Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 37: Immortal character

The palm of the avenue, with the power of three thousand avenues, slammed against the general's ‘time goes against the current’!


The two forces collided, and did not have the loud noise as imagined, but just a stream of smoke between the two forces.

The palm of the avenue is pressed on the double-layer light curtain. It is okay on the first floor and penetrates instantly, but when passing between the two floors, it instantly turns into green smoke and quickly dissipates, and it cannot reach the second floor at all. Light curtain.

The palm of the fierce and invincible Avenue Palm seemed to melt away instantly.

The direction of the borderless sky.

"Blocked?" The ancient man said in surprise.

"Well, that is the countercurrent of time? The law of time?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Jianchen seems to really resist the prestige of Sanqian Avenue, but how can he do it? That's Sanqian Avenue. Should there be a time road in Sanqian Avenue?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

"No, Jiang Chen has a stronger rule of time!" Long Wanyu said with a look.

"A stronger?"

"Yes, the law of time is a special case. The Three Thousand Avenue is transformed by the three souls of the candle dragon. However, you must know that before the candle dragon transformed everything in the world, there is actually a law of time in this world. Here it comes! At that time, the three souls of the candle dragon had not yet become three thousand avenues. "Long Wanyu said.

"Then ~~~~~~!"

"The three thousand avenues of Candle Dragon should only constitute the part of heaven and earth. The time avenue is only the understanding of time by Candle dragon, and time exists in ancient times. General Chen, he is not aware of the time rule of three thousand avenues. Is the ultimate mystery born of immortality? "

"Time goes back? Then, can you block the six immortals?" Long Wanqing worried.

"I, I don't know!" Long Wanyu smiled bitterly.

"What if the defeat is done? Let's wake up my father!" Said the ancient man anxiously.

"Not allowed to go!" Chen Xianer suddenly said.

"What?" Everyone looked at Chen Xianer in doubt.

"The husband is very thorough in his work, and he must have considered it. The most critical moment that the husband is breaking through, then all the officials are protecting the law. Do you want to disturb the husband?" Chen Xianer said in a deep voice.

The faces of everyone looked frantic and anxious.

"If the minister is unstoppable, he will wake up the husband. What's the difference between going to wake up and being awakened by the Six Immortals? It's better to pray for the husband and break through as soon as possible!" Chen Xianer said.

The people were silent for a while, and finally nodded.

Sanqing Diankou.

Lao Tzu and Bai Zizai also stared at the battlefield.

"Stop the minister?" Bai Wuchang was surprised.

Bai Zizai also showed shock, but did not expect that Jiang Chen was so powerful.

"Blocked? That's reluctant!" Lao Tzu said lightly.

"Ah? Where is it barely? There is no breath overflowing at all, how can you tell?" Hei Wuchang said in surprise.

"You see the two layers of light curtain waved by Jiang Chen. Between the two layers of light curtain is the power of time! The power of time is not invincible. It exceeds its load. Even the power of time is useless. Six avenues of immortals The palm is just unable to penetrate the force of this layer of time. Once penetrated, then the countercurrent is useless! "Lao Tzu pointed out sharply.

Bai Zirong looked carefully.

Sure enough, the palm of the road trembled between the two layers of light curtains, once approaching the second layer of light curtains, and then retreated back, and the power of time consumed the palm of the road.

The power of time is not thick, but it has a mighty power.

It seems that the thickness of the force of time is about to penetrate, but each time it is a little bit worse.

"Senior, you look very carefully!" Hei Wuchang exclaimed.

Just now I couldn't understand the battle. After a little dialing by Lao Tzu, I immediately saw the fighting situation.

Bai Wuchang also cast his admiration glance, and Bai Zizai flashed a little admiration in his eyes.

"That's natural. I'm your old man!" The old man took for granted.

Bai Zizai: "………………!"

Black and white impermanence: "...............!"

Again being taken advantage of by the old man. But at this moment, the three had no intention to argue with Lao Tzu.

In the distance, the Six Immortals were extremely serious, and the generals were extremely serious.

"Oh, Xiao Liu, you are stronger than I imagined. Cangtian used Sanqian Avenue in the past, but you don't have such power!" Jiang Chen praised.

"Generals? Power of time? Hahaha, Generals, once I penetrate your power of time, you will be useless and broken!" The six immortals roared.


The palm of the road trembled suddenly.


Around the world, a burst of thunder burst out.

The palm of the road is away from the second layer of light film, but there is only one piece of paper left, which is about to be broken.

Jiang Chen's face was gloomy.

The six immortals showed their faces.


The world of yin and yang, the sky and the earth suddenly burst into countless mines, it seemed that the sky and the earth could not bear the general. But the power of time at this point cannot be broken.

"You can't break it!" Jiang Chen coldly.

"Can't break? Hahahaha, have you forgotten? In addition to the Three Thousand Avenues, I can also mobilize the power of sentient beings, do you know?" The six Taoist immortals reached out the other hand.

Holding Xianyuan in the other hand.

The power of sentient beings was once exerted against the enemy Dragon Warring States in the past, but now it is only a little power. As long as the power of sentient beings joins, the power of time will be broken.

When General Chen saw that Xianyuan, his face changed slightly.

"Well, I wanted to see how strong you are. Unfortunately, I agreed to Cangjie. This time, he must protect the ancient sea for him. As a last resort, it is impossible to fight with you again!" Jiang Chen said.

"You want to escape?" Liudao Fairy looked cold.

"Time goes backwards, going back in time, where you step, time and space are chaotic!" Jiang Chen shouted again.

With a loud shout, the two-layer light curtain flashed instantly, from the colorful color, to instantly become white. At the same time, Xuanyuan City shrouded in an instant.


