master's fall, Yuanshi Tianzun has been immersed in the great depression of" sorrow ". It is no wonder that the sadness and joy conflict will become increasingly ruthless. Yuan Shi Tian Zun is also a celestial witch. In the "great sorrow", he can actually practice "happiness" and push the eye of heaven to the second order? "Gu Hai praised.


Suddenly, a cloud of black mist erupted in the palm of Guhai. In the dark fog, the eyes of the heavens have shrunk countless times. At this moment, the eyes of the heavens are constantly twisting and changing shapes.

"Sorrow and joy are relative. It seems that you cannot force refining at all, otherwise you will be back bitten!" Gu Hai frowned at the narrowed heavenly eyes.

"My eye is sad, Yuanshi Tianzun is the eye of joy? Yuanshi Tianzun is rejoicing from sorrow, and it can be used for reference!" Gu Hai's mind suddenly thought.

After being silent for a while, Gu Hai opened his eyes to the narrow eye of Heaven: "Eye of joy, I know, you are not convinced by refining, I can let you out, but from now on, you are the same as the eye of sadness Can only recognize me as the Lord? "


The ever-distorting eyes of heaven.

Suddenly, Gu Hai felt an aura of aura of light, coming straight to the soul of the sky, a force, suddenly raging all over the body, allowing Gu Hai to relax for a while.

This is, Eye of Huan recognized?

The ancient sea was overjoyed and the eyes of Huan recognized it, but it was much better than its own refining. It was equivalent to the 800,000 years of refining results of Yuanshi Tianzun, and it fell on him.

"I will release you right away, but you must also understand that Heaven and Earth are in my hands. If I retrain and practice Heaven and Earth, I will draw the aura of light I want from you, and you will surely fall apart. Me, I protect you! "Gu Hai Shen cried.


Another force poured into the ancient sea, and the ancient sea felt more closely connected with the eyes of Huan.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, rejoice with grief, this 800,000 years must have accumulated the boundless sorrow, you will leave the sorrow, you come out!" Gu Hai said.

But I saw that the pupils of the sad eyes suddenly opened, and a sudden burst of purple air burst out, which was the purple heavenly eyes.

The eyes of Huan were spit out, and immediately trembled. An endless purple air came out of nowhere in an instant, and surrounded the ancient sea.

"Sadness!" Gu Hai urged.

The eyes of Huanyan blasted black gas into the pupils of the eyes, and went straight to the eyes of sorrow.


The sorrowful eyes were fully absorbed, and roared.

On both hands, a purple gas surrounds, a black gas surrounds, the eyes of sadness and joy are in each.

Gu Hai was urged in accordance with the heaven and earth's great joy, and the eyes of joy were completely integrated.

At the same time, the great tragedy of the heavens and the earth was urged, and the boundless sorrow was refining rapidly.

Gu Hai is surrounded by these two breaths.

This sitting is a day outside, ten years here.

Ten years later, the right hand surrounded by black gas suddenly made a loud noise, and the black gas suddenly floated up into the sky. The ancient sea suppressed its power, and only the black light shone in all directions.

Black light hits some cities.

"Why am I crying? Why am I suddenly sad?"

"Dad, mother, the child is not filial, I'm so sad!"

"So sad, brother, I'm sorry for you!"




In the Quartet's Quartet, some Aboriginal people burst into tears, their hearts were endlessly sad, and they came inexplicably.

"The sorrow of heaven and earth, the sixth heaven! Eyes of heaven, second order? All beings are sad?" Gu Hai opened his eyes.

Gu Hai felt the cry of the outside world, and her expression suddenly moved.


With one hand, the black heavenly eyes disappeared.

Outside, those who wept suddenly frowned.

"What happened to me just now? Why did you suddenly cry?"

"It's strange, okay, why am I crying?"

"It's so annoying, but I'm a pig killer. Why would I cry for the death of those pigs? So annoying, so annoying!"




How many people show strange colors.

At this moment, above the left hand of the ancient sea, the eyes of Huan, after exhausting all the sadness, although the color is still purple, it is much clearer.

Under the control of the ancient sea, it suddenly floated high.


Did not release the power, just shone the Quartet city with purple light.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, it's so funny, you just cried for the dead pig? You killed the pig!"

"I'm laughing with laughter, how old are you, Tie Zhu, how happy you were just crying?"

"I don't know why, but, I just want to laugh, hahahaha!"




There were countless laughter from the Quartet, and the ancient seas were vivid.

Turn your hands and close your eyes.


The eyes of Huan disappeared.

In the city where the Quartet laughed, they stopped laughing suddenly, looking at each other for unknown reasons.

Gu Hai closed his eyes again.

The place of the soul of heaven, the eye of sorrow, and the eye of joy, are completely refined by the ancient sea. At this moment all eyes are closed, standing in the eyebrow of Gu Haitian soul.

"In the eyes of joy in the past, there are countless sorrowful stagnations, and this effect is not there. Now there is no sorrow, and naturally shows its strange power. The eyes of sorrow can make people sad. The eyes of joy can make people laugh ? So strange eyes of sadness and joy can actually affect people's emotions? "Gu Hai shook.

The talents and exercises are all Jiuzhongtian, and now only Liuzhongtian has such a strange power. Gu Hai couldn't imagine how to get abnormal in Jiuzhongtian.

"Yi's power is really amazing!" Gu Hai's eyes were condensed.

Slowly roll up the scroll of heaven and earth. Gu Hai took out another scroll in the jade box, which was the practice experience of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Unfolding slowly, Gu Hai looked up carefully.

"I feel the earth, like a faint sound, I don't know whether it is right or wrong. In the nothingness, the immortal vault is born, regardless of yin and yang, chaotic, there is a primitive spirit, calling the candle dragon, exhaling for summer, blowing for winter, Eyes open for the day, eyes closed for the night. After eternity, the candle dragon is lonely, with all things in body, the left eye is the day, the right eye is the moon, the earth is the body, the muscles are the mountains and the rivers, the blood is the lake, the hair is the stars, the three The soul becomes three thousand avenues, the six souls become six reincarnations, the seventh soul, the **** spirit, turns into the demon, and the beginning of the molding of the Shinto. Cuts chaos with the body, divides the yin and yang, and sets the boundaries! "Gu Hai read this scroll , God's light flashed in his eyes.

"Candle Dragon? Yuan Shi Tianzun senses the earth, and hears the sound?" Gu Hai was surprised.

PS: At the end of this volume, I ’m going out, the update is unstable, sorry!

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