Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 39: As soon as I came out, who was fighting

On the one hand, Lao Tzu patted his free shoulder suddenly: "Young man, don't be so temperament! Life is long, there is no hurdle to pass!"

Attentive attitude, everyone who sees is weird.

young people? That Bai Zizao is the oldest demon king, is he still young?

"Yes, sir!" Bai Zi listened to Lao Tzu at this moment.

Lao Tzu has proven his strength with strength, and spent more than half a year enlightening Bai Zongzi. Maybe at first, Bai Zi couldn't feel it, but under the subtle influence of more than half a year, Bai Zi's mood changed dramatically. For more than half a year, Bai Zizuo completely removed the pressure shackle on his body. Once this shackle was removed, no one wanted to wear it again.

Bai Zizuo found his goal, and even faced the threat of the fairy, he even dared to collide.

This change has surprised many people.

Xuanyuan City, Chen Chen looked at Lao Tzu, this is the first time that Chen Chen deeply looked at Lao Tzu.

"That old man is really funny. He is actually called Bai Zizai Young. How old is Bai Zizai?" Long Aotian dismissed.

"No, this old man is unfathomable!" Jiang Chen solemnly said.

焱 God temple mouth.

I was ready to help, but the appearance of an old man in the distance stopped me.

"Holy, the old man has been living in the Sanqing Temple, and the courtier has inquired for a long time, but there is no news, as if it came out of nowhere. His name is Baizizai Young, will he not go crazy?" Xingtian curious.

"No, he's not crazy. He spent more than half a year transforming Bai Zonglai. This one, don't belittle him!" He said with a narrow eyes.


Outside the borderless sky.

Bai Zunzai was extremely respectful to Lao Tzu. At this moment, the Six Immortals finally paid attention to it.

The Six Immortals often monitor the world and don't say everything to the world's strong, but at least they know it. At the beginning, I thought that Bai Zizao had made an excuse, but now Bai Baizi looks respectful to him. But let the six immortals stand up.

young people? He called the young man at ease, how old should he be?

The Six Immortals stared at Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu waved his hand to let Bai Zizai stand behind them.

The three nodded slightly, and finally nodded, walking behind Lao Tzu.

Others don't know the strength of Lao Tzu, but the three understand it, and they are free. In front of Lao Tzu, they have no strength to fight back. Of course, the two did not try their best, but Bai Zi understands that he is definitely inferior to Lao Tzu.

Laozi stepped to the front, slowly took off the reading glasses, and looked at the six immortals in the sky.

"Old man, who are you?" The six immortals murmured coldly.

Lao Tzu looked at six, and smiled slightly, "Bai Zunzai introduced me just now, don't you remember? The name is just a code, don't care too much. Just call me Lao Tzu!"

Call you laozi? Don't you mind me?

Six Immortals: "...............!"

Immortal eyes have evil spirits, and no one dares to blame themselves so much. Insult yourself in words.

Bai Zizai and others are accustomed to it, and many of Han's courtiers now look at Lao Tzu like a madman. This old man is really dead.

Only the distant general and his eyes narrowed. From the attitude of Lao Tzu's calmness and calmness, they saw that Lao Tzu's depth was unfathomable. He looked very ordinary. Yes, it was ordinary. Ordinary people who looked at him and gazed at him could ignore it, as if they were an ordinary mortal old man. However, it is this ordinary feeling that makes the courtiers and grandsons dignified. Because what are their eyesight? With the eyes of two people, they couldn't see through a person, and they could see the power of this person.

Is I terrible? Of course great!

On the other side of the earth, among the strong men who resisted the gods, before the ancient sea was born, Lao Tzu was the head. Although Sakyamuni, Jesus, and others were on an equal footing with Lao Tzu, they were all righteous. It is in accordance with Lao Tzu's will. Lao Tzu shoulders the responsibility for the safety of all sentient beings of the Puppet Immortal. It can be said that he is the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Puppet Commander. Is such a character an ordinary person?

