Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 29: Back to home

One day outside, ten years of ancient fairy heaven!

The ancient sea quickly shuttled through the underground tunnel. Even if a large number of tunnels collapsed along the way, the ancient sea can still pass through without any risk. After all, the ancient sea is now too powerful.

From the center of the earth to the surface, the people in the ancient fairy sphere changed.

The earliest was Hetu, who had eaten the body of the moth, but did not improve at all. He could only watch a group of strong men in front of him with a grudge.

"Ang ~!"

A dragon moan rang through the world from the bats. Countless bats suddenly disappeared.

Chang Ming was wearing white light all over his body, and turned into a huge bat. The bat was no longer black, but turned white all over, with a soft white light all over his body. Chang Ming looked sacred.


Chang Ming trembled and turned into a human figure, eyes opened.

Not far away, Skeleton Guhai looked to Chang Ming and said, "How?"

"Holy, the God of the Candle Nine Yins should have been slaying and killing a large number of demons in the past few years. The" gods "collected by them are fused together. They are the gods of the candle dragon division. They are the head gods. Blend! Listen to the orders of the minister! The minister feels that the whole body is full of strength! "Chang Ming exclaimed excitedly.

"Combined! Refining?" Gu Hai asked.

"Not yet, but the minister can feel that the minister will become stronger and stronger! Also, there seems to be some memories of the candle dragon, but the minister is temporarily unable to read it, and after some days, he may be able to refine these memories!" Chang Thought clearly.

"So best!" Skeleton Gu Hai nodded.

As Gu Hai spoke, there was a sudden and loud roar from far away.


Suddenly, the body's surface suddenly burst into a storm-like atmosphere, and the breath blew through.

Gu Hai, Chang Ming, and He Tu turned their heads.

But I saw the uncle's behind dragging six tails and six dragon-shaped tails, swinging the void slightly, letting the void tremble. Among them, among the five tremors, are some of the laws of the ancient immortal volatility, and the void appears with the illusion of five reincarnation.

"These six tails can be linked to six reincarnations? To draw the power of reincarnation from the six reincarnations?" Chang Ming suddenly surprised.

Gu Hai looked at the body of Xun.

Your body is very weird at this moment. Half of your body is full of fire, half of your body is cold, and your left eye is gold and your right eye is silver. It seems more than just repairing fire.

"Hey, you inherited your power?" Gu Hai was surprised.

I previously swallowed the right eye of Zhu Jiuyin and thought that I was eating and exhaling gas, but now it seems that I have refined my power?

"Yeah, sigh? His strength is really huge, equivalent to me, but unfortunately, this cold power is too loose!" Sigh looked grim.


"Yes, the flame in my body has the commander of the zombie ancestor of the fire system, such as the arm commander, but the ice in the body, but it scatters around, some do not listen to the call, you must find the seed of the zombie ancestor in order to command him, otherwise It's useless to have this power in the body! "He said, gloomy.

"You want the seed of the zombies of the water system, to gather this power?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

"Why, you know where Hook is?" Haw puzzled.

"When you come back, you will know!" Gu Hai shook her head without explaining.

I looked at Gu Hai in doubt, and didn't ask again.

Although Fu Xi's resurrection was also helpful to Xun, but Gu Hai's breach of contract ultimately made Xun's heart irritated.

"Boom ~!"

There was a sudden loud noise. From the colorful light cocoons, Fuxi broke out of the cocoon, and the huge colorful light cocoons rushed into Fuxi's body instantly.

Fuxi stepped on his feet.


With the foot as the center, the earth suddenly appeared a circle of golden light. On the first circle of golden light, there was a congenital gossip, the second circle of golden light was an acquired gossip, and the outer eight circles were eight sixty-four gossips. One is Lian Shanyi and Zhou Yi, who knew the ancient sea. The other six are not even known to Gu Hai.

Ten hexagrams circled in a circle and slowly rotated. The fuxi set off as if standing on the wheel of destiny.

There is not much breath, but everyone has an extremely dangerous feeling.


At one point of Fuxi's feet, the ten-round hexagram suddenly disappeared, converging into Fuxi's body.

"Master, you, have you recovered?" He Tu cried.

Fuxi was restrained, looked at the crowd, and nodded with a smile: "Slightly improved, thank you for your help!"

Slightly improved?

"Congratulations!" Gu Hai nodded.

Eight hundred thousand years ago, Fuxi could be equal to the general minister. Now, not only has it recovered, but it has improved slightly? With Fu Xi's modest character, this is slightly improved, and it must be no less.

The slowest is the ancient skull.

After all, the candle dragon shards were too many, not all that the club would be able to devour in a short while, and the countless little black skeletons only swallowed a third.

"The body has arrived at the Nanhaikou. Are you going out?" Gu Hai looked at the crowd.

Fuxi and Xu nodded--

The South China Sea of ​​the Underworld, with the previous blast, the eyes of countless powerful people have focused on the South China Sea.

However, the South China Sea was too big for a moment.

Suddenly, the rough sea exploded again.


Endless waves crash into the sky.

Instantly, five figures stepped out of the sea.

The sternness was the largest, with six dragon tails behind him, very flamboyant, flickered slightly, and the void trembled suddenly.

In a secret mountain forest, the heavenly eyes of the six immortals are also staring at the South China Sea. Although the Eye of Heaven was crushed again by the Dragon Warring States, the immortal source is immortal and the remnants of the Six Immortals can be restored, but at this moment, it is even weaker.

Five figures.

