Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 51: 妭 will

Pangu axe out, break new ground!

The palm of the avenue was cut in an instant, and the force of the axe was as powerful as a bamboo, rushing towards the six immortals.

"Dead!" Gu Hai shouted.

"No ~~~~~~~~~~~~!" The six immortals roared with a stare.


Pangu axe split the six immortals in an instant.

The immortal stared, revealing an incredible, but even if it was too late, the heavenly axe had passed, and the immortal human body exploded and opened instantly, instantly exploding into hundreds of millions of fragments.


The ghost image of Three Thousand Avenue disappeared slowly.

Between heaven and earth, it seemed to be quiet for a moment.

How many people widened their eyes, but couldn't believe it was true.

Gu Hai retreat once, the strength is so terrible?

But that fairy, fairy, burst instantly?

Long Wanyu's small Jinlonghe picture on his shoulder, at this moment eyes have glared out.

At Xuanyuan City.

"This is impossible, the immortal is dead? Exploded?" Long Aotian said in wonder.

"Open the axe? Awesome open the axe!" A shock flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

At this moment, Gu Hai's strength showed a great threat to Jiang Chen. This power, to cut through the fairy, was only in the blink of an eye.

The immortal who was not yet alive just now, and the first immortal in the world.

In an instant, chopped by an axe from Gu Hai?

Above the starry sky, his face was exposed: "Ancient sea? Pangu? Really you, you are alive after all? Huh, I can kill you once and I can kill you a second time!"

Staring at the ancient sea stingily.

And above the borderless sky, everyone is not shocked at this moment, they are speechless in shock.

Bai Zi looked at the abyss, and looked at the abyss on the ground. He died in that pit.

Such a fairy was actually beheaded by Gu Hai so easily. Everyone watching this scene couldn't be calm for a long time.

"Dead?" Xing Tian, ​​who was at the mouth of the God Temple, said blankly.

"Holy, Gu Hai has revenge for you!" Houyi knelt down with red eyes.

"No, Primary Six isn't dead yet!" The distant general minister narrowed his eyes.


Thousands of fragments of the Six Immortals exploded and fell down.

Everyone thought that the Six Immortals were dead. but no!

The immortal is the body of the **** of heaven, and he has cultivated the avatars of thousands and thousands of things.

The flesh shattered and the immortal suffered heavy losses. However, instead of annihilating the consciousness, the consciousness was hidden in its own fragments and fled into the earth.

Only Jiang Chen knew that the six immortals had fled into the earth.

Everyone else was found.

However, Guhai found a trace of anomaly.

Where is Xianyuan?

Six Taoist immortals are dead. Xianyuan should be still there. Why is Xianyuan gone?

Suddenly, Gu Hai felt nothing good, and looked down.

At this moment, the shards of the Six Immortals have fallen to the ground, as if to be integrated into the earth.


But at this moment, suddenly, a fierce fire broke out from the ground.

"Ah!" Under the ground, there were suddenly a sound of six immortals screaming.

"What? Not dead yet?"

"Six voices?"





Countless people suddenly looked at the earth in screams. Just now, it was indeed the scream of the fairy.

The immortal is not dead yet?

There was a chill in everyone's heart.

At this moment, a large number of fairy fragments appeared on the ground, but all were forced out by the fire below.


The fire was burning fiercely, forcing all the fragments to be hidden underground.

"The fire of the drought? I'm not dead yet?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

Suddenly, the ancient sea rushed towards the abyss cave below.

"Kill, kill him, kill him!" There was a weak voice in the abyss.

"Holy?" Hou Ji, Xing Tian suddenly changed his face, showing ecstasy, in the distance.


They rushed over without hesitation.

At this moment, the Six Immortals were blasted by the ancient sea axe, and turned into countless fragments, almost no resistance.

The scorching fire of the drought can force it to have no backhand power. It can be seen that the fairy is already weak.

There was a gurgling voice within the abyss, asking the ancient sea to kill six immortals.

But at the moment, Gu Hai is more concerned about the crickets in the abyss.


The ancient sea rushed to the bottom of the abyss.

Bai Zizui, the ancient Chinese, black and white impermanence, Houyi, Xingtian suddenly pounced.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" ………………

The crowd instantly killed the pieces of the Six Immortals.

At this moment, all the fragments are Bai Zizai's opponents, and in a blink of an eye, a mass destruction was killed.


"You look for death!"





The screams of the six immortals were endless.

At this moment, Dahan Qunchen suddenly cheered.

Even if the immortals are not dead, they are completely defeated. Can they be killed at will without seeing the ancient Chinese and others?

The ancient sea rushed into the bottom of the abyss, and suddenly saw the appearance of a cricket.

The sting was so severe and miserable that the whole body had shattered, like a pile of debris, and the whole body was full of dense cracks, and even the three souls and seven souls were broken. Apparently dead. Only a trace of thoughts condensed everything. It is still in the approximate form. Maybe the next moment, the fly ash will be destroyed, but the slug has not yet.

Gu Hai saw He's state and did not dare to hesitate. Suddenly, a chess path was arranged to lock up He's broken soul and broken soul in the center. At the same time, he urged Tiannian into the interior.

However, Bu Tian Li can not repair the cricket injury in general.

The whole body of cricket has become dregs, and under the lock of the chess pattern, it has not spread.

"Gu Hai, ha, I'll wait until you get out!" I looked at Gu Hai with a grin.

Gu Hai looked at the uncle, who was like a living dead at this moment, and his whole body became slag, even if he could not be cured.

