Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 3: Undercurrent

"Well, you have no one, Dongzang Shou, and the two mentors may have a curse!" Wu frowned and sighed.

The ancient sea looked utterly.

There was a moment of silence in the study.

Unborn, Dongzang Shou is deeply thoughtful, but ancient seas and magpies are so confusing? Both of them are on the pilgrimage of heaven. I do n’t know how many people I see and how many hearts I analyze every day. How can I not see the unborn person and Dongzangshou carefully?

As soon as He spoke, Gu Hai understood what He meant.

"The unborn is my courtier, and he did not make a mistake, and I will not forcibly convict him! He is the hero of Dahan, and has always been!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

I glanced at the ancient sea and sighed slightly. Because Dongzang Shou is the same.

"Dong Zangshou told me that forbidden technique may transform you and revive Fuxi!" Xu looked at Gu Hai and said it just now.

Gu Hai's face sank.

Indeed, if this prohibition is true, although he is Long Wanqing's husband, but the unborn person should care more about Long Xiaoyue.

If there is an opportunity to resurrect Long Xiaoyue, will the unborn give up?

"Still the same, unborn people haven't made mistakes now!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Obviously, Gu Hai would not convict people just because of a guess.

"Then how are you going to deal with it? Dongzang Shou has already begged me, begging me to help him catch the unborn, presumably, the unborn also asked you, you know where Dongzang Shou is, do n’t help him ? "I looked towards the ancient sea.

Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"So what are you going to do?" Gu Hai looked at Xu and asked.

"I want to leave the DPRK for some time, I can't take care of it here, Dongzang Shou, after all, is my courtier, do nothing, it is not appropriate to convince the public, I have an idea!" I looked at Gu Haidao.


"Unborn, Dongzang Shou, since we are unwilling to stop, we will stop forcibly, and we won't be able to stop it for a long time. If not, let the two of them fight on their own!" Shen Shen said.

"You and I will never intervene?" Gu Hai looked slightly.

"Yes, you are not allowed to interfere with all the strong, I am not allowed to interfere with all the strong. Shoushi ’s problem, let Shoushi solve it by myself. I also count as Dongzang Shou blocked Dahan, and you also count as The unborn stopped Dasao. They lived and died, and each destined! "Shen Shen said.

The ancient sea was slightly meditative.

Just now, when Xun broke into the Shouyuan Hall, she told herself that if she insisted on her own way, she would have no time to save the unborn. Since Xun did not kill, Gu Hai believed in him.

"Good!" Gu Haiying said--

I'm gone.

The unborn were also recruited into the study by Gu Hai.

"Unborn, all the news of Dongzang Shou, you also know that he is a courtier of the Dalai Heavenly Dynasty. He will give you a copy of the information later. He came here only to reach an agreement with him. Now, it depends on whether you are willing to give up Dongzangshou. If you are willing to give up to deal with Dongzangshou, you will do everything to protect you. If you do not want to, you will only wipe out all the help from your grandmother to ensure that other people will not take any action Only let you and Dongzang Shou fight for themselves, life and death depend on each other, and each destiny is destined! "Gu Hai solemnly looked at the unborn.

There was no silence for a while.

At this moment, the unborn also knew why he had come to ‘stab 'himself.

Dongzangshou found it. Now that he has assembled Qimai Shouxiu, there is only one last vein left. Do you want to give up?

"Holy, Chen doesn't want to miss Dongzang Shou! I want to get his birthday!" Wei Sheng solemnly said.

Behind the desk, Gu Hai raised a brow and was slightly silent.

"Holy forgiveness!" Said the unborn.

After being silent for a while, Gu Hai nodded his head: "Since you have decided, I will not stop you, but I will pass the order immediately. In the Dahantian Dynasty, all courtiers shall not participate in your dispute with Dongzangshou. Moreover, He assured that the courtiers of the Dalai Lama will never intervene in your dispute! "

"Thank you!" Said the unborn.

"You go down!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.


The unborn came out of the study, and Gu Hai looked at the unborn, but there was a moment of silence.

The unborn are really attached to Long Xiaoyue. just……! ——

The next day begins.

All the courtiers received the notification of the Holy Spirit from the Dacheng and Dahan dynasties.

The two pilgrimages commanded that no one be allowed to participate in the fighting between them.

Although many courtiers show curiosity and do not know why, the decree of the Holy Spirit is everything, and everyone is watching war with curiosity.

In the Shouyuan Hall, the unborn looked at all the materials of Dongzang Shou.

"Oh, Dongzang Shou? You really have a good plan. From the beginning, you followed in the footsteps of the Dayan Dynasty. Dongfang Shou was under your control before? However, you actually followed the halfway partway. Is your life already Strong enough to predict the future, knowing that there is a Dasheng weather? If so, then you are stronger than the other few pulses. "Unborn people frowning analysis.


The unborn person closed the information book in their hands.

"Anyway, I have to try it, but this winter Tibetan life is not a leisurely generation!" Wei Sheng Shen said--

Honghuang City, study.

"Chen, Dongzang Shou, thank you, Holy!" Dong Zangshou was instantly grateful.

