Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 15: Candle Nine Yin

Under the ground!

I sucked at the fire like the sun. He Tu stared aside.

There are sixty-four hexagrams floating in the palm of Fuxi, and the sixty-four hexagrams change rapidly. Seems to be deducing the future.

Looking at the sixty-four hexagrams in the palm of his hand, Fuxi's expression moved slightly: "The Da'an Bureau? The appearance of Gu Hai really helped me a lot!"


After a loud bang, the sun-like earth-fire was already swallowed into the mouth.

妭 At this moment, the whole body is full of gold, and the surface of the body seems to form a spherical nodule. Above the spherical nodule, there is a pattern similar to the pupil.

"Fu Xi, this is the third one. You say there are twelve, and where else?" He stepped forward immediately.

"Well, this spherical enchantment on your body seems to have a contour?" He Tu curiously said.

"Like the sun?" I smiled confidently.

"No, it looks like an eyeball?" He Tu curiously said.

"Eyeball?" Frowning.

In doubt, he looked at Fuxi.

Fuxi nodded solemnly.

"Fu Xi, do you know what?" Frown frowned.

"How do you do this? But Fu Xi curiously."

"Yes, He gave me" God of Fire and Divine Power ", which is the ultimate in cultivation and can be used to transform Hao Ri!" He did not hide.

"Do you think that when I saw you for the first time, I would give you such a great gift for no reason? Why?" Fu Xi solemnly said.

"Huh?" He narrowed his eyes.

It is naturally not stupid to open up a great dynasty. A little thought, I want to understand a lot.

"This magic work is really wonderful. The more I cultivate, the stronger I become, and the more I feel immersed in it. However, as soon as you mention it, I feel it. Then, I may not be attentive!" Nodded.

"I've been waiting for you, waiting for you to come!" Fuxi said.

"Oh?" He narrowed his eyes to Fuxi.

"I figured it out for a known reason," Fu Xi explained.

He looked, and looked at Fuxi in doubt: "Did you get me intentionally?"

"Ah?" He Tu looked at Fuxi in puzzlement.

Fuxi nodded. Did not hide!

"Why!" Glazed coldly.

"I can predict that being arrested by you will allow me to quickly recover to my peak and return to the strength of that year, even stronger!" Fu Xi also did not hide.

"You recovered because of me?" Shen Shen said.

"That's right, but how can I recover, I can't calculate to the extreme, everything is on that puppet!" Fuxi solemnly said.

"You can calculate the future, then you say, who is He, and who are the Jiu Yin Zong?" He curiously said.

"Xi has a relationship with Candle Dragon, and is very close. What is the specific situation, I can only deduct the details when I see Xi, after all, this Xi is too mysterious!" Fu Xie frowned.

"How terrible?"

"His knowledge of the candle dragon is unparalleled, and even Luan and Cang have no thorough understanding of him. However, candle dragon is the first spirit of heaven and earth, He is the second spirit, and Cang is the third spirit. There is not much to know about Candle Dragon! But many secrets, Cang does not know, but he knows it, and even can manipulate the remaining power of Candle Dragon and curse all the gods! "Fuxi frowned.

"Is the reincarnation of Candle Dragon?" I wondered.

"Not so much. To say that the reincarnation of the candle dragon, there are really some people in the world who are more like this, but it is definitely not alas!" Fuxi shook his head.

"Oh? Is there a reincarnation of the candle dragon?"

"Cangtian, the former days are ridiculed in nothingness. In the end, there is still a chance to be resurrected. This kind of early spirit of heaven and earth has its own imprint of heaven and earth. What is strange about the resurrection of heaven and earth?" Fu Xi shook his head.

"Then who do you think is the reincarnation of the candle dragon?" 妭 curious.

"Heaven's dependents, Changming!" Fu Xi did not hide.

"Chang Ming? A courtier in Guhai? How is this possible?" He sank.

Who is Changming? I never saw it in my eyes. This suddenly appeared as a person. Is it the reincarnation of candle dragon?

"He shouldn't all be the reincarnation of the candle dragon. It should be nothing, but only him, it is possible!" Fu Xi explained.


"Because, you haven't heard of those who depend on you?" Fu Xi said.

"Chang Ming? As soon as you said, I remembered that this man was very lucky, so he was called a celestial family member. He could pick up a magic weapon after a fall, but he could pick up a spiritual treasure after being injured. This is just good luck, but in the hands of Gu Hai, do n’t you eat it again and again? ”

"Not the same. The strength of the ancient sea is not luck, but calculation ability, and Chang Ming is completely luck. It seems that Sanqian Avenue protects him. Sanqian Avenue is not recognized by the six relatives. Only six cacti can hold the immortal source. The six immortals were transferred by using Xianyuan's initiative. But Changming, although there are not many blessings in Sanqian Avenue, they are passive. Except those who enlighten the Avenue, except for the six immortals' Xianyuan, who can have? His preferential treatment? Cangtian reincarnation can't do it! "Fuxi shook his head.

He frowned slightly, showing a hint of surprise.

"I chose you, and I'm still looking for you sooner or later, and it should be too short. If you want to resist, it's better to hurry up, I will take you to absorb all the zeal of fire!" Fuxi solemnly said.

