Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 40: Law of space

As soon as I came out, who was fighting!

An inconspicuous old man, an old man who has never appeared in history, suddenly defeated the first fairy in the world?

What an incredible thing.

All the officials and uncles stared at Lao Tzu.

Laozi's method is very wonderful. Although he did not face the enemy, he can see from the retreat of the immortal that the immortal really trembled at Laozi.

Moral spirit?

Perhaps after studying the moral ethics, the immortals will make a comeback. After all, the immortals have the power of the Three Thousand Avenues, the power of beings, and the power of the immortals is the first in the world.

But Lao Tzu's power is even more appalling. He directly seals down the power of the immortal, and then fights the immortal with the most powerful power of the immortal?

The immortal left, but everyone's eyes on Lao Tzu have not been able to shift.

Xuanyuan City.

"How is this possible, God, the old man, how to do that? What is the moral atmosphere? How have I never heard of it?" Long Aotian was surprised.

General Chen was shocked for a while, his mind kept flashing, and finally he seemed to think of something like: "Do you still use the other way? The law of space?"

"What?" Long Aotian didn't understand.

"I see. Good morality, good morals, natural way? Haha, good man!" Marveled in the eyes of Jiang Chen.

"God, I don't understand!" Long Aotian puzzled.

"Lao Tzu just played the law of space, not the avenue of space. It was before the birth of the candle dragon. When the fairy dome appeared, there was space. The oldest law of space is like my law of time. Lao Tzu uses the law of space! Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

"I still don't understand!"

"Three million miles of purple air, winding three thousand roads, purple air? Moral air, this is not a simple moral air. To be precise, it should be called Hongmeng purple air. The immortal sky was born, and it became chaos and chaos. Among them, there is Hongmeng Ziqi, and these Hongmeng Ziqi have created Nuoda's space. The immortal sky space is born of these purple Qi. The purple Qi seems to be thin, but it has a huge space. "Jiang Chen's eyes were slightly Martyr.

"In the purple air, is there space?"

"Yes, Lao Tzu is playing with the law of space. Do you think that the purple gas has imprisoned the three thousand avenues? No, Xiaoliu uses Xianyuan, but he has been urging the force of the three thousand avenues, but the three thousand avenues have released their power. After that, it did not appear. It was not imprisoned, but the power, which was absorbed and stored in the space of Purple Qi. The force of the Three Thousand Avenues has been released and stored in the Purple Qi! And, the Strength is also absorbed in the purple gas! "Jiang Chen explained.

"That is to say, Laozi's so-called cracking the palm of the avenue is not in fact, but a space of purple air, which stores all the urged avenue powers and makes the Six Immortals misunderstand?" Long Aotian's eyes brightened.

"Good!" Jiang Chen nodded.

"The palm of Lao Tzu just now seems to mobilize the power of Three Thousand Avenues. It is also an illusion? His one palm just released the power in the purple gas. People think that he mobilized Three Thousand Avenues. In fact, this power, Was it originally performed by six immortals? "Long Aotian stunned.

"That's right, you can also use the other way, this one is not easy!" Lamented Jiang Chen.

"That said, I lied to the six immortals?" Long Aotian stunned.

"What is deception? That's real strength. The law of space looks like a fire that can only be played by crickets. This Lao Tzu is really weird. Where did the ancient sea find a helper? Could it be ...?

General Chen saw through the means of Lao Tzu, but how many generals are there in the world? Even the uncle did not see through. After all, Jiang Chen's knowledge is passed down from ancient times. Even, Jiang Chen still has some lingering memories, but lingering goes back to the candle dragon era.

"What a good man!" Wu sighed in earnest.

Raise your hand to scare the fairy away, this means no one else.

Dahan ministers, at this moment the eyes of Lao Tzu are also hot. Where did the holy pervert find? This is an invincible rhythm. What else are you afraid of?

Even if the immortals come, it's not a thing, I am bound to live forever.

"Long live Dahan Long live Long live!"

"Long live Holy! Long live Long live!"

Many of the officials who were previously frightened by the immortals suddenly expressed deep regret in excitement.

Worried about it! Is there anything to be afraid of when there is the Great Han Dynasty?

In addition to Jiang Chen, there is another one that seems to be Long Wanyu. Long Wanyu guessed a bit, but it is still not sure.

The queens and princes were naturally delighted.

"After the mother, the baby thanked Laozi seniors in the past!" Gu Qin looked at Chen Xianer.

"Well, you guys take us to thank you, don't bother you, it's disgusting!" Chen Xianer nodded.

The matter is naturally best appreciated by Gu Hai's son.

"The mother-in-law is assured that the Father and the Holy Father are leaving, but there is an explanation, the child will not disturb the seniors!" Gu Qin laughed.

Chen Xianer nodded.

From now on, Dahan's subjects have no worry at all. Mo Yike and Sima Changkong even spread today's battle to the people of the world.

Bai Zizuo and black and white impermanence also witnessed Lao Tzu's miracle. At this moment, the whole person is excited.