"I am going to leave the DPRK for some time. The officials of the two dynasties will not be allowed to intervene. Dongzangshou, you are careful not to be born!" Shen Shen said.

"Holy, will Gu Hai abide by the agreement?" Dong Zangshou worried.

"Rest assured, I have visited in person! He will not change!" I nodded.

"That's good, as long as there is no help from Dahan, the unborn will not be my opponent!" Dong Zangshou laughed.

Frown frowned at Dongzang Shou, and finally nodded—

The borderless city of heaven, the residence of the fourth prince.

In the hall where Gu Ming is located, the hall is rather dark. There are eight Heipao people standing in the hall, looking at Gu Ming together.

"Father Father doesn't allow anyone to intervene?" Gu Ming looked ugly.

"Yeah, we have also checked Dongzang Shou these days. Dongzang Shou's possession is so deep and powerful. The Heavenly Palace has been successfully repaired and has been extremely low-key. In the past, Dongfang Shou provoked him and he only One face-to-face made Dongfang Shou kneel and bow his head! "A man in a black robe worried.

"Dongzang Shou also has a wolf ambition, but unfortunately, he can only choose 妭, stubborn is strong, but the foundation must not be stronger than the Father, so ...!" Gu Ming's eyes narrowed.

"So what?" The eight looked at Gu Ming.

"We help the unborn and capture Dongzangshou!" Gu Ming said in a deep voice.

"But there is no order in the Dahan Saint, can't you step in?" A man in black robe worried.

"Oh, we shot it, we don't want anyone to know, just fine?" Gu Ming sneered.

"Yes!" The eight answered.

"Dongzang Shou, no matter how strong it is, is only one of the eight pulses, but the eight of you are copied Shouxiu eight pulses, is not enough to deal with him alone?" Gu Ming Shen said.


"Just enough. As for how to shoot, just listen to my arrangement, huh!" Gu Ming sneered--

Shouyuan Hall.

As the unborn person was thinking about how to deal with Dongzang Shou, the guard outside the hall immediately called out: "Qi Qing Siqing, someone visited from outside, saying it was the messenger of Dong Zangshou, I ca n’t wait for it, so ...!"

"Well? Dongzangshou's messenger?" Weiren suddenly changed his face.

He hasn't been looking for him yet, but he did come by himself?

"Bring him in!" Weisheng said indignantly.


Soon, a black robe man was taken to Shouyuan Hall.

"Oh? You have fluctuations in life? Are you a disciple of Dongzang Shou?" Weisheng Shen said.

"By the order of the family teacher, send a letter to Mr. Weisheng!" The man in the black robe handed the envelope respectfully.

No one took it in doubt.

"The letter has arrived in the hands of the gentleman, and he is leaving now!" The man in black robe solemnly said.

The unborn didn't stop, and when the black robes left, the unborn opened the envelope gently. Read it carefully.

"Unborn, since both dynasties have no leverage, then you and I can compete for one another. There is life and death, and each has its own destiny. Ten days later, at 3 noon, the waters of Huaying Island in the East China Sea, waiting for the drive!

Looking at this letter, the unborn person frowned slightly. I did not expect that such a forbearant person as Dong Zangshou would have to hit it hard?

Huahai Island in the East China Sea, but it is the birthplace of Shouxiu, Fuxi's former residence.

Packing the envelope carefully, there was a slight silence in the unborn—

Honghuang City, Dongzang Shou Mansion.

A man in a black robe handed a letter to Dong Zangshou.

"By the order of a family teacher, send a letter to Mr. Dong Zangshou!" The man in the black robe gave the letter respectfully.

Handed out the letter, the man in black robes left.

Dong Zangshou opened the envelope and looked puzzled.

"Dongzang Shou, since both dynasties have no leverage, then you and I can compete. You have a life and death, and each has its own destiny. Three days later, at three noon, in the waters of Huaying Island in the East China Sea, waiting for the drive!

Looking at the letter, Dongzangshou suddenly looked calm, thinking that this was a war book given to him by the unborn, and he was very dignified.

The war books received by the unborn and Dongzang Shou are almost the same. The only difference is that the unwritten battle books are ten days later. Dong Zangshou wrote three days later.

The two big ancestors were all surprised. But no one has found out that the war books he received were not written by the other party--

The borderless sky, the third prince, the ancient Tang mansion.

A man respectfully stands in front of the Third Prince Gu Tang.

"What you said is true?" Gu Tang frowned.

"Yes, just yesterday, someone in Heipao went to Dong Zangshou and sent a letter. The specifics were unknown to his subordinates!" The man solemnly said.

"Well, I know, you go down!" Gu Tang said in a deep voice.


As the man left, Gu Tang paced back and forth in the hall.

"I really can't sit still. The unborn and Dongzang Shou actually received a letter at the same time? If I guess correctly, the content of the two letters should be similar. Oh, senior, I have seen you long ago. It ’s not right. When I resolutely left my mother back then, I knew that you and I were no longer the same. You relied on the Father ’s love, you deceived the Father, you could n’t fool me!

PS: Sorry, today ’s update is one hour late, sorry!

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