Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 22: Unwilling Fairy

The ancient sea onto the South China Sea of ​​the Underworld! Enter the sea cave in an instant!

However, it was not found that at the moment when it entered the South China Sea, a small eye suddenly appeared above it, and a black eye the size of a finger was the eye of the heavenly gods.

But at this moment, the eye of heaven is a reduced version, only the size of the finger, which makes people inadvertently ignore it.

"Two ancient seas have entered here? What's here?" The heavenly eyes froze slightly.


The eye of heaven immediately entered the bottom of the sea, and followed the footsteps of the ancient sea toward the bottom of the ground, and soon reached the former space of the underground blood city. Suddenly the heavenly eyes trembled.

"No, under this fire, there is a force repelling me? There must be something under the ground!" The eyes of heaven stopped outside the fire.

Take a turn around the underground cave. The eye of heaven flashed out of the cave and returned to the South China Sea.

"Both ancient seas have gone down? The skyless capital of the borderless world is empty inside?" The eyes of heaven were stunned.

Staring at the bottom of the South China Sea, the Eye of Heaven did not dare to take risks.

"As it is today, the biggest force is the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom. Dahan Qiyun covers 80% of the world, and more than half a year. Before the body wakes up, this ancient sea is set to be the enemy. The ancient sea's biggest reliance is the power of beings? , Okay, okay, you dare to leave, that's no wonder to me! "The eyes of heaven said coldly.


The next moment, the eye of heaven suddenly disappeared--

Yin shrine.

Unrestrained in white and impermanence in black and white.

"Master, that ancient sea shot once, weird once, and now it's a big climate!" Bai Wuchang's face was ugly.

Bai Ziran nodded his head: "Just this decades? He has grown so arrogant. If I knew it decades ago, I would never give him a chance to grow!"

"Lord, that ancient sea, let's stop thinking about the enemy!" Hei Wuchang said bitterly.

"Huh?" The two looked at Hei impermanence.

"I know, I have a group of peak masters in the Holy Land of Heavenly Demons who suffered heavy casualties, but they were the ones who caused the ancient seas first. In the past, we were so empty, that was the price we paid for everything in the sky." Hei Wuchang sighed.

"Black impermanence, are you so afraid of the ancient sea now?" Bai Mochang frowned.

"The general trend, the ancient sea made me feel like six days before the sky, the greater the resistance, the stronger and stronger!" Hei Wuchang sighed.

"Well, I can't forget the shame of the Heavenly Devil's Holy Land anyway!" Bai Wuchang's face was gloomy.

"What can't you forget? How dare you go to Guhai now?" Hei Wuchang countered.

Bai Wuchang's face was gloomy for a while: "We still have six immortals!"

"Ha, ha ha ha, we still have six immortals? Do you think that the six immortals are your subordinates or your courtiers? Or are your fathers or your mothers? Obedient to you, obedient to you? For you Kill the enemy, and dispel the disaster for you? "Hei Wuchang sneered.

Immediately, his expression turned dark.

"The Six Immortals are not who we are. He is with us now, not our ally, not your chess piece, but our creditor. He is following us, trying to use us, treating us as chess pieces, and using cannon fodder. Boss, wouldn't you be complacent about it, thinking that the Six Immortals would take care of you? "Hei Wuchang sneered.

Bai Mochang's face was ugly for a while: "At least, we still have a common enemy, Guhai!"

Aside from being free and not speaking, Black Impermanence was frightened by the ancient seas, but the words just now make sense. Asking others is better than asking oneself. Never put hope in the hands of others. Bai Zizai lived to this day because he firmly believed in this.

"Lord, have our enemies been forgotten?" Bai Wuchang took an unwilling attitude.

Bai Zirong frowned slightly.

"After one year, the immortal will go out of customs and everything will change a lot!" Bai Wuchang said anxiously again.

"But it was also a year later, and what happened one year later, no one knows that. Six years ago, who could have thought that the immortal was killed? There are still more than half a year left. Do you think the immortal is also counting you? "Hei Xianchang shook his head.

"I firmly believe that the immortals will not count me, at least, they will protect me from the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, because my Heavenly Demon Sanctuary still has five thousand cities and guards all the beings for the fairy!" Bai Wuchang said to himself.


Just finished with impermanence. There was a loud noise in the Yin Temple, but a dark cloud emerged out of thin air. In the dark clouds, a black heavenly eye instantly looked at the three in the hall.

"Have seen the immortals!" The three said unexpectedly.

"Bai Zongzai, you immediately capture the borderless sky capital! Destroy the borderless sky capital for me!" The eyes of heaven looked sternly at the three.

Bai Wuchang: "………………!"

Bai Zizai: "………………!"

Black impermanence is clear, and the three of them have become the fairies' pawns and cannon fodder.

At this time, to capture the borderless sky? Just kidding.

The immortals still have to leave the gate for more than half a year. This is the immortal's purpose to let the demon holy land immediately declare war with the Dahan heaven. This is not cannon fodder, what is it?

Bai Zizai suddenly sank: "Fairy, I am willing to cooperate with you, but it does not mean that I am willing to die!"

"Huh?" Heaven's eyes stared at Bai Ziran.