Bai Ziran knew that Lao Tzu was awesome, but he never thought that I had such a means.

This means is too strong.

The six immortals who were terrified of themselves were nothing at all between the waves of Lao Tzu. The bullet refers to the demise of the flying ash, and the white Baizuo admired endlessly.

"Sir, you ...!" Bai Ziran excitedly looked at Lao Tzu.

"What do you do, I'm playing cards, give me money!" Lao Tzu said, putting on reading glasses.

The battle with the immortals just now seemed like it was just a game of playing mahjong on the way to the toilet. This huge contrast, the three people who saw Bai Zizai did not know what to say for a long time-

The fairy retreats!

In addition to the starry eyes of the world, there are two eyes that have been watching this battle.

But in a mountain forest, Zhu Yiyi and Zhu Sansan stared at the two battles just now.

The Six Immortals have the highest power in the world, but the first power in this world eats in two places. The laws of time and space show their mighty power.

Suzaku Seven Supreme, now there are only two left. Zhu Yiyi, Zhu Sansan.

As the two looked into the distance, Zhu Yiyi watch suddenly burst into a colorful atmosphere.


As soon as the colorful air came out, Zhu Sansan's face changed.


Zhu Sansan immediately bowed down and said, "Master, you have a lot of thoughts coming back?"

The colorful atmosphere surrounds Zhu Yiyi, as if it were Zhu Yiyi, Zhu Zhu doesn't move, but his expression becomes gloomy, as if controlled by colorful Qi.

"General? The rules of time are becoming more and more exquisite, but unfortunately, they are incomplete rules of time after all!" Zhu Yi snorted loudly.

Zhu Sansan knelt on the ground, and he was sure that more of his thoughts returned.

Turning his head, Zhu Yi looked at the distant borderless sky.

"Oh, Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu? Ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha, it really is you!" Zhu Yi flashed a cold in his eyes.

At this moment, Zhu Yiyi's possession of God's thoughts naturally recognized Lao Tzu's identity at first glance, the Qiong Xianqiang, the commander-in-chief of all the rebels, and Xun and Lao Tzu were not the first contact. How could they not know?

"In that immortal sky, Lao Tzu is like a mouse, hiding from me everywhere, huh, now you, this mouse, actually got here? OK, OK, OK, OK, OK!" Qi said coldly.

"Lord, master, that Lao Tzu has ever been against you?" Zhu Sansan knelt on the ground and asked carefully.

"Yes, a rat that can only escape, but it does not matter whether it is here or not. It also made me sure. My path back and forth between the two heavens was really stolen by them. I was from me The road opened up. Lao Tzu, you've exposed it, and I know it all, ha! ”Wu said coldly.

"Way? Is that the way the host asked us to find? ..." Zhu Sansan's eyes flashed with surprise.

"What ancient sea should be, yes! Ancient sea? It turns out that my path is in his hands?" Wu said coldly.

"No wonder the ancient sea has risen so fast. It's only been decades. He has asked the world for decades!" Zhu Sansan exclaimed.

He nodded and looked at Lao Tzu in the distance.

"Since Lao Tzu has come here and his body is exposed, it is best, then don't want to go back again!" Wu said coldly.

"But, master, my brother and I, no, not Lao Tzu's opponent!" Zhu Sansan said bitterly.

He looked down at Zhu Sansan, revealing a slight disdain: "You are not inferior to Lao Tzu, who are the better men in this world, who can you compare with?"

Zhu Sansan: "...............!"

Zhu Sansan dare not refute.

"Step by step, to kill Lao Tzu, you still need to use the six lanes you just had!"

"Ah?" Zhu Sansan stunned slightly--

In the stars.

The six immortals stepped on a star, overlooking the world of the sun.

I thought that this time out of the customs, it must sweep the world, but the two wars that went out of the customs, actually made it so embarrassing? In the first war, he was excusable to the generals. The generals became a tortoise and forgave him for the time being.

However, Laozi in World War II was extremely depressed. Lao Tzu took two shots, and on both occasions, he completely disrupted all his plans.

The immortal is angry, but not stupid, and not swaggering around, but found a quiet place, staring at the Lao Tzu carefully, to understand all his details, to find his flaws, to kill Lao Tzu, to protect his own fairy Tianwei.

"This world is all of this fairy, who dares to rebel and kill!" Six immortals faced coldly.


The six immortals waved the eyes of heaven, illuminating the direction of the borderless sky, and the streamer traced back, trying to find all the traces of Lao Tzu.

However, under the streamer retrospection, Lao Tzu appeared inexplicably before the retreat of the ancient sea. In this world, I have never seen any trace of Lao Tzu.

"No? Not at all?" The Six Immortals felt anxious inside.

Just when the Six Immortals were irritable.


The two streamers instantly reached the six immortals.

"Extreme Suzaku, Zhu Yiyi, Zhu Sansan?" The six fairies looked coldly at the two.

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