Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 41: Hehe Liudao

As the immortals were unable to show Lao Tzu, the two figures suddenly arrived at the six immortals.

"Extreme Suzaku, Zhu Yiyi, Zhu Sansan?" The six fairies looked coldly at the two.


Zhu Yiyi and Zhu Sansan fell not far from the Six Immortals.

Zhu Yiyi watch flows with a colorful light. Although it is Zhu Yiyi, it is actually a strand of God's thoughts attached to it.

"You two came to see this fairy joke? Or you want to die?" The six immortals looked at the two with cold eyes.

Zhu Sansan stood behind his uncle and did not speak.

He looked at the six fairies with a slight smile.

"You don't remember me?" Su suddenly laughed.

"Huh?" Six fairies frowned.

The six immortals carefully stared at him for a while: "Aren't you Zhu Yiyi? Who are you, do you possess Zhu Yiyi?"

The Six Immortals glanced at Zhu Sansan and saw that Zhu Sansan was possessed by his elder brother, but he did not contradict him.

"That year, during the reincarnation of heaven, you were dead. I saved you, did you forget it?" Dan Dandan said.

The Six Immortals suddenly shrink their pupils.

Then, the six immortals were staring at Pu.

He also stopped speaking, leaving the six immortals to stare.

"At that time, I was not yet immortal. I tortured me with hellish grinds again and again. I almost died. I was still arguing for him, but for the last time, Jiang Chen watched me die, but There was no rescue. At that time, I was really dead. At that time, I completely hated the general. He is a devil. I swear that if there is a chance to survive, I will smash him into pieces! At that time, a streamer flashed and wrapped my broken soul. That streamer is also colorful, is it you? "The six fairy gods suddenly shrank their pupils.

"Yes, unfortunately, I could only return by imagination at first, only that faint power, just to save you, my divine thoughts have died out!" He nodded.

He is the salvation benefactor of the Six Immortals?

On one side, Zhu Sansan showed a hint of astonishment. But did not dare to jack.

The Six Immortals also confirmed the facts that He said, because only the Six Immortals knew this, and even the generals did not know which of the six was dead.

The person in front of him saved the Six Immortals at first, but the Six Immortals were not instantly friendly to him, but looked coldly at the man in front of him.

"Who are you?" The six immortals warned.

"I am 卅!" 卅 did not hide.

"Well? Will the enemies remember the enemy?"

"Yes, I am another immortal fairy. My body is occupied by my minister. My divine thoughts have come back many times in order to regain my body. I saved you that year. When you destroyed the general's consciousness, he Give me back my flesh! "Said Wan Dandan.

If you save the six Taos and have no desire or desire, the Six Immortals must be on guard. Now, when you ask for something, the Six Immortals relax a lot.

"Another fairy dome? There are other fairy domes besides the fairy dome?" Six immortals wondered.

He nodded and said, "Remember, return my body to me!"

"Yes!" Liudao Xianren nodded.

The six immortals stared at him again and looked at it for a while, with some vigilance and some plans in their hearts, and silent for a while: "How capable are you in my immortal sky?"

卅 Staring at the six immortals, she smiled lightly: "After all, you and I are separated by an immortal sky, no matter how great I am, I can't do it, but what I want to tell you is that the man I fought with you just now is me The strong of the fairy sky! "

"Laozi? From your immortal dome?" Liudao fairy eyes narrowed.

"Otherwise, where do you think a peerless powerhouse has emerged?" Faintly said.

"Lao Tzu just means?" Six immortals frowned.

"It ’s okay if you do n’t understand his method. In fact, if the method is thoroughly explained, it will be worthless, but after all, it is my ability to immortal sky. I ca n’t tell you more, but I can help. You restrain him! "Said Mi.

"Oh? Your immortal ability?" Six immortals wondered.

"Lao Tzu in my Celestial Sky is like Jiang Chen in your Celestial Sky, so you do n’t need to be nervous, he already represents the pinnacle of mortals. I told you that I need the physical body of Chen Chen, of course, I will also help Yours! "Faintly said.

"Help me, how can you help me? Help me clean up Lao Tzu?" A glance of coldness flashed in the eyes of the six immortals.

"Help you conquer the world, how about it? Kill all the rebels!" I stared at the six solemn roads.

Xu's help immediately jumped the hearts of the Six Immortals.

"Then what am I going to do?" The six immortals wondered.

"You, you help me out of the ancient sea!" Shen Shen said.

"Forcing the ancient sea?"

"Yes, I have something that was stolen by Gu Hai. He hid under the guard of the general. I can't get it. You help me drive out of the ancient sea. I help you hold Lao Tzu. If the opportunity is right, I will destroy Lao Tzu "" Solemnly said.

The six immortals stared at Yu for a while and finally nodded: "The deal!"

"That's it!" I nodded.

After that, I took Zhu Sansan step by step. Instantly disappeared into the sky.

The six immortals looked at the direction in which Li left, and did not show joy, but showed a dignified color--

After Lao Zi retreated to the immortal, the battle scene quickly spread throughout the world of Dahan.

Although the people of the world are looking forward to the big Han, there are always so many people who are full of worry.

Although in the propaganda of Sima Changkong, the Six Immortals were an anti-sky thief, he killed the Celestial Sky to capture Xianyuan. The Immortal was a tyrant, and there was a reincarnation of the Celestial Heaven in the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom. Commanding heights of strength. However, some people are still worried.

That's a fairy!

Fairy, God!

Will the Holy Ghost finally win?

The common people were worried, but after Lao Tzu's publicity on World War I, no hundreds of people immediately felt relieved.

It turned out that the fairy was just the same.

It turns out that the fairy is not invincible!

All the friends of the Holy Spirit can defeat the fairy. What else do we worry about?

