Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 5: Eight pulses gather

In the distance, Gu Ming quickly cleaned up the scene with eight men in black robes. Hundred gold needles were inserted into the body of Dongzang Shou, and then slowly became transparent.

It seems that gold needles and thin threads are no longer visible.

Gu Ming and the eight Heipao people gently manipulated the invisible thin line, but saw that Dongzang Shou was acting like a line puppet, and was doing what Gu Ming wanted to do.

"The fourth prince manipulated Dongzang Shou? What is he going to do?" Shangguanhen was surprised.

"Unclear!" Gu Tang frowned.

"Isn't the Holy Order expressly forbidden from interfering in the battle of the two great masters? Why ...? No, I want to report to the Holy Lord!" Shangguan marks took out a figurine.

"Useless, Uncle Shangguan, if I guessed well, this East China Sea has been arranged by them, and nothing should be passed out. Even outside, when looking at this area of ​​the sea, it is also very calm and without waves. Yes, as for the fighting just now, it is even outsiders, no one can see clearly! "Said the ancient Tang.

"No, right?" Shangguan marks startled.

Using the figurine to convey the sound, sure enough, the figurine was suddenly abolished.

"How could it be? How did the fourth prince have such a means to control Dongzang Shou?" Shangguan Hen solemnly said.

"All of you have underestimated Gu Ming. Gu Ming was an important minister of Ji Jihong in the past. Mr. Wu Xing, in the shortest time, he has won Ji Di Hong's trust. Ji Ji Hong was in him. He has a big heel in his hand! "Said the ancient Tang Shen.

"But, he is the fourth prince, what is he going to do? He has clearly violated the order of the Holy Ghost now. Since the transmission is not possible, then we will return to the court immediately! Explain everything to the Holy Ghost!" Shen Guanchen said in a deep voice.

"No!" Cried Gu Tang.

"Huh?" Shangguan marks looked at Gu Tang in doubt.

"Uncle Shangguan, this is why I asked you to come. Actually, I have found out that the fourth child has a problem. However, the fourth child is extremely savvy, and I have no evidence at all. The fourth child must have a big conspiracy. If we go back and report it now, , Will certainly fight the grass and scare the snake! "Gu Tang said.

"You mean, the Quartet is already full of Shou Zhen. As soon as we go out, Shou Zhen will be excited and known by the Four Princes?" Shangguanhen moved slightly.

"Yes, I don't know what the fourth child's conspiracy is, but I always feel that he is not good for the Father. He is extremely intelligent, has everything, and is not flawed. Now, this opportunity is rare, so we must wait patiently. Going on, I want to know what his conspiracy is. Don't fight the grass and frighten the snake. Once I fight the grass and frighten the snake, my observations over the years will be lost! He will hide deeper and cause more damage in the future!

Shangguanhen accidentally looked at the ancient Tang: "The third prince, when did you start to doubt the fourth prince?"

"When? Oh, when our family was still mortal, when the emperor killed his mother and seized the mother ’s soul, I and the fourth child tolerated the burden and left the father with the emperor. I thought the fourth child was like me and wanted to find The method of saving the mother. Later, we followed Baidi to protect the mother, and at the same time tried to contact the father, but whoever thought, the fourth child left us halfway, I guess, the fourth child may not be like me He may simply recognize the thief as his father.

Later, in the grave, I got the help of the Father and the Holy Spirit to collect my soul. The fourth son had time to return to the Father and let the Fatherly Holy Spirit reshape my body.

It wasn't until Father Sheng defeated Ji Dihong with an overwhelming victory that the fourth child let my soul out. I guessed that he might still have a conspiracy, but Ji Jihong lost too quickly, so he turned to Father Sheng! Said the ancient Tang Shen.

"What is that conspiracy?" Shangguanhen solemnly said.

"I don't know, so I asked Uncle Shangguan to help me!" Gu Tang looked at Shangguan Mark.

"Okay!" Shangguan Mark also solemnly said--

The ancient Tang and Shangguan marks stood quietly waiting in the hidden place of the island. At this moment, above the sea, Gu Ming disappeared with eight black robes. Only the controlled Dongzangshou was left, standing quietly above the sea.

This is six days.


In the distance, a streamer flashed again. It was a man in a black and white robe who flew to Dongzang Shou not far.

"That's, no one?" Shangguanhen's eyes narrowed.

"It's really unborn!" Gu Tang nodded.

"Would you like to remind him?" Shangguan Mark frowned.

"No, wait!" Gu Tang shook his head.

According to the letter, the unborn arrived in this area one day in advance and were going to search the surroundings, but suddenly found that Dongzang Shou was waiting on the sea.

No one was immediately alert.

"Dongzang Shou, you are quite early!" Weiren said coldly.

Dong Zangshou was bloodshot in his eyes at this moment, but he couldn't make a sound. Looking at the person in front of him, he suddenly realized that the person was really unborn.

"Early? Didn't you make an appointment? Too deceptive, I don't know what to pretend!" Dongzangshou yelled.

