Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 24: Dry Saint Returns

"No one can kill the people I killed, and my mouth stinks, it has to pay the price!" Dragon Warring States said coldly.

Zhu Yiyi and Zhu Sansan each grabbed half of Zhu Sisi's body, pieced it together, and used Nirvana. However, Zhu Sisi's body seemed to have a force of repulsion and could not be repaired.

"No, fourth, fourth!" Zhu San exclaimed in shock.

Zhu Yiyi held Zhu Sisi's body and looked at the Dragon Warring States, his eyes filled with resentment.

Zhu Sisi is really dead, really can't save it? We Suzaku who can rebirth, can't be resurrected?

The eyes of Dragon Warring States turned to the heavenly eyes held by his right hand.

"Six Immortals? I heard that you have lost many times in these years?" Long Zhanguo sneered.

"Kaka Kaka!"

Long Zhanguo's palms were strained, and the sound of Kaka, the eye of Heaven being crushed, came from the palm of his hand.

"Dragon Warring States, you really aren't dead, Benxian is about to leave the customs soon, you are ready to wait for death, no, I will not let you die, I will make you unable to survive, not to die!" Come the sound of hatred of six immortals.

"The eye of heaven is much weaker than it was then. Just now, after hearing from my son, Gu Hai said that if you want to appear once in the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, you will be cut once? Oh, Gu Hai, please help He guards the borderless city of heaven, he cannot fulfill his promise, I help him fulfill, the Six Immortals? Hehe, but this is so! "In the sneak of the Dragon Warring States, he pushed harder!

"Dragon battle ..." roared the heavenly eyes of the palm.


Suddenly, a smashing sound came from the palm of the Dragon Warring States. From the fingers of the Dragon Warring States, a large number of shards of the eyes of the sky were scattered instantly.

Dragon Warring States unfolded his right hand, making sure that there was no trace of palm left, and then slowly lowered his hand.

At this time, the Dragon Warring States looked at others.

Black and white impermanence has long been afraid to move in a spirit.

That was Zhu Sisi, and the Eye of Heaven. I didn't have the means to resist the Dragon Warring States.

The Dragon Warring States did not look at them, but instead looked at Bai Ziran.

At this moment, Bai Zi also looked at the Dragon Warring States in shock, with a flash of unbelief and remorse in his eyes.

"You, are you really the Dragon Warring States?" Bai Zizai asked with a hint of fear.

Although it has been confirmed, Bai Zizun still cannot help asking.

"Bai Zizai? I remember, last time I talked to you, why did you break through the borderless sky?" Dragon Warring States stared at Bai Zizai and asked.

The eyes of Dragon Warring States, with an attitude of scrutiny, for a moment, his eyes were directed at Bai Zixin.

Bai Zizuo was silent for a while, and finally a bitter smile appeared: "I thought you were made up by an ancient sea costume god!"

"Do you think I'm fake?" Dragon Warring States narrowed his eyes.

Bai freely nodded.

"It really is the White Tiger Supreme!" Dragon Warring States finally smiled slightly.

This smile made Bai Zizai feel depressed. What does it mean? Don't I often find out the situation freely?

However, the killing of the Dragon Warring States on the crowd was eliminated.

Zhu Yiyi and Zhu Sansan each held Zhu Siquan's body and looked at the Dragon Warring States in resentment.

"Go!" Zhu yelled out one by one.


The two Suzakus disappeared into the sky instantly.

There were only three people who were white and black and white, and they looked at each other.

"Mrs. Chen, how offended!" Bai Ziran said to Chen Xianer in awkwardness.


Without waiting for Chen Xianer to reply, Bai Zizuo shot into the distance with black and white impermanence and disappeared into the sky.

Continue to fight, fight for a yarn, a group of people is not enough for the Dragon Warring States.

A crowd of men came, but they were desperate. I thought that in this world, I would n’t say one or two, at least I have a certain status, but here, it ’s all about the other person ’s mood. Kill if you want?

The Dragon Warring States looked at Dahan's ministers.

At this moment, Dahan's ministers are also shocked. Is this really the Dragon Warring States? Many of the courtiers in the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom were many old ministers from the former Dagan Heavenly Dynasty. At this moment, when they saw the Dragon Warring States, they were in tears.

At this moment, these veterans finally understood and understood why Prince Dagan the Dragon God was willing to join Dahan as a minister, why the Dragon Warring States had left a letter to explain to the ancient sea. It turned out that the Holy Spirit was alive.

"Holy, holy!" Some old ministers suddenly knelt down with tears.

Although he is a courtier of Dahan, he still has a feeling of emperor and monarch for the Dragon Warring States.

"He is now Dahan's ministers, so why don't you call me holy! Get up!" Laughed Dragon Warring States.

"Yes, yes!" The old ministers stood up, wiping tears.

"Old man, are you still alive!" Long Wanyu suddenly surprised.

"See you, Holy!" Long Wanqing was also excited.

Anyway, the Dragon Warring States is, after all, the grandfather of the Dragon sisters.

Dragon Warring States looked at the second daughter and smiled slightly. Instead, the Dragon Warring States looked at Chen Xianer.

"Mrs. Chen, she is indeed a heroine. Just now, if the six immortals had stalked it, and the six gods were fulfilled, you would not dare to take another step under your applause!" Dragon Warring States laughed.

