Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 23: Dragon Warring States shot

Supreme Suzaku, although he fled by looking at the wind before, can hide in the dark, but also watched the battle of Hook and the Ancient Sea. After reading it, he was fortunate and hopeless.

"Pretend to be a gourd? When the owner found it, it was completely broken. What a lucky way in the ancient sea!" Zhu said with depression on all sides.

"Fortunately, I walked fast, Gu Hai's awe-inspiring awe, really powerful." Zhu Sansan's face was dull.

"Everything will wait until the owner comes back!" Zhu Yi sighed slightly.

Just as the three Suzakus were depressed.


Suddenly, a trio of heavenly eyes emerged from the three.

"Six Immortals?" Zhu Yi's face changed.

The three great Suzakus were suddenly close to the enemy--

After an hour.

The borderless sky is south, on top of a mountain.

White at ease, black and white impermanence, Suzaku three supreme, heavenly eyes, gathered in one place.

"Bai Zixun? Why didn't you escape this time?" Zhu Sisi said with a slight scorn.

"Huh!" Bai Zi snorted and ignored.

"Immortal, what you said is true?" Zhu Yiyi looked coldly at the eyes of heaven.

"Yes, gather you, the six gods are complete, and the borderless sky will be destroyed in an instant. The two ancient seas have opened the axe, they have already gone to the center of the earth, and they will not be back in a short time. The eyes of heaven said lightly.

"Since the borderless sky has become an empty city, why don't you take the shot yourself? The eyes of heaven can instantly destroy the borderless sky!" Zhu Yi frowned.

"Huh?" Heavenly eyes stared at Zhu Yiyi.

"Did I say wrong?" Zhu Yi frowned.

"Yes, you are right. The eye of the heavenly **** was broken last time by the ancient sea, and the vitality was severely injured, and the power of repair all transferred to the body. At this moment, the eye of heaven is not enough to destroy the borderless sky!" The eyes were light.

"Oh?" The crowd said unexpectedly.

"So, Benxian talents have invited you. The eyes of Heaven are not powerful enough, but Benxian's body is immediately intact. In the future, you will kill the ancient sea. Benxian will allow you to prosper for generations, and always bless you!" Eyes groaned.

Bai Zizai flashed annoyance in his eyes.

It turned out that the Eye of Heaven had already done it in a strong foreign country. During this time, he was scared to dare to resist.

"Huh!" The three Suzakus snorted.

"Since you are all here, it means that you all have this idea. Wujiang Tian is in front of you, Dahan Tianchao, and destruction is imminent. You don't want revenge? You don't want to get angry?" The eyes of heaven said coldly.

"Yes, the next thing is to face a complete break with the ancient sea!" Hei Wuchang frowned.

"Are you still afraid of breaking with the ancient sea?" Heaven's eyes chuckled coldly.

There was silence for a while.

"Rest assured that you do this to destroy the strength of all beings in the ancient sea. Benxian will remember that in the future, Benxian will kill the ancient sea. You and I are all your biggest contributors!" Heaven's Eye advised.

The three big Suzakus are still hesitant, and a voice suddenly sounds in their heads.

"Simply test this ancient sea floor!"

A voice came, and the three big Suzakus were suddenly listening to the thunder, and their eyes suddenly freeze. But it was the sound of crickets that made the three Suzaku shot.

"Okay!" The three Suzakus answered.

The eyes of heaven looked at the three Bai Zizai.

"Sovereign Lord, it is enough to have Suzaku Supreme, shall we still not grab the Suzaku style?" Hei Wuchang called immediately.

Bai Zizuo did not pay attention to black impermanence, his face changed for a while, and he looked up to the heavenly eyes and said, "Yes, but you have to keep your eyes on the earth!"

"Rest assured, the eyes of the goddess of heaven, although the vitality is a big loss, but it is easy to monitor the world. Once they have come out of the ancient sea, they will inform you as soon as possible, the goddess of gods also expect you to help this god!" Nodded his eyes.

"Lord!" He Moanchang said anxiously.

Hei Wuchang didn't want to be a protagonist, but he was very confident and confident that the Dragon Warring States had lied to the ancient seas. Since he got on the six immortal ships, there is no reason to quit.



A group of people went straight to the borderless sky.

The six strong men rushed forward, and before a mighty mighty prestige came, the vast murderous force filled the borderless sky.


Qi Yunhai seemed to be in a general warning, and suddenly a large number of small Qi Yun Jinlong roared.

"Boundless sky, destroy!" Zhu Sisi yelled.

A huge flame of flame came down from the sky, as if to completely break the borderless sky.


Suddenly a guardian enchantment was formed.


