Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 16: Guhai vs 暝

"Yes, it's my Shouzong God Beast of Jiuyin Zong, Zhu Jiuyin! Now that you know it, can you tell me how did you come in?" Said Lu coldly.

Chang Ming looked slightly worried about him. Although Chang Ming's strength has now reached the completion of the gods, looking at him still feels dangerous.

"There are countless forks in the ground. We were lucky to break into this place. Since this is the boundary of your Jiuyin sect, there is much disturbance, and we will return immediately!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

luck? Luck to find here? How many thousands of years have come down and I haven't seen anyone who can come in. Are you lucky enough?

"Well, you want to go? My Jiuyinzong is where you want to come, and where you want to go?" He looked coldly.


Suddenly, the moths rushed straight and covered the sky, filling the entire void in an instant. The moths surrounded the ancient sea and seemed to be rushed down at any time.

"The master forgave the sin, the slaves neglected their duties, and didn't notice them breaking in!" At this moment, under the dragon's head, an old man with a humpback suddenly knelt down.

"Guiding God of the Underground Blood City? Is it you?" Chang Ming stared in surprise.

The hunched old man knelt down, but seemed to be waiting for his departure.

"The two people arrived at Jiuyinzong, and your moth didn't find it, it was indeed your fault!" Xu Dandan said.

"Yes!" Said the old humpback with a horror.

"If you make a mistake, then you solve it yourself!" Zheng solemnly said.

"Yes!" The old humpback turned his head and looked at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai looked at him: "Hey, do you want to leave us?"

"My Jiuyinzong can't break free. The secret here shouldn't be known to the outside world. Since it's here, it can't be walked naturally!" He shook his head and stopped talking.

The humpbacked old man, however, directed a large number of moths to kill the two towards the ancient sea.

"Sea of ​​blood!" Chang Ming snorted.


The rolling sea of ​​blood emerged out of thin air, protecting Gu Hai and Chang Ming.

However, the moths followed in succession, headed straight for the blood sea, and kept absorbing the sea of ​​blood, consuming huge sea of ​​blood.


The sea of ​​blood was visible to the naked eye.

"Guiding God? Why are you here? You haven't died in the underground blood city? What's your relationship with Jiuyin Zong?" Chang Ming glared angrily.

"Why can't I be here? I was originally a Jiuyin sect. As for the underground blood city? You do n’t know, the heart of Candle Dragon was lent to the witches by my master at that time! I have been watching the candle dragon in the underground blood city. The heart is gone, but I do n’t want to, I did n’t leave it that long, and the heart of the candle dragon was destroyed by you? Really, the road is narrow! ”The humpbacked old man sneered.

"You lent it to the Witch? Why?" Chang Ming wondered.

"Jiuyinzong is doing things. Where do I need to explain to you, hum, I broke in by myself and no one can blame anyone. The moths are out at night, and the world sleeps." The old man with a humpback drank lightly.


All the moths flashed a silver light suddenly, and the light penetrated the ancient sea and Changming through the sea of ​​blood.

When Yinguang touched the ancient sea, it suddenly disappeared. After all, the body of the ancient sea was a force of nothingness, and any spell could disappear.

Chang Ming wasn't so lucky. Suddenly, the pupils disappeared and they seemed drunk.

"Changming!" Gu Hai patted Changming's shoulder, and an air of emptiness poured out.


Chang Ming suddenly stunned and came to his senses.

"Fantasy?" Chang Ming was surprised.

"Well? Under my sleepy moth, didn't you fall asleep?" The humpbacked old man was surprised.

On the faucet, I also narrowed my eyes, because I just couldn't see what the dark air that Guhai emitted was.

"Huh, what about moths? What kind of thing, come out!" Chang Ming became angry and yelled.


With Changming as the center, suddenly the black gas was generated out of thin air, and the black gas condensed and suddenly turned into billions of bats.

As soon as the **** bat came out, it went straight to the moths.


Bats are fierce and rampant, and now Chang Ming Xiu is the perfection of the gods, and the power of bats is also immense.

The bat rushed towards the moth, and in a blink of an eye, all the moths in the entire crypt were caught by the bat, and then quickly bite and swallowed.


Densely swallowed, the hump-looking old man's face changed.

"Eat my baby? Have you finished eating?" The humpbacked old man waved.


Billions of moths popped up again.

However, more and more vampire bats were killed more suddenly.

Although some bats have their wings cut off by moths and fell down, more moths have become a bat's mouth meal.

For a time, the moth retreated. Bats have a big advantage.

"Old humpback, you want to stop us, it's a long way off!" Chang Ming laughed.

