Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 43: sword!

Sudden change in Bai Ziren is extremely abrupt!

But this sudden change moved Dahan ’s ministers for a while. Mo Yike, Gao Xianzhi, Sima Changkong, and even ancient Qin and others were free to guard against Bai for a moment, and even when everyone looked at Bai for free, Even more ashamed.

Perhaps the depression of millions of years is too great. When Lao Tzu took some time to help Bai Zi untie his shackles, Bai Zizui instantly created another extreme.

Bai Zilai was grateful to Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu helped him to restore his dignity and his goal. Although this goal is very difficult, once people find their way, they are not easily lost.

Gratitude to Lao Tzu and his commitment to Lao Tzu let Bai Zizuo not even flinch even when facing the fairy.

The soldier died for a confidant! Bai Zi sniffed this sentence in the past, but now Bai Zizao realizes the importance of this sentence.

Bai freely stopped. Even if it was hit hard, it was blocked.

"Lao Tzu's trust? Hahaha, Lao Tzu's trust? Bai Zunzai, you are really ridiculous. When you have been a deserter for millions of years, what kind of loyalty is suddenly in front of me? If you want to die, then you will be fulfilled. "The six immortals glared and slammed again.


The power of a palm, the world trembles, the palm of the sky covering the sky, the power of destruction, coming straight to the white.


Bai Zi shouted with a tiger roar and punched the sky.

"Lord, we help you!" Black and White Impermanence drank together.


The two immediately stuck their palms to Bai Zizun's back, and each poured their own power over Bai Zizun's back.

"Rulai God's palm!" The ancient man sang loudly, and put it into Bai Ziren's back with one palm.

The ancient Han took the lead, so that Dahan's powerful men followed suit, each struck a palm, and poured their own power into Bai Zixin.

The Dahan congregation went to the retreat of the heavenly palace, but in the past, they also conquered the world ’s emperors and suzerains. Those are all repaired by the heavenly palace. Now, it ’s extremely huge to consolidate the power to Bai Ziren.

Bai Ziren gathered the punches of the big heroes and crashed into the smashing palm of the Six Immortals.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The borderless sky and the earth once again cracked countlessly, and a large number of buildings in the city collapsed. Had it not been for the formation, it would have been broken at this moment.

Peripheral void, torn mostly.

The immortal power is huge.

Even though Bai Zizai assembled a group of powerful men, he is still not a fairy opponent.


Bai Zizu once again spit blood and blasted it out. The whole body was dripping with blood and his injuries were severe. The impermanence of black and white, the ancient Chinese, and the big Han were also blown out by the force of the earthquake. They spit in the blood.

"It's really beyond your control!" Said the fairy.


Bai Zi climbed up from the ground with difficulty and turned into a huge white tiger.

At this moment, the white tiger was scarred and his fur had been stained with blood, but he slowly came to the front.

"Come again!" Shouted Bai Hu, shaking his face.

The Six Immortals were ashamed: "Freedom, I think you are really crazy!"

"I'm still here, and the borderless sky is here!" Bai Zibuo floated high above the ground, swaying resolutely.

At this moment, Bai Zongzuo seems to have reached the end of his dead end, but he is still reluctant to let the boundless heaven and the capital after his birth, Dahan's ministers moved for a while.

"Okay, okay, okay, you asked for it!" The Six Immortals showed a hint of embarrassment.


Behind the Six Immortals, a ghost image of the Three Thousand Avenue suddenly appeared, the Avenue shone, and stirred the world in shaking.

The six immortals waved their hands and once again mobilized the power of Three Thousand Avenues into the palm of their hands. The palm of the Avenue carried Tianwei, the potential of great destruction, and slammed into Bai Zizu together with the boundless sky capital behind him.

Palm of the Avenue? So huge.

Everyone showed the color of terror, and even Bai Zhuang showed the color of despair. This palm, which mobilized the power of the Three Thousand Avenues, could no longer stop him.

"Sir, try your best!" Bai Zilai said a bitter despair.

Just at the moment of white despair.


But in the direction of the South China Sea in the sun, a sword suddenly rushed into the sky.

The sword is dazzling, like a pillar of heaven, running between heaven and earth.


For a time, all the swords in the world of Shenzhou suddenly trembled, as if they felt the breath of the king of swords and worshipped in the trembling.

The glory of Jianmang, even though the six immortals with infinite strength, suddenly swelled their hairs and turned their heads to look.


Jianmang suddenly reversed his direction, it seemed to be cut down from the top of the sky, to the top of the fairy's head.

"What?" The fairy's face sank, and she immediately deflected the palm of the road, welcoming Jianmang away.


With a loud noise, Jian Mang was disintegrated by the palm of Dao, and the palm of Dao was also cut in half by that Jian Mang.

Even though the palm of the avenue came in haste, but this horrible sword can cut it off, but how many people were astonished.

The immortal battled and turned to look.

But I saw a white man flying out of the sky in the distance.

Men are not bystanders, it is Wanshou Taoist disciples who have disappeared for a long time, hey!

Just now, it was the sword of the cricket that cut the palm of the immortal's avenue.

"Is it you?" Liudao Fairy suddenly stared.


Xun took a step, like a sword light, and approached in an instant, blocking the borderless sky behind him.

"Sure enough, chopping the grass does not remove the roots, the harm is endless!" The six immortals stared at the cold voice.

