Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 82: Return home

Thousands of Ruins!

As soon as the ancient sea walked, Shenjiying Feizhou, Long Wanqing, and Master Liu Nian also left, leaving a group of still-shocked practitioners, digesting everything that happened before.

In a corner.

Meng Tai leaned behind a big stone, and Feng Chin helped Meng Tai take medicine.

Looking at the direction where Gu Hai left, Montai's face was gloomy: "This ancient sea is really a demon! Stronger and stronger than ghosts! If you fight for dragon veins again, it is a headache, you give up yourself? Yeah!"

Turning his head, Montai looked in the direction that Shenjiying Feizhou left.

"Peony sect? I should have thought of it, but unfortunately, Peony sect has been closed to thank guests, hum, this time you can't close sect?" Meng Tai said coldly.

"Fu, Fu-jun, they have been bandaged!" Feng Ling trembled, biting her lips.

"What? Are you afraid of me?" Monty frowned at the wind chimes.

"No, don't be afraid!" Feng Ling's eyes were afraid.

With a slight sigh, Montaigne passed the wind chime and said, "Okay, everything will pass. After I get the dragon veins, after the founding of the country, you are my queen, and I will treat you well!"

The wind chime bit his lip and didn't speak.

"Let's go, now we are going to Peony Zong, the last gate of Jiuwu Island!" Meng Tai cried.


The ancient sea stopped with his subordinates in a hidden ruin valley.

The blood knife was put into the token space, and Gu Hai waited quietly.

Ancient Qin ran from a small mound not far away: "Father, the flying boat of the Shenji Camp has gone!"

Gu Hai nodded.

"Father, Peony Sect has earthly veins, don't you really go?" Gu Qin curiously said.

Shaking his head, Gu Hai Shen said: "Go now, I have no advantage! Instead, I'm restrained everywhere. What's the use of going?"

"Yifu is still ready to fight the dragon vein?"

Gu Hai shook his head and said, "I'm not sure yet, try it if you have the chance. If you don't have the chance, you will force yourself to fight, but you will hurt yourself!"


"Sir, Ding Rui's body was brought!" Shangguanhen said, but a few wicked men came up carrying Ding Rui's body not far away.

But at this moment Ding Rui's body was already terrible.

"Yifu, what do you want this corpse to do? Search for the rudder master token, and that's it!" Gu Qin curiously said.

Shangguanhen handed the fire rudder order to the ancient sea. The shape is similar to the water rudder order and earth rudder order, except that it has a flame pattern on it.

Looking at Ding Rui's body, Gu Haishen said: "Ding Rui is not dead, but after all, she knew the death of Long Wanqing's mother. She died, but the body is still there. We can't ask anything, but I haven't been born. When people come back, they may find human souls by their bodies! "

"Human soul?" Gu Qin wondered.

"Yes, build a tomb for her, hoping to keep her soul alive, and help Long Wanqing in the future!" Gu Hai nodded.

"My lord, I may be disappointing you!" Shangguanhen smiled bitterly.


"Li Haoran seems to have a random palm, but it was shot in Ding Rui's heavenly spirit. It should also be mixed with some soul-eliminating power. Ding Rui's three souls should be completely destroyed by Li Haoran!" Shangguanhen said in a deep voice.

"Destroy the three souls?" Gu Hai sank.

Shangguan Mark nodded, without explaining how to look.

"Li Haoran, what a killer!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Master, what about Ding Rui's body?" Shangguanhen asked.

"Buried!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.


The people quickly buried Ding Rui's body.

Gu Qin took out a ring and beckoned gently.


Suddenly a flying boat appeared in front of everyone, it was Long Wanqing's Baiyun flying boat.

"This was lent to me by the three servants of the church owner, and of course I will return it!" Gu Qin laughed.

Looking at Gu Qin, Gu Hai smiled bitterly for a while: "Forget it, you didn't give it back to Long Wanqing just now, you didn't pay it back yet. She is with Master Liu Nian, Master Liu Nian still has one! "

Said, everyone stepped on the flying boat.

His subordinates opened the flying boat, flew up to the sky, and flew towards the distance quickly.

Above the flying boat, Gu Hai was in a room, changed her dirty clothes, and looked at Ding Rui's token at the same time.

Ding Rui is dead, and the token can be easily refined. I quickly felt the space inside.

There are actually tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones in the space, and the ancient sea that I saw sighs. Leaving the spirit stones away is some debris of Ding Rui.

Have some books, some exercises, elixir, some daily necessities. And some swords.

"Ding Rui doesn't have a flying boat? Isn't he here?" Gu Hai slightly regretted.

Apart from the use of exercises for ancient seas, nothing else is new. However, when inspecting the item, a small box was found.

"Oh?" Gu Hai took out the box.

The box is very delicate, and it is also stored separately in the small token space.

Gu Hai was slightly curious, and gently opened the small box. There was a letter in the box.

Holding the letter, Gu Hai was silent for a little while. In the end, the ancient sea did not open, and it was carefully placed in the box again.

"Master Liuliu was not in a hurry to recover this quick token. It should not be forgotten, but he still wanted to pull me into the water? Oh!" Gu Hai's face showed a hint of complexity.

