Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 33: Old man playing Lianliankan

Out of Cangjie Mansion, the ancient sea instantly returned to the borderless city of heaven!

Wenxiu three thousand array! Regardless of whether he can help himself to break through in the end, Gu Hai must go all out. After all, I will return soon. At this time, I will not fight, and there will be no chance.

Gu Hai convened a group of queens, princes, and Long Wanyu, and first held a family meeting.

Everyone was particularly moved by Cangjie's efforts. No one is opposed to this opportunity for Guhai to reach the summit.

Next, Gu Hai quickly dealt with some political affairs in the ancient immortal dome, reviewed the memorials from the world, convened a group of ministers, and explained it.

Go to the study.

Gu Hai alone reopened the two immortal passages.

This time, a thin old man walked out of the passage. The old man was wearing a pair of cloth shoes and wearing a suit of Zhongshan that was washed many times. He had a pair of reading glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose and walked out leisurely.

Seeing the appearance of the old man, Gu Hai shuddered slightly, and then smiled bitterly: "Senior, have you gone to experience life in the world again?"

"No, I just feel that the little old men have a very leisurely life. I also learn to try it, not to mention, it is indeed more comfortable than a serious one all day. By my age, I should have the enjoyment of this age!" The old man smiled Said.

"Well, I won't say much more. I have already transmitted it to you before. In the next period of time, I will be closed for some time. I can't distract Dahan Foundation. I will help you to guard it!" Gu Hai solemnly saluted. .

The old man in Zhongshan Zhuang nodded: "Go, go, I'm bringing things anyway, and I won't be bored. There, Dragon Warring Kingdom does a good job, and I don't need to worry too much. I can do it before I come back. Help you watch! "

"Thank you seniors!" Gu Hai said again.

"Don't be so polite! Let's take a look out and find a place to live!" The old man said casually.

Gu Hai closed the passage between the two circles, and immediately took the old man out of the study.

Outside the study, a number of dignitaries looked to Gu Hai and came out with an old man, which was also strange.

The ancient sea means, everyone is psychologically prepared, but after seeing another stranger, after all, he was curious.

This old man looks mediocre and weird, but everyone respects it from Gu Hai, and everyone knows it is extraordinary.

"Holy Father? This is?" Gu Qin and others came over.

"He is a distinguished guest! See him like you!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Eh? Yes!" The crowd nodded.

"During the retreat, if you encounter a crisis, you can ask this senior for help! However, the things that can be resolved must not disturb the senior!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"Well? Sanqing Hall?" A hint of curiosity flashed in the old man's eyes.

"The place where Master Tongtian came to live!" Gu Hai explained.

"Oh? Then I live there!" The old man nodded.

"Okay, next, I'll trouble you!" Gu Hai nodded.

Send the old man to live in Sanqing Hall. Gu Hai bid farewell to the old man.

Gou Chen, Ziwei, and Changsheng have been waiting at the entrance of Chongtian Dian.

"Master, Long Wanyu said just now, you want to take us three out and let us cooperate with you?" Gou Chen curious.

"Yes, the three of you follow me!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Did you have any food?" Changsheng asked instantly.

"Yes!" A black line appeared from Gu Hai's forehead.

"That's good!" Ziwei should nod his drink.


Gu Hai's big sleeves flung, and instantly, the four disappeared into the sky.

Within a day, Gu Hai had dealt with everything and arrived at Cangjie Mansion again.

Kong Xuan and others guarded.

Gu Hai stepped into Cangjie Mansion with Gou Chen, Ziwei and Changsheng.

Upon entering, Gou Chen, Ziwei and Changsheng immediately felt an extremely comfortable atmosphere.

"Wow, what's this white breath? So comfortable, I feel like I'm about to fly!" Ziwei's eyes brightened.

"Yeah, I want to draw a picture to express my comfort at the moment!" Changsheng eyes brightened.

"I want to sing, master!" Gou Chen also exclaimed comfortably.

Gu Hai: "………………!"

The four came to Cangjie.

Cangjie looked at the three of them, his eyes suddenly flashed: "The source of Qin Tao? The source of Shu Tao? The source of Hua Tao? Good, good, good, God, God!"

"Sir, can you start?" Gu Hai asked.

"Wait, I'm waiting for someone!" Cangjie said.

Just before Cangjie spoke.

"Stop!" Kong Xuan suddenly yelled.

"The Lord of the Temple, this place is the land of Dahan, please don't break in!" Shouted the mosquito.

Outside, Dahan's ministers are like enemies.

But it was the minister suddenly approaching, stepping in the air, frowning slightly at the dazed men in tension.

"I'm waiting for someone!" Cangjie laughed.

"General Chen?" Gu Hai looked puzzled to the outside world.

Outside, Jiang Chen saw everyone inside through white light.

"Yes, it's General Chen. I told you before that when the General Chen was born, I came back to capture the flesh. I helped the General. He owed me this kind of favor!" Cangjie nodded.

"Let the generals come in!" Gu Hai began.


Ministers should yell. Suddenly put off alert.

Jiang Chen stepped, and instantly reached the people inside.

"Cangjie, you really have come this far!" Jiang Chen frowned at Cangjie.

"For so many years, isn't it for this day? I found the Saint King for me to do everything I can, but you, it's time to fulfill my original promise to me!"