"It's impossible. My phantasmal moth is a phantom. What ordinary people can't touch at all is a dream moth, an illusive moth. How could this bat be killed? Master?" Look at you.

"Yeah, the sleepy moth? It has no form but was swallowed by this group of bats. It is really strange. It seems that these bats should be the problem." Squint nodded.

"As soon as we arrived, you didn't lose any money. I hope both of you will take a step back, and we will leave!" Gu Hai said.

Speaking, with Changming, leave.

"Where to go!" The humpbacked man anxiously manipulated countless moths.

However, the moths who were restrained by the bats had no effect at all.

"Master! Slave incompetence!" Said the old humpback bitterly.

"You are incompetent, but no one can go today!" Wu said coldly.

Between words, weird noises suddenly came around again.

"Guquaqua, quaqua ...............!"

For a time, the entire underground space seemed to sound the sound of countless toads.

The billowing toad seemed to emerge from the ground, densely. Even toads hung upside down on the wall above the cave.

"Toad?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

But all the toads suddenly opened their mouths and spit out their tongues.

"Tear it!"

In the entire underground space, hundreds of millions of bats were instantly stuck by the toad's long tongue, and then pulled, all swallowed into the toad's mouth.

In a blink of an eye, a bat was gone.

"What?" Chang Ming's face changed.

"The master is mighty!" The humpbacked old man kneeled and patted his horse.

The moths all around disappeared under the control of the humpbacked old man.

Gu Hai and Chang Ming both looked dull and looked at the toads in all directions. Toads, one by one, seemed to contain some silvery liquid, shining with silver.

"Moon poison ice toad?" Chang Ming suddenly changed his face.

"Do you know?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, it is said that a poisonous toad born on the moon is violently toxic and must die. Those who go to heaven can't stand it. However, every time the moon ice toad appears, it is a flash in the pan, so there is no legend in the world! How can there be so many here? "Chang Ming worried.

Moon poison ice toad?

"Perhaps like your bat, it's all transfigured!" Gu Hai said.

"Then try again, holy, open the way first!" Chang Ming cried.


The billowing bats reappeared, but this time, they suddenly pounced on the toads.


This time, the toad didn't stick his tongue out, but in his puppet, a silver liquid burst out like a sharp arrow.


Suddenly, all the bats would be wiped out, and the silver venom also came to the ancient sea and Changming, and it seemed that they would be drowned in these countless venoms.

"The sea of ​​blood comes out!" Chang Ming's face changed, and he waved again.


The sea of ​​blood rolling out of the air again, resisting the silver venom. However, the silver venom was too powerful, and the sea of ​​blood was contaminated and turned silver only in an instant.


The void was instantly corroded, tearing out black hole areas. The sea of ​​blood turned into a silver sea, such as the Tianhe collapsed, poured down, and gushed towards the ancient sea and Changming.

Chang Ming's face changed, and he suddenly turned into a huge bat, protecting the ancient sea under the bat wings.


Chang Ming screamed, but it was the bat wings that were being rapidly corroded. Venom is terrifying and powerful.

"Holy, go!" Chang Ming cried in pain.

"Hey, don't want to go now, hum!" Gu Hai looked cold.

When Gu Hai waved his hand, a black gas suddenly shrouded Chang Ming, blocking all Yinhai Venom.

"Oh?" Flicked his eyes, "What kind of black gas is this? It has a power to break down?"

"Jiuyin Sovereign, you are aggressive and offend!" Gu Hai looked cold.

Gu Hai stepped at one foot. But I saw that the ground suddenly turned white with the foot of the ancient sea touching it.


Suddenly, the crypt ground was transformed by a strange power of the ancient sea.


Suddenly, a bone spur emerged from the ground, and instantly pierced the head of Yuedu Ice Toad.

"What?" He sank.


In the cave, in all directions, up and down, left and right, all earth and stone, all earth and stones have become the bone area, the earth has been transformed into the sea of ​​bones, in the sea of ​​bones, hundreds of millions of bone spurs emerge, almost instantly, all Moon poison ice toads all punctured.


With only a loud noise, the entire underground cave has become a dry bone cave, a bone spur cave, and all moon poison ice toads are instantly destroyed.

The ancient sea was really angry and ossified.

"Ah," the old humpback screamed and evaded again and again, but his legs were pierced, and he barely escaped behind Haw.

Except for Candle Nine Yin, the entire ground has been filled with bone spurs.

Even though the spurs were full of bones around them, when they arrived in front of them, they strayed away strangely, as if they had a powerful force, protecting them and preventing anyone from approaching.

The moon poison ice toads, who are not yet alive just now, are completely silent at this moment.

Bone spurs, the bone spurs of ancient seas today, can carry a force of nothingness and great power.

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