Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 48: The gods are fulfilled to nine!

Cangjie Province!


With a loud noise, the whole Cangjie House was suddenly shaken.

At the same time as this loud noise, the six immortals in the distance also just exerted the power of six reincarnation. The huge explosion sound just covered the loud noise of Cangjie House!

Except for Jiang Chen and a few others, no one heard the voice of Cangjie.

"Is this ...?" Long Aotian looked at Cangjie Mansion shrouded in astonishment in surprise.

Turning Chen Chen's eyes to Cangjie, his eyes narrowed: "Is this ancient sea breakthrough?"

"He was completely successful in the Heavenly Palace? No, it should be the gods?" Long Aotian stunned.

"Should be right!" Jiang Chen nodded.

"This breath? God, I feel the breath in the enchantment, so terrifying, although there is only a little breath, but, just like this, I have a feeling of panic in my heart?" Long Aotian took a hint of trembling .

"Is the ancient sea still being strengthened? Enhancement is good, enhancement is good!" Jiang Chen flashed a satisfaction in his eyes.

Inside Cangjie.

Gu Hai finally won under this last fall.

This battle was more difficult than the old man who faced the game of chess.

Analysis of the Three Thousand Avenues and the ancient sea. In the end, it was a monstrous picture.

In the picture, it seems that billions of immortals are born in nothingness. In the billions of immortals, each of them has a peerless demon head. Under the devil, all the troops and horses led by the ancient sea are cut off. Kill clean.


The entire chessboard exploded and burst open. Into endless fragments. Of the pieces, only one chess game floated in the air.

The chessboard is 37 columns long and 37 columns long!

At this moment, Gu Hai finally prevailed.

How long Wu Qi hasn't been in, maybe it's a breakthrough in that aura.

In the past, in the eighteenth layer of hell, Gu Hai was enlightened for hundreds of millions of years. That was because he was the only one to enlighten. Later, he met the old man who watched chess.

Now, with the help of Cangjie, a Questyle chess game was given to Gu Hai, and the Gu Hai chess force broke through again.

Thirty-seven heaven and earth battles! Skip thirty-six!

Under the final drop, the three thousand ancient seas condensed on the three thousand avenues suddenly collapsed. At the same time, the three thousand avenues of the chess game were also broken by the ancient sea chess power at this moment.


When Sanqian Avenue collapsed, a white scent was rolling out of the ancient sea, it was a tumultuous style, and it was a time when Cangjie gathered the ancient style.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

But at this moment, Gochen, Ziwei, and Changsheng also made a loud noise in their bodies. It seemed that there was a big breakthrough, and the triumphant influx also poured into the three.

However, the combined amount of the three of them is not as good as one percent of the ancient sea.

The ancient sea is now showing the trend of swallowing up the whales, absorbing this billowing frenzy.

Cangjie was very well prepared for a feast of four.

Wenxiu 3,000 arrays, at the moment with the collapse of Sanqian Avenue, are also falling apart.

The big crash collapsed, but the barn owl showed a smile of relief.

"Holy, Chen Cangjie, I wish Dahan Tianchao long live long live long live!" Cang Hua said solemnly.


When talking, Cangjie suddenly broke apart, shattered into countless pieces of paper, and slowly dissipated and opened.

What Gu Hai didn't know was that the main body of the three thousand arrays in this essay was not the array, but Mr. Cangjie himself. When the battle broke, it was when the Cangjie Fly Ash annihilated.

The Dahan dynasty, eternal life, means that all beings are alive, and all beings are alive. This is the wish of Cangjie.

The ancient sea absorbed endless style, and there was a loud noise in the body.

But it was in the eyebrows that the four sets of endgames finally merged into a small set of endgames that spanned nineteen lines.

On top of the small endgame, it is not full of pawns, but only two pawns, one black and one white.

The two pieces of chess are attached to each other, as if Yin and Yang are two points, and they are all-inclusive.

All chess pieces can move, and these two chess pieces can no longer be changed. This is the final chess game. One yin and one yang represent the meaning of good fortune.

The four chess souls finally merged into one chess soul at this moment.

The ancient sea, three souls and seven souls are all fulfilled.

Heavenly soul frowned, and in the eyes of heaven, a large number of Qidans in the pupils slowly rotated, and finally a ninth cyclone was born. Cyclones absorbed the qi and finally gathered into one Qidan.

The style is the pinnacle of the ancient sea.

Wenqidancheng, the heavenly palace is a great success!

Gu Haixiu finally succeeded.

But it's not over yet.

Wen Qi Dan seems to command the remaining eight Qi Dans, and at the same time, absorbs more Wen Qi into the eyes of the sky.


With a loud noise, Wen Qi Dan seemed to be in charge of eight Qi Dan, breaking away from the eyes of heaven.


The eye of heaven seemed to block nine Qidans.

However, the will of the ancient seas dominated after all, and the nine arrogances were as powerful as possible.


Under a loud noise.

Tianyan seemed to be cracked by a horrible tone.

Nine Qidan burst from Tianyan instantly and poured into Tianhun. Tianyan was even blown away from Tianhun.


The ancient sea heaven soul suddenly bloomed in nine colors, and then suddenly flashed, the heaven soul became nine, and each Qidan was a color.

In the heavenly palace, the heavenly soul is transformed into one! Turned into nine heavenly souls!

In this scene, if everyone in the world knows that they will be shocked. This is impossible. There is only one heavenly soul, how could it become nine?

However, Gu Hai, using talents and skills, has sculpted nine souls.

