Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 7: Atonement

This is the second more! ——

The avenue of unborn human life, holding a ball of light in his hands, the seven dragons roaming inside are the seven souls of Fuxi!

At this moment, the unborn human body, after merging the eight birthdays, is symmetrical and almost perfect. Burly and tall, full of rolling power.

Holding the seven spirits of Fuxi, a golden thin line emerged from the surface of the unborn human body. The thin line leads to the direction of Qi Yunhai, the borderless sky.

"Hehe, Fuxi, Fuxi, why is your eight-shou rebellion anti-corpse surgery like this? Through the sea of ​​luck, you can only enter your seven spirits into the king's body, why can't other courtiers, if so, I would rather go into Kong Xuan, Mosquitoes or Shangguan marks, why is it only the ancient sea, huh, why is it just the ancient sea! "The unborn person fell into bitterness for a while.

"The connection is connected. As long as the Fuxi Seven Souls are thrown out, the ancient sea can be reclaimed instantly. Fuxi is resurrected. I can control Fuxi through the avenue of life that fits into my body. Fuxi's ability is much stronger than me, he is even more powerful. When it comes to the law of time, I can save Long Xiaoyue without asking for help. Xiaoyue has suffered so much for me. I should save her. Only the strength of the ancient sea can make the transformed Fuxi the strongest and can save Xiaoyue. , I want to save Xiaoyue! "The unborn person suddenly trembled.

The unborn person looked up and looked north again, breathing a suffocation of gas.

However, looking at it, the suffocation of the whole body suddenly disappeared.

"Ha ha, a month ago, Wan Qing called me 'Father'! Wan Yu's attitude is even better! Although she doesn't say anything, but looking at my eyes, I have also recognized that I am a father. They agree I am. They will recognize me. My daughter recognizes me! "Suddenly a sudden meal.

After Long Xiaoyue's death, her two daughters are all unborn. In the beginning, I accidentally killed my daughter Long Wanqing. I did n’t know how long I had lived in guilt. I did n’t know how much I was sorry. In these years, I have been with my two daughters. Finally got the forgiveness of the two daughters, and finally got the approval of the two daughters.

At this time, he killed his son-in-law again?

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha!" The unborn suddenly burst into a stern grin.

Why, why did Gu Hai become his son-in-law? why? Is it her daughter's husband? If I kill Wan Qing's husband. Can Wanqing still forgive me?

If Gu Hai died, how could he explain to Long Wanqing himself? After Long Xiaoyue was resurrected, let their mother and daughter face each other. Is the resurrection mother in exchange for her husband's death?

Xiaoyue will definitely hate herself.

The unborn were in a state of great embarrassment. On one side is the love of Long Xiaoyue, and on the other are the close relatives Long Wanqing and Long Wanyu.

The choice is in sight. Who should I choose?

"No, Fuxi's Seven Spirits can't stay too long. It must be made against the corpses, and it must be fast!" Weiren was anxious.

In the distance, Gu Ming was anxious: "It's time for you to be crazy if you haven't been born yet. Don't bear it? What a joke!"

It's not that the unborn now can't bear the ancient sea, but it can't let go of the rare relationship, because the unborn know that today, as long as this is done, the two daughters will never forgive themselves. Is forever!

How to do?

"No, I was sorry for Xiaoyue that year, I must let Xiaoyue live. Even if I carry all the blame!" The unborn person slowly became firm.

But the next moment, a picture suddenly appeared in my mind.

Before Long Wanqing was killed by herself, she was so firm and deadly that she said that stupidly: "My father is a hero of the world, and there is no obstacle in the world. Because of something, he went to a far place. But one day, my dad will come back. If anyone bullies our mother and daughter, my dad will avenge us. No matter who he is, my dad will protect us and not let us suffer a little!

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha!" The unborn laughed again in pain.

He personally killed Long Wanqing and was eventually rescued by Gu Hai. When Long Wanqing was resurrected, he never vowed, and never let Long Wanqing and Long Wanyu be wronged.

Do not let them suffer, but they will kill their love?

"No, I can't do this. I can't do this. They are my daughters. I'm sorry for them once. I can't be sorry for them anymore!" Whispering painless.

But, what about Long Xiaoyue? Don't you save yourself?

The thought of Long Xiaoyue kept echoing Long Wanqing's pride.

"My father is a hero of the world, and there is nothing in the world!"

"Someday, my dad will be back!"

"If anyone has bullied our mother and daughter, my father will avenge us. No matter who he is, my father will protect us and not let us suffer a little!"

"My father is a hero of the world, and there is nothing in the world!"




All the memories ended up in Long Wanqing's sentence a month ago: "Father!"


"Ha, ha ha ha ha!" In the robe of the unborn, two lines of tears had slipped on his face.

"Good daughter, good daughter, dad won't let you get wronged, I said, even if I die, I won't let you get any more wronged. Not at all!" The whole body shivered in the uncomfortable .

Looked at Fuxi Qibao in his hand. There was a smirk in the unborn.

"Xiaoyue, I'll do my best once. Don't blame me. I was sorry for the three of you mother and daughter. Today, let me atone for that year. As long as you are good, as long as you are good, everything else is not important, isn't it? Well, I want you all to be good! "There was a choking voice in the unborn voice.

