Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 34: Lao Tzu

Heavenless Capital!

Kong Xuan and Mosquitoes came back on demand.

Soaring to the entrance of the palace, meeting with Mo Yike and others to tell about things outside Cangjie, and receiving arrangements about the ancient sea.

"His Royal Highness, it's not good, Bai Zhizun has gone to Sanqing Hall!" A guard came hurriedly.

"What?" Gu Qin and other officials changed their faces.

In particular, Chen Tianshan suddenly showed anxiety at this moment.

Bai Zizai surrendered to the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty. That was because of Dahan's strength and he had to serve it. It was because of the Holy Spirit that pressed him.

At this time, if Bai Zizhang rebels, what should be good?

Everyone suddenly looked towards the Sanqing Hall.

Sure enough, Bai Ziren was at the mouth of Sanqing Palace.

However, it is not as disruptive as everyone imagines.

Instead, sitting at the desk with the old man, he was holding a computer and fighting against each other.

The tense scene did not appear, a very strange and harmonious picture, Bai Zi stared intently at the computer in front of him, and kept pointing his finger at the mouse.

Bai freely ordered for a long time, extremely anxious. Then he became stunned.

After a while, Bai Zi's uneasy face stopped, but he was still angry.

"Xiaobai, it's normal to lose to me, don't go to your heart, don't worry, I still have Warcraft, I'll teach you later!" The old man looked at Bai Ziran carefully.


Bai Ziran's face turned black, and no one dared to call himself Xiao Bai, this little old man, couldn't find death?

The old man patted Bai Zishou shoulder lightly: "Don't be angry, Xiao Bai, the first time you play, that's it!"

The long-sounding appearance obviously looks like a junior.

Where can Bai Zi stand?

"What **** game, what stuff? Where did you come from, dare to call me Xiaobai?" Bai Ziren stared suddenly.

"You can call me 'Lao Tzu'!" The old man laughed.

Lao Tzu?

Bai Ziren's complexion suddenly changed. Earlier, I was taking the time to take advantage of me? Lao Tzu? How dare you be my laozi?

"Hum, do you dare to scold me?" Bai Ziren's eyes glared and he hugged.


Bai Zishui stood up, but Lao Tzu's hand on Bai Zishou's shoulder was not taken down, Bai Zishun rushed, and he was not pressed by this palm to stand up.

At this moment, Bai Ziran's face changed instantly, knowing the power of the person in front of him.

"I am 'Lao Tzu'! Gu Hai met me and called me 'Lao Tzu'." Lao Tzu said lightly.

Gu Hai also calls you Lao Tzu?

Suddenly, Bai Ziren's spleen pressure went down a bit. Is he really called Lao Tzu?

"Young man, don't be impulsive when it comes to trouble!" Lao Tzu said gravely.

"Young man? Haha, do you think you're older than me? Also, your name is Laozi? Why haven't I heard of it? Gu Hai can stand your name?

"Well, it seems that you are still sympathetic, just call it by name. Don't be too real!" Lao Tzu advised.

"What is too true? You say it lightly. You are taking advantage of me. Why am I not true?" Bai Ziren hated.

"You care so much, then, okay, next time, I will introduce a friend to you. His name is" Grandson "! It's kind of slowing your temper!" Laozi sighed slightly.

Bai Zizai: "……………………!"

Bai felt free to feel that he could not keep up with the old man's routine. The most important thing is that I don't know the details of Lao Tzu. I just patted him on the shoulder just now, but he didn't even press him?

Bai Zixin rarely feels depressed. However, Lao Tzu didn't give him much time to think.

"Come on, one more round, you should be more familiar with yourself!" Lao Tzu said.

Bai Zizai: "………………!"

After playing Lianliankan for an afternoon, Bai Zizuo felt that he was all bad. I didn't win it all in the afternoon, or what junk game is to watch again and again?

In the strange eyes of Dahan's ministers, Bai Ziren came back.

far away. Chen Tianshan and others also showed strange colors.

"Mr. Mo, what do you think this Bai Zi accompanied the predecessor in the afternoon? Why is his expression so strange?" Chen Tianshan curiously asked.

"That senior should use some very powerful professional knowledge to destroy Bai Ziren's self-confidence!" Mo Yike analyzed.

"That senior doesn't look easy!" Kong Xuanshen said.

"Yeah, I just secretly listened to their conversation. Then" Lianliankan "should be some kind of very complicated formation method!" The mosquitoes frowned.

"Not like, I think it's some kind of complicated spell!" Long Shenzhen guessed.




The dialogue between the Dahan princes and the distant Huiyin Temple's Bai Zizuo also listened to his ears. Bai Zizuo did not explain, nor did he have a face to explain. So a mentally handicapped game, I still played one afternoon? And never won? Too much today today-

Cangjie Mansion, Wenxiu three thousand array.

The moment when the formation was turned on. Gu Hai seems to be in a weird space instantly.

Around the space, the atmosphere is pervasive, and at the same time, there are lights and shadows on the Three Thousand Avenue.

Under each avenue, a hazy figure sat.

Gu Hai looked carefully, but could not see the appearance of these three thousand people.

At this moment, the ancient sea sat down on the ground and suddenly a line of latitude and longitude emerged, quickly dividing, and dividing the entire underground into a huge chessboard.

The chessboard is infinite, covering the position of the ancient sea and those under the three thousand roads.


In front of Gu Hai, a pile of chess pieces suddenly appeared.

"Kuroko first!" A sudden voice sounded from the sky.

Gu Hai was a little surprised, what is Kuroko?

Do you want me to play chess with them? But who do you play chess with? There are three thousand people here, and no one can see who they are.

Just when the ancient sea was curious.


