Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 52: Six immortals, oh!

Outside the borderless sky!

Gu Hai carefully folded the coffin! With a anger, he slowly flew out of the huge abyss pit and flew above the ground.

Above the surface, the battle remains.

The six immortals are the gods and the gods become immortals. God can be divided into thousands and escape into the ground, but the fire of the drought is burning, forcing them all out.

The ancient Han, Bai Ziran, black and white impermanence, Houyi and Xingtian strangled each other, and immediately strangled a large number.

The Quartet has the power to evoke the avenues of Chen, Ziwei, and Changsheng. It gathers the Quartet, and tries its best to not let a six immortal clone.

At this moment, the immortal who was hit hard and thousands of immortals are simply not vulnerable.

Die, die, die!

For a time, all the avatars were destroyed.

When the ancient sea surfaced, it was almost destroyed.


There was a loud noise, and the last avatar was destroyed.

"Did you kill it?" Bai Zirong shouted.

"The six immortals' clones are almost wiped out, right?" Gou Chen said.

"I don't have it anymore!" Ziwei said.

"No, there is absolutely no more here!" Changsheng also said.

"No, what about Xianyuan?" The ancient man frowned.

"Xianyuan?" The strong faces suddenly changed.

Xianyuan is gone?

There must have been an avatar of six immortals, and fled with Xianyuan.

"Well, how can this be good?" Black and White Impermanence said anxiously.

"Although the immortal was badly hit, he still has the immortal source. Once he calms down, wouldn't he ...!" Bai Zizun's face changed.

"What about slowing down? As long as you reappear in the land of Dahan, you can cut him!" Gu Hai sank.

Everyone looks at the ancient sea.


Just now the holy man killed the immortal, still chopping the rag, what about again? What about the fairy? In the presence of the holy, it is not vulnerable at all.

Everyone was relieved.

"On the ancient holy, how is the holy holy?" Hou Yi suddenly rushed over.

Xing Tian also eagerly looked at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai sighed slightly: "I was so badly wounded that I sealed it first, and after I found Nirvana, I tried to revive it!"

"Ah?" Xing Tian was half cold.

"At least, at least not the worst!" Houyi exhaled.

Gu Hai nodded: "Two, I'm not here, you should treat her as a retreat, Dasao Tianchao, let you manage it for the time being!"

Xing Tian and Hou Yi looked at each other, and finally shook his head bitterly.

"Dacheng Heavenly Kingdom, we have no ability to manage. Since the holy saint, the holy saint has let me wait for you to submit to you, there must be holy considerations. Before the holy resurrection, I waited for Dahan to wait for the holy resurrection. The holy **** let me wait to return to the grandmother! "Houyi solemnly looked to the ancient sea.

Gu Hai looked at the two and nodded: "Okay!"

"Xintian, Houyi, see the Holy Ghost! Long live the Holy Long Live the Long Live!" The two respectfully worshipped.

"Long live Saint, live long live!" Wujiang Tiandu, everyone suddenly worshiped.

The subjects of the borderless city of heaven have witnessed the invincibility of the ancient sea. At this moment, the natural heart is surging and excited, worshiping the ancient sea together, and venting the excitement with his roar.

Gu Hai took a deep breath and nodded.

"The people of Dahan, the return of the ancient sea, six Xiaoxiao, has been chopped! Dahan so far, do not have to fear the immortal!" Gu Hai drank softly.

"Ang ~~~~~~~!"

Long above the sea of ​​luck, a dragon yelled suddenly. Suddenly, the voice of the ancient sea spread to the ears of all the people in the world of Dahan.

Cheering with the hearts of Dahan's people.

"Long live Saint!"

"I knew that Holy is invincible!"

"What **** fairy is a rebel!"

"My Dahan is the orthodox world!"




Hundreds of people cheered.

And some people who are still a little bit resistant to Dahan have widened their eyes.

"Is this true? The fairy is actually defeated?"

"Is this impossible?"

"Sacred beheaded?"




The world is boiling.

Although the fighting just now was not seen by hundreds of people, the fierce earthquakes all over the world can be seen.

Such a war, in the end, was won by the Holy Ghost? Who else is Holy in this world?

The people cheered and the world was shocked.

Gu Hai led the ministers, but came to the borderless sky.

"Congratulations!" I congratulate Gu Hai sincerely.

"Well, this time, you are involved!" Gu Hai bitterly said.

Gu Hai now has two talents. Although He did not see the battle in person, he manipulated his talents, but he could go back to the past. Gu Hai had just learned that He was horrified by Kendo.

If it were not for helping Dahan, He would not eventually die.

"I was invited by Lao Tzu. You do n’t need to keep your heart in mind. Besides, my consciousness is still there and Jian Xin is there. Moreover, my four Kendo disciples, guarded by Kendo, should not be too long to recover! It's a pity! "He shook his head.

"No matter what the reason, if you do n’t come this time, Wu Jie Tian may be overthrown and have to thank!" Gu Hai shook his head, and gave a slight gift to Mi.

A gift from the ancient sea, all the subjects of Dahan also worshiped and worshiped--

Starry sky.

On a star.

The six immortals have thousands of avatars, most of which have been destroyed. Now, there is only one avatar left, wrapped in the source of the fugitives and escaping.

"Gu Hai, Gu Hai, you wait, you wait, I will take revenge, I will want you to regret it!" The Six Immortals with a hate.

call out!

The six immortals turned into human figures and flew towards a star.

At this moment, the physical bodies of the six immortals were illusory and extremely fragile. However, there was not a lot of shackles on his face.


Instantly, the six immortals reached the center of the stars, above a mountain.

On the top of the mountain, at this moment is standing alone, Zhu Sansan.

