Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 47: 妭 power

"We all **** it? Oh, there were many people who helped Yuanshi Tianzun back then, and your six immortals have been out for ten days, right? In the past ten days, who did you kill? General? Ancient sea? Me? Oh, yes, you kill You are dead, but you will be resurrected immediately. By the way, you are still scared by Laozi and run away! Hahahaha, Fairy? So is the Fairy, no one in the world has killed you! Fairy, Fairy? Ridiculous! "I sneered sneerfully.

The fairy's face was gloomy, and the words of hesitation did speak of the pain of the fairy.

Coming out of the gate ten days ago came with the momentum of King's Landing. These ten days, eating everywhere, and now, until now, not even killing an opponent, really annoyed the fairy.

"Okay, okay, no one of the immortals has killed? Then start with you! How?" The six immortals whispered.

In the chirp, the detective waved.


The power of the Three Thousand Avenues suddenly gathered the hands of the immortals.

This time, the immortal no longer kept his hand, and the strongest avenue palm slammed into the puppet.

This time, it was even more tyrannical than before, because the help of the Six Immortals to unblock Xianyuan suddenly increased the power of the Avenue Master by three times.

Such a horrible power is to keep the minister away from him, not to mention it?

With one hand, I knew that it was dangerous. It was extremely dangerous. With this one hand, even the surrounding void was blocked, and I had nowhere to run, and it was to be completely destroyed.

However, at this moment, I have not flinched.

Cold in his eyes, the palm of his hand fell down.

"The power of sentient beings, follow me!" I yelled.


His palm slammed into the palm of the road.

The void instantly ripped numerous. The whole world of the sun was shaking violently.

The power of sentient beings, which was exhibited in the past by the Japanese yen, is at most equivalent to the power of Sanmai Avenue. Sanmai Avenue is one hundred roads.

The power of sentient beings is only equivalent to nine hundred avenues!

However, the current Dadao palm, but three thousand Dadao, and the power has tripled.

Where is the power of sentient beings?

Above the starry sky, there was a sneer: "It's ridiculous that the power of your beings is equivalent to three hundred avenues. Where is it useful? Unless you drain the power of living beings to mobilize them, this power of beings Not enough to look at! "

卅 Do not look good 妭!

The distant generals are not optimistic!

Although the power of beings is strong, it is not enough. Where is the palm of the road?

"Hahahaha!" Six immortals laughed.

Palm strength increased, pushing back the giant palm of his back.

Grandma's face sank and his eyes glared.


Behind me, two hundred avenues suddenly emerged, but it was the avenue that he had mastered.

As soon as the avenue came out, he once again provided a terrifying force to him.

The void shattered more.

However, it is still not enough!

Today's power is at most equivalent to the might of the Five Hundred Avenues.

"It's useless, alas, better than strength. This fairy is the first in the world, that is, the previous one. He didn't dare to fight hard. He only dared to walk away from the front to force me. You and me fight for strength? That's your death! "The six immortals showed a slight disdain.

Not enough power?

I got cold in my eyes.

"The power of Hao Ri, move with me, the left eye is the sun! The whole earth shines!" He shouted loudly.


Above the head, the sun suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, the golden light instantly rushed towards the rush, a rush of the might of the sun, instantly poured into the body of 妭.


The sun trembled, and the mighty power poured into your body, becoming your powerful backing.

The immense force poured in, suddenly slowing down my palms.

"The power of the sun? Can you mobilize so many powers of the sun?" The six immortals were surprised.

"The power of the sun is equivalent to the force of five hundred roads. But it is not enough! Today, the power of 妭 is equivalent to the force of one thousand roads. If I could evenly divide the six roads before I unlocked the shackles of Xianyuan, it is still not enough today. "I sneered in the starry sky.

Only a third of the power of the Avenue Palm?

Not enough, the palm of the road is still overwhelming.

"The power of Youyue, move with me, the right eye is the moon! Spread the world!" I yelled again.


There was a roar in the western sky.

With the right eye turned silver, the moon that had fallen in the west suddenly rose again from the west. At the same time, the force of the rolling moon rushed into the body of the instant.


The left eye was golden, the right eye was silver, and the huge Haoyue was pulled from the underworld to the top of the head. Slowly flew up over the shoulders of 妭.

One day and one month, it actually fell on the shoulders of the uncle's shoulders.

Left is the day and right is the month!

The strength of the sun and the moon has become the strong backing of the puppet.


The power of Zanzhi's palm has increased a little, and the speed of being lifted back has slowed down a bit.

"The power of the moon? This is, and is equivalent to the power of the 500th Avenue? 妭 This palm is already equivalent to the power of the 1,500th Avenue?" 卅 Eyes looked down.

"No, the sun and the moon blend, not just one plus one equals two. The power of blending is equivalent to the power of five hundred avenues? This, the power of crickets is already two thousand avenues?" Frightened his eyes.