He stared coldly at Liudao Xianren: "If I hadn't reminded me to wake me up from the sword dream, I don't know yet, you have already passed the customs!"

"Laozi? Do you know that old thing?" The immortal was surprised.

Isn't Lao Tzu's another immortal? This is a Taoist disciple of Wanshou. How do I know Lao Tzu?

The immortals didn't know that Xun was the reincarnation of Jietian Tongtian, and Jiutian Tongtian was the supernatant of Laozi's Sanqi Sanqing.

When Lao Tzu went after him, he heard the sound of 铩 and awakened 铩. This is the backhand left by Lao Tzu.

He waved the bronze sword held by his hand and looked coldly at the immortal: "You do n’t know much, immortal? Oh, adhering to the will of the prince Yuanshitianzun, I am the new leader of Wanshou Taoism, and I also have the obligation to revenge for Yuanshitian , You have confronted me Wanshou Taoism three times and five times, and even killed Yuan Shizun. Today, I will use the sword of the leader to cut your evil body! "

The sword in his hand turned over, and suddenly he slashed to the Six Immortals.

The six immortals looked cold: "It's ridiculous that Yuanshi Tianzun wasn't my opponent at that time, just you?"


As soon as the six immortals waved their hands, they didn't know when to add a holy sword.

As soon as the holy sword came out, he immediately greeted the bronze sword of Ji.


With a loud noise, the holy sword fluttered, but the place of the sword was slammed a little by the bronze sword.


The holy sword deflects, but the bronze sword instantly reaches the eyebrow of the Six Immortals.

The face of the Six Immortals changed, and the power of grasping the avenue blocked them suddenly, and he retreated sharply to a safe place.

The whole body is safe, but the six immortals are shocked with cold sweat.

"Impossible, how is your Kendo so strong? Are your gods consummate? Or are the gods of pure sword repair consummation?" Liudao Fairy's face sank.

"Leader preached my kendo, naturally I can't live up to the preacher's teaching!" Wu Leng cold said.

"Yuanshi Tianzun's Kendo? Huh, what's the matter? No, oh, since your kendo is taught by Yuanshi Tianzun, then, how about you try to face Yuanshi Tianzun?" Six immortals sneered.

Speaking, urged Xianyuan.


A force emerged from the Three Thousand Avenue, slowly forming a phantom of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun, which is condensed on the road, is as magnificent as before, with Yuanshi sword out of his hands, and the sword gas explodes in all directions.

"How, this is your leader!" Six immortals smiled at Yuan Shitianzun.

He glared coldly: "He is not the leader, and the leader is not something you can insult at will, huh!"

He stepped forward, and a sword slashed towards Yuanshi Tianzun, and that Yuanshi Tianzun also looked cold. Yuan Shijian in his hand cut a destructive chaos sword.

Yuanshi Tianzun VS Hey!

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The two swords stabbed the heavens and the earth, and the two swords were divided in a battle, and their bodies crossed.

He still held the bronze sword, and Yuan Shi Tianzun also held the Yuan Shi sword. Both of them suddenly stopped in the air.

When everyone doesn't know who will win.


But seeing Yuan Shitianzun from the heart of his eyebrows, suddenly broke away. In an instant, it turned into a cloud of smoke, and the smoke disappeared.

"Impossible, you, you, you destroyed Yuanshi Tianzun?" Said the six immortals.

"He is not the leader, although there is a kendo you simulate, but he will never be better than the leader, six immortals, now it is your turn!" Tong Leng said.


Jianmang soared into the sky, piercing six immortals.

The face of the Six Immortals changed, and the Holy Sword in his hand mobilized the power of the Three Thousand Avenues, which instantly caused the vast sword to swell toward the maggot.


The dreadfulness of the sword qi driven by the Three Thousand Avenues was such a horror that in an instant, the sword qi of various colors like the sea rushed towards the maggot.

It's as if a person is facing the whole sea with a sword. The contrast between the large and the weak, Bai Zizai waits for a while.

He didn't have the slightest fear, and the bronze sword in his hand shook suddenly, his eyes flashed with anger. When I stepped on my foot, I rushed into this huge sword gas sea.

The bronze sword was like a streamer in the hand of Xun.

Each time the bronze sword rippled, there was a large amount of sword energy all backflowing. The sea of ​​swords was huge, but it was flowing and turning, and the long sword was never moving forward.


Under a loud noise, Xu actually swept away all the sword energy, and the entire sword energy sea seemed to be ripped apart by the sword, and the sword was approached and Wan Jian surrendered.

"The sword of the Three Thousand Avenues? It has nothing to do with it, six immortals, your Three Thousand Avenues, but this is the case!"

Centered on the urn, the bronze sword erupted a Ling Feng's Qingfeng sword qi. The qi radiated in all directions, like a huge blue sword lotus blooming on the sea.

The green lotus opened, Wan Jian collapsed.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and the sea of ​​billowing sword gas broke open suddenly. The strength of the sword and the sea gathered in the Three Thousand Avenues disappeared under the sloppy green front.

The dreaded kendo, all the powerful men in the world who stared widened their eyes, revealing an incredible color.

"The sword came out of lotus and filled the three thousand avenues? He created a new way? Shouyun Shenwenling will repair another" sword "?" Long Wanyu stared in surprise.

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