Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 44: The sixth repair, sword repair!

I stepped on the sword lotus, the sword lotus opened, and the Three Thousand Avenue was shaking for a while.

The six immortals stared at the trembling Three Thousand Avenue, revealing a look of astonishment.

Breaking the sword sea of ​​the Three Thousand Avenues is not much, but why is this sword lotus blooming and the Three Thousand Avenues tremble with it? It seems that there are certain rules in Sanqian Avenue that are inspired by Jianlian?

"When Fu Xi created Shouxiu, was it the same?" The distant general minister narrowed his eyes.

Long Wanyu showed a hint of surprise: "It was the same when I created the operation and maintenance!"

Above the starry sky, the second divination of Zhu Sansan's apprehension was also a sudden glance.

"Jiandao Chengshu has been recognized by Three Thousand Avenues? Is the founder of the same spiritual practice born?" He's second **** thought surprised.

After being surprised, I frowned again: "It is indeed a new practice that was born, but it is not perfect yet, sword practice? Kendo? It is an accident, but this person ’s kendo is extraordinary!"

"I don't believe you. What kind of thing do you think, Wanshou Taoism, Yuanshi Tianzun are all my losers. You are just a disciple of Wanshou Taoism. How strong is your Kendo?" Liudao fairy stared.

The detective waved.


The ghostly image of Three Thousand Avenues suddenly moved quickly, as if three thousand powerful men with various shapes were faintly condensed, causing Three thousandth Avenue to be slaughtered towards the cricket.

"Sometimes, talent is needed. My kendo is not complete, but revenge for the leader is enough!" His eyes narrowed.

Staring, he rushed towards the Six Immortals.

Three thousand avenues condensed the strong and rushed to the puppet.

The cricket Qingfeng's long sword was cut off like a violent wind and torrential rain.

The place where I stepped was a huge cyan sword lotus. For a time, under the great battle, the world was full of sword lotus.

The endless sword lotus is overwhelming, and the grand occasion of birth in conjunction with Jian Xiu is general.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The rampant Kendo is too fierce. Perhaps the sword repair is a pulse created specifically for the battle. Once it appears, the Three Thousand Avenues is also under the sword front, and retreat.

"It's impossible, no one can match it, Kendo? What kind of Kendo is ridiculous, the avenue is all in my palm! Drive!" The Six Immortals waved again.

The power of the rolling avenue poured into the sacred swords of the six immortals.

The holy sword at this moment is like a pillar of heaven, with the immortal casting, breaking the sky, extremely fierce.


The bronze long sword collided with the holy sword. After the collision, after all, it was not as good as the strength, and the bronze sword slammed.

However, Jian's kendo is more intensive, retreating for one advance, and it is an instant sword flick across the shoulders of six immortals.

The Six Immortals quickly avoided it, but Yi Jiao was cut off instantly.

"Impossible, I'm Kendo No. 1 in the world!" Said the six immortals.

Eyes stared at the uncle's eyes, a powerful thought rushed away.

He also refused to let it go, Kendo's will rushed out.


The two of them vanished slightly. It seems that a spiritual space has been opened up. Within the spiritual space, the two are fighting in the inner Kendo mode.


With a loud noise, the six immortals were stunned by a strong top, a stunned, surprised look at Sang.

Compared to the sword, the Six Immortals lost?

"Impossible. Kendo needs constant fighting to improve. Who fights with you? Why do you have such a kendo for no reason?" The Six Immortals were disbelieving.

I looked coldly at the six immortals.

opponent?铩 Naturally there are opponents.

Yuan Shitianzun left his memories of fighting with Liu Dao at the beginning. He and the four disciples all came to enlightenment. After enlightenment, the five opened up spiritual space and kept fighting and fighting.

Five are peerless sword repairs, the more fierce the battle, the fiercer the battle. Moreover, Jian Xiu Xiu has also been perfected. In these days, there is no lingering heart, and Jian Xiu has been created.

The world's five cultivations, longevity and spirituality, but the powerful talents of the five people and deliberate deduction, finally, created this sixth cultivation. Sword repair!

It's just a bit rough.

If I hadn't temporarily called for you to help, the five would definitely be able to completely improve the sword repair.

However, Lao Tzu shouted, I had to come.

Here I am, his four disciples are still in the process of deduction and improvement.

The dagger's sword is fierce. With a bronze sword, the six immortals actually feel helpless.

In this battle, the generals, the uncles, and Bai Zilai were all surprised.

Who would have thought that this magpie had such talent?

Xun inherited everything from the two masters of Heaven, and won the Kendo of Yuanshi Tianzun. It was nothing but a climb on the shoulders of giants.

However, in this way, the current situation is different.

Although, I haven't hurt the Six Immortals, but they are deadlocked. What a weird thing?

There are no hundreds of people in Dahan at the moment, but it is fortunate.

There are friends in the Holy Lao Tzu who can retreat the immortal, and some friends can also block the immortal. What else do we have to worry about?

At least the people of Tiandu Tiandu reassured.

Above the starry sky, my second thought of God looked at the noisy battle below, and his face was slightly darkened.

