Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 38: Free change

The six immortals Tianwei showed up, and once the huge breath came out, the entire borderless sky shook and trembled, as if falling at any time!

The generals of Xuanyuan City have a dull look. Did not mean to come to help.

Moreover, Jiang Chen watched with interest the Six Immortals and went to the great killing ring, because only the greater the hatred between the Six Immortals and the ancient sea, the more they could stimulate the ancient sea and make the ancient sea stronger and achieve their purpose.

焱 God temple mouth.

"Holy, what should we do?" Xing Tian anxiously said.

妭 His eyes narrowed, and he squeezed his fists, as if he wanted to make a shot.

Although Dahan and Dahan did not have a covenant on paper, the friendship between the kings of the two dynasties was much heavier than that on paper. He is a man with clear grievances, owing to the humanity of the ancient sea, he naturally wants to pay back, even if it will bring disaster to the Dahao heaven. Of course, I am even more aware that the Six Immortals will find themselves in trouble sooner or later.

Flicking his finger gently, the sun above the starry sky trembled slightly.

Of course, the tremor at this moment is extremely small, but no one can detect it.

The six immortals looked down on the borderless sky and suddenly stared at the mouth of the Chongtian Temple.

Some officials have already kneeled down under the oppression of the immortals at the entrance to the palace, but none of Gu Hai's relatives or heavy ministers kneeled.

Although Chen Xianer was under tremendous pressure, she was still at the top.

"Gu Hai's woman, son? Oh, almost all here!" Liu Dao Xian sneered.

At this moment, in the eyes of the six immortals, it is clear that the winning ticket is in their hands. High above.

"Cangtian? If you don't see it for 800,000 years, don't come here?" Six immortals sneered at Long Wanyu.

"Don't come without a fool? I've naturally been better than you!" Long Wanyu sneered.

"It's better than me? Hahahaha, you used to be a heaven, but now you are just a little girl, and I have now reached the top of the world and become the first in the world. You're better than me?" Six immortals disdain.

"That is of course. I live in happiness every day now, and every day of your 800,000 years, I live in hatred. I am happy every day, you are hatred every day, you said Who is doing well? "Long Wanyu retorted.

"Happy? Ridiculous, ridiculous, not even a little self-protection, still talking about happiness?" Liudaoxian looked at Long Wanyu in disdain.

"Cangtian, 800,000 years ago, I could kill you once. Today, I can kill you again. By the way, you seem to be the granddaughter of the Dragon Warring States, aren't you? Dragon Warring States? Get out!" Cold drink.


The sound penetrated the skyless city, and the Six Immortals waited for the Dragon Warring States to come out.

The Six Immortals don't have the Xiaoling Dragon Warring States, but they are not afraid of the Dragon Warring States. Now that they are recovering, they will retreat from their own officials. Not to mention Dragon Warring States?

The Six Immortals are waiting for the Dragon Warring States to come out.

A large number of Dahan courtiers are also waiting for the Dragon Warring States to come out.

After all, the Dragon Warring States lived in the borderless sky capital some time ago, it is impossible to go far at this moment.

However, the six immortals shouted for a while, but there was no figure of the Dragon Warring States.

"Oh? Learn ancient seas and generals, and be a turtle?" Dragon Warring States, weren't you arrogant and soaring to the sky? At that time, weren't you afraid to kill the immortal against the sky? Now, this fairy is standing here, why don't you dare to come out? ? "The six immortals sang again.

However, there is no trace of Dragon Warring States in Wutiantian.

The eyes of the six immortals were narrowed, and their eyes glanced around the borderless sky.

Looking around, I did not find the Dragon Warring States, but at the mouth of the Sanqing Palace, I saw four people: Bai Ziran, Black and White Impermanence, and Lao Tzu.

At the moment when Bai Zizuo was seen, Bai Zizuo was tight in his heart, and the black and white impermanence was even more exciting, and his face was horrified.

"White comfortable?" Six immortals suddenly showed Lu Senhan.

Bai Zibao exploded for a while.

"Immortal!" Bai Zirong looked at the six immortals with a complicated look.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha, that fairy thought of this fairy was destroyed by you?" Six immortals said coldly.

"I was destroyed!" Bai Zizai explained immediately.

The eyes of the six immortals glared, "Okay, Bai Zunzao, how dare you talk to this immortal now?"

Originally, I wanted to see how Bai Ziren repented, but he didn't want to. He dare to call himself Lao Tzu? Is it hard to get it right and do it yourself?

"No, no, I'm not saying I'm Lao Tzu, I say he's Lao Tzu!" Bai Zizhan knew the misunderstanding and suddenly pointed at the old man and explained.

The old man looked at Bai Ziran. Looked at the fairy again.

"He's right, I'm their Lao Tzu!" Lao Tzu nodded.

But, the fairy does not believe it!

Are you playing with me for free? Pulling an old man is called Lao Tzu? Who are you lying to?

"Bai free!" Six immortals said coldly.

"Yes!" Bai Zizai was slightly bitter.

At this moment, Bai Zizai felt how sad he was, and how ridiculous he was as one of the four commanders of the demon tribe. Being persecuted everywhere, now they are even more accused by the immortals, but they are unable to resist.

Bai Ziren hates the current state, but hate is useless, the fairy stares.

"The immortal knows that you have to obey the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom as a last resort! The persecution of the Dragon Warring States, Fuxi, and the Ancient Sea, you must obey the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty, and this fairy can give you a chance!" Freedom Road.