Ancient Sea Ontology, Changming, Hetu, Fuxi, Xi!

The suffocation was the most arrogant, and it was so shocking to everyone.

"Punch the tail behind me? Why are there six reincarnations? Why?" The eyes of heaven were furious.

Yin Shen Diankou.

Bai Zizui stared at the South China Sea with black and white impermanence, and his face was extremely ugly at the moment.

"Lord, they have improved again, especially that shy, so horrible, why do I have the feeling of seeing the Dragon Warring States, she is already comparable to the Dragon Warring States?" Hei Wuchang horrified.

Bai Zijuan jumped in his eyelids, and finally a bitter smile appeared.

Bai Zizai understands that apart from the Dragon Warring States, the generals, the Six Immortals, and the Yuanshi Tianzun, even this uncle is definitely not as good as himself.

I won everyone's eyes and marveled at her breath.

Even the general minister smiled slightly: "I have improved again? Is he stronger than Dijiang of that year?"

But the next moment, his pupils narrowed down and looked at Fu Xi.

"Fu Xi recovered? So fast?" Jiang Chen extremely solemnly said.

Others could not see Fuxi's state, but they looked at him. Fuxi's restrained atmosphere was the most terrible.

"Mr. Fu Xi, leave!" He looked at Fu Xi.

Fuxi nodded.

"Tear it!"

Detective ripped open the void, and stepped into the sun in an instant.

"Let's go too!" Gu Hai looked at Fuxi.


Suddenly, everyone rushed to the ancient capital of Yin and turned to the Dragon Warring States.


The crowd fell at the entrance of the town hall.

Dragon Warring States, Chen Xianer and others are waiting.

"Meet the Lord!" All the courtiers immediately respected each other.

Gu Hai nodded and looked at the Dragon Warring States.

Since the Dragon Warring States exposed his body, it must have encountered a major crisis before.

"This time, please trouble you again!" Gu Hai smiled at Dragon Warring States.

"It's nothing, a few people who don't have long eyes have been driven away. If you didn't find me, they would be the same!" Dragon Warring States laughed.

Kong Xuan and others were surprised. What does it mean to find 'Lao Tzu'? Who is Lao Tzu?

"So dynamic, it seems that you have made a breakthrough when you travel underground?" Curiously, Dragon Warring States.

"I didn't, they all got their own, this is Fuxi!" Gu Hai pointed to Fuxi aside.

Fuxi looked surprised at the Dragon Warring States. Regarding the Dragon Warring States, I knew him before he was born, and knew that the Dragon Warring States had died, but he was standing alive in front of him, and his strength seemed to have improved.

"800,000 years ago, Fuxi? Unexpectedly, the unborn are Fuxi, and Fuxi is the unborn!" The Dragon Warring States looked diligently at Fuxi.

Fu Xi also looked diligently at the Dragon Warring States, looked at it for a while, and frowned slightly: "Jade Emperor?"

Jade Emperor?

The people around are unknown. When did the Dragon Warring States become the emperor again?

Only the Dragon Warring States and the Ancient Sea understood that Fu Xi was talking about the Celestial Fairy Vault, the Lord of the court that day that had corresponded to the Dragon Warring States.

Dragon Warring States look at the ancient sea.

"I didn't mention it, but Fuxi got another Fuxi fusion!" Gu Hai shook his head.

The other Fuxi, naturally, is Fuxi of Qiongxianqiang. When the Dragon Warring States heard it, they understood it.

"Although I am now in the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor, and I am me!" Long Zhanguo explained.

Fu Xi was surprised to look at the Dragon Warring States and the Ancient Sea.

"You guys, can you go? Come back?" Fu Xi said in amazement.

Others couldn't understand it, but Gu Hai and Dragon Warring States could understand it. Fu Xi had already guessed that Gu Hai had a channel, and was naturally surprised. You know, I just ca n’t come back, so many things have been rectified. Things were done by the ancient sea and the Dragon Warring States?

"Mr. Fu Xi, if you have time, why don't you go to my child's house and exchange ideas?" Long Zhanguo invited.

After all, there are many people here, and the Dragon Warring States is not willing to mention it here.

"Good!" Fuxi naturally agreed.

Fu Xi is now recovering. He is naturally in a good mood and has such good news. There is no reason to be reserved.

"Master, what about me?" He Tu said blankly.

"Wan Yu is my daughter. Stay by Wan Yu and protect her!" Fu Xi said.

"Ah?" He Tu froze.

Fuxi is his own master, and Long Wanyu is her own young master. This excuse for rejection is gone.

"Hetu, didn't you abandon my side before?" Long Wanyu stared, but settled after the fall.

He Tu suddenly cried without tears, knowing that the little witch was asking for trouble again. Why am I so unlucky? ——

中 In the temple.

妭 Looking at the seal 嬴 hook, her complexion was complex.

嬴 The head of the zombie ancestor slowly emerged from the top of his head, but it is the thing he needs most now.

"Sister, thanks to Gu Hai this time, otherwise we would be miserable!" Jing Wei said with a guilty conscience.

He turned around and looked at the direction of Wudu Tiandu, and understood that Gu Hai was a make-up for himself, and even if he refused, he could not explain it.

"Oh!" I sighed slightly.

The mustard of Gu Hai in my heart completely disappeared. After all, Fu Xi saved himself, Gu Hai also saved Jingwei, and he also sent the seed of the zombie ancestors in the water system. Actually, Gu Hai did not owe himself, even himself. Owe him.

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