Dongzangshou's heart was full of resentment, but no one in the distance thought that Dongzangshou had set up an ambush, and looked carefully around.

Sure enough, like Dongzangshou, no abnormalities were found.

"Dongzang Shou, you are so confident. You asked me to meet alone, you know ...!" Weisheng said coldly.

But, before he finished speaking, he saw that Dongzang Shou suddenly started. The detective waved. Suddenly, the sky was falling white with snow.

"Donghan dispels the soul snow? You really don't plan to tell me what to do? Or, let me also look at your life repair, how capable you are!" Weiren hummed.

During the speech, the unborn person waved his hand, and suddenly, the rolling heat wave came out of nowhere and went straight towards the endless snow: "Xia Yan burns the soul!"


The heat wave collided with Shirayuki, and the void shuddered suddenly.

Suddenly, Dongzang Shou started their own battle duel. In a blink of an eye, a black wind came out of nowhere. Around the two men on the battlefield, the two immediately started a fierce battle, allowing the outsiders to look inside Unclear.

"Dongzang Shou is under control, is the fourth prince manipulating Dong Zangshou's hand?" Shangguan marks squinted.

The ancient Tang face was sinking like water. Because at this moment, Gu Ming has made Gu Hai break the promise of He.

"Hahaha, Dongzangshou, are you just doing this? Broken!" Weisheng burst into a loud laugh.


The seawater around them suddenly rolled up a ring-shaped wave, and the black wind around them was completely gone.

Suddenly the two men in the internal battle were exposed.

The unborn person won, and Dong Zangshou shed a large blood hole around him, and the eyebrows were even spotted by a big hole in the unborn person.

"You lost, Dongzang Shou!" Weisheng smiled with excitement.

At this moment, Dongzangshou's entire body was abandoned by the unborn, as if only the last breath was left, but his mouth was loose and he could make a sound.

"The liar, Dahan Tianchao, the liar, no one, you must not die!" Dong Zangshou screamed resentfully.

"What?" The unborn person was puzzled.

"Burning my three souls, offering sacrifice to Shou Tao, spreading my voice, and entering the ears of Luan." Dong Zangshou cried with resentment.

During the talk, Dongzang Shou burned a lot of green flames all over his body.

"** Three souls, offering sacrifice to Shouxiu Avenue? You are crazy, even if I take your life, you will not die, and there is a chance of reincarnation. In this way, you will be extinct!" No one was surprised.

However, Dongzang Shou looked extremely unhappy to the unborn.

"Holy, the old minister died unjustly, ask the holy minister to avenge him, the old minister wronged, the old minister died unjustly, Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, did not keep the holy covenant, ambush the minister, killed the old minister, old minister wronged, wronged, wronged! The old minister is wrong! "Dong Zangshou shouted extremely sternly.

This shouting sound, as Dongzangshou's three souls burned, seemed to pass through the heavens and the earth to the remote and unknown place.

"You're crazy, Dongzang Shou, you are not as good as anyone, but you're entangled!" Weisheng was furious.

However, even when frightened, the unborn had no intention of stopping, but instead flicked a finger to draw Dong Zangshou's life.

A ball of white energy, like a snowball, was held at the fingertips of unborn people. As soon as the snowball-like energy group came out, it suddenly burst into snowflakes.

"What? Your longevity has been damaged? Once you take it out, it will melt, otherwise you will disperse. You are crazy and you ruined longevity?" Weisheng exclaimed.

"It wasn't me who destroyed it. It was you who destroyed it. The unborn person will avenge me on the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will kill you. Ah, if I die, you do n’t even want to live!" in.

Under the burning of the three souls, the spirits of Dongzang Shou were in chaos.


A loud noise, the energy in the body, actually blasted Dong Zangshou's body.

"You!" Weiren's face changed.

I don't understand why Dongzangshou's resentment is better than destroying his soul, rather than burning his own three souls, but to die together?

"No, you must immediately sacrifice Dong Zangshou's life, otherwise everything will be useless!" Weiren's face sank.

Probe, put Dong Zangshou's life into his eyebrows.


Immortal body surface suddenly emerged in circles of gossip-like light wheels.

Regardless of Dongzang Shou's torn body, the unborn man sat cross-legged, sitting cross-legged on the sea, and sacrificed with heart.

In the distance, on the edge of a hidden island, Gu Ming watched the unborn person refine the life, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Everything is in accordance with my plan. After a while, the unborn will be reborn, Fuxi, eight of you, go and set up right now, no mistakes can be made!" Gu Ming Shen said.

"Yes!" The eight men in black robes quietly dived into the ocean floor.

On another island.

The ancient Tang and Shangguan marks looked at each other.

"Gu Ming, this is helping the unborn?" Shangguan Mark frowned.

"I don't know. I don't always feel that simple. Dong Zangshou's longevity should be destroyed by the fourth son. He is forcing the unborn to quickly integrate the longevity. There is no time to think. What? "The ancient Tang also looked complex.

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