The Palm of the Avenue vs. The Palm of the Slug!

Almost two-thirds of the way?

I am strong, beyond the expectations of the six immortals.

If it weren't for Xianyuan's unblocking, his power would have tripled from nothing. Just a moment ago, he lost?

There was a chill in the hearts of the six immortals.

But again, when looking at Xi, it was even more murderous.

"You must die, this fairy must kill you!" Roared the six immortals.

妭 If you do not die, you will become your enemy. Be your own nightmare.

The power of two thousand roads. So scary?

"Don't worry, it's not over yet, I still have!" Su suddenly sneered.

"What?" Six Fairies raised a brow.

But after seeing the uncle's behind, he suddenly shook slightly, as if six huge tails were emerging.

As soon as the six tails came out, they slightly linked to the void.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" ...............

It seems that six hazy dragon-shaped giant pillars suddenly shone into the sky, like the sun and the moon. Suddenly, from the six giant pillars, a rolling force poured into the body.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

I saw a blast of loud noises from the palm of the hand.

The backward palm of the hand actually stopped in the air.

The palm of Xun was deadlocked with the palm of Avenue.

No difference, no difference.

As big as as strong!

No one is weak. In the stalemate of the void, the void is shaken violently. The two greet the aftermath of power to the starry sky. Above the starry sky, billions of stars are also shaking.


The palm of 妭 is equivalent to the force of three thousand roads?

With a horrible palm, the six immortals saw their hairs blow up.

I also suddenly stared at my eyes, showing a killing intention.

General Chen was cheeky.

"How, how is it possible, how can I block the Three Thousand Avenue? Then, what are those six dragon-shaped giant pillars? Do you borrow from it? What is that?" Long Aotian exclaimed.

"That is, six reincarnations. He can fully mobilize the power of the six reincarnations? Okay, okay, okay!" Jiang Chen flashed a sigh of admiration.

"Six reincarnation? Except me, can anyone call it at will?" Squinted above the starry sky.

The six tails spurred the six reincarnations and finally blocked the six immortals.

妭 At this moment, it is also very strenuous. After all, how much power passes through his body, this load is also extremely horrible, his face is red, but he stares at the six immortals.

"Why do you motivate so much power? Impossible! No, the power of the sun and the moon, the power of the six reincarnations. If you can motivate them, they must pass through your body. How can your body bear it? Body? "Exclaimed the six immortals.

"Six ways? It seems that you are really useless except Xianyuan in your hand!" He laughed.

"What did you say?" Liu Daohan whispered.

"Isn't it? If you don't have Xianyuan, are you my opponent? But so, but so, no, you just can't deal with the uncle just now!" Luan Lu said.

Behind, as time goes by. The uncle's flesh finally recovered. I was resurrected.

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Thank you for thanking me, thank Guhai!"

I owe it to the ancient sea, so I can save you.

铩 looked slightly and nodded: "Okay, I will remember, but, I'm very sorry, I have repaired everything, there is no more power to fight, it's not good for you!"

"No need, this inferior thief is young, and he is dead!" Lu coldly said.

I nodded.

Bai Zizai threw in his sleeves and quickly returned to Wudu Tiandu with his puppet.

At this moment, everyone in the borderless sky is staring at the battlefield.

Fairy? But that's it!

There is nothing to do with the generals, but I ca n’t fight Lao Tzu, and I ’m very reluctant to deal with him. Now my power is comparable to him. Fairy, maybe not too scary?

I blocked the palm of the immortal's avenue, but Naihe had done his best.

After the immortal was surprised at first, she finally said coldly, "Well? You are terrific, but unfortunately, you must die today. There is only one master of these six immortals, that is the immortal!"

"Huh?" I looked coldly at Liu Dao Xianren.

"Six reincarnations? Oh, this fairy does not know how you can mobilize the six reincarnations, but there is one thing you may have forgotten. In that year, the Dragon Warring States stole three reincarnations to fight with this fairy, but in the end it was defeated. You do n’t know Well, this fairy, in fact, can also mobilize six reincarnations! "The fairy sneered.

In a sneer, he urged Xianyuan in his hands.


Behind the immortal, there was a sudden tremor in the void, and then behind the immortal, six towering dragon-shaped pillars emerged.

"Six reincarnation?" Bai Ziren exclaimed suddenly.

The fairy can manipulate the power of the Three Thousand Avenues, which is scary enough. Now, now, can still mobilize the power of six reincarnation? In this way, the scale of victory will tilt again.


The power of the six reincarnation mobilized by the immortal suddenly poured into the palm of the avenue, so that the already fierce and invincible avenue of the avenue suddenly became larger again.

The palm of this avenue at this moment is equivalent to the force of four thousand avenues.

Rolling strength, rushing towards the cricket.

ps: Gu Hai will go out tomorrow!

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