It was as if a breeze was blowing, slowly blowing away the white air that enveloped 3,000 people, revealing the appearance of 3,000 people inside.

"What?" Gu Hai's face changed.

But these three thousand people look exactly like themselves. Each one stared at him solemnly.

Three thousand yourself?

"Suns first!" Another voice sounded.

The ancient sea was dignified for a while.

At this moment, the sound of Cangjie suddenly sounded.

"Holy, these three thousand people are the Tao body made by Wenxiu's analysis of the three thousand avenues. With your state of mind as the chess power, the stronger your chess power is, the stronger they are. At the same time, they also have the road analysis and chess power Dirty! "Cangjie said.

Gu Hai's eyes brightened, "What do you mean, I want to defeat them one by one?"

"No, you are playing chess with their 3,000 people at the same time. This game is unlimited. You play with them. Although it is a divided 3,000 chessboard, at the later stage, the pieces slowly fill the chessboard. On the occasion, the three thousand chessboards are connected together, and you are playing a chess game with their three thousand people. Good luck! "Cangjie said.

Gu Hai was startled.

Fight three thousand yourself at the same time? The chess power is equivalent to himself, and there is an analysis of Three Thousand Avenues. This is, this is to let myself fight for three thousand avenues.

"Spots first!" The voice sounded again.

Gu Hai knew that the game was terrible, but even so, Gu Hai did not flinch at all.

After the old man watched Qiqi fell, his chess ability could not be improved any more, because there were not enough opponents, and when he played today, no one could compare. Pinnacle is the loneliest.

Now, would Gu Hai give up such a terrible game of chess?


Three thousand black chess immediately fell on the huge chessboard. Three thousand black chess, arranged a large '朕' character.

Three thousand identical opponents each took out a white one. Gently drop the child.


Three thousand people are all ancient sea chess players. Suddenly, Sanqian Baizi lined up a large word "Dao".

Not only do the words of the debut line up, but also the '朕' character of the ancient sea is split apart and the impact is scattered.

"Okay, good way! I'll fight you three thousand avenues today!" Gu Hai's eyes were cold.


Another three thousand chess pieces spilled out immediately, and the three thousand chessboards were officially put into operation. At the same time, it keeps expanding, and it continues to move towards the big fusion chessboard.

This is a world-to-world, complex, naturally shocking.

As the two sides settled, gradually, a ghost image appeared on the chessboard, there were countless immortal birds and beasts, fairy music fluttered, and different incenses were everywhere, and even in some places, there were blossoming lotus patterns.

Gradually, the two parties no longer play chess, but a kind of world collision, or a battle of creation and extinction. The whole world is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Gu Hai was completely immersed in this game.

Beyond the chess game, surrounded by white mist, Cangjie's eyes flashed an admiring look at the game in Guhai.

"Perhaps, maybe the holy chess power can really surpass the old man who watched chess!" A strong expectation and infinite satisfaction flashed in Cangjie's eyes-

With the ancient sea retreat Xuanyuan City.

The whole world seems to have returned to peace.

In a short period of time, the Heavenly Devil's Holy Land has all been included in the vast sacrifice, and the thousands of cities in Wanshou Taoism have also all been brought into the heavens.

Officials in the world all know the power of the Holy Spirit and understand the upcoming battle with the immortals. All officials dare not slack off, soothe the people everywhere, and propagate the ancient sea.

Volumes of novels, nursery rhymes, and poems and poems all sing the ancient sea, allowing the people of the world to accept the greatness of the ancient sea from the bottom of their hearts and the recognition of the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty.

Yin shrine.

Bai Zixin listened to the black and white impermanence report, and finally sighed slightly.

"The general trend, the ancient sea finally won the world!" Bai Wuchang smiled bitterly.

"Lord, we don't have to sway anymore. Since the ancient sea is identified, then don't change, because all our things have been put on the ancient sea!" Hei Wuchang advised.

Bai Zi still had a little struggle in his eyes.


At this moment, in the hall, there was a slight tremor, a black gas condensed, and then a black little heavenly eye appeared in the black gas.

"Six Immortals? Why are you here again?" Bai Ziren's face changed.

"Why, don't you welcome me?" Heavenly Eyes said coldly.

Black and white impermanence complexion changed. Bai Zilai also looked complex for a while.

"Bai Zongzao, you have to think about it, you stand on the opposite side of me, I am out of customs, it is your death!" Heavenly eyes said coldly.

"I!" Bai Ziren's complexion was complex.

Bai Zixin feels so depressed, why should he force me?

Black and white impermanence at this moment do not know what to do.

But at this moment, a voice came from the hall suddenly: "Little white, what are you doing?"

The sudden sound made the three of them suddenly swelled and looked in surprise.

But I saw that I had stepped into the hall.

"You, how did you get in?" Bai Zizai was surprised.

"I didn't close the door, so I came in!" Laozi pointed to the door for granted.

The door really opened a gap.

Everyone: ".........!"

"Well, Xiaobai, this thing is the six immortals you said? Not so good!" I was slightly surprised.

With a pinch of the hand, he pinched the weak eye, only the size of his finger, at his fingertips.

"Who are you?" Heaven's Eye was surprised.

"Well, it's still alive. The stir-fry should be delicious, Xiaobai, this is to honor me!" Lao Tzu took out a small bottle and filled the heavenly eye into it.

Bai freely reached out and didn't know what to say for a moment. Stir-fried is delicious? Why is it so weird?

"Xiao Bai, wouldn't you be afraid to lose again and again? It's okay, today I will take you to play other games. Hey, when you are old, you will be too busy. By the way, you are exactly three people. Today, we rub one Circle Mahjong? I will teach you! "I laughed.

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