The unborn person talked to himself for a while, and Gu Ming was anxious in the distance, but could only wait patiently.

But I saw the unborn person gently waving Fuxi Qibao in his hand.

"The ancestor Fu Xi, the disciple was not born, the sin is heavy, begging the ancestor is poor. I do n’t know if this decision is right, but I am willing to donate my body for the ancestor to be born again. As for you, the disciple has only one request. Please ask your ancestors to make every effort to save Long Xiaoyue from resurrection so that the mother and daughter can reunite. As long as they are safe and their disciples live and die, it is not important anymore. , Please ancestors to complete! "Ling Xu, the unborn, knelt down.

Then, gently throw the Fuxi Qisao in his hand.


Fuxi Qimo disappeared instantly and entered the body of the unborn person.

However, from the perspective of Gu Ming in the distance, it was Fu Xi Qi Po that was thrown into the ancient sea.

Because of the Eight Shou anti-life and anti-corpse surgery, Fuxi's seven souls have only two choices. If it was not ancient sea, or for themselves, how could an unborn person commit suicide?

"It's done!" Gu Ming's eyes flashed excitedly.

"Hands on!" Gu Ming yelled suddenly.


Above the East China Sea, there was a sudden uproar, and for a moment, it seemed that eight chains rushed out from the bottom of the sea, and went straight into the sky without a person.

The unborn person chose to sacrifice themselves, and smashed Fuxi's seven spirits into his body. Once in the body, the unborn person trembled suddenly and felt the invasion of Fuxi's consciousness. His seven souls blended with Fuxi's seven souls almost instantly.

"So fast?" Weiren exclaimed.

It's harmonious, just like, the seven spirits of Fuxi itself are their own strength, weird like two drops of water, they will be fused.

You know, the body of any practitioner has its own characteristics, and it takes a lot of effort to refine other bodies. Even if your body refines other bodies, it is not so easy.

However, the seven souls of Fuxi and the unborn seven souls blended in such a strange moment. Seems to be homologous.

At the same time, the seventh soul of the eyebrows was an instant influx of power into the three souls, and it seemed to be baptizing the three souls.

"Ah!" There was a burst of irritation and a pain in the unborn head, and a lot of memories seemed to flow.

But at this moment, suddenly, eight chain chains soared to the sky, binding the unborn person with pain in his head instantly.

"This chain? It contains the power of the longevity path? How is it possible that there is a longevity line at the bottom of the sea? The eight perfect paths?" Weisheng cried.

However, with a scream, the unborn person was holding his head in pain. Because Fuxi's consciousness is forcibly invading his body and forcing himself to transform.

"Ah!" Yuren yelled in pain.

Gu Ming soared into the sky, suddenly not far from the unborn, saw the pain of the unborn, and thought he was struggling with eight chains.

"Ha ha ha ha, I haven't been born, but I have been waiting for you for a long time. Now, gossip is locked, you can't move it!" Gu Ming laughed.

"You, Prince Edward? Gu Ming? You, why are you here?" Weiren stared at Gu Ming with wide eyes.

"How am I here? I am here, I want your longevity!" Gu Ming said in a deep voice.

"What?" The unborn person was surprised in pain.

"The gathering of eight-pulse birthdays can evoke the" Shouzhi Avenue ", which can blend the avenue with the body. Through this avenue, you can control the ancient sea?" Gu Ming sneered.

"You, how do you know?" The unborn exclaimed in pain.

"At that time, I followed Ji Dihong, and I wanted to control Ji Dihong one day, and also use my eight pulses. Unfortunately, the eight pulses that I have mastered are counterfeit after all, just like the longevity of Cangjie. Unorthodox, only your eight pulses are orthodox. After all, our eight pulses cannot condense the avenue of life and cannot control Fuxi! However, you can, you can, just I can! "Gu Ming said coldly.

"You want to take my avenue of life? Hahaha, it is impossible, the avenue is integrated with me, you can't take it!" Cried the unborn.

"No, I have the Shinto deprivation of the five main lines of the Wu tribe. You forgot that I got it from Ji Dihong last time. The Shinto deprivation. I can deprive you of the road of longevity!" Gu Ming said from himself.

"You all knew it? You didn't tell Gu Hai? He is your father, he treats you like a child, and you know that he is in danger, but you don't tell him that you want to use him to manipulate the Dahan heaven and Fuxi? "The unborn person was surprised, covering his head.

"Hum, too lazy to talk nonsense with you, see my supernatural power, deprived!" Gu Ming yelled.

"Om!" Gu Ming's brows flickered, and a dazzling golden light burst into bloom.

As soon as the golden light came out, it was like a tsunami and went straight to the unborn body.


When Jinguang entered the body, he saw a tremor in the avenue of longevity, and then slowly broke away from the body of the unborn, being pulled by Gu Mingsheng.

Through this avenue of longevity, Fuxi and Dahan Tianchao will be under their control, and Gu Ming suddenly showed his excitement.

ps: After two more, I went to the field today for a wedding drink, and the update is unstable. I apologize. It's gone today.

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