Suddenly, a loud noise blew up the enchantment.

At the same time, Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Long Wanqing, and others, at the same time, changed their faces and stepped into the sky.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, a large number of powerful men slammed into the palm of the flame, and under the exertion of Chen Xianer, the poisonous gas billowed into the sky.

"The avenue is close to you, it can protect you from gas!" The eyes of heaven drank.

At this time, another flame of palm rushed straight down.

"Who!" Kong Xuan screamed in anger, topped the front.


The great consummation of the heavenly palaces, after all, was difficult to resist the complete power of the gods. Just barely blocking the giant palms, they were dropped one by one and made a loud noise.

"Zhu Sisi, Zhu Sansan, you seem to be too weak, look at me!" Bai Zi shouted loudly.


It seemed as if a tiger roar spread across the world, a huge tiger claw, carrying a majestic wind, slammed into the boundless sky.

The fierce wind blows Chen Xianer's numerous seas of poisonous gas into an instant. The palm of the tiger is unstoppable, crushing the void, and it seems that the borderless sky will be crushed.

"Miscellaneous, free, you dare!" Shangguan Hen and Ao Shengchang Xiaozhang were soaring into the sky.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

A huge basalt, a huge green dragon, with his face exposed to the white tiger's claws.


The two great beasts barely stopped the tiger claws, but the tiger claws were still pressing downward. Void has shattered countlessly under the collision of three great beasts.

"Shangguan marks, I'll help you!" Kong Xuan slaps his hands on the back of Shangguan marks.

The mosquito patted on the back of Ao Sheng with one palm.

Cat Tianyun, the ancient Han, and the post-Tu Niangniang together blessed the power in Shangguanhen and Ao Sheng. Qinglong and Xuanwu are getting stronger and stronger.

"Hehe, Qinglong, Xuanwu? Bai Zunzai, it seems that you are not enough!" Zhu Sisi sneered.


As soon as the Suzaku screamed, Zhu Sisi suddenly turned into a huge Suzaku, the flame claw of the flame, followed by the white tiger's claw, pressing down suddenly.


Suddenly, a large void was quickly broken and crushed by the power of the four great beasts.

Bai Zizui and Zhu Sisi, after all, the gods are complete, and how great the power is. Even if the powerful men of the borderless sky capital do their best, they can only be continually suppressed. Seeing that the huge power, they must crush Broken.

On the dragon god's palace, inside the temple.

The conversation between the Dragon Warring States and the Dragon God can only stop.

The Dragon Warring States slaps on the shoulder of the Dragon God Clan, a golden energy enters the body of the Dragon God Clan.

"Go!" Said Dragon Warring States.

Long Shenzhang received a force from the Dragon Warring States, and his body was so glorious that he rushed out of the dry hall with a single palm into the sky.


The power of the dragon god's palm was too huge. In a moment, the palms of the tiger claws and suzaku claws pushed back at high altitude were pushed back.

Black impermanence dragged white impermanence, and the two didn't do anything.

Zhu Yiyi and Zhu Sansan, as soon as they were about to start, were stunned by the golden light emerging from the surface of the dragon god's body.

Bai Zizai and Zhu Sisi were suddenly in shape, each with a stun.

"Huh?" Bai Zixin's face sank.

Zhu Sisi also stared at his eyes, looking at the strong dragon **** who had just been killed halfway.

"Son of the Dragon Warring States? When did the gods have the full strength?" Bai Zizai sank.

Half of the golden light of Dragon God's body was scattered, but there was still half.

Long Shenzhang stepped quickly to the Chongtian Temple Square, and together with Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen and others, protected the Queen and others behind him.

"Extreme Suzaku? Extreme White Tiger? Oh, two great courage, during my husband's departure, sneak attack on our women and children?" Chen Xianer sneered.

As soon as Chen Xianer spoke, everyone's eyes turned to her. The ancient sea was the master of Wudu Tiandu, then Chen Xianer was the master of Wudu Tiandu.

The ancient sea is gone, and Chen Xianer can represent everything with full power.

Chen Xianer was also nervous at this moment, but at this moment, she had to stand up, because Chen Xianer had to fight for time and to get more time to contact the ancient sea.

Mo Yike, Sima Changkong and others have been using Gu Qin to contact Gu Hai.

At this moment, the six great gods are close to each other, it can be described as menacing.

Both ancient seas are no longer, the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty, but it is the most critical moment.

However, at this moment, both the officials and the people, all of them stood together with their enemies and stood on the side of Chen Xianer.

As soon as Chen Xianer spoke, it became the spiritual backbone of everyone.

Chen Xianer stared at the powerful men in the sky.