"Six Immortals? You practiced the Jidao body, 800,000 years ago, three souls, seven souls, and ten bodies. In the end, you lost two souls and seven souls, leaving only the heavenly soul as the main body, casting the immortal body? Looks like heaven The soul is extreme, but you will lose something. At the very least, you will lose the power of perfecting the three thousand roads. The power of the three thousand roads you are mobilizing is only one third of it! "

"Yi's Kendo is powerful, but you are an immortal and you should not lose to him. You have three thousand avenues? But you can't do your best, let me help you, help you unlock the ban on Xianyuan, and let you You can mobilize the full force of the Three Thousand Avenues! "Detective waved.


It looks like a streamer shot into the source of the fairy on the left of the six immortals.

Xianyuan shuddered, and suddenly became scarlet.

"What?" Liu Dao Xianren looked to the palm of Xianyuan in astonishment.

At this moment, the three thousand avenues that had been established between heaven and earth suddenly suddenly became more than three times thicker, and the power they radiated suddenly increased more than three times.


With a loud noise, a force emerged from the Three Thousand Avenue, flew out of an instant. Even Jianlian at the feet crashed.

"How come, the power of the avenue, how can it be enhanced?" 铩 surprised.

At the foot of the sword lotus reborn, but looking at the six immortals, I felt in danger.

The Six Immortals looked at Xianyuan in the palm of his hand in surprise. Just now, the Six Immortals also felt that a seal like Xianyuan had been released, and they even more easily controlled the Three Thousand Avenues in an instant.

"Is this ...?" The Six Immortals revealed a hint of incomprehension.

Above the starry sky, my eyes narrowed slightly: "Six, you are an incomplete person, how can you completely refine Xianyuan? However, you are more fortunate, and I will help you to refine. You now have three times the power. In this way, that cricket will never be your opponent again. What about his Kendo is great, how about it? In front of the avenue, all powers are illusive, breaking all methods, and his Kendo is no better than your monstrous power! "

The Six Immortals suddenly became stronger.

Not only was the Three Thousand Avenues stout, but the power also tripled, slamming the slam dunks, and slamming them back.

"Six immortals, you still have a hand, hum!" Stare glared, and continued to advance with the sword.

The Liudaoxian people also found anomalies, but this is a good thing for themselves. Liudaoxian people didn't delve into it. What needs to be considered is to kill the puppets as soon as possible.

"Well, the power of the avenue has changed? Then come again, I see if you can stop it, Jianhai, out!" The six Taoist immortals yelled.

Three thousand avenues once again condensed hundreds of millions of sword gas seas, sword gas seas whistling and slaughtered towards the puppets.


Yi Yi rushed away, and in the sea of ​​sword qi, a green lotus bloomed suddenly, blasting a lot of sword qi, but not like before, blasting everything, only a small part.

But this small part of the shortcomings was filled again in an instant.

"Come again!" Narrowed his eyes.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom ...............!"

Sword lotus blooms, and the sword gas is on the sea, as if the green lotus is constantly blooming. The terrible fighting power instantly provokes a great earthquake in the world and rushes towards the six immortals.

The Six Immortals were also shocked in their hearts.

However, fortunately, Jian's kendo is powerful, but it is still blocked by Jian Qihai.

The six immortals held the holy sword, manipulating the sword Qihai to kill the cricket.

In a blink of an eye, I was trapped by Jian Qihai. Just now, the situation reversed in an instant.

铩 Although extremely fierce, until now the Six Immortals did not dare to slacken, and even did not have the time to mobilize sentient beings, but this could not change 铩 a defeat!

Are you going to lose? At this moment, he was completely submerged in the Jianqi Sea, only to see a blossoming green lotus blooming in the Jianqi Sea, telling everyone that Qi is not dead.

The Six Immortals are going to win?

Everyone showed despair.

"What to do? The Six Immortals have become stronger, he has not mobilized the power of sentient beings!" Long Wanqing showed an anxiety.

"Give me the power of sentient beings!" Suddenly a voice appeared at the entrance of Chongtian Dian.

"Huh?" Everyone looked.

However, when I saw the holy priest, I didn't know when I would reach the entrance of the Chongtian Temple.

"Well?" Chen Xianer's face sank.

"Yu's defeat has been set, and you have no borders, and the sky is about to be destroyed. At this time, only I can resist the six immortals. I have the power of the Daxian dynasty, but the Dahan dynasty does not have it. Give me the power of the people, and I will deal with the six immortals! "

"Dahan's heavenly tendency, only the Holy Spirit can be transferred! How can I give it to you?" Chen Tianshan contradicted.

"Long Wanyu, how did Yuanshi Tianzun achieve it at the beginning? You should have a way?" I looked at Long Wanyu.

There was a hint of complexity on Long Wanyu's face. Long Wanyu did have a way. At the beginning, Yuan Shitianzun could do it. How could Long Wanyu, the creator of the operation and repair, not be able to do it, besides, the river map was still nearby.

Long Wanyu looked at Chen Xianer.

"The six immortals destroyed me without borders and heavens, in order to force my husband to come out. The husband was not in the dynasty. He had granted me the decree and allowed me to decide for him all military and political affairs on behalf of him. Imperial edict.


Seeing the decree, all the officials immediately bowed down.

I looked at Chen Xian'er, exposing a trace of admiration: "Queen Chen, you have the courage to lose the ancient sea!"

Chen Xian'er was not happy, but solemnly said, "Wan Yu, what should I do? Immediately cooperate with Daxun!

"Oh!" Long Wanyu nodded.

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