Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 49: A pair of meat palms

This is the second more! ——

Woke up?

As soon as Gu Hai opened her eyes, she saw a big pie face. Gou Chen's big pie face was close to her eyes.


Conditionally, Gu Hai slapped it out.


Gouchen screamed in pain.

"Master, what are you hitting me for? The speed at which you absorbed the style, almost, almost all of us were drained. What are you doing, so much style, so much style, it's gone, ah, it hurts "Gou Chen cried in pain, covering her face.

The ancient sea then saw the surroundings clearly.

He was still sitting on the futon in Cangjie.

In the center, Cangjie has disappeared, only some ashes on the ground can be seen.

Gou Chen, Changsheng, and Ziwei have already made a living, and the ancient sea can feel that the three have also made a huge breakthrough.

However, at this moment, Gu Hai could not care about the three of them, but looked at the place where Cangjie Fei ash died, showing a great gratitude.

"Sir, for today ’s grace, there is no retribution, only to come the next day, take charge of heaven, revenge for you, rebirth for you!" Gu Hai stood up, facing the pile of ashes of Cangjie, solemnly worship.


The enchantment of Cangjie Prefecture also collapsed instantly--

Battlefield outside the borderless sky.

He mobilized the power of sentient beings, the power of two hundred roads, the power of the sun and the moon, and the power of six reincarnations, and finally stood up to the three thousand roads of the fairy.

But at this moment, the fairy can actually mobilize the power of six reincarnation!


The power of terror suppressed the puppet again.

This time, the palm of the immortal road is equivalent to the force of four thousand roads.

Suddenly fierce and invincible, shaking the void.

Suddenly it became harder.

Dahan ministers were anxious.


But at this moment, a fiery red heavenly eye suddenly appeared from the top of his head. A destructive light went straight to the six immortals.

"Eye of heaven? Hahaha, you are only the first order, dare me fight?" Liudao fairy eyes stared.


Coming out of thin air, another god-destroying light immediately destroyed the rampant god-destroying light.

Above the sloppy sky of heaven, the clouds are densely covered, but it is the staring eyes of the six immortals who stare down.

The heavenly eyes of the Six Immortals are the second order, and they immediately exerted a great suppressive force, sealing up the eyes of the heavenly gods.

"You can't do it, alas, today is your death, and no one can save you!" The six immortals sulked.

妭 Defeated.

Bai freely gritted his teeth and yelled.

Under the roar, Bai Zi immediately rushed to the Six Immortals to disturb and destroy the Six Immortals.


With a loud noise, Bai Zibo was blown back in a blast.

"Bai Zixin? You really can't help it. Now you have the force field of the Three Thousand Avenues and you want to break in? You can't even get close to the body of this fairy, you can't help yourself!" The fairy sneered.

In a sneer, the immortal continued to stand on the puppet, slowly puppet the puppet from the ground, and killed it with the palm of the road.

Hyun's face was cold and slowly fell to the ground.

"Candle Dragon's physical body becomes everything in heaven and earth. Six souls become six reincarnations, six souls nourish the physical body, reversibly draw the power of the body, and the power of the earth. "Yi yelled.

Below the earth, there was a sudden dragon groan.


Suddenly, on the earth, a series of dragon veins seemed to flow into the body of the puppet with endless power.

Dahan Dragon Vein and Daxu Dragon Vein, suddenly, the rolling force poured into the body of Jiu, and instantly, a force strengthened Jiu's huge palm.


The palm of the avenue and the giant palm of the cymbal are slowly rebalancing.

The six fairies looked pale.

"Stupid, you have Xianyuan. You have the strongest power in the world. What are you afraid of? He can move. Can't you move?" A thunderous voice passed into the ears of the six immortals.

The eyes of the six immortals lit up.

"The power of the earth, listen to my order from Xianyuan, broken!" The six immortals sang loudly.

You can see how much power the puppet has increased, and the Six Immortals have also increased, and the power of the rolling billows into the palm of the avenue.

"What?" He changed his face.

"Dead!" Six immortals shouted.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the palm of his hand was overwhelmed, and it exploded instantly.

"No!" In the distance, Houyi and Xingtian all showed despair.

"Oh!" Long Wanyu and others also exclaimed.


The giant palm fell into the ground, and suddenly, the whole earth trembled suddenly.

For a time, countless cities in the world suddenly collapsed.

The avenue Tianwei is infinite.

At the time of the broken palm, the palm of the six immortals was equivalent to the force of five thousand roads. More than horror.

Although the power of the sun, the power of the moon protects. It's useless at all.

Above the sky, the sun and the moon collided once in a trembling violently, endless rays of light, piercing the earth.

The starry sky was good, and suddenly the large pieces broke apart.

Countless fireballs on the sun have fallen to the ground, and countless ice hockeys on the moon have fallen to the ground, causing numerous destruction on earth.

Outside the borderless sky, a palm-like abyss is the last pit left by the palm of the road.

This is the full power of the fairy.

After the immortal punched out, he gasped.

The whole world slowly calmed down.

The fighting seems to be over.