"He deliberately let me absorb the earth's fire, I still have to do what he thinks?" He frowned.

"You have to be alive to resist, otherwise ...!" Fuxi shook his head.

When he looked, he suddenly understood that no matter what purpose he was, only his own strength was the most important.

I looked at Fu Xi, but suddenly solemnly saluted: "Mr. Fu Xi, I have offended a lot in the past, and don't expect to be surprised!"

"Holy lady, you are welcome! I have to borrow your help to restore the peak!" Fuxi smiled slightly.

"Ah? Are you reconciled?" He Tu said with a big depression in a daze.

You reconcile early, and I don't have to suffer such a great sin.

"Let's go to the next place!" Fu Xi said.

"call out!"

Three people quickly shuttle through the underground tunnel-

Another space underground.

Skeleton Gu Hai and Chang Ming stood at the feet of Wanli Jinlong, and followed it carefully to investigate.

"Jinlong sleeps with his eyes closed? No, this Jinlong has sunken eyes. Although he has closed eyes, it looks like he has no eyes and is a blind dragon." The skull Guhai frowned slightly.

Chang Ming put it on Jinlong's body with his hands.


Chang Ming trembled for a while.

"Chang Ming, what's wrong with you?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I, I feel it's sad!" Chang Ming said blankly.

"Sad?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Yes, it seems to be painful, but it is very close to me and is talking to me, but I don't understand!" Chang Ming said blankly.

Gu Hai studied Changming and stuck his hand on the surface of Jinlong's body.

However, there is no such kind of feedback.

The ancient sea was a little meditative, and then unexpectedly looked at Chang Ming. Certainly, Chang Ming and Candle Dragon are also related?

"Chang Ming, were you from heaven?" Gu Hai recalled.

"Uh, that's just past. The minister's luck is good, but good luck may not be a good thing. The minister has lost many times in the past!" Chang Ming smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, no one can be lucky for some reason. Maybe you have good luck for a reason!" Gu Hai meditated.

"How could it be, I ..., oh? No, holy, I understood Jin Long's talk!" Chang Ming's eyes brightened.

"Oh? Tell me what?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"In the nothingness, the immortal vault is born, regardless of yin and yang, in chaos. There is a first spirit, called the candle dragon, exhaling for summer, blowing for winter, opening eyes for day, and closing eyes for night. After ancient times, candle Dragon loneliness, incarnate all things, the left eye is the day, the right eye is the moon, the body is the earth, the muscles are the mountains and the rivers, the blood is the lake and the sea, the hair is the stars, the three souls are turned into three thousand roads, the six souls are turned into six reincarnations, The seventh spirit, the spirit, is transformed into demons, and the beginning of shaping the Shinto. Cut chaos with one's body, divide the yin and yang, and set the horizon! "Chang Ming closed his eyes and thought carefully.

Gu Hai was suddenly sullen, because Gu Hai knew this. These words are recorded in Yuanshi Tianzun's inheritance notes. It was Yuanshi Tianzun who heard the voice of the ground.

"Yuanshi Tianzun heard the sound of the ground in the past, is this the golden dragon?" The ancient sea of ​​the skull was slightly stunned.

at the same time.

In the middle of the sun, the ancient sea body cultivated by the ancient immortal dome suddenly opened its eyes.

"The power of the earth's heart borrowed by Yuan Shi originally came from that long golden dragon?" Gu Hai's eyes suddenly lighted.

With the scroll in his hand, Gu Hai's eyes flashed with anticipation, and he immediately stood up.


The ancient sea itself stepped out of the ancient fairy dome——

Under the ground, Chang Ming was thinking of Jin Long's confession to him, when Gu Hai was surprised.


But it was the huge golden dragon head, suddenly turned his head, seemingly condescending, overlooking the ancient sea and Chang Ming.

"The sleeping golden dragon moved?" Gu Hai's face sank.

The Jinlong looked down, but his eyes were still depressed, and Longwei swooped down.

Chang Ming suddenly became agitated, and seemed to be strongly rejected by him.

Along with the ancient sea, look at the vast golden dragon together.

Jin Long closed his eyes and seemed to be still asleep, but above his head, before the dragon horns, at this moment stood a man in a blue robe. Men are not bystanders, but the puppets that Gu Hai had seen in the past.

I stepped on the dragon head, overlooking the ancient sea and Chang Ming below.

It seems that the big dragon is just listening to him.

"Oh? Who do I think it is, it's you, Guhai?" He saw Guhai, but his eyes were narrow.

"Dahan Tianchao, Guhai, I have met the Jiuyin Sovereign!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Nowadays, the ancient sea of ​​skulls, but the complete strength of the gods, but even so, when I see the magpie, I actually have a very dangerous feeling.

"How did you find Zhu Jiuyin?" Xu looked at Gu Hai, a flash of cold light in his eyes.

You know, this place is not so good. The inexplicable arrival of the ancient sea, let the dignity be dignified.

"You said, this long golden dragon is calling Zhu Jiuyin?" Gu Hai looked slightly.

"Yes, it's my Shouzong God Beast of Jiuyin Zong, Zhu Jiuyin! Now that you know it, can you tell me how did you come in?" Said Lu coldly.

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