Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 30: Demon Holy Land, get rid of it!

Honghuang City, shrine!

Detective pointed at Biao's brows.

"No!" I screamed.


Suddenly, all the consciousness of the yoke broke apart instantly.

He hooked his head, and the seed of the zombie ancestor slowly emerged from his head, and the detective was caught in his hand.

Gently, the seed of the zombie ancestor of the water system was immediately stunned.

"Kaka Kaka!"

Centered on the urn, numerous ice burst out in an instant, turning the whole hall into an ice palace. The huge cold air rushed towards him, Jing Wei stepped back unconsciously.

妭 Enjoying this mastery of strength, the power of the ice in the body, in a blink of an eye, he found the commander, and under the control of the seed of the stiff ancestors in the water system, he arranged them regularly and instantly.

He slowly refined his power, and the six dragon tails behind him slowly disappeared into his body.

妭 Restored the original appearance, with his left and right hands extended, as if holding two light balls, one day, one month. The two light spheres seem to be able to penetrate the walls and map high in the sky, forming a day and month scene in Honghuanghuang City.

Great weather came out. The most sensitive is to win the Lord of the Temple.

Looking at the direction of Honghuang City, General Chen revealed a hint of surprise: "I have doubled my strength? So, even if Xiao Liu is out of the game, the outcome is unpredictable."


The weather in Honghuang City came quickly and disappeared quickly.

I converged and everything disappeared.

"Sister, have you refined the seeds of the zombies of the water system?" Jingwei surprised.

He nodded and nodded, and the explorer took out a scroll: "Jingwei, this is the magical power of the divine cremation day. It is made for Suzaku. You can now cultivate!"

"God's cremation day? This isn't her sister's method? Doesn't it mean that others can't cultivate? Then ..." Jingwei worried.

"I have been killed by us, rest assured! No one can stop you!" I solemnly said.

"Okay! I'll go to the sun tomorrow!" Jing Wei took it in surprise.

"Well! Also, I have been killed by this tickling consciousness. This flesh is originally yours, so you can save it!" Shen Shen said.

"it is good!"--

Sky without borders.

The ancient sea of ​​skeletons is in the ancient dome of the ancients, and finally the whole body of Zhu Jiuyin is swallowed up. This time, the ancient sea of ​​skeletons cannot bear it anymore.

Zhu Jiuyin's physical quality is too high after all.

"What a terrifying candle dragon?" Gu Gu, the skeleton, shook.


The ancient skulls soared into the sky and headed for nothing.

Go to the study.

Gu Hai was listening to reports from Mo Yike and others.

"Holy, nowadays, the thousands of cities in Wanshou Taoism have been almost collected by the Dalai Heavenly Kingdom. Only slowly slowly soothe the hearts of the people!" Mo Yike solemnly said.

"If you collect it, you will receive it. Dachao Tianchao is now an ally of Dahantianchao. After six battles in Japan, I will not stand idly by!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Yes!" Mo Yike nodded.

"If today, the city of 100,000 is mostly in Dahan and Dalai, 2,000 in the Temple of God, and 5,000 in the Heavenly Demon Holy Land. To appease the people, I and other ministers share their worries. Dalai Tianchao and my dynasty are also allies. Today, only the Temple of Deity and the Holy Land of Gods are left. Holy, after all, they also control part of the city, should we ...? "Mo Yike's face sank.

"Yes, of course! They have no borders and heavens, but they don't say that they can break free. They want to rob while they're away? Ha ha, the Dragon Warring States let them go, but I won't let them go, Heavenly Demon Holy Land? White comfortable?" Gu Hai's complexion One cold.

"On the holy side, you need to use the holy land of the demon?" Mo Yike looked.

Gu Hai's finger lightly tapped on the armrest of the dragon chair, and he groaned for a moment and said, "Yes, Heavenly Devil's Holy Land? Bai Zizuo, again and again, ran into my Dahan heaven, it's time to pack him!"

"Sacred to conquer?" Mo Yike laughed.

