Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 84: Five Demon Strikes

Golden Country, Golden City!

Gao Xianzhi sat in the main hall of the city's main government house and looked at a report from the Quartet. Some of the subordinates next to him were respectful and busy.

Seems like it's been a long time, Gao Xianzhi took a short break, drank a cup of tea, and looked at the clerks in the Quartet.

At this moment, one of the old scribes looked at Gao Xianzhi: "Master, now our army is full of morale, why not chase after victory?"

"The purpose of our ancient government army is to collect the world, not to fight the world! The first victory is to defeat them, and to shake the four nations. After all, our army is limited and it is not advisable to rush into the quagmire, otherwise it will sink into the mire. So much success! "Gao Xianzhi explained.


"Moreover, the military barracks are still unstable. Many generals are still not convinced?" Gao Xianzhi looked at the old clerk.

"It's true that they are different from us. They were hurriedly appointed and dispatched. We have been following the Marshal for decades, and the Marshal originally joined Xianmen. We thought we would never see the Marshal again. I didn't expect the Marshal to come back! "The old clerk laughed.

"Xianmen? Oh, it's just the cultivation of immortals. You followed me in the past, and this time, I will bring you to cultivate the immortals together!" Gao Xianzhi laughed.


A busy group of scribes and officials stopped everything and raised their heads.

"Master, what are you talking about? Is Mr. Gu ready?" The old clerk was surprised.

"No need to make a fuss, the owner of the house is ready to establish the country. This is the plan, and the owner of the house is open-minded and generous, and one can get the chicken and dog to ascend to the sky! You work hard, you have the opportunity, the elixir that the fairy eats, the practice of practice, and soon Will be given, how much you get, everything depends on waiting! "Gao Xianzhi said lightly.

"Really? I have a chance too?" The old clerk was excited.

"The housekeeper is in charge of the five treasurers of the five countries. Now they should all receive the elixir sent by the housekeeper. Although it is not possible to prolong life, but at least you can live without illness and strengthen cultivation! In the future, we will discuss rewards "Gao Xianzhi explained.

The clerks looked shocked.

"This news, you can spread it out, and let those who are still dissatisfied know that the road pointed out by the house owner is the most correct way, and those who think carefully, take your heart off!" Gao Xianzhi said in a deep voice.

"Yes, rest assured, I will work hard to make a contribution!" The crowd immediately excited.

"The recruits are good and bad, and soon after I took over, you sent someone to record in detail the military appearances and disciplines of various places. There are people who have bad reputation in our ancient house, military law disposal!" Gao Xianzhi said.

"Yes!" One of the officials in charge of supervision should say.


Hulaoguan, ancient mansion! Soaring into the tower.

Gu Hai sat at his desk and looked at the battle reports from the Quartet. Gu Qin accompanied him around.

"Father-in-law, there is news from Cai Guo, King Cai Guo begged to surrender, hoping his father would be kind!" Gu Qin solemnly said.

"Cai Guo? The kingdom of Song Jiazong once affiliated? It seems to be scared by me, but he did not hesitate to choose to surrender!" Gu Hai stopped to watch the battle report and held a cup of tea and laughed.

"Father, what do you say?"

"Give the land a hundred miles, and reward the baron. Its treasury property can be retained for one percent. I Guhai promised his royal family safety for my people in the future, provided that I cooperate with my ancient government to completely accept Cai Guo!" Gu Haishen Sound channel.

"Yes! In addition, there is news from Tang Treasurer and Li Treasurer that the King's Royal Family and the King's Royal Family seem to be unable to stand up and have the tendency to be recruited!" Gu Qin solemnly said.

"Golden King? King Lu? Oh, let the two shopkeepers give them a little pressure. I don't want to drag it too long. In addition, let Gao Xianzhi knock on the mountain and give the King of King and Lu a bit of memory!" Gu Hai Shen chanted.

"Yes, I'll post a message later!"

"Father, now the only one who resists is Zhao Guo, who is backed by Peony Sect behind Zhao Guo, and now his tone is firm!" Gu Qin worried.

"Zhao Guo? Just use Zhao Guo to train Gao Xianzhi. After Jin Guo and Lu Guo are willing to be recruited, the army of Gao Xianzhi will fully collect Zhao Guo!" Said Gu Haishen.


"Notify Gao Xianzhi that the entire military discipline must not be disturbed. In the future, all the people of my ancient government will be in this world!" Gu Haishen said.

"Righteous father, rest assured, before Gao Xianzhi left, I explained it again!" Gu Qin nodded.

"Yifu, when are you going to establish the country?" Gu Qin said with a touch of expectation.

"Wait a minute, it's not time yet!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Oh!" Gu Qin nodded blankly.

"Chen Tianshan, how about recruiting?"

"Fifty practitioners were recruited to enter our ancient government. However, they are all preliminary initiations of the innate state. Those who are struggling to survive in the Thousand Island Sea. My ancient government has Lulu Lingshi, and they are just looking for a place to stay!

"It's good to have a beginning!" Gu Hai sipped tea and laughed.

"Yifu doesn't care about Peony Sect?"

"Peony, Tibetan dragon veins? This time has spread all over the Quartet, more and more practitioners come forward, what's the point of my concern? The peace of mind is to collect this mortal area first, then the right way!" Gu Hai shook Shook his head.

