Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 42: Free change

A large stream of divine thoughts, attached to Zhu Yiyi, led Lao Tzu to leave the fairy sky!

At this moment, I can't help but go.

Others are not clear about your terror, but Lao Tzu is clear. You must not let your God ’s thoughts increase anymore, because Lao Tzu understands that your God ’s thoughts continue to increase. When you reach a certain level, you can mirror yours in this world. An avatar.

The more divine thoughts, the more powerful you are!

This is also the reason why Fuxi had to share his thoughts with God at that time. At that time, God's thoughts had reached a horrible level. Once He mirrored an avatar, it would be no small matter.

I must go! At this moment, it can only breach the contract. Because, in Lao Tzu's heart, the life and death of all living things is more important than his own commitment.

I must go!

暴露 If you are exposed at this moment, you naturally have your own purpose. If you are not exposed at this moment, let the people in this world strengthen. Moreover, now that I know where the road to the two immortals is, I want it even more.

Although Lao Tzu is not his own opponent, but like a mouse, he will find a hole to hide. This is the most unbearable thing for him. This time, I want to use the six hands to disturb the world, destroy Dahan, take the road of the two immortals, and even kill Lao Tzu.

I introduced Lao Tzu into nothingness in order to gain time for the Six Immortals. Let Liudao force the ancient sea out.

"Boom, boom!"

Lao Tzu and Aya went into nothingness and looked at each other across a distance.

"Mouse boss? Oh, you can really drill!" I sneered at Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu was waiting, his face gloomy and said: "Mouse head? Oh, when you were embarrassed and came to Pangu Xianqiang, you are worse than mice!"

"Huh, you know, Liu Dao has gone to destroy the borderless sky?" Wu sneered.

Lao Tzu's face sank: "So, I have to be faster and destroy your thoughts!"

During the conversation, Lao Tzu waved his hands, and the endless purple gas burst out suddenly, and covered him towards the urn.

Now I am just an apprehension of Zhu Yiyi, not my own body, I dare not underestimate. Wings spread out.

The billowing flames went towards Lao Tzu.

I dare not hesitate, manipulating the purple gas to absorb the flame quickly, and at the same time, his body slammed into the air.


With a loud noise, the two great peers were divided in a battle.

On the palm of Zhu Yiyi's palm, a crack suddenly appeared.

"Doesn't it seem like you have this body?" Laozi chuckled coldly.

I looked at the palm of the cleft, and the cleft of the palm was visible to the naked eye.

I smiled slightly: "I'll use it, Lao Tzu! I can just drag you on!"

"Huh?" I frowned.

"Liu Da went to the borderless sky, and I see that the borderless sky is destroyed, and the ancient sea can't come out? Then the ancient sea is out, everything is fine, it seems that my road was stolen by the ancient sea, isn't it?" Sneered.

"You brought me to drive out the ancient sea? That way?" Lao Tzu's face changed.

"Yes, it ’s a long time for me to think about it. Although it won't take long, it wouldn't be faster if I found my way back, Lao Tzu, you are exposed and everything is over, ha ha ha ha!" Laughed loudly.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

Lao Tzu and Mi are entangled in nothingness--

Six immortals, sky, above the stars.

With a star.

Aunt Zhu was the possessor Zhu Yiyi just now and led Lao Tzu away.

And on this star, there is another figure, but it is Zhu Sansan.

Zhu Sansan kept watching Wu leave the nothingness. Soon, he suddenly saw six immortals and rushed towards the borderless sky.


At this moment, the six immortals were carrying raging anger, boundless murderous spirit, with a wave of innocence, a rush of kings to the world, and rushed to the boundless heaven capital again.

Zhu Sansan was watching happily.

Suddenly, Zhu Sansan shuddered, showing his astonishment.

After being shocked, it was an ecstasy: "Master? Master, do you still have a divine thought in me?"

"Yes!" Mi's voice came out of Zhu Sansan's body strangely.

"Don't resist, treat me with peace of mind!" Faintly said.

"Yes!" Zhu Sansan respectfully said.


Under the great tremor of Zhu Sansan, a colorful streamer suddenly appeared on his body surface. This streamer was a little lighter than Zhu Yiyi's body. Obviously, Zhu Sansan's devotion to God is less than Zhu Yiyi's.

But, no matter how little, that's also my divine thought.

The sacrifice of the gods slowly attached Zhu Sansan. After Zhu Sansan's great tremor, he completely replaced Zhu Sansan's consciousness.

Standing with a negative hand, your second divine thought is coldly looking in the direction of Wudu Tiandu——


A strong wind came straight into the sky.

The borderless sky is crumbling in this storm.

The borderless sky that had just settled down for ten days ushered in another disaster.


The borderless sky is trembling.

However, at this moment there is no guardian of Lao Tzu.

Dahan's ministers were anxious. But anxious, but no one stepped back.

This time, Bai Zizai stepped in front of the Chongtian Temple. With the ministers, they looked at the six immortals who were coming.

In the distance, Chen Chen looked at him as if he had guessed something, turned his head and looked at the next Cangjie Mansion.

"It's over, it's over, God, Lao Tzu went crazy into nothingness, and now, Boundless Sky is finished!" Long Aotian looked ugly.