"Dagan Saint is ridiculous! Thank you, Dagan Saint!"

"Mrs. Chen is polite. I promised Gu Hai. It is naturally a matter of course. Moreover, Gu Hai had saved my life at that time, and you don't need to be polite to me!" Long Zhanguo laughed.

Chen Xianer nodded.

At this moment, above the borderless sky, Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Shangguanhen, Ao Sheng, Gu Han and others all stared at the Dragon Warring States. After all, the Dragon Warring States appeared too evil.

Is it really him? Why is he dressed so strangely?

More than Dahan ministers.

Just after the war, the Temple of Destruction and the Temple of Destruction got the news.

It just happened so fast that after the two parties saw it clearly, it was over.

焱 God temple mouth.

Jingwei rubbed his eyes: "This is impossible, hasn't Dragon Warring States died long ago?"

Houyi and Xingtian stared at it from afar, and there was a loss in his eyes.

"It's true that the Dragon Warring States!" Xing Tian solemnly said.

"It's no wonder that the ancient sea will have an axe, not because it was obtained, but that the Dragon Warring States are alive?" Houyi also exclaimed.

Take the mouth of the temple.

Long Aotian kept rubbing his eyes.

"Long Aotian, am I seeing it wrong? Who is that? Really?" A guard at the shrine next to him wondered.

"My grandpa? Really, really!" Long Aotian said with excitement.


Stepping on, Long Aotian rushed to Wudu Tiandu without hesitation, and his eyes were full of boundless shock.


Soon, Long Aotian landed on the Chongtian Temple Square. This time, no one stopped Dahan's guard from waving his hand.

Although it has been affirmed, Long Aotian is still unsure.

"Father, is this grandfather? Father, is he grandfather?" Long Aotian looked at Long Shen with a disbelief.

Dragon Warring States turned his head and smiled at Long Aotian.

"Not big or small, not to see grandpa yet!" Dragon God yelled suddenly.

The scolding of the dragon gods affirmed Long Aotian's speculation.

Looking at the Dragon Warring States, Long Aotian suddenly knelt down.

"Grandchild, grandchildren meet grandpa!" Long Aotian said with excitement.

Although Long Aotian sometimes confuses things, he is just as respectful to the Dragon Warrior as the Dragon Warrior. Otherwise, the Dragon Warrior worshipped his father and his enemies, and the Dragon Warrior would not turn his face.

But now that Grandpa is still alive, the father's "recognition of thief as father" is no longer valid. Turning his face in the past is also a joke.

"Okay! Aotian has grown up!" Dragon Warring States laughed.

During his speech, the Dragon Warring States looked up to the direction of the Temple.

I wo n’t know when to open the temple door.

Jiang Chen also just stepped out of the Temple of Seizure, across the infinite distance, facing the Dragon Warring States, facing each other.

It was a slight surprise that the generals saw the Dragon Warring States.

Dragon Warring States looked at the general, smiled slightly, and nodded.

General Chen was slightly silent, and eventually nodded.

The Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, the emperors and suzerains that the major dynasties and ancestors subserved in the past, were also shocked when they saw the Dragon Warring States, and they were also fortunate.

Because of the existence of the Dragon Warring States, let everyone understand the power of the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty.

Strong enough to face six more immortals, and instantly doubled the help. How many cards are there in the Holy Ghost?

The Dragon Warring States is still alive, and the news of the Dragon Warring States in the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom also began from this moment to the world.

Anyone who gets the news is unwilling to believe it for the first time, and it will be uproar until the news that is constantly being determined comes-

In the heart.

I swallowed the last sun-like heart fire, and the flame enchantment formed around I was completely like the outline of an eyeball, but with golden light and radiant light, some of the mountain walls around it met the flame and instantly melted. .

"Mr. Fu Xi, I feel that I have completely become Hao Ri, and there is a fire in my heart. As long as I get out of the ground, I can compete with the sun!" Shen Shen said.

"Fighting with the sun? Oh, this is just an illusion. We must restrain the swelling in our hearts. We will have a tough battle to fight later!" Fuxi solemnly said.

"Swell in my heart?" Frown frowned slightly.

"Mr. is right, God ’s cremation and magic skills, I ’ve already cultivated, I have a feeling of swelling, I ca n’t control it myself, it ’s like I have the first feeling in the world, if Mr. is constantly on the side, at this moment Can you stun your head with this swelling? "He said, his face darkened.

"The so-called solitary yin does not grow, and the solitary yang does not grow long. Your exercises have too much yang, which is disturbing your thinking. If you want to crack, you can only go to Jiu Yinzong and follow me. I will be there later. Be careful, I'm waiting for you! "Fuxi solemnly said.

"Thank you for your guidance!" Nodded his head.

Fuxi nodded and led the way. It didn't take long for him to reach a black-lit hole, and Fuxi stopped.

"That's it, be careful for a while!" Fuxi solemnly said.

He nodded, stepped, and stepped into the underground space with the candle and nine shades hidden.

Underground space.暝 Sitting on the top of the candle Jiuyin, closed her eyes and adjusted her breath.

"Master, here, I'm here!" The old humpback cried in surprise.


暝 Opened his eyes.

"Come here? Finally, this day is coming!" There was a hint of haggard in the corner of his mouth.

PS: Something happened today, the first is ahead!

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