Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 6: Fuxi Qibao

Tiandu, the borderless city, go to the study!

Skull Guhai has been in the office from underworld for some time.

At this moment, Mo Yike rushed to Montai.

In the study, at this moment there are two women, Long Wanqing, Long Wanyu sisters, and the little golden dragon transformed by Hetu, sitting on the side of the coffee table.

As soon as Mo Yike entered the study, the people who looked at him frowned slightly, but looked away and looked at the ancient sea again.

"Holy, there are important things to report!" Mo Yike eagerly said.

"Oh? Mr. Mo, but it doesn't matter!" Gu Hai looked at Mo Yike and Meng Tai in doubt.

"Yes, just now, the Lord asked the Lord to inquire about the news, and never found a letter in Shouyuan Hall!" Mo Yike solemnly said.

"You searched Shouyuan Temple for no reason?" Long Wanqing frowned slightly.

Although the Long sisters did not recognize the unborn, these years, the unborn gave the second daughter a constant lowering of protection. In order to be forgiven by the second daughter, the second daughter finally recognized the unborn. After all, blood is thicker than water, and he is his father after all.

"The queen forgive me. It is about the safety of the saints, so the minister had to do this transcendence!" Mo Yike said suddenly.

"Fu Jun's safety?" Long Wanqing's face changed, and she no longer blamed Mo Yike.

"What danger is my brother-in-law?" Long Wanyu also stared in surprise.

"I am not sure, but please read this letter to the Holy See!" Mo Yike delivered a letter.

It was the letter from which the unborn received the ‘Winter Tibetan Life’ war book.

Gu Hai took a look.

"Holy, Chen always feels that there is a problem with the unborn. The eight-pulse life repair seems to hide the secret of the great, but the unborn is hidden, but they all said when they captured Nangong Shou in the past. When the strangers gathered together, they wanted to do harm to the holy ones, and the minister had paid attention to it. This time, the two senior teachers finally faced each other. Perhaps at the most critical moment, the minister had to offend! "Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

"I know, they want to revive Fuxi!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Resurrect Fuxi?" The Long sisters froze slightly.

On the side of the coffee table, Xiao Jinlong trembled suddenly and looked at Gu Hai unexpectedly. At this moment, Gu Hai's gaze inadvertently looked at Xiao Jin Long. Xiao Jin Long turned his head and did not dare to look at Gu Hai's eyes.

"Holy, in the past, the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road was opened. The minister could find out that the unborn can be opened immediately, but regardless of the safety of the Holy Ghost, we must ask us to bring two life masters, and the minister began to suspect the unborn. He was not Seemingly! "Mo Yike solemnly said.

The Sisters of the Long Family frowned and looked at Mo Yike, apparently also wanting to argue for the unborn, but it was about the safety of the ancient sea, and the second daughter pressed the words to her mouth again.

"Mr. Mo's observations are subtle, but people are not static. Perhaps the unborn now is different from the past?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Uh?" Mo Yike frowned slightly.

"Since Mr. Mo is here, let's listen together!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Listen?" Mo Yike showed a hint of doubt.

"Yeah, brother-in-law, what did you call my sister and me for?" Long Wanyu wondered.

Gu Hai looked at the river map on the coffee table.

"Hetu, what do you think He would ask you?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Eh, ah? I, I don't know, Gu Sheng, what do you want me to ask?" He Tu smiled flatteringly.

Sister Long looked to Hetu in doubt.

"Hetu, do you hide anything from me?" Long Wanyu stared.

"No, no, absolutely nothing!" He Tu suddenly called.

"Hetu, you were the servant of Fuxi in the previous life. You all know the birth of Shouxiu Bamai. You also know the process of resurrecting Fuxi?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Uh, I, I don't know ...!" He Tu immediately argued.

"I don't know? Will you know when the consciousness is wiped out and replaced with Fuxi?" Gu Hai suddenly became cold.

When Gu Hai opened his mouth, everyone suddenly changed his face, which clearly killed the rhythm of Gu Hai. He Tu, knowing the secret, refused to say it.

"Hetu, what my brother-in-law said is true, tell me obediently, otherwise, I will immediately take back your dragon body and separate your body and soul, believe it or not!" Long Wanyu stared suddenly.

At this moment, whoever dares to harm Gu Hai, Long Wanyu can desperately follow him.

"I, I don't know!" He Tu said stiffly.

"Don't say it yet? Don't say it? You want to die, don't you think I dare not! You dare to kill my brother-in-law, and I want you to pay for your life!" Long Wanyu was furious, and she pinched a trick.

He Tu's body of Jinlong trembled suddenly, seemingly not under the control of He Tu.

"Don't, don't, little ancestor, I'm innocent!" He Tu was suddenly frightened and weak.

"That's not to say!" Long Wanyu stared.

"Me, why am I so unlucky!" He Tu said bitterly.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Long Wanyu exasperated.

He Tu looked at the ancient sea with a look of fear: "On the ancient holy, how do you know?"

"Don't worry about how you know, what you said, all the words come together, the eight veins gather, how to infuse Fuxi and seven spirits into Yu's body!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Hetu can't resist at this moment, he can only recruit.