Gu Hai nodded: "Actually, the Dragon Warring States did not kill the killer that day, it was a big help for Bai. Freedom? Although timid and afraid of things, but also considered a tyrant! Moreover, he can live in the shortest time, Conquer his five thousand cities. "-

Underworld, holy land of demon.

Not long ago, the ancient sea, Fuxi, and Nuo came out of the ground, and Baizi had a bad feeling. This time, breaking through the borderless sky and the capital, he was obviously pitted by six immortals.

Bai Zixin has been a little worried in his heart, and to this day everything is fulfilled.

In the shrine.

White at ease, black and white impermanence, looking at a Dahan visitor together. The bitter look of the Scorpio Demon.

"The fourth child? This is what Gu Hai said?" Bai Wuchang's face was gloomy.

The Scorpio Demon smiled slightly bitterly: "Yes, it is the Lord who sent the envoys to the Demon Holy Land, persuading the Lord ..., persuasion to surrender the free and comfortable demon and the two imperfect demon!"

"Presumptuous!" Bai Wuchang stared.

Bai Zizai also looked grimly at the Scorpio Demon.

There is only black impermanence and no anger, only a lament.

"Scorpion, do you forget, your identity back then? Come to persuade us for the great Han Dynasty? You are so brave, you want to die?" Bai Wuchang stared angrily.

The Scorpio Demon originally had a worry, but Bai Wuchang's sudden anger drove the resentment in the Scorpio Demon's heart instantly.

"Identity? Haha, boss, what did you say I forgot? I was indeed the Four Peak Lord of the Holy Land of the Demon, but after I was captured by the Holy, did you ever want to save me? Have you come to save me? "The Scorpion and the Demon suddenly glared and resentfully.

"At that time, the timing was not right!" Bai Wuchang frowned.

"The timing isn't right? Hahaha, when is the timing right? After I die? If it wasn't for the mercy of the Holy Ghost, please call me, I am a dead person today, and still mention my identity? What is the use of identity? You care No? No, not at all! "The Scorpio Sky Demon glared angrily.

Unconstrained complexion.

"Lord, I call you Lord again. Do n’t think that I owe you. The Heavenly Demon Holy Land is different from the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom. The Dahan Heavenly Kingdom stands for merit. Even Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi, they are not high, but As long as you have merit, you will be in power. What is the Holy Land of Gods? It is by strength, by torture, and by yourself. You have never been merciful to any disciple. No matter how great your achievements are, you will die. I have the corresponding status without death. I am not promoted by you. I am the Sifeng Lord killed by myself, so do n’t talk to me about your feelings, and do n’t talk about your help to me. No, nothing. Shouted the Scorpio God.

"Enough!" Bai Ziren stared.

"Enough? Hahaha, Lord, you do n’t have to shout at me, after you have been with you for so many years, we still do n’t know you? Sway the wall grass left and right, bullying and fearing nothing, you escaped the battle of the Lich, you escaped Eight hundred thousand years ago, the battle against the sky, you ca n’t escape today. The Holy Spirit has spoken. If you do n’t submit, you are dead! You do n’t have to wait for the Six Immortals to wake up. You want to swing between the Holy Immortals and the Six Immortals. Dream! A group of strong men are ready, Fuxi sends out gossip, you have nowhere to run in heaven and earth! "Exclaimed the scorpion god.

"You want to find death?" Bai Ziyuan stared at the Scorpio Demon.

"Look for death? You don't need to threaten me. As long as you hit me, the Holy Spirit will immediately know that it is your holy land, the day of the disaster!" The scorpion and the demon yelled.

Bai Zili's face was murderous, and he seemed to be shot.

"Lord, Lord, don't get angry, don't get angry!" Hei Wuchang suddenly stopped in the center and called.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Hei impermanence.

"Actually, I think that the Scorpio and the Demon are right! Lord, we can't swing anymore!" Hei Wuchang smiled bitterly.

"Boss, you want to betray!" Bai Wuchang stared.

"Boss, what are you talking about? What mutiny? Now, go out and play against Gu Hai yourself!" Hei Wuchang stared.

Bai Zi was extremely contradictory at this moment. Although he was screaming at the Scorpion and the Demon, he finally dared not take the shot, hit the field with impermanence, and suddenly borrowed a donkey to go downhill.