The whole Xuanyuan City shuddered suddenly.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~!"

The palm of the road burst through the light curtain and hit it.

Under the tremendous force, the earth around Xuanyuan City exploded into the sky.

The terrible shock instantly swept the whole world, and all parties in the sun and the earth issued a super earthquake.

The location of Xuanyuan City is thick with smoke. No vitality.

"Well!" The ancient man said anxiously.

Chen Xianer anxiously clutched Long Wanqing's hand. Is Xuanyuan City completely destroyed?


In the distance, six sleeves fluttered their sleeves, and suddenly all the smoke disappeared.

Exposing the appearance of Xuanyuan City.

Xuanyuan City, where the palm of the road was punched into a super huge pit.

However, above the deep pit, Xuanyuan City was over there, but the whole city became unreal.

"I'm not dead? I'm not dead?" Long Aotian was surprised.

Jiang Chen stood in the illusion of light and shadow. Looking coldly at Liudaoxian.

"Come out!" The six immortals roared in disgust.

"What's that?" Said Hei Wuchang at the mouth of Sanqing Dian.

"Time and space are chaotic? So, another point in time to bring Chen Xuanyuan to Chen? The law of time is really magical!" Lao Tzu said with a narrow gaze.

"What is another point in time?" Hei Wuchang asked curiously.

"That is, another time, for example, time and space three days ago!" Lao Tzu explained.

"Time and space three days ago?" Everyone curious.

"Yes, Jiang Chen ’s time rule works really well. The past? The power of the past? Oh, he brought Xuanyuan City to the past time and space. Although he is still there, even because of the Chenchen, Xuanyuan City can still see the current picture, However, the Six Immortals couldn't touch it anymore! "I frowned.

"Can't touch? Because Jiang Chen, they're back in the past?" Bai Wuchang frowned.

"Yeah, even if the Six Immortals are powerful, even if he mobilizes the power of the avenue and the sentient beings, even if he is more powerful than the general, but what is the use of all the power if he can't hit the general?" Laozi shook his head.

"Isn't such an approach invincible?" Hei Wuchang exclaimed.

"At least, it should be so in the face of the Six Immortals. Even if the Six Immortals are stronger, they are useless. If they can't hit each other, no matter how strong they are, what's the use?" Laozi shook his head--

The Six Immortals kept waving their hands at Xuanyuan City, but they could only leave huge pits.

This is the magic of the law of time. The Six Immortals also have a time avenue.

"Tuck the turtle, you come out!" The six fairies glared coldly.

Jiang Chen stared at Liudaoxian for a while, then shook his head: "I want to try your power. Even, I hope you can surpass me and expect you to be stronger than me, but I finally agreed to Cangjie. This For a moment, I won't fight with you again, everything is waiting for the ancient sea to go out! "

"Hahaha, don't use other excuses, general, you are a coward!" The six immortals continued to anger.

General Chen shook his head, smiled, and was not angry.

"Huh, you think you can protect the ancient sea? You are a tortoise, and the ancient sea is also a tortoise. This fairy is here, and you dare not come out!" The six immortals continued to scold.

But Chen Chen ignored it.

"Okay, okay, okay, won't you come out? Guhai won't come out? Okay! Guhai is guarded by you, but you can't guard it!" Liudaoxianren suddenly felt cold.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen showed a hint of doubt.

The Six Immortals suddenly looked up, staring at the direction of Wudu Tiandu.


Although it was only a look, even across an infinite distance, the air around the borderless sky instantly cooled down. Under this murderous force, even a lot of frost and snow fell.

The ministers on the borderless sky suddenly looked cold, and a feeling of death instantly filled the whole body.

"How ...?" Everyone's face changed.

In the distance, the Six Immortals glanced at Wudu Tiandu.

"I remember that Gu Hai valued her loved ones very much, but now I'm going to destroy the borderless sky and kill the whole family! I don't think Gu Hai can come out!" The six immortals showed their demeanor.

"What?" Long Wanyu's face changed in the distance.

Dasao Tianchao, I also changed his face.

"Holy, how could these six immortals be like this? Wife and children can't be harmed. Why can't Gu Hai and Jiang Chen actually kill their entire family, such a villain act?" Xing Tian's face changed.

"Your understanding of the Six Immortals is not a day or two. His character and strength are not related. Otherwise, 800,000 years ago, he would not deceive the heavens and deceive all beings. Kill the ancient family of the sea, Liu Dao The fairy can do it! "He said, his face gloomy.

In the distance, the six immortals finished talking and looked at the general.

"General Chen, can you protect the borderless sky?" The six immortals said coldly.

General Chen shook his head: "Why should I protect the borderless sky?"

"Huh?" Liudao Fairy's face sank.

"I agreed to the Cangjie, just to protect the ancient sea law, I don't care what else you want to do, there is no need to talk with me!" Jiang Chen shook his head.

The six immortals stared at the generals in the light and shadow, and finally determined that the generals were telling the facts, and then revealed a sneer: "Yes, this is your style. Except yourself, others live and die. What matters to you? Also, You don't need to help Gu Hai to keep the house. Well, it doesn't matter if you don't help. I said that you would kill the borderless sky capital, then you would kill the borderless sky capital. No matter whether he is in the Warring States Period or Fuxi helps the Gu Hai defend the country, I will kill the same! "


With a dazzling figure, the six immortals seemed like a streamer, leaving Xuanyuan City in an instant, and the next moment, with a huge wind, arrived outside the borderless sky.


When the gale hit, it went straight to the borderless sky, and the entire borderless sky was shaking.

Unpretentious, impermanent, and some ministers with unsteady will suddenly showed a great panic.

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