However, at this moment, Zhu Sansan is the possession of the second strand of God's thoughts.

"Zhu Sansan, hurry up, give me your Nirvana!" The six immortals called out anxiously.

Zhu Sansan turned his head to look at the Six Immortals, with a cold flash in his eyes: "Waste!"

"What are you talking about? Presumptuous!" Liudao Fairy stared.

"I said to you, it is really a waste, owning Xianyuan, in charge of three thousand avenues and six reincarnations, and it is so simple to fail? You are not waste, who is the waste? Halfway through, I also helped you to lift Xianyuan's ban, You have tripled your strength, and you have lost it so easily. You are not waste, who is the waste? "Zhu Sansan said coldly.

"It was you who helped me to untie it? The voice I heard was halfway through you? No, you, you are not Zhu Sansan!" Liudao Fairy's eyes were surprised.

I looked coldly at the six immortals.

The six immortals instantly responded: "Are you a tadpole? Isn't tatar Zhu Yiyi possessed? Is this your second thought? Is it you? Tadpole?"

"Hum!" He snorted coldly.

"Well, I don't care if you are a **** or Zhu Sansan. Now, give me Nirvana of Zhu Sansan and help me recover quickly!" Six immortals glared.

"Oh, why should I give you? A waste, you have no right to let me help you again, letting you die on your own is already the greatest kindness to you!" Lu said coldly.

"What are you talking about? How dare you talk to me like that?" Six immortals glared.

"Huh?" I glanced coldly at Liu Dao Xianren.

"Yes, I'm injured, I'm weak, but I'm still a fairy, I have Xianyuan, I can mobilize the power of Three Thousand Avenues, even if it's less, it's not comparable to you. Are you looking for death? Huh? , Then don't blame this fairy, Nirvana, I'll take it myself! "Six immortals hummed.


Suddenly, the six immortals immediately urged Xianyuan in the palm of his hand, and Xianyuan suddenly burst out a thorny red light. It seems to mobilize the power of Three Thousand Avenues to destroy the general.

卅 Looking at Xianyuan, the six cactus hearts, she sneered: "You want to use this Xianyuan against me?"

"What? Are you scared?"

"I'm standing here for you to try, how?" I sneered.

There was a hint of gloom in the eyes of the six immortals.


Xianyuan instantly linked the three thousand avenues, and suddenly the rolling force condensed the palm of a avenue. Although it was much weaker than before, it also made the starry sky tremble.

The palm of the road slaps towards you instantly.

He did not resist, and stood there silently.

But, standing there quietly, let the six immortals have no reason in the heart for a while, but the immortals still carried a puppet and slammed into the puppet.


It wasn't the loud thumping of the cricket, but the moment when the palm of the avenue touched the cricket, it was weird, and it became a smoke, suddenly disappeared.

"This, this is impossible. Why is my avenue palm not working for you?" The six immortals exclaimed.

He slowly walked, and the Six Immortals beat him a few times in a row, but he couldn't hurt his skin at all.

"Your full power comes from this Xianyuan? Oh, ridiculous you, you don't know yet, this Xianyuan is made by me, how can my own things hurt me?" Qi Dandan said.

"What? You made Xianyuan? Hahaha, how could it be that you lied to me!" The six Taoist immortals were horrified.

Although he didn't believe it, Xianyuan was totally ineffective against him, so that the Six Immortals had to believe it again.

"At that time, Candle Dragon recorded everything he practiced in a book" Death and Life Book ". After Candle Dragon died, I got" Book of Life and Death. "I stripped out all the three thousand avenues recorded in it. Xianyuan! "Wu said lightly.

"Cohesion of Xianyuan? That's not yours!" Liudao Fairy said coldly.

"No, you do n’t understand what I mean. I mean, the real 'xianyuan' has been taken away from this fairy sky by my countless years. It ’s when I get to know the real 'xianyuan' that I get stronger. , Finally reached the height of the candle dragon, in order to finally defeat Pangu. The real 'xianyuan' was taken away by me long ago! "

"You, what are you talking about? Are you taken away? Then me ...?" Liudao Fairy stared.

"Yes, you guessed it. Before I left this fairy dome, I faked a defective product according to the real" xianyuan "and threw the defective product to the" Cangtian "! Otherwise, you thought, the hundreds of Cangtian For thousands of years, I ca n’t understand why Xianyuan reaches the height of the candle dragon? Because, you Xianyuan itself is a defective product, and it is a defective product I made. Do you think that what I make can hurt me? Ridiculous! "I sneered.

Sneered a little.


The immortal source of the six immortals exploded and opened, turned into a large piece of fireworks, and bloomed in an instant.

"No, no, my Xianyuan, no ~~~~~!"

These are the six biggest dependencies, but now they are so gone? Within six hearts, there was a sudden panic.

"Return to Xianyuan!" The six immortals rushed towards him again in panic.

"Cangtian is too stupid, can you be such a **** of mercy? It hurts me to waste so much energy on you, huh!"

With a cold hum, he pointed out a finger, and suddenly twitched six fairy brows.

At this moment, the Six Immortals found that under this finger, they had nowhere to run. A breath of death suddenly filled the body. The six immortals stunned.

"No, don't you want me to help you deal with the generals, don't you want me to help you deal with the ancient sea? Don't kill me, no ...!" The six immortals cried in horror.

"No need!" Chuckled coldly.


Suddenly, the fingers of the uncle inserted into the six brows of the fairy.

"I and you are on the side, oh, don't ...!"


The six immortals were blinded for a while, and annihilated.

Six immortals, oh!

PS: The end of this volume, the next change, the tenth volume, is also the final volume!

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