"Old fourth, no matter what, we have been working together for so many years. When you go to Dahan, is there really no friendship?" Hei Wuchang frowned.

The scorpion and the devil looked at the black impermanence, and finally smiled slightly bitterly: "Boss, I don't say so, can they listen? Do you really think I didn't say that? At that time, the Holy Spirit called Dahan's ministers to discuss, Kong Xuan, Mosquitoists , Dragon God Aunt, Shangguanhen, Ao Sheng, they all yelled to kill them, saying that the Lord is not trustworthy, and it is a scourge to keep them. Dragon God Aunt even packed a ticket and said that he would invite his father, Dragon Warring States, to the Temple of Bloodwashing Yin. It was me, it was I who knelt before the Holy See, and for a long time, pledged to persuade you, and the Holy See nodded in agreement! "

"What?" Bai Changchang's face changed.

Will the Dragon Warring States also come over?

Freedom also changed his face.

"Old fourth, you bother!" Hei Wuchang sighed slightly, thanking him.

Turning his head around, Black impermanence looked at White at ease: "Lord, the situation is so, we have no way back!"

"There is no way back, no big deal, we escape into nothingness and hide for a while!" Bai Wuchang reluctantly said.

"I heard that the avatar of the Holy Ghost has gone to nothingness, and has laid a net of heaven and earth!" Said the Scorpion and the Sky Demon.

Bai Zun's complexion froze, and he suddenly remembered the ancient sea of ​​skeletons that he had seen in nothingness, and that strange ability, Bai Zun also had a lingering fear.

"Lord, the Six Immortals and the Dahan forces, can we still choose? The Sixth Immortal's eyes are gone, Dahan is against the sky, I don't know if it will succeed or fail, but the Six Immortals will definitely not come to save us in advance. What now? We have dealt with the ancient sea several times, and the ancient sea can have the patience now, which is pretty good. At this moment, if it angers the ancient sea, then nothing can be turned back, Lord! "Hei Wuchang also persuaded.

There was anxiety on the side of impermanence: "Lord, shall we wait ...?"

"Boss, what are you waiting for? Wait, there is no chance, before we could avoid war, because we have no endless enemies, but now it is different, the ancient sea has regarded us as a nail in the eye, if you do not fall, you die!" Hei Impermanence persuades again.

"I, I ...!" Bai Wuchang was poor for a while, and I didn't know what to do.

Everyone looked at Bai Zonglai.

Bai comfortable sitting on the throne, closed his eyes, and his heart was complicated for a while.

"You go out first, I think about it, I think about it!" Bai Ziran sighed with closed eyes.

"Lord, for a maximum of three days, I promised the Lord, for a maximum of three days to persuade you. After three days, the negotiations broke down. They ignored my request. Guhai, the Dragon Warring States, and Fuxi, maybe they will kill them. Lu and Guhai. , Friendship is also good, if Gu Hai asks for help, I will also be inescapable, Lord, you are careful! "God Scorpion God's words are serious.

"You go out first!" Bai Ziren shook his hand and sang.

The three can only withdraw from the hall--

Three days later. Sky without borders. Soaring to the mouth of the palace.

Gu Hai, with Manchu fighters, stood in the Chongtian Temple Square and greeted the four figures.

The black and white impermanence held a jade box alone, and the Scorpion and the Demon walked to the side with an excitement.

Facing the ancient sea, Bai Zizu solemnly salutes: "Heavenly Demon Holy Land, Bai Zonglai is willing to bring the Heavenly Demon Holy Land to be accepted by the Dahan heavenly dynasty, and to the Holy Great Han, Long live Long Live Long Live!"

Bai Zi bowed down. The Scorpio Heavenly Demon is a great achievement at this moment.

"Ang ~!"

In the underworld, over the Yin Temple, there was a sorrowful dragon murmur in the boundless fortune, and then, the sound of Bai Ziren suddenly spread all over the world of the heavenly demon holy land.

Billowing with luck, also under the sorrow of the lucky golden dragon, he rushed to the borderless sky.

Heaven magic land, so far, the world is removed from the name!

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