Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 14: Candle Dragon?

The sun! Dasao Dynasty, Honghuang City!

Because of his order, all courtiers were not allowed to participate in the battle of the longevity. Therefore, the war on the East China Sea is not very clear.

Houyi and Xingtian are responsible for collecting the thousands of cities in Wanshou Taoism. Everything is in order.

In the DPRK, a group of loyal and loyal court officials dealt with it. Only very important things will come to Jingwei.

In front of the window, Jingwei was combing her hair into the mirror. Suddenly, Jing Wei's pupils shrank, and he turned his head.

"Who, come out!" Jing Wei stared.


But not far from Jingwei, there seemed to be a handful of water vapor that suddenly appeared. Water vapor slowly condenses and turns into a little girl.

"Hook?" Jing Wei stared suddenly.

It is the hook that occupies one's body.

"At that time, Jiang Lianshan could not bear to let you suffer, so stripping your soul from the flesh and it made me successful. I thought that you couldn't do anything because of Jiang Lianshan's pampering. Didn't you think you got the body of Suzaku? Xiu Wei Until the gods are fulfilled? "Wu Go stepped over.

Jing Wei looked coldly at Hou Gou: "Last time I lied to me and was killed by you. What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, I just want to tell you that Dongzangshou was killed by the ancient sea!" Wu smiled.

"He will never die. He has my sister to deal with it. He hooked. While my sister is away, you come to me again? Will there be any secrets to tell me?" Jing Wei said coldly.

"It's okay, can't I come to you? You know, you and I are one together!" There was a trace of conspiracy in Hou's smile.

"One? What kind of thing are you? You are just a new spirit condensed by my physical body, just a vassal of my physical body. Are you worthy to be one with me?" Jing Wei sneered.

"But after all, I am the new commander of the Wu clan, Jingwei, the rebirth of the Wu clan, need you!" Wu Gou gradually became serious.

"Witches? The witches are all extinct, you mention the witches to me? Don't you want to be delusional, stand on my flesh, and you will be free for a while, my sister will take back the flesh for me! "Jing Wei stared.

"Recapture the flesh? Oh, no, you're wrong. It's not she who recaptured my flesh, but I'm going to get back from her the things belonging to my witch tribe!" Haw laughed.

"Witch stuff?" Jing Wei stared at it in puzzlement.

"The Wu tribe, the four zombie ancestors, the geofire feng shui, but you do n’t know, the four-veined zombie ancestors, each growing up and waiting for the peak, can be merged. The four zombie ancestors are merged into one, and the officials will not be Rival. I have the seed of the water zombies, and I have the fire. So, I found it! "He smirked.

"Hahahaha, do you want to grab the seed of my sister's stupid ancestor? Hook, are you too naive? Yuanshi Tianzun is not my sister's opponent, just you?" Jingwei sneered.

"Yes, I'm strong, beyond my expectations, but I'm not without weakness, at least, you are her weakness!" I sneered.

"You want to take me down and threaten my sister?" Jing Wei stared.

"Why not?" 嬴 Scouting hand grabbed toward Jingwei.

Jing Wei also stared with a wink.


The complete power of the gods is immense, and the collision of water and fire instantly forms a huge explosion.

Suddenly, Jingwei's palace exploded.

"Princess!" A large number of guards screamed again.

However, they saw that Jingwei and Hugo had reached high altitude, and the two attacked again.


The two held their palms together, shaking the ground, pounding and tearing the void. Around the Honghuang City, the mountain suddenly shook.

"Well, I waited for a long time and finally decided that I was not here until the middle of the night, Jingwei, you have nowhere to run today!" Wu Go laughed.

"Yu Hou, do you think you can take me?" Jing Wei stared.

"Don't look forward to the ancient sea. A few days ago, on the East China Sea, the ancient sea has been turned over with 妭, I saw it with my own eyes, otherwise, you thought I would come to you at this time?" 嬴 sneered.


Jing Wei shouted loudly and soared into the sky.


Suddenly, Jingwei hit a powerful enchantment and failed to escape.

"The entire Honghuang City has been set up by me, and if you can't escape, you will be obedient to avoid the suffering of flesh!" Wu Goo said coldly.

"Don't think!"

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

Suddenly, wars fought over Honghong City.

The huge battle naturally attracted the attention of the Quartet.

After receiving the city's heirs in the south, Xingtian got the news instantly and turned around.

"Is it a hook? How dare you!" Houyi, Xingtian stepped forward.

Instantly, the two arrived outside the enchantment.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two slammed the Water Squad, but couldn't break it.

"Yu Hou, you seek death, and returning from the holy will destroy your soul!" Hou Yi glared angrily.

However, within the bounds of water stalemate, Hou Gou ignored it at all, because Hou Gou understands that since he came today, he must win Jing Wei, win Jing Wei, and he will win, even if he returns, Rodent avoidance. This is my only chance--

Sky without borders.

Dahan's ministers also got the news instantly.

All went to the Chongtian Temple Square and looked to the far east.

