Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 83: Book of surrender

Ten days later, Daikin! Chaotang!

The atmosphere of the chapel was very depressing, and the ministers did not say a word, and looked at the emperor on the dragon chair together.

In the middle of two courtiers, a yellow robe official, among the ugly obituaries.

"The emperor, Da Chenguo has completely loyal to the ancient government. He worshipped the country. Now Gao Xianzhi is leading Chen Guojun. No, he should be called the ancient army and enter the boundary of our country. This time he came menacingly. The front line has had a brief battle, and the report of defeat came! "Said the official of Huangpao with an ugly face.

"Big Chen Guo? Chen Liangyi just surrendered to the ancient sea like this? Didn't he resist?" King Jin looked ugly.

"No, I don't know how Gu Hai promised him. Chen Liangyi cooperated fully. Gu Hai seems to have been preparing for a long time. Officials have been changed very frequently. Many Chen Guo officials are even arranged by Gu Hai long ago!" Complex road.

"There is no resistance?"

"Yes, there are several city owners who are unwilling to submit to the ancient mansion and rise to the fore. However, they were quickly suppressed. The immortals participated in the **** cleansing. There were still many dissatisfied voices in Chen Guo. The direction has been reversed, and Chen Guo no longer exists. Since then, he has returned to the ancient government! "Officials from Huangpao respected.

"People didn't rebound?"

"Less, few, few. The ancient mansion is the richest man in the six countries, but it has accumulated a lot of good reputation in the past few decades. It has a very good reputation in the people. One year ago, Chen Guogang experienced great turmoil, and the people ’s hearts floated. The degree of recognition is greater than that of Chen Guo's royal family. Therefore, the transfer from the people is smooth! "Said the official of the Huangpao bitterly.

"Gu Hai, big ambition, with the power of one province, want to unify the five nations?" King Jin's face was gloomy.

"The emperor, although the ancient government is only one government, but its influence is not the next country. Take China as an example. In the business world, the ancient industry has always been the ear of the executive business! It is a business kingdom hidden in the sixth of the five countries. It's just that it has always been known for its government! "Huangpao official smiled bitterly.

"The most important thing is that Gu Hai has now stepped into the practice world, and there are three thousand immortals under him. We mortal army, I'm afraid ...!" The official Huangpao looked ugly.

"The ancient sea goes backwards. It won't last long. Huh, he has three thousand immortals. There is also the fairy gate Ding Longzong behind my Dajin Kingdom. There are also Song Jiazong and Qinghe zong behind the other countries. Guhai is annoying all the fairy gates. He will soon be destroyed! "Jin Wang said coldly.

"Report! See you, the three princes!" Anxiously came from outside the hall.

"Oh? The three princes? The three princes who worshiped Ding Longzong Xiuxian are back?" The ministers rejoiced for a moment.

"Xuan!" Jin Wang yelled.

Soon, a group of guards carried a stretcher, and on the stretcher was lying a rather embarrassed man in red with blood on his legs, scars all over his body, and loose hair.

"Three princes?" Everyone looked at this prince in surprise. Why was he brought back?

"Wanger, what's the matter with you?" King Jin changed his face and stood up from the dragon chair.

Although the three princes are not princes, they are more important than the princes in the eyes of the king of gold, because he will develop higher than himself, and he can cultivate into immortals. Although he is an emperor, his life is limited, and only a few decades later A piece of loess, where is it comparable to the fairy?

"Father Emperor, the baby heard the front battle report as soon as he came back. He didn't dare to stay, and came immediately!" The three princes smiled bitterly.

"What's going on? Who hurt you like this? Aren't you in Ding Longzong?" King Jin was surprised.

"Ding Longzong? Oh, it's gone!" The three princes said bitterly.

"None? What do you mean? You, Ding Longzong, thousands of disciples, why are you gone?" King Jin was surprised.

"The ancient sea went to Ding Longzong. Ding Longzong, including the suzerain, was almost dead. Only a few dozen survived. The children survived and escaped!" Said the three princes bitterly.

"What?" Exclaimed the ministers.

"Ancient sea? How is it possible that he has not just cultivated an immortal? How can he be the enemy of Ding Longzong?" Jin Wang was surprised.

"What is the enemy of Ding Longzong? Father Huang doesn't know yet. Gu Hai returned this time, first destroying Dafeng Gang, then Qinghe Zong, Song Jiazong, and Ding Longzong recently!" Bitterly.

Ministers: "...............!"

Golden King: "...............!"

Killed the four immortal gates one after another? There was silence in the hall.

"Impossible, isn't Gu Hai so powerful? Isn't he just a priori? Just now?" King Jin looked disbelieved.

"I heard that Song Jiazong's disciples died the worst, and Gu Hai alone slaughtered more than 5,000 disciples of Song Jiazong!" Said the three princes bitterly.

Golden King: "...............!"

Ministers: "...............!"

The hall fell into silence again.

"Report!" A courier rushed into the hall.

"Emperor Qi Di, the news from Bian Jincheng, Bian Jincheng's fall, has been broken by the army of Gao Xianzhi!" The messenger whispered.

Ministers: "……………………!"

Golden King: "……………………!"

Dafeng Gang? Qinghe Sect? Song Jiazong? Ding Longzong? The Four Great Immortals?

Did Gu Hai die one by one? No wonder you want to dominate the world? No wonder he dares to dominate the world? The backing behind Daikin was also destroyed?

"Ancient sea, ancient sea!" King Jin looked somber and squeezed his fist. For a while, it seemed like there was a feeling of inability to resist.