Under the management of the Dahan Tianchao, the people's taxes have been reduced and they can live and work in peace and contentment. They no longer have to worry about the safety of property and life. Why not support Dahan?

For a moment, the world's air fortunes converged to the borderless sky capital, making the borderless sky capital more prosperous.

However, only a large number of Dahan conspirators understand that the more such a period of singing and dancing rises, the greater the potential danger.

Six immortals, really did nothing?

Ten days later, Sanqing Diankou.

Mo Yike and others all visited Lao Tzu.

"Fu Xi curse, Fu Xi curse!" Lao Tzu frowned slightly.

"Senior, what is the conspiracy of the Six Immortals?" Mo Yike looked at Lao Tzu anxiously.

Mo Yike's intelligence is also the place I most admire.

These days, a number of princes and officials came to visit Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was also very polite and chatted with them for a while. Among them, Mo Yike's overall view surprised Lao Tzu. I often stay here to chat with me.

"Yeah, I have a bad hunch!" I frowned.

"Bad premonition? Seniors, even if the six immortals come, you can wave away with your hands, what bad premonition?" Mo Yike curious.

Lao Tzu closed his eyes and carefully sensed for a while.

Aside from waiting, others were also curious.

This day, it's strange that Lao Tzu didn't even ask everyone to rub it.

What the **** is that makes Laozi so dignified.

Lao Tzu closed his eyes. At the same time, at Xuanyuan City, Jiang Chen, who was drinking tea, suddenly drank a tea cup in his hand, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked up at the sky.

In the distance, Lao Tzu suddenly opened his eyes and looked up to the sky, deep into the stars.

"Well?" Jiang Chen and Lao Tzu spoke at the same time, a cold light flashed in their eyes.

"Yi's breath, that's right. It really is me!" Lao Tzu stood up instantly, looking at the starry sky with ugly face.

"I'm back early?" Mo Yike suddenly changed his face.

Originally, a six Taoist immortal had troubled everyone, but now, again? Rushed together?

"Senior, maybe, He and Liudao will fight each other?" Mo Yike said.

Lao Tzu turned out and took out a jade box.

Open the jade box gently, a butterfly is lying in the jade box at this moment.

"Zhuang Zhoumeng Butterfly, going back in time, where did the suffocation come from?" Lao Tzu whispered to the butterfly.

"Puff puff!"

The butterfly slowly flew out of the jade box and gradually turned into a burst of colorful smoke in the flying dance. There were some pictures in the colorful smoke. A misty figure in the picture seemed to be talking to the six immortals.


Laozi shuddered, and a tea cup dropped to the ground accidentally.


The colorful smoke slowly dissipated, and the butterflies disappeared.

"Is that six immortals?" Bai Ziran anxiously said.

"Huh? He and Liudao Fairy are actually allied?" Lao Tzu's face was extremely ugly.


Suddenly, a wind howling came from the starry sky. To others, it was just a weird gale, and only Lao Tzu understood that it was a scent, a leaked scent.

"Yeah, I haven't fully returned yet, his huge divine thought is back!" Lao Tzu looked ugly.

"Yan Shennian came back, and came really fast!" Mo Yike said with an ugly face.

"This divine thought must be destroyed, otherwise, more and more will come back. When the number reaches a certain level, he can re-establish the connection between the two immortal vaults. Once the two immortal vaults are connected, everything will be lost!" Lao Tzu There was a firmness in his eyes.

"Sir, you're going to find your God's thoughts? Then, what about the borderless sky?" Bai Zizhuang showed anxiety.

Lao Tzu ’s attitude is going to chase the God of God, but as soon as Lao Tzu leaves, what should the six Immortals return?

Lao Tzu looked at the starry sky: "This time, I have to go, everyone is embarrassed! Bai Zizuo, I quickly go back quickly, although I have prepared, but in case of accident, here, please take more care!"

Bai Zizai was slightly silent, and finally nodded solemnly: "Yes, sir!"

I really want to go?

Everyone was anxious. Only Mo Yike could look at the whole situation and understand how catastrophic it would be at the moment.

"Predecessors go here, be careful!" Mo Yike respectfully saluted.

"My lord!" Cried Dahan officials anxiously.

As soon as I leave, what shall we do?

Ke Mo Yi Ke looked at Lao Tzu's gaze, but was extremely firm. Mo Yike has the strongest view of the overall situation. Although he knows that he will be in danger, Mo Yi Ke has a clear distinction.

Mo Yike didn't stop, others could only be anxious.

Lao Tzu looked at Mo Yike and nodded: "I went, I left a second hand in the borderless sky capital, hoping to help me hold it for a while, until I wipe out the God of God, come back immediately! Try to hold on! "


Lao Tzu stepped into the sky instantly.

When I reached the sky, I saw Zhu Yiyi in flight.

"Lao Tzu? Don't come without a word, hahaha!" The possessed cricket sneered.


卅 burst out of the starry sky into the nothingness.

Lao Tzu turned his head and looked at the borderless sky in the distance, and smiled bitterly: "Gu Hai, I'm sorry this time, and the God of God appears, knowing that this will not hold you back, but I have to go. We are running out of time, I must kill him and let him find it later, sorry, sorry! "


Lao Tzu stepped, and rushed out instantly into the nothingness.

Lao Tzu knew this was a trap, but had to step into it.

The starry sky is another place.

The six Taoist immortals have been watching quietly in the dark, and seeing that Lao Tzu left the borderless sky and headed for nothingness, the six Taoist immortals finally showed a sneer.

"Skyless borderless? This time, this fairy sees who is going to protect you! Huh!" Liudao immortal hummed.


In an instant, the six immortals swooped down and left for the borderless sky.

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