Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 13: You **** off

In the middle of the sun, Dahan Tianchao, an extremely remote city, outside the city, a remote town.

A small courtyard in the town.

The yard was overgrown with weeds, the door frame was broken, and snake worms and ants occasionally gathered here. Obviously, no one has lived for a long time.

The ancient Tang took the ancient Ming and stood at the entrance of the small courtyard.

"You saw it just now. I've given you all the household registration here. The owner has been missing for decades, and I won't be back for a lifetime. In the future, you can live here. No one can find it. You! "Said Gu Tang.

Gu Ming looked at Gu Tang and didn't care about the rundown around him, but nodded gently.

"You have been repaired for now. If you want to rebuild, we will not stop you. Because your father is kind, I will let you go alive. I hope you can do it yourself, don't use your father's banner and cheat! .

Gu Ming nodded silently.

Gu Tang's eyes flashed uncomfortable, but he turned away and walked away.

Beside Gu Ming, there are some identification cards. Others were empty, Gu Tang left nothing for him.

However, Gu Ming is not resentful. Instead, a guilty conscience was born.

In the courtyard of the small courtyard, found some rusty tools, and cleared the grass in the courtyard little by little.

This busy day and night.

The run-down of the courtyard was slowly cleaned up, and it became more organized.

Wait for everything to be cleaned up. Gu Ming was facing north, and he knelt down solemnly, facing the direction of Wudu Tiandu, worshipping for nine weeks.

After three weeks of worship.

Gu Ming began to pack things carefully.

Suddenly, Gu Ming trembled as if he were electrocuted, motionless.

"God? Is it you? Are you okay?" Gu Ming was surprised and bowed down immediately.

A colorful streamer circulated slightly in Gu Ming's body.

"It's Benxian. They thought they caught the spirit of Benxian, but after a mistake, how could Benxian not stay behind?" The sound of 卅 rang again in Gu Ming's body.

"Yes!" Gu Ming trembled.

"In your body, now there is a ray of spare soul guide for Benxian, but unfortunately, it is much weaker than the previous one. You are abolished, it doesn't matter, Benxian will help you recover quickly. From now on, you will help Benxian be alive Monitor the world and wait for Benxian to return. Will Chen, Fuxi, Cang, Guhai? Do n’t even try to escape, hum! ”A cold hum blew the whole courtyard.

"Yes!" Gu Ming said in a shocking voice—

Sky without borders.

The Royal Palace, in a large hall.

Chen Xian'er, Lin Wan'er, Bing Ji, Long's sisters, ancient Qin, ancient Han and ancient Tang gathered again. Describes everything that happened in the East China Sea.


Gu Qin took a palm shot on the coffee table: "Miscellaneous Gu Ming! He dare to kill his father?"

The ancient Han was also instantly furious.

It's so good, it's dangerous. If my father hadn't guarded the unborn, he would have ignored Gu Ming. It turned out that Gu Ming was not at home with his family from the beginning.

"Old fourth? It turned out to be that way. I was just wondering, but I didn't think about it. I took refuge in Qingdi, recognized the thief as my father, and took refuge in Baidi for power, in Jidihong, and even returning to Dahan. Haha, we really underestimated the bottom line of this fourth child! "Gu Han was also furious.

"Xiao Tang, where did you hide that evil barrier? Tell me, I want him to regret coming to this world!" Gu Qin stared.

At this moment, the ancient Qin seems to have lost his reason. Among the four sons, the ancient Qin has less talent and wisdom than the three younger brothers. However, the ancient sea is most valued by the ancient Qin, because the ancient Qin is calm and the ancient Qin is most grateful to his father . Not only did his father nourish himself, but he also taught himself, but he was dumb. But his father never disapproved, he always put himself first, and even risked to save himself. Make mistakes against yourself and never scold.

But Gu Ming wants to kill his father. Where can the ancient Qin bear? What a good upbringing, instantly burst into rage.

The ancient Han was also eager to try. Like the ancient Tang, after learning the truth, the first time was to teach Gu Ming.

The queens were naturally angry too. Thousands of defenses, home thieves are difficult to prevent! Almost killed Gu Hai. No one is upset.

"Alright!" Chen Xianer said.

As soon as Chen Xianer spoke, the crowd calmed down.

Chen Xianer was also extremely sad, and did not expect that in the past, she looked at her grown-up son and did such a bad thing.

"Mother!" The ancient Qin and ancient Han frowned.

"Forget it, the husband has forgiven him, so don't worry about it anymore, Xiao Tang, you don't need to talk about Xiao Ming's position. He is kind and our family can't be wrong. After all, he was your brother!" Chen Xianer sighed Road.

The ancient Qin, the ancient Han, and the ancient Tang looked at each other. Although they were still angry, they could only turn into a sigh.

"Fu Jun said, and fate with Xiao Ming's father and son, do it as soon as possible, do not disturb him in the future, after all, he accompanied you in your childhood, after all, was your brother!" Chen Xianer sighed.