"Immortal, you still have more than half a year to go out. Although we are hostile to Dahan, we are still at peace now. After all, we have not declared war on all sides, but once I capture the borderless sky, it will be endless. . "Bai Ziran worried.

"The ancient sea is not in the middle now, it is a good time. And just now, when he was fighting and fighting, he was motivated by the sky axe, indicating that the sky axe was on him, and now the sea has gone to the center of the earth. The immortal saw with his own eyes, there is no borderless sky, no ancient sea, nothing else, what else do you worry about? Bai Zizuo, you are the White Tiger Supreme! "The eyes of heaven said coldly.

"But Gu Hai will come back after all! The borderless sky is easy to destroy, but if Gu Hai returns, what shall we do? He must be staring at me, the Holy Land of Heaven Demon!" Bai Zunzai reluctantly said.

"You grab Gu Hai's wife and son, and let Gu Hai throw a mouse on the jealousy, don't you? This fairy, I want you to immediately destroy the central system of the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, destroy me the ancient sea lords, and destroy Dahan to manipulate the people of the world The management of Dahan made the chaos in the Dahan dynasty, and the people's hearts quickly lost. Even if the ancient sea came back, everything was too late! After half a year, the immortal will go out of the customs, and the ancient sea will undoubtedly die! "Said the immortal.

"Destroy the borderless city, kill Dahan's ministers, and hold on to Gu Hai's wife and son?" Bai Ziren stared open his mouth wide.

"Good!" Heavenly Eyes said coldly.

Bai Ziran looked at the white impermanence. If Bai Moanchang's face was dead at this moment, it was just like the black impermanence said. The fairy just regarded himself as cannon fodder.

"Immortal, no matter where Gu Hai has gone, his great fortune still exists, which means that he is still in the immortal vault, we go to his old nest, and he comes back halfway, wouldn't we ..." He impermanent complexion.

"He won't be able to come back at one and a half. They will go to the center of the earth and there will be big things involved, so I want you to hurry and move, thunder, quickly complete everything!" God's eyes sank.

However, the three of Bai Zizai are not stupid. Naturally, at this moment, they do not want to declare war with the ancient sea. The immortals have not yet passed the customs. At this time, shouldn't they be uncomfortable?

"Fairy, have you forgotten the Dragon Warring States? Haven't we always guessed that there is a Dragon Warring States in the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom?" Bai Zizai cautioned.

"Just now, you can see that Guhai's axe-opening axe is in the hands of Guhai. Guhai went to the center of the earth, indicating that there is no Dragon Warring States at all!" Heaven's eyes sank.

"Yes, in case?" Bai Zirong looked complicated.

"In no case, you must go, otherwise, you will be the enemy of Benxian!" The eyes of heaven said in a cold voice.

Bai Zizai: "………………!"

In his heart, Bai Ziren has thousands of words to swear at the six immortals, really when we are your slaves? When I wandered freely around the world, you didn't know where to go.

"How? You want to rebel against me?" The eyes of heaven said coldly.

Bai Ziren reluctantly, Bai impermanence is also regretful. Only Hei Mochang said, "Immortal, otherwise, do you think so?"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Hei impermanence.

"Dahan Tianchao, after all, is our common enemy, but after all, its internals are somewhat unclear. Otherwise, find some people to test it first. How about? If it's okay, we will all shot again!" Hei Wuchang carefully said.

"Oh? Who is going to test?" Heaven's eyes chuckled coldly.

"Suzaku San Supreme, they also hate Gu Hai, hate to die! Let's go, after all, alone, you see, can you convince them ...?" Hei Wuchang said.

The eye of heaven was a little silent, and finally answered, "Okay!"

"That trouble fairy!" Hei Wuchang laughed.

"Well, rest assured, this fairy will stare at the entrance to the center of the earth, this time, absolutely foolproof!" Heaven's eyes sank.

"Okay!" Hei Xianchang nodded.


The eye of heaven disappeared.

In the main hall, there were only three people in Bai Zizuo, and he suddenly booed.

"Black impermanence, just now, thanks to your flexible mind!" Bai Wuchang lamented.

"I said earlier that working with the immortals is to make skins with tigers, and I may be eaten by him anytime!" Hei Wuchang sighed.

Bai Zizong squinted at the place where Liudaoxian left, and finally nodded.

"Master, although the second child has dragged on a bit, but our next attitude still needs the master's decision!" Bai Wuchang looked at Bai Ziran.

Bai Zizai's eyes narrowed slightly: "Gu Hai, the Six Immortals? After half a year, they don't know who won or lost in the first battle, but if Suzaku Supreme is the head, maybe it may be a try!"

"But Lord, have you forgotten the Dragon Warring States?" Hei Wuchang said anxiously.

Bai Zizai was silent for a while, and finally shook his head: "At that time, maybe I misread it, and Gu Hai deliberately lied to us!"


"How arrogant a man in the Dragon Warring States is, he is willing to be an vassal of the ancient sea? Who is he afraid of? Or, why is he really afraid to come out?" Bai Zishen said quietly.


"Well, don't say anything else! Everything will come to an end soon!" Bai Zisha shook his head and said.

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