Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 2: Ancient sea and cormorant

"You mean, the unborn person arrested you to transform the ancient sea into Fuxi and use Fuxi to resurrect Long Xiaoyue?" Zanyan said.

"The minister can guess that there are only so many. The unborn person wants to catch me, and the minister can cope, but he actually asked Dahan to go to the court and seize the court, so he can only ask the holy!" Shou solemnly worship.

"However, the unborn are after all the officials of Gu Hai!" Jing Wei frowned.

Jingwei finally received the great grace of the ancient sea. He didn't know anything before, but now he understands, naturally feels embarrassed.

"Holy, can you tell Gu Hai that it is clear that the unborn person seized Dongzang Shou in order to refine the ancient sea and tear down the insidious face of the unborn person?" Hou frowned.

"Yes, tell Gu Hai, let him deal with the unborn!" Jing Wei's eyes brightened.

"Useless!" Dong Zangshou smiled bitterly.

"Why is it useless?" Jing Wei frowned.

"The minister can guess the purpose of the unborn, but after all, the unborn has not yet done it. Why did Gu Hai believe in us?" Dongzangshou smiled bitterly.

"Eh?" Everyone sank.

"An unborn man is an old man following Gu Hai. Why is he following Gu Hai? It hasn't been planned for Long Xiaoyue. How can it be a good deal? Some time ago, someone always stared at the minister, and the minister had a bad hunch, maybe A great disaster is imminent. If life and death are not at stake, the minister will not make this request. Please go to the salvation minister! Capture the unborn for the minister so as to prevent the future. "Dongzang Shou bowed down and bowed down.

Dongzangshou bowed down and everyone looked at him. After all, Dongzangshou was also an old minister. He is in danger of dying to seek the Holy Spirit. Will the Holy Spirit ignore it because of the ancient sea?

"Get up, I'll deal with it!" I solemnly said.

"Xie Shengsheng!" Dongzang Shou was instantly grateful.

"Let's go down, I don't want to stay alone for a while!" Shen Shen said.

"Yes!" The crowd slowly backed out.

The crowd left, leaving only one person in the study.

妭 Sitting on the dragon chair, she tapped her arm gently with her fingers, closed her eyes slightly, and thought carefully.

Just as Guhai was unwilling to be against Enemy, He was also unwilling to be against Enemy.

Before the unborn person can deal with Gu Hai, Gu Hai can't move him. Similarly, there is a suspicion about Dongzang Shou in the heart of Xun.

What Dongzang Shou wants is not as simple as catching the unborn, but at the same time he also conceals an important thing, that is, how to insert Fuxi Qisong into the ancient sea, why did the unborn recognize the ancient sea? The world is big, and the strong can be more than the ancient sea. Why must it be the ancient sea? Or is there a limit to Fuxi's resurrection?

If the unborn person caught Dongzang Shou, he could perform the forbidden technique. Wouldn't Dongzang Shou catch the unborn person also be the same, and Dongzang Shou would revive Fuxi? Who will he look for? Are there any restrictions?

Dong Zangshou also kept some news private.

Xu Jingjing pondered for a while, then suddenly opened her eyes: "This matter must be resolved before going to the heart!"

Slowly got up and walked to the entrance of the upper study room. The guard outside the door respectfully saluted.

妭 Gaze turned to the direction of the northern borderless sky capital, his eyes narrowed, and the next moment, he stepped on his foot.


息 Hundreds of thousands of miles away, suddenly outside the borderless sky.

There is no city in the sky. Although the strong are like a forest, even the great queen Chen Xianer sits in the town and the gas defense is spread all over the country, but it depends on who the opponent is.

If you do not want to reveal your figure, it is really difficult for anyone to find her trace.


In a split second, the uncle appeared on a floating island in the borderless sky, but no one could detect it.

On the floating island overlooking the boundless sky and the capital, once again, step out.


Instantly, I reached the mouth of Shouyuan Palace.

"Stop, what ..." The guards at the entrance of Shouyuan Dian suddenly screamed angrily.

His eyes stared suddenly.


I couldn't see the breath, so I saw Shouyuandian Square, and the guards suddenly showed horror, and stood there, unable to move?

"How, how is that possible?"

"I can't move, I can't even speak?"

"This is your holy lord, oh, is she ah?"




Although the guards could not make a sound, they did not affect their thriller. Watching the quietly coming here revealed that it was extremely incredible.

There was a mist on the square between the steps, and people outside could not see him.

Slowly, I walked towards Shouyuan Hall step by step.

I didn't see any action of the uncle, it seemed like a strong force, and burst into the Shouyuan Hall.


The door of the temple opened suddenly.

"Who?" There was an angry cry in the hall.

He stepped into the hall.

But he saw the unborn person stand up from a futon, and looked at him in surprise: "Sir?"

The unborn person thought of many people who came in, but how could they have never thought that it would be the holy saint, how could it be her? Silently sneak into Shouyuan Hall, what do you want to do?

An unborn person has a bad feeling.