"I left Chao Dynasty, and I created a messy city?" Long Wanyu frowned.

"Mother, what shall we do?" The ancient man frowned.

Chen Xianer was silent for a while, and finally nodded: "Dahan and Dayi have always been friends. This dispute over life masters has caused misunderstandings. I am ashamed of Dayi, this time is just an opportunity to make up. Xiao Han, on behalf of the Dahan dynasty, you bring Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God Clan, Shangguanhen, Aosheng, and Scorpion, and immediately go to support! "

"Yes!" A number of dignitaries answered.

"Cat Tianyun, Houtu, you also go to help, after all, my father broke out!" Long Wanyu said.

"Good!" Cat Tianyun and Houitu answered.


For a moment, the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, the Ninth Great Heavenly Palace was completed, straight out, and headed for Honghuang City.

Suddenly, the nine masters arrived in Honghuang City, exhaling breath.

"Ancient man?" Houyi and Xingtian suddenly looked on guard.

"By the orders of the Holy One, come to support Honghuang City, two generals. How do we cooperate?" The ancient Han said.

Hearing nine people came to support, Houyi, Xingtian suddenly blinked.

"Break the stalemate first!" Houyi said.

"it is good!"

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Eleven masters, almost all at the same time, powerful, even if the water stalemate world, but also a sudden shaking.

Internally, Wu Gou had suppressed Jingwei, and when he saw the strong outsiders, his face suddenly changed: "Dahantian Dynasty? Didn't Gu Hai have turned his face with Wu?"

"Huh, what do you know, keep shooting!" The ancient man yelled.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was another loud noise.

Suddenly, the water sclerosis circle shook and twisted strangely.

"Go on!" The eleven peerless chants again.

For a moment, the original hook was full of confidence, and suddenly his face sank--

Underworld, sea of ​​blood under the ground.

The ancient sea quickly traversed a tunnel with Changming.

Although there are many forks in the tunnel, Chang Ming's induction is getting stronger and stronger. But did not take much detours.

Three days later, the two came to a dark hole. The sea of ​​blood was actually afraid of the black hole and dared not approach it.

"It's inside, holy!" Chang Ming said with excitement in his eyes.

"Be careful!" Gu Hai solemnly said.


One foot into the hole, a horrifying Long Wei came straight towards the two.

The two flew up at the same time.

Under this kind of dragon power, the two actually had the feeling of Tianwei coming, no, it was even more terrifying than the Six Immortals.

Looking inside from the outside, it's dark, but looking inside at the moment, it has some light.

There is no space around, there are 3,000 big trees, with different colors, leading to the Quartet.

"Three thousand avenues? How is it possible!" Gu Hai's complexion changed, and she could not give up.

This is a reduced version of the Three Thousand Avenue, and it is weird to appear inverted. The tree head is below and the root is above.

These four weeks are a huge space.

The root of Sanqian Avenue is inserted into the ground, but the head is a giant monster that swarms towards the center.

A giant dragon, a golden dragon that is thousands of miles long.

The golden dragon that sent the two men's hairs up was the golden dragon.

Sanqian Avenue, the top is connected to Jinlong, but the roots lead to the square earth and stones. At the same time, streamers flowed from the Quartet to Jinlong.

"This Jinlong is extracting the power of the Three Thousand Avenues? Extracting the power of heaven and earth?" Gu Hai stared in surprise.

Jin Long closed his eyes as if sleeping.

"That's it. Holy, I have a familiar feeling!" Chang Ming said, pointing to Jin Long.

"Go, hide first!" Gu Hai pulled Chang Ming into a corner instantly.

Just as the two left, a large number of moths flew past the Quartet. The entire huge space in patrol was average.

"Familiar feeling? Do you know what this is?" Gu Hai asked.

"I don't know!" Chang Ming shook his head.

The ancient sea flew to the bottom and looked closely. It was found that Jinlong was asleep, but his mouth was slightly open, leaving a thin slit, which could dimly see the scene inside his mouth.

A cyan flame was slowly burning.

In that slightly closed mouth, as if there was a candlelight?

Gu Hai suddenly had a guess in his heart.

"It's impossible, hasn't it died long ago?" Gu Hai's face sank.

But, if it weren't for it, how could it be so arrogant? The Three Thousand Avenues are constantly supplying its power?

"Holy, do you recognize? Who is this Jinlong?" Chang Ming curiously said.

"Candle Dragon!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Candle Dragon? Impossible, isn't Candle Dragon dead long ago? And, in the old underground blood city, it was still the heart of Candle Dragon. Although this golden dragon is asleep, it seems to be intact?" Don't understand.

"I do n’t know, but this time, you did bring me a big mysterious place! Candle Dragon? Does anyone want to resurrect Candle Dragon?" Gu Hai's eyes were slightly stunned--

Underground, Jiuyin Temple.

I sat on the throne and opened my eyes suddenly.

"Oh? Two mice got mixed in earlier?" He slumped.

PS: The beginning of this volume, ready to speed up the rhythm! No wonder!

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