"Lao Tzu? Oh, where did you find the ancient sea, dare to call me Lao Tzu?" Liudao immortal whispered.

In the cold voice, the six immortals stared at Wudu Tiandu.

"You do n’t need to watch it. The Dragon Warring States and Fuxi are not here. The ancient sea is retreating. Please ask me to defend him. If you were in Xuanyuan City just now, I heard it. If you want to go, hurry up. "I said lightly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Isn't that clear enough? Didn't you see that we were playing Mahjong? If you don't hurry up, I'm here!" Lao Tzu sighed.

"The arrogant thing, you want to destroy it with the borderless sky, this fairy will complete you!" Six immortals said coldly.

While talking, the six immortals waved their hands.


The ghost image of Three Thousand Avenues reappeared, and the six immortals waved their palms with one hand, and the power of Three Thousand Avenues rushed to the skyless city of Wuxi.

焱 God temple mouth.

"This is the Six Immortals, is it the power of Three Thousand Avenues? Can it be used? He hits out at the beginning?" Xing Tian was surprised.

"Useful, he is not stupid with six immortals, do you think he doesn't see the strangeness of Lao Tzu?" Shen Shen said.

"Lao Tzu, weird?" Xing Tian wondered.

"Holy, do we have to take another shot?" Houyi looked at him.

妭 Gently shook her head: "Wait a minute, I want to see, this Laozi, where is the self-confidence, what help does this helper Gu Hai find?

In the distance, the previous scene of Xuanyuan City reappears. All borderless sky is everything. Under the power of Three Thousand Avenues, it seems as if all were imprisoned. Only Lao Tzu stepped in front of everyone and looked at the ruined palm. Slap it.

"Before Candle Dragon became the world, his inheritance, before he could pass it on to all sentient beings, was ridiculed? Unfortunately!" Lao Tzu shook his head.

"What did you say, old man, let's die!" The six immortals sighed coldly, and once more hard in their hands.

The Six Immortals seem casual, but the Six Immortals can clearly feel Lao Tzu's weirdness. Therefore, they dare not take the slightest care and take the momentum of killing the generals, and slam them in the palm of Lao Tzu. They must go all out to kill Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu was not in a hurry, but looked up at the three thousand avenues in the distance, and waved his hand gently, revealing a chuckle: "Tao Dao, very Dao, very famous, very famous ............!"

Between Lao Tzu's speech, the endless purple gas suddenly burst from the eastern world, and the purple gas surged in, and the sky covered three million miles in a blink of an eye.

Three million miles east of Ziqi!

Endless purple gas, when Lao Tzu dictated the Tao Te Ching, it seemed to have a chaos-like atmosphere. The purple gas was rolling and shocking. In just a moment, it floated to the virtual shadow of the Three Thousand Avenues. It is surrounded by clouds and mists, and it surrounds the Three Thousand Avenues.


The three thousand avenues trembled suddenly, and then seemed to be stiff there, motionless.

The endless force that originally rushed to the palm of the road was suddenly leaked.


I saw that the palm of the horror of the Six Immortals suddenly seemed like a balloon was leaking. In the incredible eyes of everyone, it gradually became smaller and gradually dispersed. When it hit Lao Tzu, only The palms of the young children remained.

Old bullet finger, gently.


The last avenue of power disappeared instantly.

This weird purple gas also surrounds the Three Thousand Avenues. That weird ability, the six immortals watching the scalp tingling instantly, Dahan Qunchen, Bai Ziran, impermanence, Xingtian, Houyi, Long Aotian and others They rubbed their eyes, a feeling that dreams didn't wake up.

Alas, the generals changed their faces. Because, with Lao Tzu, even the two cannot do it.

But the palm of the road, in front of Lao Tzu, has been lightly resolved?

"This is impossible, how did you do it?" Liudao Fairy stared in anger, angrily.

The power of the Three Thousand Avenues, this is the most powerful force in the world, such a terrible force, in the presence of this old man, is it so gone? Purple gas? A wave of purple gas resolved the power of Three Thousand Avenues?