Chen Xianer was naturally extremely angry, but after all, she was her adopted son. She actually did such a bad thing. Chen Xianer was extremely surprised. At this moment, the ancient sea has made a decision. Chen Xianer also thinks that this is the best.

Long Wanqing, Lin Wan'er, and Bing Ji looked at each other, after all, said nothing.

"However, this time I was not born, it was a surprise to me. In the past, the husband had seen his indomitable heart, but at the last time, he actually stopped, Wanqing, your father, To your two sisters, you are really attentive! "Chen Xianer said to Long Wanqing.

"Yes, my mother said that my dad is a hero of the world, and there is no obstacle in the world! It turns out that everything is true!" Long Wan nodded, sighing.

"Since Fuxi can grasp a little rule of time, then he must be able to resurrect your mother!" Lin Wan'er thought for a while.

"Yeah, that's the reason, but now ..., the husband is worried about our safety and doesn't let us follow, I don't know ..." Long Wanqing worried.

"Sister, you can rest assured. Since Dad is Fu Xi's reincarnation, there is nothing to worry about!" Long Wanyu shook her head.


"He is a person who takes one step and counts ten steps. It can be counted to 800,000 years ago. Is it still dangerous? I have the ability to foretell the bad luck. If you don't think he has it, he won't feel it He? I definitely feel it, but he jumped in, indicating that he was sure! "Long Wanyu shook her head.

"Sure?" Long Wanqing wondered.

"Rest assured, he will be fine, his ability, but not just strength!" Long Wanyu affirmed.

"Okay!" Long Wan nodded her head, suppressing the worry in her heart-

Hades, the bottom of the South China Sea. Deep in the ground, in the sea of ​​blood.

Under the guidance of Fuxi, the three of them passed through a tunnel in an instant.

Going through a tunnel is nothing to Xun. The key is that the tunnel is very far. There are countless forks along the way, if not pointed by Fu Xun.妭 It takes a long time to find this way.

Deep in the tunnel, the speed is naturally not as fast as the outside world.

妭 Shuttled for three full days before stopping.

Stopped in another underground space.

The underground space is extremely huge, and the interior is extremely hot, as if a huge sun was buried here.

The heat of terror came, even Fuxi could not stand it.

With a wave of his hand, an aperture guarded Fuxi and Hetu in the center.

"It's a terrifying fire? It's terrifying heat, just like the sun!" He Tu said in surprise.

"That's right, there is nothing wrong with the divine power recorded on the Divine Firing Day. There is a divine fire in the center of the earth, but, unfortunately, Jiuyin Zong is not here?" There was a look of anticipation in front of the sun-like fireball in his eyes.

Fu Xi had his eyes narrowed slightly: "There are twelve more fireballs! It seems that we have found the wrong place?"

"Yeah, I just need this fireball!" Su suddenly shook her head.

Fuxi smiled slightly. No explanation.

"Wait, you said there were twelve? You reckon to twelve similar places?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, do you have a way to collect it? As soon as possible, let's look elsewhere!" Fuxi solemnly said.

"Okay, you guys are waiting!" I nodded.

While talking, I suddenly stepped into the sun-like fireball. Then he opened his mouth and sucked suddenly.


The billowing flames rushed into the mouth of Moo. The terrible throughput of power, but looked at the river map shocked.

"Pervert, she is really a monster!" He Tu was shocked.

"Huh?" He turned to look.

Hetu's face changed drastically, and he changed his stance immediately: "Da Sheng is so amazing, I'm praising you. Awesome!"

妭 Then I turned away with satisfaction.

Fuxi looked at the river map next to him: "Hetu, I have found that I haven't seen you for so many years and you seem to have lost something!"

"What am I missing?" He Tu stared blankly at Fuxi.

"Fuck!" Fuxi solemnly said.

Hetu: "………………!"

"Master, He Tu ’s heart is hard, you don't know. I can't help it. In these years, I've had enough. What is the use of martial arts? I have such martial arts!" Already.

"Maybe!" Fuxi shook his head--

Underworld, under the sea of ​​blood.

Chang Ming felt for a while, then opened his eyes and looked at Gu Hai.

"Holy, Chen didn't find the traces of 妭, Fuxi, and Hetu, but Chen felt a strange place, and there seemed to be something calling him!" Chang Ming frowned.

"Calling you?" Gu Hai said unexpectedly.

Originally expecting Changming to find him, how did he come up with something to call Changming? Is there anything special about Changming?

"I'm not quite sure, it seems to be my thing, but it has an emotion, a kind of sadness!" Chang Ming curiously said.

Gu Hai frowned slightly and finally said, "Okay, let's go and see!"

"Okay!" Chang Ming nodded, leading the way.

Didn't follow the path that Kuo had passed, Gu Hai and Chang Ming entered another tunnel and quickly shuttled to the ground.

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