Other heavenly palaces only cultivate one kind of Qi, but Guhai's heavenly palace, they cultivate nine kinds of Qi!

The gifted exercises, though derived from 卅, are the most orthodox exercises from the candle dragon in the earliest times.

Gu Hai alone, nine heavenly souls! In this way, the great consummation of the heavenly palace is much stronger than the ordinary great consummation of the heavenly palace.

But, everything is not over yet.

Among the nine heavenly souls, with the Wenqi Heavenly Soul as the commander in chief, a burst of anger was suddenly poured into the earth soul. Earth soul cultivates energy and cultivates essence!

Disperse and gasify! Quite and condensed!

At this moment, the rushing peak of the air rushed towards the earth soul. Nine different kinds of air instantly filled the earth soul of the ancient sea.

Headed by style, the eighth phase follows. If it is an ordinary earth soul, it takes a long time to cultivate to be successful.

However, the ancient soul of the ancient sea itself was complete, and when it was complete, it was fissioned instantly under the nine-strength atmosphere.


Earth souls are also weird moments, and each earth soul corresponds to a kind of qi, and also a kind of essence.

Nine souls! There are also nine souls!

It's not over yet. From the outside world, the ancient sea needs more and more style, which can nourish the soul of the sky, and the style can nourish the spirit of the earth with gasification. Nine earth souls were instantly solid, and rushed straight down to the heavenly palace.

Xia Tian Gong, the soul and spirit!

Refinement into qi, qi into god, and **** into refinement! It is a cycle in itself.

Nowadays, turning down, the soul energy is instantly filled with human soul.

Like the earth soul, the horrible energy instantly turns into a sacred deity. As it happens, the human soul is also fully consummated.

The nine types of energy were immediately divided into nine types of divinity. In a blink of an eye, the human soul was instantly reduced to nine.


There was a loud noise, nine souls, and completeness.

Heavenly soul, human soul, and earth soul are all fulfilled. Belong to the complete strength of the gods.

At this moment, the ancient sea from the Great Heavenly Palace to the completion of the gods. Different from others, even if the gods are complete, there are only three souls.

The ancient sea now has twenty-seven souls, three heaven and earth souls, nine each.

Everything is not over yet!

The human soul cultivates divinity, which is the power of ‘God’!

God? Seventh soul, even God! Regardless of demon cultivation or human cultivation, they all cultivate their seventh spirit, which is God, but the **** of the ancient sea is made of chess spirit.

Why are the gods perfect? Because from this moment, the power of the three souls can be connected with the power of the seven souls.

The divinity in the human soul will flow endlessly into the seventh spirit, which is the divine spirit.


The seventh soul of the ancient sea has just formed, and it instantly gets endless fill from the human soul. It instantly becomes huge and becomes thirty-six feet high. Then, under the nine deities, it is strangely unified. nine.

The seventh soul has become nine, and Gu Hai has countless spirits.

The seventh soul is the **** of the ancient sea, and the five souls of the ancient sea, the five woods, the golden wood, the water, the fire and the earth, are also called the five gods. When the ancient sea was cultivated, the five gods of the demon king were directly refined. The divine power of the seventh spirit has reached the peak of horror. Suddenly, the divine power poured into the five gods.


The gods fill the gods. Instantly, the thorns of the five gods light up, and they all rise sharply. It doesn't take long to reach the height of twenty-five feet. At the same time, the gods are divided, and in a blink of an eye, each **** becomes Nine, like three souls, are split.

The hero, the main force!

The five gods each turned into nine, and when they reached their peak, they instantly split their strength and rushed to the Goddess of the Spirit Mother. The head of the gods.

Most of the repairers, Dantian God King, are just ordinary **** kings, fire **** kings, water **** kings and the like, and can only absorb the corresponding series of power. But the ancient sea is the spirit mother **** king, condensed for the spirit mother's spirit, there are no taboos, and the sea is full of rivers.

The power of the five souls and the power of the urn, which used to be nourished by the Goddess of the Gods, are now back to the Goddess of the Gods, and the terror force rushes into the Lord of the Gods instantly.


The Spirit Mother King shuddered. With the help of the five-horror horror force, it suddenly became larger and became sixteen feet in size, and then broke free from the eye of life and death.


The eyes of life and death were earned and merged into the eyes of the heavens. The Goddess of the Spirit Mother was also divided into nine Goddess of Spirits under the division of nine powers.


The Goddess of the Goddess became nine, and the powerful spirit mother immediately strengthened the ancient body of the ancient sea again, and then saw that the skin of the ancient sea turned into black, and became denser and more powerful.

The physical body, which was invincible all over the world, is now nine times more powerful at this moment. At this moment, the ancient physical body can no longer be described as powerful, it is almost abnormal.

At this moment, Gu Hai was completely baptized.

All three souls and seven souls have reached metamorphic perfection, and each one has become as many as nine.

Success, this is the arrogance of this breakthrough caused by the strong foundation of the ancient sea.

Cangjie collected ancient styles, and was finally absorbed.

With the style of qi as the pinnacle of spirit, from the baptism of the top to the bottom, from the baptism of the soul of the soul to the Goddess of the Spirit Mother!

At this moment, the moment when Gu Hai absorbed the last ray of qi, his whole body trembled violently.


With this tremor, Long Aotian from the outside suddenly exploded, and a threat of death filled the whole body.

The generals also looked at the enchantment of Cangjie Mansion with a change of face.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the enchantment was absorbed by the ancient sea, the white mist disappeared, and everything inside was exposed.

Gu Hai slowly opened his eyes! Woke up!

PS: Something happened today, update in advance, five minutes later!

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