"All right!" Gu Qin smiled bitterly.

at the same time.

In the distance outside the ancient palace, on a mountain peak.

Gao Liusheng of Shenjiying took five men with bucket hats to stand on top of the mountain, and looked at the ancient house shrouded in cloud and mist together.

"Twenty-eight heaven and earth battles?" One of the fighting men sank.

"Gao Liusheng, wouldn't you want us to break into the battlefield and go and assassinate Gu Hai?"

"East One Piece Luo Tiange, in the past, were all defeated in this battle. Although we are all in Yuanying, we have just reached it. You asked us to enter the battlefield, didn't we let us die?"

"The treasure you promised really made us heartbeat, but that would also have life to heartbeat?"




The five fighting men looked at Gao Liusheng.

"Five demon kings, beast repair is hard, and you must know better than me. How difficult is it to cultivate to Yuanying without the magic weapon? There are gains and losses. All five of my treasures are the owner of the camp. This is indeed a risk, but if there is no risk, this good thing will not fall on you, right? "Gao Liusheng laughed.

The five fighting men were silent for a while. Then one of them shook his head and said, "But in the twenty-eighth world, we really dare not touch it!"

"The ancient sea is inside. If you don't go to assassinate, you won't get my treasure!" Gao Liusheng said in a deep voice.

The five demon kings were silent for a while.

"Of course, you don't have to fight against Gu Hai, don't you?" Gao Liusheng laughed.


"Gu Hai can be led out. Gu Hai is just a congenital state. How are you the five demon kings, but they are all Yuanying Realms? They can all be transformed. Can't they deal with him?" Gao Liusheng laughed.

The five demon kings looked at each other.


Among the ancient palaces.

As Gu Hai was talking with the ancient Qin, a sudden burst of hissing came.

"Ah, monster, monster!"

"The monster eats people!"

"Master, help!"

"Sin beast, dare you come to the ancient house to make trouble?"





The outside world was suddenly in a mess. There was a roar of noise.

"Huh?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed, he got up and walked to the entrance of the towering sky.

The towering sky is the source of the twenty-eight heaven and earth formation. Gu Hai, standing here, can see everything inside and outside the formation.

But I saw that at the moment outside the small town, Chen Tianshan and Shangguanhen were carrying a group of evil people, each holding a sword, and they were dealing with the five behemoths that suddenly appeared.

Two giant leopards, two giant wolves, and a giant bear all have a height of ten feet. A fierce air blooms all over the body, and the gas bursts out from the five big demon, forming a storm like a town The people outside were immediately overturned by the storm.


Five big monsters bombarded the buildings outside the town, opened their mouths, and suddenly people were sucked into their mouths. After suffering two painful struggles, they were swallowed.

"Arrow arrows, arrow arrows!" Chen Tianshan commanded in anger.

A group of wicked men quickly released their arrows, but they were blocked by the hood of the five beasts.

"Yuan Yingjing?" Gu Hai sank.

"Roar!" "Roar!" .........

Five fierce beasts roared, and rushed at the wicked.

A group of wicked people fled quickly, and at the same time cooperated with the rapid release of arrows. However, the five beasts were too fierce. Under the powerful destructive power, the town was destroyed in half an instant, and a large number of people were guilty and shouting in horror.

"Sin beast!" Gu Hai burst into a rage suddenly.

Passed through the large array, the sound of Gu Hai sounded like a thunder.

"Master, sir, help!" The people ran into the array in horror.

However, the five beasts seemed to avoid the large group deliberately, intercepting the people and continuing to kill.

"Yifu, this big demon is for you? He wants to cheat you out?" Gu Qin worried.

"Gu Qin, come and preside over the team and cooperate with me!" Gu Haishen said.

"Yifu, you can't go out!" Gu Qin worried.


Gu Hai stepped out of the big array instantly. When jumping out, Gu Hai suddenly had a blood knife in his hand. A **** force suddenly filled the body.


"The ancient sea is out!"


The five beasts immediately burst into laughter, stopped eating the people, and opened their mouths towards the ancient sea. In their opinion, the ancient sea is only a priori, even if it is strong, it is limited?


A leopard demon rushed to the front, stepped on one foot, and flew to the ancient sea with a fierce vigor.

"Look for death!" Gu Hai stared, and the blood knife in his hand was cut off.


The blood knife was cut out, like a blood rainbow, and half of the sky was instantly red.

The leopard demon rushed all over his hair suddenly, but it was too late and one claw of the leopard demon had been caught.


A loud noise and endless blood flashed everyone's eyes for an instant, and an incredible scene happened.

But the ancient sea that was ‘small’ was not shot to death, but the huge leopard demon was cut off with one stroke. The bodyguard shattered and shattered, a wound opened from the chest, and a lot of blood burst out.

"Impossible!" The leopard demon flying in the air spit blood and looked at Gu Hai in horror.

"What?" The other three monsters also stepped down, looking at Gu Hai in surprise.

Gu Hai grabbed the blood knife and fell to the ground. His blood was covered with blood, and his body was surrounded by blood, like a demon crawling out of blood prison.

ps: Happy Dragon Boat Festival today! In addition, the ancient sea is about to establish a country, the country name is undecided, and I think about it many times, but it was overthrown. Go and fill it out. Please!

Fiction Net!

The author has something to say about editorbyjack2014-09-19->

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