Jiang Chen looked at nothingness, his face was gloomy: "Small six, actually mingled with you?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen's eyes were full of annoyance.

The birth of the Six Immortals can be described as the promotion of the ministers in one hand, in order to stimulate the world's strongest to climb the peak, in order to resist the attack of the puppet.

I thought that even if the six immortals were resentful against themselves, they would be against him.

But in front of you, Xi is actually exposed, and Liudao Fairy is actually allied with You?

Cultivate my own little six to deal with my uncle, and now I'm on my side? Can the general not be angry, or not angry?

"God, who brought Lao Tzu out just now, is He? He is back? But why should he expose himself?" Long Aotian wondered.

General Chen was also slightly silent, and turned to Cangjie, saying, "Perhaps all the crux, here in this ancient sea!"

"Ancient sea?"

"Yes, Guhai, what should Guyu want? Oh, it's really interesting, Guhai?" Jiang Chen looked at Cangjie Mansion with a narrow gaze.

"Ah? Ancient seas are against each other, and the six immortals and the allies are allies. Then, does that really prevent the six immortals from destroying the borderless sky?" Long Aotian asked.

Jiang Chen's eyes were silent for a moment, and he shook his head: "No, there is another reason for my exposure, because I guard the ancient sea and let him have a chance to ride. Since I let him have a chance to ride, why should I give him a chance? No, from now on, no one should disturb Gu Hai, not only for the promise of Cangjie, but also for the frustrating plan! "


"If I give up protecting the law for the ancient sea, it is He who wants it most. How can I make him do that? Hahaha!" Jiang Chen shook his head.

Jiang Chen will not intervene in the disaster of the borderless sky.

焱 God temple mouth.

"Holy, Lao Tzu has been introduced into nothingness, and now the borderless sky will be destroyed soon!" Houyi worried.

There was a change of cloudy and clear in my eyes, although I didn't know much, but with my intelligence, I could guess something from the development in front of my eyes.

"Otherwise, shall we wake up Gu Hai?" Xing Tian said.

I glanced in the direction of Xuanyuan City and shook my head: "No, the ancient sea has reached the most critical moment. If you forcibly wake up the ancient sea, you will win the six immortals and the concubine. Moreover, at this moment, you must be more careful to prevent the disturbers Come on! "

"If you don't wake up the ancient sea, then the borderless sky is over. But the six immortals mobilize the power of the Three Thousand Avenues and the power of sentient beings. The power is almost the first in the world. Who can stop it? Can we stop it?" Anxiously.

I was silent for a while, and finally took a deep breath: "I want to try!"

"What?" The ministers were surprised.

"I said, I want to try!" There was an icy road in his eyes--

Sky without borders.

The Six Immortals stepped in the void and looked at the swaying Wudu Heavenly City, showing a sneer, especially when they saw Bai Zong at the top, and the Six Immortals even laughed.

"White comfortable? Hahahahaha, do you still want to stop me?" Six immortals laughed.

"My husband is not talented, I want to try!" Bai Zirong said coldly.

"It's up to you? It's really beyond your control!" The six immortals sneered.

In a sneer, the six immortals grasped Bai Bai freely.

This time, the Six Immortals were so confident that they didn't even need to mobilize the Three Thousand Avenues, grabbed them with one palm, and burst into tears in the void, and a force of terror came straight into the air.

"Hu Xiaoshan Forest, roar ~~~~~~~~~~!"

Bai Zi shouted, and immediately punched him up.

With a punch, the void suddenly appeared as a tiger-shaped virtual shadow, and immediately hit the palm of the six immortals.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Beyond the borderless sky, a huge space explosion caused by a huge collision.

Under the explosion, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers were blown up. Although there are countless array guards in Wudutiandu, the immortal is too strong, and still has a lot of cracks under this palm.


Bai Zi spurted out blood, and the whole body suddenly burst out of blood.

The immortals didn't use the Three Thousand Avenues, but even so, Bai Zili was not his opponent, and the blood spewed out.

"Lord!" Black and White fluttered in horror.

Bai Zunzai turned away from the two and slowly came to the front again.

Bai Zizui blocked all the borderless sky behind him, and slowly flew up into the air, sitting on an equal footing with the six immortals.

The injury was severe, but he didn't flinch at all, and looked at Liudaoxianren with ease.

The six immortals were surprised, and then taunted, "Oh, is this Bai Zi I know? Where is that timid person who immediately hides from danger when in danger? Who are you? Freedom? "

Wiping the blood on the corners of his mouth, Bai Zizai didn't care about the satire of the six immortals, and even the taunting words sounded like white praise in Bai Ziren.

"Yes, the past is free, and it is indeed greedy for life and fear of death. It is flattering like a wall of grass, but now it is not, I have had enough of it. Mr. Lao Tzu taught me, what is respect, and taught me respect Important. Life is precious, but sometimes, some things are more precious than life! "Bai Zirong looked solemnly.

"More precious than life? Hah, haha, but you just joined Dahan Tianchao, why haven't you seen anything important here? Are you crazy?" Said six immortals unexpectedly.

"No, there are important things. I have Mr. Lao's trust in me. I promised Mr. to help him get him back!" Bai Zizai confided.

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