"Master Fuxi also studied Qi Yun. In fact, all the princes and officials of Dahan had a connection between them, connected to the Qi Yunhai, and were blessed by Qi Yun. To the body, there is a line on the ancient saint that connects the Qi Yunhai, and the unborn person also has a line that connects the Qi Yunhai, that is, the unborn person can connect to the saint through the Qi Yunhai node. He invited Fuxi The seven spirits of the master can be poured into the Holy Body through this line, and then, Fuxi ’s consciousness, seizing the Holy House, transforming the Holy House, and finally transforming the Holy House into Fuxi! ”He Tu whispered.

"What? Bastard, Hetu, you're looking for death. You don't have to say such an important thing!" Long Wanyu roared with a stare, and came forward to deal with Hetu.

"I, I'm innocent, it's none of my business!" He Tu cried suddenly in horror.

Long Wanyu thundered like lightning. It turned out that Bamai Shouxiu actually buried a thunder here to deal with the ancient sea.

It's no wonder that no one cares so much about collecting all the pulse.

This is all about using Gu Hai's trust in him to frame Gu Hai!

Long Wanqing's face was also ugly. Eyes are more angry.

I just had a good feeling for my father and suddenly disappeared.

"No wonder the rebirth of the Hungry Ghosts at the beginning, the unborn people were so anxious for the two ancestors, and even the safety of the Holy Spirit was ignored, or, in his eyes, the safety of the Holy Spirit was nothing at all!" Mo Yike stared.

"Holy, Chen immediately called together Kong Xuan and Mosquito Taoists to catch the unborn!" Montai was also angrily on the side.

"Don't worry!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"But ...!" Everyone was impatient.

Because the unborn have already gone to the battle with Dongzang Shou, and the result is about to come out. At that time, the unborn can take a shot across hundreds of millions of miles, and they can't be prevented at all.

You know, it's Fuxi Qibao, Fuxi is a strong man at the same level as generals.

"As you said, if Dongzang Shou wins, you can win the house instantly?" Gu Hai asked.

"Yes, yes!" He Tu nodded.

"What are you waiting for, hurry to stop the unborn!" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's not that big!" Gu Hai laughed.


"Don't worry, the unborn can drive Fuxi Qibao into the body of the uncle because of this line. Now that he hasn't done it, naturally he can't impose his sin. Moreover, Dahan's luck is mine. I If you want to cut off the unborn line, isn't it always possible? "Gu Hai laughed.

"Uh?" Everyone froze slightly.

"Hetu didn't say the method, I was still a little worried. Now, the most worrying things have been solved. Next, let's watch a play patiently!" Gu Hai looked through the door to the East China Sea.

"The Holy Ghost has already been set up, it is a matter of ministers!" Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

Mo Yike looked at the sisters of the Long family and suddenly realized everything.

Queen Chen is not there, Queen Lin is not there, and Bing Ji is not. Why did Sheng Shang just call the Dragon Sisters? Obviously, this unborn person is involved in the Dragon Sisters. It turned out that everything had been known in the holy--

East China Sea.

Shangguanhen and Gutang hid in a hidden island, watching undisturbed people sitting cross-legged.

Another island, Gu Ming was squinting waiting.

I saw that when the unborn person refined Dongzangshou's longevity, the whole body released a lot of golden light, and the golden light showed the shape of gossip, spreading in all directions, circle by circle, it seemed to carry an inexplicably heavy breath.

After refining for a while.

The unborn person trembled suddenly, his eyes suddenly opened.

"Eight pulses gather, Shou Dao is fully displayed, the main road, come out!" Weisheng yelled.


Suddenly, a golden avenue suddenly appeared, soaring into the sky, and into the ground.

If no one is walking, slowly integrate into the main road.


That avenue seemed to blend with the flesh and blood of the unborn, and a surge of horror was pouring out.

"That's the Avenue of Shou. The eight pulses gather and blend into one's body. Really good ability!" Gu Ming flashed a look of hope in the distance.

But seeing the unborn person was slightly silent, the detective waved.


The road of Shouzhi trembled suddenly, and suddenly swayed quickly. When it swayed, it was suddenly dark, and the scorching sun was empty when it was suddenly covered by dark clouds.

An overcast wind came out of thin air, countless colorful lights, flowing fast along the Avenue of Shou, and it seemed better to fly around like countless heavenly demons.

"The gathering of eight pulses can urge Shou Dao! Shou Dao circulates and can pass through ancient times! One ancient pulse, long time, Shouzhi's ancestors, Fuxi ancestors, out!" The unborn person held a tactic and drank suddenly.


The whole avenue of Shouzhi trembled suddenly, then suddenly quieted down, and suddenly dimmed, the colorful light, the wind, and the demon all disappeared, leaving only the avenue quietly standing in the East China Sea.

In the palm of the unborn child, a blue light ball appeared strangely. Among the light balls, there seemed to be seven small dragons of different colors roaming the interior.

"Fu Xi's Seven Spirits!" Gu Ming's eyes lighted in the distance, and he was instantly excited.

On the other side, Shangguanhen and Gutang heard the innocent mantra, but they seemed to guess something.

"Fu Xi? The seven dragons in the ball of unborn people are Fu Xi?" Shangguanhen looked at it in disbelief.

On the other side, Gu Ming was full of expectations, and seemed to whisper a prayer: "Quick, fast, follow your luck induction, cast out! Cast out!"

ps: Go out for a wedding today, two chapters even more! Next change, ten minutes later!

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