"Thank the immortals!" Bai Zizai didn't know whether to be sad or happy.

Not far away, Dahan's ministers looked angrily and looked freely at Bai.

"Benxian asks you. Where is the Dragon Warring States and Fuxi?" Six immortals said coldly.

"I don't know!" Bai Ziran said bitterly.

"Don't you know? Haha, the immortal deity's last command for you was forgotten? Would you like to find out the details of Wutian Tiandu, you said you don't know? What have you done in the past six months?" Tone cold.

What have you done this past half year?

Bai Zizao looked at the Mahjong table next to him: "..............."

In this half year, I've been playing Mahjong with Lao Tzu. did not do anything.

Bai Zizuo smiled slightly. How can this be said? Moreover, even if it were said, the fairy did not believe it.

The Six Immortals stared at Bai Zizao, Bai Zizao did not speak for a long time. The fairy was angry: "Huh!"

Bai Zi was tight in his heart.

"The immortal can never blame it, and be at ease, the immortal will give you another chance at last, and use your actions to prove that you are the ancient sea that was forced to surrender!" The six immortals said coldly.

"Proof?" Bai Ziran wondered.

"Yes, since the Dragon Warring States is unwilling to come out, then force him to come out. Now, except for this fairy, you are the most powerful. Now, let me kill the sky without borders!" The six Taoist immortals sang.

"What?" Bai Zirong's face changed.

Dahan's ministers also sank, and looked alertly at ease together.

Originally, dialogue was extremely alert, but now, seeing Bai Zi's counseling, he is obviously forced by the **** of the Six Immortals.

At this time, if Bai Zixun was going to kill the war, then what would be good.

Bai Ziran suddenly felt cloudy and uncertain.

"Lord, no, we are Dahan now!" Hei Wuchang said aside.

"Huh?" Sky Fairy stared.

Heichangchang suddenly tightened his body, threatened by a great death.

Bai Zixi showed an anxiety, this is the fairy to give himself a chance, but also to force himself to stand in line again. Kill the entire family of Guhai and completely turn against the ancient sea?

Bai Zizuo felt more and more, these days, it is really too much.

Not because you want to be a wall grass, but because of the situation, it is a last resort. He has no right to decide.

There was a smirk on the side of impermanence: "Lord!"

Bai Zichang looked at Bai Mochang, and this time came to a point of life and death. But it was the same as the ancient sea came.

"We seem to be unsuitable for strife in the world!" Bai Wuchang smiled bitterly.

Bai Wuchang did not persuade Bai Zunzai and Gu Hai to turn his face this time. Perhaps, the forced in these years has been enough.

"Bai Zongzao, don't do it yet?" Six immortals glared and forced again.

Bai Zizuo looked at Laozi aside, but Laozi quietly looked at Bai Zizao as if waiting for something.

Bai Zi looked at all the people in the Quartet and looked at the Mahjong table. After a quick change in his eyes, he showed a rare and resolute color.

Bai Ziren suddenly faced Lao Tzu with respect.

This ceremony was inexplicable to everyone who saw it, and I didn't know what kind of ghost Bai Baizai was doing. Even the immortal squinted and looked at Lao Tzu.

"You got it?" Lao Tzu smiled comfortably.

"Yes, I would like to thank Mr. Thanks for pointing out that this period of half a year is actually the easiest and happiest day in my life. I live under tremendous oppression and live in the midst of daily displacement, seemingly infinite, but no one Knowing my sadness and grievance. This is how I feel in the face of generals, in the face of the Dragon Warring States, in the face of the ancient sea, and in the face of the Six Immortals. Only my husband has taken me through this carefree experience. I think I want to pursue my whole life, isn't it like this, without any disturbance? "Bai Ziran said bitterly.

"It's best if you can understand!" I nodded.

"Bai Zongzao, do you think?" Six immortals glared and drank again.

Bai Zixin's heart knot opened, and the temperament of the whole person seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Finally, he looked at the six immortals: "Sorry, immortal, I can't do it!"

"What are you talking about?" Six immortal eyes froze.

"In such a day, I've had enough, I don't want to be forced to hide and hide, and accept it? No, I don't want to. From today, I am me, I am free and no one wants to force me to do it What I don't want to do, can't do the generals, can't do the Dragon Warring States, can't do the ancient sea, neither can you six immortals! "Bai Ziran sang.

"Oh, do you dare not listen to me?" Six immortals sneered.

"Yes, no one should try to force me to do what I don't want to do. Rather than living in vain, it would be better to fight for my own sake. Fairy, you want me to destroy the borderless sky. I am free, Can't do it! "Bai Ziyuan stared.

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill you with you?" The Six Immortals stared at Bai Ziren.

"Kill it and kill it, it's better than death. I am the Supreme Beast Supreme and can fight. I will do my best. Even if I can't protect the borderless sky, I will work hard after all, and I don't want to be affected by you anymore. The bird's anger is coming, come here! "Bai Zirong glared and drank.

"Okay, okay, okay, are you starting to fight heroes? If you want to die, then this fairy will take you first!" Liudao Fairy said in a cold voice.

"I'm not a hero, I just don't want to be a coward. I can't bear it anymore." Bai Zi flashed in the red eyes with the same strength.

A fierce battle raged on Bai Ziren.

The six immortals were murderous.

On the one hand, Lao Tzu patted his free shoulder suddenly: "Young man, don't be so temperament! Life is long, there is no hurdle to pass!"

PS: 2017, I wish you all a Happy New Year and make a fortune in the new year!

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