The general minister was silent for a while, and finally nodded: "I promised you, naturally I will do it. Moreover, if Gu Hai could be stronger, it would be good for me!"

"That's good. Before you come back, as long as Gu Hai hasn't been out of customs, you have to guard here for a day!" Cangjie looked firmly at the general.

"Good!" Jiang Chen looked at Cangjie and sighed slightly.

Jiang Chen saw the status of Cangjie, this time Cangjie had the last chance.

"Holy, bother you four, sitting on my futon on the Quartet, I will take you into the context of Wenxiu!" Cangjie said.

Gu Hai nodded and sat first on a futon.

Gou Chen, Ziwei, and Changsheng also know that things are big, and there is no refutation!

"You go out!" Cangjie looked at the general.

"Oh, you are really ...!" Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

Stepping, Jiang Chen again out of the Cangjie Mansion.

"Kong Xuan!" Gu Hai said.

"The minister is here!" Kong Xuanying said outside.

"You wait to take someone back, there is a guardian law here, enough!" Gu Hai said.

Outside, Kong Xuan and others looked at each other, some reluctantly, but still should say: "Yes!"

Suddenly, all Dahan ministers withdrew.

A wave of palaces appeared among the generals and temporarily settled outside Cangjie House.

Cangjie looked up and looked at the sky with a bit of perseverance in his eyes. Seems to be reluctant to live in this world, and finally took a deep look. At this glance, it is time for a joss stick. The Guhai four waited patiently.

"The world is full of spirits, the world is full of spirits, the soul of all beings is played by the piano, the world is played in chess, the eternal events are recorded, the life and death are drawn! Wenxiu 3,000 Taoism, Taoism refers to civilization, get up!" Cangjie yelled loudly.


The sky-high beam of light over the Cangjie Mansion splits into four in an instant, as if slowly rotating.

After being divided into four, it trembled slightly.


In all directions, a virtual shadow suddenly appeared on the road, the road was turbulent and shaking. In a blink of an eye, three thousand avenues emerged.


The next moment, the ghost image of Three Thousand Avenues turned into strange energy in an instant, and went straight to Cangjie.

Cangjie's four beams of light shrank sharply.

The force transformed by the ghost image of the Three Thousand Avenues was sealed by four beams of light, together with Cangjie House, the seal was included.

Looked from the outside.

Cangjie is like a white enchantment.

There is n’t much weather, and I ca n’t see what ’s inside. I can only see endless white gas in the enchantment. This weird white gas is extremely strong, and even the generals cannot see deep.

When I looked carefully, I saw that these white spirits continually condensed fonts, or notes, or pieces, or even paintings.

The flow of white gas is extremely mysterious.

"Twenty thousand literary repairs? Guhai, you are really lucky. Cangjie urged you to save your life, I will protect the law for you? Oh!" Jiang Chen shook his head, a jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Honghuang City, the mouth of the temple.

Xu quietly looked towards Xuanyuan City.

With such a big movement in Cangjie, how could I not know? Although I didn't see it very clearly, I understood that Gu Hai was doing some kind of practice.

"This ancient sea, a big face, will protect the law for him?" Houyi said in surprise.

"Not the face of the ancient sea, but the face of Cangjie. Unexpectedly, this Cangjie is the Cangjie, the next monarch, the monarch, the ancestor of Wenxiu, Cangjie?" A sigh flashed in his eyes.

Sky without borders.

Kong Xuan and others returned. However, Gu Hai has already explained all kinds of things. Everyone looks to Xuanyuan City. They have expectations and are worried, and they are all praying for Gu Hai.

Of course, there is one exception.

The Great Han Dynasty, the White Tiger Supreme of the National Beast Supreme. Freedom!

A day ago, Bai Zixin had been staring at it all. However, Bai Ziren never showed up.

Until just now, Bai Zizuo had been determined, and Gu Hai really went to retreat, but he protected the law and surprised Bai Zizai for a while.

Bai Zixin knew that Gu Hai could not trust himself so much, and Wu Tiantian certainly had something to counter himself. The missing Dragon Warring States and Fuxi, or the old man who came out somehow?

Bai Zizun unconsciously looked in the direction of Sanqing Hall.

Outside the Sanqing Hall, there is an old man sitting at a desk next to a cup of tea, playing with a metal box while basking in the sun.

Bai Zi stepped on his feet and reached the old man.

The old man was wearing reading glasses, like some senile dementias, and didn't pay attention to the free arrival.

Bai Zi quietly walked behind the old man, looking at the metal box the old man was playing.

The metal box is open, and the box is connected to the lid. There is a screen on the lid, and there are a lot of buttons below it, which is very weird.

The old man held a semi-circular object in his hands and kept nodding. The picture on the lid is playing a strange picture.

"What is this?" Bai Ziren curiously asked.

"Computer!" The old man took a sip of tea and continued to click the mouse comfortably.

"Computer?" Bai Zi was weird for a while.

Electricity and brains? This stuff doesn't seem to be a powerful magic weapon!

"What are you doing to the computer?" Bai Ziren curiously asked.

"I'm bored, playing a game of" Lianliankan ", why do you want to play too?" The old man stopped and looked at Bai Zongzu in doubt.

"Lianliankan?" Bai Zi looked at the computer aggressively.

"Would you like to have a match? I'll teach you!" The old man took out a computer and said.

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