No, there is the "Tao Da Jing" in the void! Not only is Lao Tzu dictating the Tao Te Ching, in the purple atmosphere, it seems that hundreds of millions of people are chanting the Tao Te Ching.

Bai Zi looked at Lao Tzu with surprise at this moment. I thought it was going to be finished today, but I didn't expect that I was so powerful.

"As soon as I came out, who was fighting, ha ha ha ha ha!" Bai Ziren shouted with excitement from great sadness to great joy.

"Xiao Bai, don't be too proud of yourself! He is still a fairy!" Lao Tzu said.

"Yes, sir!" Bai Zizai excited.

"Yes, senior!" Black and White impermanence exclaimed.

I turned to look at the fairy.

The immortal was holding Xianyuan in his left hand at the moment, trying to urge Sanqian Avenue.

However, in the purple gas, the ghost image of the Three Thousand Avenues was trembling and could not borrow a trace of power.

The six immortals felt cold. However, the fierceness of many years will not shrink so easily.

"Old thing, what is your purple gas?" Six immortals glared.

"Young people, treat the elderly with the least respect!" Laozi said lightly.

"You!" Six immortals exclaimed.

"I said it just now. It's a pity you. Before the death of Candle Dragon, you didn't use the power of heaven and earth to teach you. The power of Three Thousand Avenues, you can only show such a little fur, unfortunately, a pity!" Road.

In the distance, Jiang Chen said, "When the candle dragon became alive, it was destroyed by the conspiracy. Therefore, the tradition of the candle dragon is only the one!"

"Oh? No wonder, no wonder, the candle dragon's heritage is not passed on to you, but unfortunately, it's still Pangu, and we passed on Dafa early!" Lao Tzu sighed.

"Who is Pangu, and what is this purple gas?" Six immortals glared.

"This is the spirit of Dafa, the spirit of Ford, unfortunately, you don't understand!" I shook his head.

"Huh, moral spirit? Old thing, you have locked the Three Thousand Avenues, but can you moral morality lock the power of sentient beings?" Said the six immortals with a stare.

While talking, the detective took out Xianyuan, preparing to mobilize the power of sentient beings.

But at this moment, Lao Tzu frowned slightly: "The power of beings? Young man, don't be complacent!"

I waved again.


The three thousand avenues shrouded in morality suddenly trembled. Then, the power of the three thousand avenues quickly gathered, and according to the outline of Lao Tzu's palm, a huge avenue palm was condensed, and it continued to become stronger toward the six immortals Suppressed away.

"The palm of the avenue? This old man can also mobilize the power of three thousand avenues? This, this is impossible!" Long Aotian screamed in the distance.

General Chen and Ye were also shocked.

The Six Immortals are numb.

That's right, the power of the road is the slapping you just cast, and that breath can't be wrong at all.

The power of the Three Thousand Avenues vs the power of sentient beings?

Don't be kidding, even if the power of sentient beings is mobilized, it is not possible to be the opponent of the power of three thousand roads. The six immortals suddenly felt discouraged.

"Old things, you wait, I'll find your flaws, crack your morals, old things, you wait!" The Six Immortals roared with anger.


The figure fluttered, and the six immortals stepped away.

Are you gone?

The fairy was scared away?

At this moment, all the powerful people who saw the results showed their astonishment. Am I blind? I saw an old man who scared the fairy away? Fairy is the first in the world, scared away?

Are you kidding me?

"First, sir, is that true?" Bai Ziran looked blankly at Lao Tzu.

"No, I lied to him. The power of Three Thousand Avenues, how can I mobilize?" Lao Tzu smiled slightly.

"Ah? That wasn't just ...!" Bai Zizai was surprised.

I smiled slightly and didn't explain how to do it.

However, at this moment, everyone's eyes on Lao Tzu are different. That fanatical look even raised the temperature outside Sanqing Hall a lot.

As soon as I came out, who was fighting!

PS: 2017, I wish you all a Happy New Year and make a fortune in the new year!

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