In the deep pit, there were countless smoke and dust, exposed in the fairy's wave.

Inside, a shattered corpse fell into a pool of blood.


In the dynasty dynasty, Honghuang City, Qiyun Cloud Sea crashed, and Qiyun collapsed instantly.

The imperial concubine, luck falls!


"Holy!" Xing Tian and Hou Yi immediately knelt down in sorrow.

"Holy!" All the lords and knights knelt down.

At this moment, all the people of the Dalai Heavenly Kingdom felt the ridicule of the emperor, and they felt ridiculed, and a vast atmosphere of sadness filled all hearts.

"Holy!" How many people knelt down.

The palm of the avenue is too strong, even though I have mobilized all my strengths, I still have a trick.

In order to defend Dahan, ridiculed!

There is no sorrow for the skyless city.

At this moment, the six immortals were exhaling a long breath, and at this moment they were full of fear.

The power of cricket? too horrible!

Alasken Kendo? impressive!

If it was a day ago, they could both kill themselves!

That is, before, the power of the avenue suddenly tripled, so that he could defeat defeat.

Too scary, too dangerous before.

Almost, I scoffed myself.

If you have the power of you, are you falling down at this moment?

Thinking of this, the fairy was fortunate for a while, and a little bit worried.

"Dead? Well, dead, ha ha ha ha!" The fairy started with a mad laugh.

Turning his head, the immortal suddenly looked fiercely and stared at Wudu Tiandu


There was a surge of anger, and the whole borderless sky shuddered.

Who can resist such a fairy?

Alas, defeat! Destroyed!

Alas, defeat! The bones are missing!

Fairy, still that fairy!

He has Xianyuan. With Xianyuan, you can continuously gather the power of the road.

Bai Zizuo couldn't stop it, Lao Tzu was still in nothingness.

Now, what could be better?

At this moment, in the face of the immortal's evil spirit, I do not know why, Dahan Qunchen actually no longer fear.

Headed by Chen Xianer, all looked coldly to the opposite fairy.

"You are my Dahan dynasty, and all the gods are destroyed. You are my dahan dynasty, and you are dead! You are afraid?" Chen Xianer asked.

"Don't be afraid!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"The immortal is powerful, with the help of Xianyuan. He can destroy me and others, but he can't destroy our justice. Dahan orthodoxy is justice! If I die, justice will last forever, fairies, demons! I don't fear death Why fear Xianwei? "Chen Xianer drank.

"I am not afraid of death, why fear Xianwei?" Everyone drank in one voice.

At this moment, the dignitaries of Dahan all showed their mighty momentum.

Why not die? Never flinch!

Although it is just a group of cowardly people, but at the moment, they are not afraid of death, but the fairy is trembling inside.

With just a trembling in the heart, the immortal stabilized his heart and revealed a touch of sorrow.

"Aren't you afraid of death? Okay, okay, okay, a bunch of rebels, isn't it easy to die? I see now, who else can protect you in this world!" Said the fairy.

In the moment, the fairy waved again.


It is the palm of the avenue again. Three thousand avenues suddenly gathered an extremely horrible giant palm, and slaughtered toward the borderless sky.

At this moment, the immortals don't care about the others. The appearance of 铩, 妭 has already made the immortals frantic at this moment.

Anyone who wants to rebel against themselves must be destroyed.

"Dead!" The fairy shouted.


Just the momentum of the palm of the avenue, instantly cracked the cracks of the boundless sky.

Countless buildings collapsed and hundreds of people screamed.

The palm of the road is about to die.

At this moment, Chen Xianer, Long Wanqing, Lin Waner, Bing Ji, Long Wanyu, Ancient Qin, Ancient Han, and Ancient Tang all clenched their fists, without any hint of submission. Even the devastation is in sight.

Even if I die next moment! No one begged for mercy!

The immortals retaliated. They all died, and it was useless to beg for mercy. Why not face it calmly? At least the solar terms are preserved.

Just when the palm of the road was about to take Chen Xianer.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud noise, but looking at the palm of the vast avenue, actually stopped outside the borderless sky.

"What?" Everyone's face changed.

The immortal also showed a touch of consternation, because the palm of the avenue that he urged could not go any further.

"What's going on?" The immortal was surprised.

But I saw that before the vast palm, there was suddenly a man in a black dragon robe.

Men are not others, it is the ancient sea that returned from the customs.

There is no mobilization, and no power is used. With just a pair of fleshy palms, he collided with the palm of the road.

But this pair of seemingly ordinary palms of the palm contains a monstrous force.

This pair of flesh palms lived against the palm of the road.

"Holy?" All the officials suddenly cheered with excitement.

"Fu Jun!" Chen Xianer was also excited.






The voice of constant surprise shouted.

At this moment, the appearance of the ancient sea was beyond everyone's expectations.

Above the starry sky, his eyes narrowed, and some could not believe the ancient sea.

"The palms of the ancient sea are the palms of the road?" The distant general minister also narrowed his eyes.

PS: Two more changes, today to go to the field to eat wedding, only two changes!

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