"Pop!" Guhaiguan put on the box and put it into the token space again.

Changed into clean clothes, Gu Hai stepped out of the room, walked up to the deck, stood on the deck, and watched the flying boat flying fast.

"Yifu, there are five ancestral gates in Jiuwu Island, and they control six mortal residences! However, now all four ancestral gates have been destroyed, and there is still a peony sect. Most of these mortal kingdoms will also belong to my ancient government. Father, why don't we take a look at the six mortal residential areas? "Gu Qin said with some expectation.

"There will be time in the future. Now Jiuwu Island is not peaceful. Let's go back first!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Okay!" Gu Qin said with regret.

"Come and do everything step by step. There are a lot of things going back to the five countries where we live!" Gu Hai laughed.



Shenjiying flying boat.

There are also a lot of palaces on the flying boat. At one of the palace mouths, Master Liu Nian reached his hands on Long Wanqing's back, striking the seal on his body.

Li Haoran looked at Master Liu Nian from a distant deck, his face was somber, and Li Haoran seemed to be in a bad mood.

Standing aside, a blue-faced man in armor.

"Gao Liusheng! You have something to do!" Li Haoran said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the camp owner please tell me!" The blue-faced man solemnly said.

"You also reached Yuanying Realm not long ago. You will lead the team and kill me for the ancient sea!" Li Haoran said in a deep voice.

"Uh? Yes!" Gao Liusheng answered, and did not refuse.

Li Haoran leaned on the railing and looked at the distance: "The Jiuwu Island is a game left by the old man who watched chess. Previously, the disciples of Yitiange were so important to Gu Hai that there must be a connection. Although Gu Hai said that he would not participate in the dragon vein contest, Inevitably, there will be accidents. I don't want accidents to happen. Therefore, Gu Hai must die. It is inconvenient for me to do it. Only you are here! "

"Yes, but my subordinates are worried ...!" Gao Liusheng frowned.

"I know the ancient sea is great. You, a disciple of Shenjiying, take away a thousand. In addition, try not to do it yourself. I will give you some treasures that you use to buy out the dead and let them kill the ancient sea!" Li Haoran said in a deep voice. .

"Yes, his subordinates just happened to know that a few of Yuanyuan in Jiuwu Island were all bandits of Qiandaohai!" Gao Liusheng nodded.

"In this ring, there are treasures to buy them. Go pick someone!" Li Haoran handed out a ring.

"Yes!" Gao Liusheng answered.

Senior Six quickly went to select subordinates.

Feizhou stopped briefly at a mountain peak, and one thousand Shenjiying disciples jumped out of Feizhou and ran towards the distance.


Long Wanqing spurted blood, exuding a surging force all over her body.

"Master Liunian, the seal is released, thank you Master!" Long Wanqing looked at her hands with excitement.

"The seal of Fu's blood is more weird, so it takes more time!" Master Liu Nian smiled and stood up.

"Well?" Long Wanqing frowned, just to see a thousand Shenjiying disciples leave Feizhou.

At this time, Li Haoran also came from a distance.

"Master Li, why did they leave?" Long Wanqing asked puzzled.

"I sent them to do something, don't worry!" Li Haoran laughed.

"Really?" Long Wanqing's expression was slightly complicated.

After talking to each other, Li Haoran returned to his home.

Long Wanqing stood on the deck and looked at the distant Shenjiying disciples.

"Master, do you say that those thousand god-machine camp disciples are going to deal with the ancient sea?" Long Wanqing looked at Master Liunian with some worry.

Long Wanqing's shallow social experience does not mean that Long Wanqing is stupid. If you think about it, you can guess some.

"I hope it is!" Master Liu Nian laughed as he watched in the distance.

"Ah?" Long Wanqing worried.

"Rest assured, this ancient sea is not a fuel-saving lamp. With high six lives, you should not beat the ancient sea!" Master Liu Nian looked at Shen in the distance.

"But what about a sneak attack?" Long Wanqing frowned.

"Sneak attacks are better, it's best to anger Gu Hai, huh!" Master Liunian laughed.

Long Wanqing: "………………!"

"Relax, the ancient sea will be fine. It's very tough. It's you, and you will enter the Peony Sect. Be careful!" Master Liu Nian said.



Two hours later, the Baiyun Feizhou has returned to the ancient palace.

At this moment, the ancient house is extremely busy all around. Since the order of the ancient sea was issued, most of the shopkeepers of the ancient family's industry have guessed the intention of the ancient sea, and they are all excited and running.

Master wants to dominate the world?

No one thinks this is impossible. Years of worship make all shopkeepers take it for granted. Because that's the master.

Before long, I will not only be a shopkeeper, but also a prince. Who hasn't worked hard yet?

The ancient sea flying boat came back, and the countless greeters in the ancient house were extremely lively.

"Sir, you are back, the army of Gao Xianzhi is already on the front line, and the soldiers are in the four kingdoms!" Chen Tianshan greeted him with a smile.

Fiction Net!

The author has something to say about editorbyjack2014-09-19->

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