"Oh!" There were drums outside the hall.

"What's going on?" King Jin looked out of the temple.

Soon a guard rushed into the hall: "Emperor Qi Qi, the treasurer of the ancient chamber of commerce, Tang Chu, begged to see the emperor, was stopped, and then knocked on‘ Zhentian Drum ’to see the emperor!”

"Zhentian Drum? People who have great grievances will only hit the" Zhentian Drum "heard by Shang Datian. No matter what the grievances are, they must be eighty to Zhengzhengwei. Then accept the grievances of the people as appropriate, and the big treasurer of the ancient government actually knocked on Tiangu? "The three princes were surprised.

At this time, no one would go to ask for it.

"Pass!" Jin Wang Shen said.

"No, the minister of the ceremony, you go to welcome the pass!" Jin Wang said immediately.

"Yes!" An official immediately exited the hall.

There was a depressing atmosphere in the hall.

The three princes were carried to the side, and his expression was extremely complicated at this moment.

It didn't take long for the waiter of the Ministry of Rites to attract a white-haired old man. Although the old man had white hair, his mental head was very good, his eyes were extremely sharp, and two black robes followed him, as if to protect him at any time.

"Treasurer, please!" The waitress of the Ministry of Courtesy said very politely.

The treasurer of Tang smiled a little, and there was a feeling of exultation in his eyes. In the old days, he hosted the ancient government business in Dajinguo. How many people saw the cold eyes of the people. In this group of ministers, in the past, they looked down on themselves. In addition to their own money, they generally looked Above the top.

Now that the general is changing, suddenly his status is about to be transposed. Can the treasurer feel bad at the moment?

After entering the hall, the treasurer of Tang did not meet the King of Gold first, but looked at the two black robe guards behind him.

"Thank you two for taking care of each other!" Tang treasurer said slightly.

"Tang shopkeeper, we are also here at the order of the Minister. You don't need to worry about us. You can do your business!" One of the black robes said in a deep voice.

Tang treasurer nodded.

The ministers only noticed Tang's two guards at this moment. These two are two of the three thousand immortals of Gu Hai?

Protecting mortals with immortals? The ministers didn't understand for a while, then they were frightened, because from this scene, Gu Hai's determination was seen.

"The treasurer of the ancient government in Jinguo University, Tang Chu, has met the Emperor Jin!" Tang Chu said slightly.

The treasurer of Tang used 'seeing' instead of 'seeing', apparently he has put his identity on the status of a messenger of a country, not a humble citizen of Jin country.

"Tang Treasurer? Are you here on behalf of the ancient sea?" Jin Wang Shen said.

"Yes, it is my master!" Smiled Tang.

"Your ancient government violated my border, but you still have the courage to break into my court?" Jin Wang said coldly.

Tang Chu did not fear the King Wei's cold drink, but smiled slightly.

Tang Chu is the big treasurer in charge of Jinguo's commerce. He also has countless employees and has his own majesty. Moreover, once he collects Jinguo, he is likely to be the main subject here. Your status may soon replace the emperor in front of you. What else can you be afraid of?

"Golden King, this time I'm here, I don't mean to argue with you, there is nothing to argue with. The three princes are here, and they should have said that, the three princes also said!" Said the shopkeeper with a smile.

The King of Gold looked at Tang shopkeeper coldly.

"Golden King, ministers, you don't need to look at me with this look, my ancient government owes you nothing, but you owe my ancient government countless!

Here, go up to the king of gold, down to the ministers, you never took money from my ancient house? "Treasurer sneered.

"Huh?" The ministers gazed at Tang Treasurer.

"Don't think of how solid the Jin Kingdom's regime is. In the past few decades, there have been five floods and six major droughts in the Golden Kingdom, each time accompanied by a great plague. The state treasury was empty. Who helped the victims and did not cause turmoil? It is my ancient government. ! Without my ancient mansion, your Jin country would have been in a mess for a long time, all relying on the Ding Longzong immortals? Did they control you? "Tang Tsang laughed.

"This year, the drought of the Golden Kingdom, the land of thousands of miles, the grains have not been harvested. If my ancient government no longer provides relief, how much grain can your state treasury take out? People have not eaten it, and they will rise up and overthrow your regime. It is also the general trend!" .

"Treasurer, what do you want to say?" Jin Wang chuckled coldly.

"This time, on behalf of my grandfather, I will send a copy of the book of surrender to the royal family of Dajin Kingdom. I hope you can think about it and cherish this opportunity so as not to let your life be painted with charcoal!" Tang treasurer handed out a silk cloth scroll.

"Book of surrender?" King Jin stared.

The ministers were in an uproar, and were instantly glared. Anxious to swallow Tang Chusheng.

"The book of surrender is for you, whether you surrender or not, it's all up to you. It's just a matter of time. The people are not punished. What's the difference between your end! Yes, the neighboring country" Cai Guo "has accepted surrender! Chu handed out a surrender book and took a step back.

"The Emperor Daikin, the adults, retired first, and you discussed it yourself. After thinking about it, please inform me. I live in the ancient restaurant outside the palace!" Tang Chu smiled slightly.

After speaking, Tang Chu turned his head and walked towards the main hall, followed by two black robe guards.

Emperor Daikin's chest was undulating for a while, squeezing his anger. The ministers were scolded, but some of the scolded ministers were thoughtful, and there was a flash of color in their eyes.

Fiction Net!

The author has something to say about editorbyjack2014-09-19->

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