Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 32: Wenxiu 3000

"Sir, what's wrong with you?" Gu Hai anxiously said.

Cangjie carefully looked at the ancient sea again, and finally showed a smile of satisfaction: "Holy, it seems that the selection of the ministers over the years has finally arrived, and you are the sage who is enough to confront you!"

Gu Hai looked at Cangjie in doubt. Although Cangjie was awarded, Gu Hai was more worried about the safety of Cangjie.

"Holy, you don't have to worry about me. Speaking of which, I was already dead that year. It was only with a sigh of resentment that I continued to breathe till now!" Cangjie shook his head.

"Resentment?" Gu Hai said unexpectedly.

"Yes, otherwise, do you think I'll help the king? The king is the one, and the next one? He should have heard of it in the Holy?" Cangjie laughed.

Gu Hai nodded.

"At that time, the minister was dead. However, the minister's resentment was lingering because of the literary and ethical atmosphere. His cultivation had been abandoned for a long time. Today, he can only go to the Heavenly Palace. Cangjie sighed.

"Cultivation is abolished? After all, you are the ancestor of Wenxiu, who can abandon your cultivation?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Oh!" Cangjie sighed.

"Eh? How is it possible that I haven't been in Liudaoxian Qiong, yes, there was a return of divine thought 800,000 years ago, and I've died with Fuxi, at that time?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"No, earlier, Tan Shennian came back once!" Cangjie sighed.

"Early? What earlier?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"At that time, also when the general minister was born, no, to be precise, when the general minister was resurrected, I was going to take the physical body of the general minister. At that time, I was right there. At that time, a new spirit was born in the physical body of the general minister and confronted me. My **** read it! "Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"I know the identity of Jiang Chen. It was your body that gave birth to a new spirit. You mean, when Jiang Chen was born and resurrected, I came back?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Yes, at that time I seemed to sense the abnormality of the flesh body, and thought back. However, at the time, I deduced a test word and measured my unhealthy intentions to destroy all beings, take the souls of all beings, gather them into divine power, and move the two immortals to fuse. Destroy all living beings? Oh, I naturally stood by the general and helped him resist the return of the uncle, but he is too strong! My whole body is…, ha ha, to be precise, if not I'm going to hold on to it, I was dead that year! "Cangjie sighed.

"So, in these years, you have assisted various kings, but also to give birth to powerful people, to fight against puppets?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, I'm not as aggressive as the minister, but I will work hard." Cangjie nodded.

"You are the ancestor of Wen Xiu, Wen Xiu, but who can lead the Three Thousand Avenues from the side, isn't this divine thought?" Gu Hai looked ugly.

From this we can see how arrogant.

"I was abandoned by him, but he's not much better!" Cangjie laughed.

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

"When the minister was resurrected, he was trapped in another immortal vault, as if he was being restrained by a strong man called Pan Gu. Therefore, he did not dare to leave half a step, and could only return with divine thoughts. Although I was eventually abolished, but I But found his way back! "Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"The way back?" Gu Hai looked.

"Yes, in order not to let you know, that road, I dare not step in, but when I closed the entrance to this road, I passed a positioning, this positioning, I do not know, put in another Among the beings of an immortal sky, and it should also be a man of culture, my last impression is that the person is called Yi Qiu! "Cangjie solemnly said.

"Yi Qiu?" Gu Hai's face changed.

It is Earth Qi Shengyi Qiu, the two fairy domes found. It turned out that Yi Qiu was because of Cangjie's help?

"Unfortunately, Yi Qiu hasn't heard anything, so ...! However, it was difficult for Yi Qi to come back later. It should be that Yi Qiu Pitou walked the way of Yi Qi's return! Delayed the time of Yi Qi's return!" Cangjie took a deep breath.

Gu Hai looked at Cangjie and remained silent for a while before finally saying, "Sir, Yi Qiu did find the way back for you, and stole it, but in order to deduct this path, Yi Qiu was exhausted. ! "

"Holy, you know, don't you ...?" Cangjie suddenly seemed to guess something, eyes widened, and looked at Guhai in surprise.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha, so it is, so it is. Holy, you found it, that's great!" Cangjie suddenly burst into tears.

"Sir, if you win in the end, I must remember him and continue my life!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Cangjie also contributed to the ancient sea today. The ancient sea is naturally grateful.

"Continuing life? It's too late, but it seems that I chose the right one, holy, this is the last three thousand arrays of literary repairs prepared by the minister for you!" Cangjie looked at Bai Qi around him.

"Wen Xiu 3,000?" Gu Hai wondered.

"In my creation, Wenxiu is divided into four main veins of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the four main veins are derived from the Three Thousand Avenues. For example, today, the Three Thousand Avenues, and everything is learned!" Cangjie looked to the world .


"Candle Dragon, he was born out of nothing. His three souls are endless, but ordinary people can't see through it. Chen watched one more than many people and found Wenxiu. Now, the Holy Spirit should be stuck in the heavenly palace. Kokonoe? "Cangjie looked at Gu Hai.