"Wife and daughter? A sneak attack? You are Gu Hai's woman. When Gu Hai killed my brother, why didn't you think about it today?" Zhu Sisi stared.

"Oh, a bunch of wretches!" Chen Xianer showed a slight disdain.

"What did you say?" Zhu Sisi stared.

"You deserve to be compared with my husband? My husband wants to kill Zhu Wuwu and Zhu Qiqi, and dare to kill in front of you. You never have to evade anyone. What's the relationship between your presence and absence, do you dare to stop it? In the end, you dare not do anything in front of my husband. You can only hide from my husband and do that little deed. You are not wasteful, who is wasteful? "Chen Xianer sneered.

"Presumptuous, Chen Xianer, you are looking for death!" Zhu Sisi suddenly became so angry that he wanted to take another shot.

"Do you dare to try it, my husband, I will crush you into bones soon!" Chen Xian'er stared, yelled.

Chen Xianer yelled, surprisingly surprised Zhu Sisi.

Zhu Sisi instinctively turned his head to see if Gu Hai had returned.

"Hahahaha, Suzaku Supreme? White Tiger Supreme? But that's the case, the bow-struck bird, the cup of bow and snake, dare to come to Dahan Tianchao wanton, my husband will come back immediately, and you continue to try, come try again? Do you want to leave today? "Chen Xianer took a step forward and reprimanded.

An unscrupulous yell of reprimand made the six gods tremble in their hearts.

Chen Xianer was also excited in her heart, and she really frightened them.

The six gods are consummate, because the word Guhai is embarrassingly out of the borderless sky.

"Don't be fooled by her, Gu Hai, I'm staring, I haven't returned at all, and I have blocked the void around me, and they can't spread Gu Hai at all, do it, quickly do it!"

But above his head, a huge heavenly eye suddenly appeared.

Suddenly the eye of heaven spoke suddenly enough to give everyone enough courage.

"Hum, little girl, want to scare us?" Bai Zizai sank.

"Borderless days are gone, and that is the land without people. I want you to die, and you must die. Bitch, dare to scare me? See how I make you unable to survive, not to die!" Zhu said four eyes and one Stare, stepping straight towards Chen Xianer.

"Boom!" Zhu Sisi dived down very fast, tearing Chen Xianer who had just scared himself.

"Protect the Queen!" The ministers suddenly turned wild.

Zhu Sisi came fiercely and too fast. A group of powerful men succeeded, but some were too late. When they saw Zhu Sisi in front of Chen Xianer, Suzaku's giant claws shattered in the void and grabbed it. Seeing that it would seriously damage Chen Xianer.


But at this moment, Zhu Sisi's giant claws seemed to hit something extremely hard, and the sound of a dislocation of the bones instantly made a loud noise.


Zhu Sisi screamed in a cry.

But I saw that in front of Chen Xianer, when a man in a strange costume appeared, the man extended his left hand to form a palm rest, holding it tightly on Zhu Sisi's Suzaku's claw, and his finger was squeezed. Severed the huge Suzaku's claw.

It's broken.

Zhu Sisi's screams rang through the world, and all the powerful men changed their faces, looking in horror at the weird man in sudden appearance.

"Dragon Warring States?" The Eye of Heaven exclaimed.

But he saw that the Dragon Warring States stretched his right hand to the sky.

Just looking at an afterimage across the sky, there was a sudden loud noise in the sky.


That huge heavenly eye was actually held in the palm of the right of the Dragon Warring States, making a clicking sound, it seemed to be crushed.

"Dragon, Dragon Warring States? Is it true you, are you still alive?" Bai Ziran was shocked.

The Dragon Warring States ignored Bai Zizuo, but looked at Zhu Sisi, who was pinched by Suzaku.

"Do you know? I didn't intend to kill you at first, but your mouth is too stinky and you dare to reproach him? If I leave your life behind, Gu Hai will return, how can I tell him!" Long Warring States lightly said.

As the words fell, the Dragon Warring States loosened its left palm, and an axe emerged from the palm of the hand, an axe that opened the sky axe, chopped to Zhu Sisi.

"What? No, don't!" Zhu Sisi screamed in horror.

"Wait!" Zhu Yiyi and Zhu Sansan exclaimed.

However, everything was out of sight, and Zhu Sisi was seen screaming in a scream, splitting into two halves in an instant, turning into two blood-scarred corpses, flinging out.

"Old fourth!" Zhu Yiyi and Zhu Sansan rushed away in horror, one person holding half of his body, trying to rescue.

"No one can kill the people I killed, and my mouth stinks, it has to pay the price!" Dragon Warring States said coldly.

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