"I will help you find Nirvana and help you rise!" Gu Hai's eyes flashed firmness.

"I don't owe your favor?" I stared at Gu Hai and asked solemnly.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "You don't owe my favor. On the contrary, this time, I owe you owe me! You can rest assured that I will save you from resurrection. As long as there is a day when I am here, you will never die! "

"No!" I sighed slightly.


"Even if Nirvana is here, you ca n’t restore you to its peak. Everything you do is full of luck. Nirvana can only reach the peak of Suzaku. You can never send you back to you. Since you owe it, Then owe it completely! "I laughed.

"What?" Gu Hai frowned.

"From now on, the order of the Dalai Lama will formally surrender to the Dahan Heavenly dynasty. All the subjects of the Dalai Lama dynasty will wait for Gu Hai to arrange the dispatch. Anyone who violates the order shall be punished with treason!" Su suddenly said.

Honghuang City, the collapse of Qi Yunhai, suddenly trembled slightly.

The shattered Idol of Suddenness suddenly received an order, and was shocked.


The image of the **** of urn instantly turned into a golden dragon of luck, and a dragon groan spread the voice of urn to the world of the urn in an instant.

"From the moment on, the Order of the Dalai Lama will formally surrender the Dahan Heavenly dynasty. All the subjects of the Dalai Lama dynasty will wait for Gu Hai to arrange the dispatch. Anyone who violates the order shall be treated as a treason!"

The voice was magnificent, and the voices of thirteen thousand cities were full of crickets.

"Holy? Not holy?"

"It's impossible, isn't luck falling?"

"It is holy, it cannot be wrong, it is holy!"

"Sacred alive?"

"Submit to the Great Han Dynasty? Is this what the Holy Spirit said?"




How many sorrowful big brothers suddenly looked at the people in the sky, and they suddenly froze slightly. Reveal the sorrow. Then, one by one, they all burst into tears, and the Holy Spirit could speak out, indicating that it was not the saddest time yet.



Rolling Daqi Tianchao Qiyun, suddenly rushing towards Dahan Tianchao, rushing straight to the borderless sky.

The borderless sky is full of luck, but also the dragons twitch in an instant, and they are more than furious.

The ancient sea felt the change of Qiyunhai, and a bitterness flashed in his eyes: "You are not necessary!"

I stared at the ancient sea: "It's useless, I'll be back soon. I don't know if I can save it. Even if I can save it, I can't get back to the top. I just said that since you owe me, Then owe it completely! "

Saying, among the shards of maggots, a flame slowly flew out, like a necklace in the flame.

"I have inherited the two hundred avenues of Jiang Lianshan. In fact, the hundred avenues stolen by Ji Dihong were one in one. Three hundred are in the same vein. His painstaking collection plus years of deductions, and even the Dongling Huohai's deities of fire, after all, deduced the line of action, but unfortunately, he was blessed! "He sighed with a sigh.

"The pulse of the line?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Hurry up, you're about to break open, you're going to collect it!" Wu said weakly.


As soon as the ancient sea was closed, the flame necklace reached the ancient immortal dome. In the ancient immortal dome, the book of life and death was quickly and quickly copied. At the same time, the ancient immortal dome quickly merged.

"The pulse of Lin, the pulse of Lie, the pulse of Xing, you are now mastering the Jiubai Avenue, which is different from Xianyuan. Although Xianyuan can mobilize the power of Three Thousand Avenues, it can only mobilize, rather than possess three All the clear lines of the Qiandaodao rule are even less spiritual, but you are different. You already have the nineteenth Avenue ruled lines, and you have the most detailed. Even in the heavens and earth, you can recreate these nine hundred Avenues. ! "I laughed.

"I'm collecting these deducted avenues, and you just give them to me, but I owe you more and more!" Gu Hai bitterly said.

"More is better, more is better, you will be more in the future!" I looked towards Gu Hai.

Gu Hai nodded: "Grace today will never forget it!"

"Also, my zombie ancestor seeds, fire zombie ancestor seeds, water zombie ancestor seeds, you also take them together, they have been fully developed by me, if you have the opportunity, the four zombie ancestor seeds are unified! "I solemnly said.

"Four lines of zombie ancestor seeds are unified?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, the geniuses of the Wu tribe are really perverted. They have completely imitated the generals and created the seeds of the four series of stiff ancestors. As long as they are merged into one, they are the new generals!" He explained.

"The new general?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Oh, it seems that you don't know. I also watched Dragon God as a subordinate to you, so you did n’t hit him. You owe it to me, you remember. This time, it ’s cheap.妭 妭 bitterly.

A flame seed and an ice seed emerged from the puppet's debris.

Probe into the ancient sea and send it into the ancient immortal dome.

"My" Tale of Heaven and Earth "is hidden in Jing Wei's hands, and I gave her a necklace. Take it away, Gu Hai, protect Jing Wei for me!" He finally closed his eyes in weakness.

"Thirty-seven heavens and earth are in a chess game, condensing the coffin of the rules, and locking everything in it!" Gu Hai pinched the tactics.


Rolling sky and earth rushed into the air, wrapping up the cricket **** instantly. Instantly turned into a coffin.

I was in a deep sleep, so to speak, I was dead. It was just that all the flesh and soul fragments before her death were sealed here.

Gu Hai looked at the coffin. There was a deep touch in his eyes.

"Be assured, oh, if we finally defeated ah, if I were still alive by then, and owe you, I must give you back, a hundred times back to you!" There was a determination in Gu Hai's eyes.

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