"Holy Lord, you entered my Shouyuan Hall without telling me, what are you doing?" The unborn person was furious.

Staring at the unborn person, he said lightly, "Don't pinch the letter in the sleeve, it's useless!"

"What?" The unborn person was suddenly surprised.

Although the unborn questioned the uncle, it was also clear that he was arrogant and naturally did not have the intention to force a shot. However, the unintentional invasion of the unborn made the unborn extremely nervous, and even crushed a letter. Notify people outside, and notify the Holy Spirit.

But with a pinch in his hand, no signal came out.

"How is it possible!" The unborn person took out the letter and was surprised.

"This place has been banned by Xun, and no news can be transmitted. If you are not born, you don't have to think about it!" Xuan took another step forward, and an aggressive momentum came to his face.

The unborn person's face changed: "Sir, Dahan, what do you want to do, I'm a big man!"

"Huh!" He snorted coldly, his body swayed earlier, and his palm blasted towards the unborn.

One palm shot, with a breath of devastation, the hair was suddenly exploded, and my heart was not good. I want to avoid, but at this moment, my body seems to be blocked by a force, but it is difficult to move.

With a strong palm, the unborn have no resistance. This is the majesty of the Great Lord.

The power of horror was filmed, and the unborn person wanted to shout, but even when they shouted, they couldn't make a sound, and their eyes were full of panic.

"Do not!"

A desperate growl in the heart.

I can't resist it, I thought that my life repair was already powerful enough, but I didn't want to, I was so strong.

With this palm, you can kill yourself.

An unborn person can't resist, and under an excitement, he can only confess his despair.


A bang hit the chest of the unborn.

The unborn were desperate, thinking that this palm would take their own lives, but after one palm, the unborn's clothes were not broken a little.

"Well, ah?" Weiren looked at him in surprise. There is no suppression at this moment, and sound can be made.

I didn't have anything at all, the thunder was loud and the rain was small? This is too small.

The momentum just now was scared to death, but the next moment, nothing happened?

The unborn man stared at him with his eyes wide, but he couldn't understand what he meant.

妭 At this moment, his brows are slightly frowned, but he is looking toward the main hall: "Now come, come out!"

There was no doubt for a while.

But I saw that the main entrance of the Shouyuan Hall, the ancient sea of ​​skeletons slowly came out.

"Holy!" Cried unexpectedly.

He looked coldly at the ancient sea.

The unborn have a lingering fear, did you really want to kill me? Finally, the strength weakened because the Holy One came up?

"Holy Lord, Holy Lord wants to assassinate Yuchen just now. Fortunately, he will come in time, otherwise ...!" Cried the unborn.

Gu Hai shook his head: "Da'ao Sheng won't kill you. If you kill you, you can't say anything!"

"Huh?" Weiren was slightly puzzled.

"Oh, Gu Hai, how do you know that I don't want to kill him?"

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "If the Lord of the Sacred Kings opened the killing ring, there will be no living inside or outside the Shouyuan Hall."

At this moment, the guards outside the palace of Shou Yuan, the suppression on his body instantly disappeared, one by one with a lot of sweat.

"Thank you holy!" The guards worshiped Guhai together.

The ancient sea looked at the Holy God of Dalai: "Dalai Sheng came from afar, why not go to my study and take a seat?"

Frowning at Gu Hai, he finally nodded: "Okay!"

"Please!" Gu Hai waved.

I followed the ancient sea and walked towards the study.

Outside the study, a group of guards paid respects and salutes, and Gu Hai introduced the puppet into the study.

The upper study is divided into two areas, one is the office space of the ancient sea, and the other is a seating area with seats.

I was taken to a place to rest, and a guard entered the study room, preparing tea for the two with great respect.

"How did you know that I would go to Shouyuan Hall?" Shen Shen said.

"Not long ago, I got the news that Dongzang Shou accidentally missed his tracks, but immediately became alert, so I guessed that he might know that he was exposed, and I didn't expect that he would be yours. That's it It will be very troublesome. So, I guess that if you want to get ahead of Dongzang Shou, you will come to the unborn, not to damage him, but to tell me that you can kill the unborn at any time, so I send I am always paying attention to the direction of Shouyuan Temple. As soon as the white mist of Shouyuan Diankou was covered, someone notified me! "Gu Hai explained.

"Oh, it seems that you have guessed my psychology?" I looked coldly at Gu Hai.

"Can't talk about it, if you really kill the war, I have no time!" Gu Hai shook his head.

While talking, he raised his tea cup and invited him to drink tea. He looked at Gu Hai, and finally nodded.

Gently took a sip.妭 Lower the tea cup gently.

Gu Hai didn't speak, he knew that here He had something important, waiting for His explanation.

"Well, you have no one, Dongzang Shou, and the two mentors may have a curse!" Wu frowned and sighed.

The ancient sea looked utterly.

PS: I've been meeting for the past few days, and I wrote very quickly, and the updates are very unstable, please forgive me!

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