"Yes! I practiced one of the" Talents "," Tian Tian Da Bei Fu! "Gu Hai nodded.

"He is the second spirit of heaven and earth, but at that time, the candle dragon did not sacrifice for heaven and earth, and he encouraged the candle dragon, and when the candle dragon evolved the heaven and earth, he forcibly stole the candle dragon's practice and led the candle dragon back to bite. The candle dragon has evolved into heaven and earth and can't resist it. The candle dragon's gourd is broken by crickets, and its practice is also robbed of its own. After chanting, you finally realize the spiritual light. Yu Yan, now only listens to His tune, but its originality is still from the candle dragon. The Holy Spirit's cultivation of "Talent" is ultimately the most orthodox method, as long as the Holy Spirit breaks through the Heavenly Temple to complete the Holy Spirit, and removes the "Talent" "The imprisonment of" is no longer restricted by "Talent"! "Cangjie solemnly said.

"However, the last step is as difficult as climbing to the sky. It is impossible to find the air of the world. I just entered your house just as if the exercises were loosened. The white air here is the righteous spirit? But it doesn't look like it!" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Not Hao Ran's righteousness, these are 'wenqi'!" Cangjie explained.

"Stylistic?" Gu Hai wondered.

"The text is carried in the Tao, the Dao Yun style, and the Three Thousand Avenues have been nurtured. The endless style of history has been in my" Three Thousands of Wenxiu "!" Cangjie explained.

"Can these styles help break through?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"It's not that simple. If you want to get out of the constraints of" Talent ", you must consolidate the seventh spirit in the Holy Spirit. You can see that the seventh spirit in the Holy Spirit is the spirit of cultural cultivation, but the seventh spirit in the Holy Spirit is not enough! Cangjie frowned at Gu Hai.

"Yes, it's the chess soul. The chess course can't go any further, but it can't consolidate the chess soul completely!" Gu Hai didn't hide.

"800,000 years ago, the minister actually watched the battle between Sheng Shang and the old man who watched chess. No one found me. I quietly hid in the dark and watched. The chess game was not as good as the old man. The chess course is even more ... Unfortunately, he does not have the ambition to dominate the world, and Chen Zi will not assist him, but I want to pass on his mantle, so why do n’t you see the old man in love, sigh! ”Cangjie sighed slightly.

"In the past, due to confrontation with the old man who watched chess, he continued to break into the 35-day world chess game. The old man's chess course is really powerful." Gu Hai praised.

"Although I can't see your chess game, but I can sense the avenue of chess, I can sense the old man who is watching chess, and the endless power of chess!" Cangjie solemnly said.

"The chess power is not exhausted? Is it true that the old man who watched Chess said that he would be able to play chess in thirty-six worlds, is it true?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"I don't know if the old man who watched chess has reached thirty-six, but, at least, aren't you a step worse in holy? It means that these thirty-six are there!" Cangjie solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded solemnly.

"The arrangement of the court for the saints is to use the three thousand avenues as a guide to help the saints break through this last imprisonment. In the battle, it is not people who play chess with the saints, but three thousand avenues. If the saints can fight The changes in the culture of the Three Thousand Avenues have completely consolidated the spirit of the chess and absorbed my ancient style. It will surely break through the constraints of "Talent" and achieve the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace. No, based on the holy foundation, the gods should be consummated in one fell swoop. It's peak! "Cangjie looked forward to.

Gu Hai looked at Cangjie. Cangjie thought of all his needs so successfully. Gu Hai was instantly grateful. Cangjie looks like this now, and Gu Hai doesn't need to guess. It must have been done for the purpose of ‘Wenxiu Three Thousand Arrays’.

"Thank you Mr.!" Gu Hai solemnly worshiped Cangjie.

"Holy, do n’t thank me, but this method is overbearing, including three thousand roads. Holy should still not be able to bear it now. Moreover, Wen Xiu mainly uses qin, chess, calligraphy and painting as the main vein, and holy, he only repairs the veins. After all, I need to find Qin, Shu, and Hua, three highly accomplished people, join in and benefit together! They will be yours and they will fly into the sky. How strong their qualifications are, how high their achievements will be! "Cangjie looked towards Guhaidao .

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

In my mind, the ancient sea flashed through the three most qualified people in Qin Tao, Shu Dao and Hua Dao, Gou Chen, Zi Wei, Chang Sheng!

"Holy Lord, the court can still insist on it now. One day later, Wenxiu 3,000 arrays will be opened. Please, Holy Ghost, handle all matters at once and come here!" Cangjie solemnly said.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

Without any hesitation, Gu Hai stepped out of Cangjie Mansion.

Outside Cangjie.

Kong Xuan, mosquitoes, Shangguan marks and others have all come to wait for Cangjie.

"Guard here, no one is allowed to approach!" Gu Hai looked at the generals with a serious tone.

"Yes!" A crowd of powerful men suddenly answered.

The mosquitoes' black mosquitoes instantly cover the sky and prevent every gap. Others naturally came up with their own skills to protect the Cangjie Mansion.

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